A lot of chief executives are in for a rude shock

The reality of the growing list of disrupted businesses seems a little at odds with CEO confidence.
The reality of the growing list of disrupted businesses seems a little at odds with CEO confidence.
by Paul Broadfoot

Business leaders are being asked to create new cultures of trust, purpose and engagement, at the same time as being tasked with building ecosystems of innovation and change. Most importantly they simply must keep the revenue line rising.

Despite such onerous duties and the spectre of disruption, according to PWC's annual CEO survey corporate heads remain upbeat, with 93 per cent planning for organic growth this year.

The reality of the growing list of disrupted businesses seems a little at odds with this confidence: seven fashion retailers have closed their doors in Australia already this year and Dick Smith has gone (all that before Amazon gets here). Australia has embraced Netflix to the tune of one in three Australians (over 7 million viewers) according to Roy Morgan research. Exit Channel 10, stage left.

The reality for Australian listed businesses is they are not around for as long as they used to be. The average longevity of the companies in the ASX200 is just over 15 years, down from 36.9 years over the past 40 years.

Paul Broadfoot, entrepreneurial strategist.
Paul Broadfoot, entrepreneurial strategist. RAMONA LEVER

Freak wave

McKinsey has indicated that corporate profits globally over the next 10 years could shrink as a percentage of GDP by up to 20 per cent despite growing 30 per cent over the past 30 years.

We should be seeing a shift from detachment, even denial, to a rising sense of unease. What if business is disrupted on the current CEO's watch?

The global fintech freak wave is getting plenty of attention and PWCs global fintech report 2017 highlights that 88 per cent of incumbents are concerned they are losing revenue to innovators.

When things go wrong there has been a tendency to "make the numbers" with cost cutting initiatives. Even now, 73 per cent of CEOs are planning to reduce costs this year. The wrestle that many leaders are losing is between the assault of the day to day versus tackling the longer term.

Disruption needs to move from something that is happening to incumbent organisations, to a charge being led by those market leaders. But how?

Not going to cut it

Many companies have been embracing company, product and customer innovation as their disruption "headache reliever" of choice. Respectively that's optimised processes for lower costs, building the next new mousetrap and designing around customer benefit. But that's not going to cut it.

When markets shift, companies can't save their way to success and the product and services they have been working to improve can be rendered redundant.

Making iPods cheaper or better wasn't going to cut it when iTunes superseded them, and now iTunes has been disrupted by streaming competitors like Spotify. Digital downloads decreased by 25 per cent in 2016.

What is needed is a far more proactive disruption steroid: market innovation.

This fourth type of innovation is what is needed now, before the pressure comes on. Market innovation changes the prevailing way a market operates. Nine times out of 10, disruptors bring a significant change in buying behaviour and flip the prevailing way an industry operates.

Five ways to innovate at a market level:

1. Determine established industry norms and challenge them – we go to video stores to rent DVDs.

2. Identify your own business model and look for an alternative – your business model is your income generating asset and activity – iPod = physical product : creation; iTunes = digital product : distribution.

3. Look at other markets, what are their business models? – all you can use gym for a monthly fee, to all you can fly Surf Air or Airly for a monthly subscription.

4. Examine market trends and react – personalisation, on demand, renting not owning.

5. Focus only on a disruption that changes the way an industry operates but requires little investment – Airbnb booking others' rooms on the internet.

As Andy Grove of Intel used to remind us, "Only the paranoid survive." Never has it been a better time to be a paranoid incumbent.

Paul Broadfoot is an entrepreneurial strategist and the author of Xcelerate: Innovate your Business Model, Disrupt your Market and Fast-hack into the Future.

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