Lithium firms ride battery boom

Lithium ion batteries are the enablers of the biggest advance in energy management since steam and the industrial ...
Lithium ion batteries are the enablers of the biggest advance in energy management since steam and the industrial revolution, says Adrian Griffin, CEO of Lithium Australia. Philip Gostelow

Adrian Griffin, a 63 year old Perth geologist and metallurgist, has been investigating the potential of "lesser known" lithium minerals for more than two decades.

On Thursday afternoon Lithium Australia, the company he formed three years ago, said it had demonstrated commercially viable extraction of lithium bicarbonate from "waste" minerals of tin and tantalum mining.

After further refinement of its design for a large scale pilot plant expected to cost $US42 million ($55 million), the company hopes to commit to construction by year's end to help feed the boom in demand for lithium ion batteries that power electric vehicles and store solar energy. 

Lithium Australia is one of a bunch of lithium companies hoping to cash in on booming demand for the metal - a key component in the lithium ion batteries driving the energy revolution because of its lightness and high energy density. 

The Greenbushes lithium mine in Western Australia
The Greenbushes lithium mine in Western Australia Supplied

Australian developers of lithium and cobalt deposits are enjoying a "second commodity boom" thanks to the battery boom, the industry department says in its June Resources and Energy Quarterly.  

Biggest change since Industrial Revolution

"What you are looking at here is not the lithium industry per se. What you are looking at is the biggest change in energy management since the Industrial Revolution," Mr Griffin told The Australian Financial Review.  

"There is insatiable demand because people want portable power and they want renewable energy 24 hours a day. If you want renewables 24 hours a day you have got to have storage." 

The industry department says long-term prospects for batteries are still "in motion". "The potential opportunities are vast, and investment and production decisions of today could cast a long shadow into the future," the report says. The risk of overinvestment is a drag on the share prices of lithium hopefuls

Lithium is the lightest metal - half as dense as water - and traditionally used to make aluminium, steel, ceramics and glass. But demand has boomed as the cost of battery storage has plunged by 75 per cent in just six years, along with demand for cobalt and graphite. Shipments of lithium ion batteries have soared from less than 6 gigawatt hours 10 years ago to more than 70GWh in 2016, the Resources and Energy Quarterly says. Industry forecasts predict growth of 14 per cent a year out to 2025. 

Australia largest producer

"Lithium ion battery demand has effectively pulled these commodities into a second commodity boom, with demand rising, prices spiking, and investment gathering steam," the industry department says. Australia is the largest producer of lithium, with more than 40 per cent of global production, and the third largest producer of cobalt, but has only modest reserves of graphite.

Galaxy Resources is the front runner among producers while Pilbara Minerals hopes to bring its Pilbara deposit into production next year. The Mount Marion mine owned by Mineral Resources, Neometals and Chinese company Jiangxi Ganfeng also has potential. 

Lithium Australia's trials have shown that its water-based extraction process can profitably extract lithium carbonate from mining waste minerals at small scale, without counting the other elements - aluminium, silicon and potassium - that also come out in the wash. 

These waste minerals contain about half the concentration of spodumene - the rock from which lithium is extracted in Australia - making the "roasting" process used for spodumene obtained from the giant Greenbushes mine in WA unviable. Lithium Australia's water-based extraction removes the costly step of heating the mineral to 1000 degrees Celsius or more to remove the lithium. 

"We could take some of these minerals and produce at a cost capable of making a cash surplus extracting only lithium," Mr Griffin said. 

"But you can also get silicon, potassium and aluminium without spending any more money. When you take into these credits the operating cost becomes really cheap."