Israel creates a start-up feeding frenzy

Israeli special combat soldiers conduct a training exercise using virtual reality battlefield technology.
Israeli special combat soldiers conduct a training exercise using virtual reality battlefield technology. Bloomberg
by Juliet Bourke

Israel is a surprising place. A society with high-tech aspirations and an overwhelming sense of possibility, unexpectedly contradicted by a physical environment and service culture that shrieks “developing country”. Think state-of-the-art defence and shabby streetscapes. Glass-and-chrome high-rise apartments for the few and crumbling, concrete, low-rise hulks for the many.

I spent a whirlwind week with 40 Australian female executives from diverse industries trying to understand the beating heart of Israel’s “start-up nation”. On a trip organised by the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce – part trade mission, part study tour – over seven days we visited more than 10 work sites and heard from 35 Israeli businesses, educators and government officials. This was a rapid-immersion experience combining the inspiring entrepreneurial scene of Tel Aviv with the ancient history of Masada and Jerusalem.

No other word can describe the experience other than “intense”. Indeed, no other word can be used to describe the Israelis’ approach to life. And how could it not be so? Born in 1948 out of the ashes of the Holocaust, to quote retired Major-General Ido Nehushtan, and feeling themselves surrounded by enemies – opposite my hotel window, the remnants of a suicide-bombed nightclub on Jaffa Beach provided a grisly daily reminder – there is a palpable will to survive. “There’s nothing sexy about poverty,” says Jon Medved, CEO of venture capital fund OurCrowd and iconic father figure for the start-up scene.

So I can’t begrudge the Israelis their sometimes caustic chutzpah and its protective coating. Nor their uniformly positive, only-in-Israel storyline, in which political victories are a little overplayed and losses recast in a more flattering light.

Jon Medved, chief executive of OurCrowd.
Jon Medved, chief executive of OurCrowd. Bloomberg

Even accounting for national hubris, the rise and rise of Israel as an innovation hub to rival Silicon Valley is remarkable. More so given that their cutting-edge software is being created in challenging surrounds – the irony was not lost on us that virtually every presentation was troubled by technology glitches, irrespective of the location of its delivery in a fancy hotel or modern office.

Creative machines

We heard about an app that uses GPS technology inside buildings to help shoppers efficiently locate items on supermarket shelves, advanced virtual-reality programs that enable potential consumers to visualise the design of a new kitchen, and software which aggregates social media data to detect security threats.

But by far the most interesting was SparkBeyond, the brainchild of Sagie Davidovich. This artificial intelligence research engine scans massive amounts of publicly available data, including programming codes, weather and maps, to generate and then assess likely hypotheses.

Calculated at a pace of 1.7 million hypotheses every 34 seconds, SparkBeyond has already identified the relationship between retail shops and laundromats (people tend to shop as they wait for a cycle to finish) and survival rates following an emergency call in London (proximity to a fire station). More than searching for answers to a question developed by a human, SparkBeyond has the capacity to self-generate hypotheses, i.e. to ask questions humans have not even thought of. Machines are now capable of creativity.

Juliet Bourke, human capital partner at Deloitte.
Juliet Bourke, human capital partner at Deloitte. Suppiied

Speaker after speaker repeated talismanic examples: the sale of Mobileye autonomous vehicle technology to Intel for a whopping $US15.3 billion ($19.9 billion); the development of the ubiquitous cherry tomato, the seeds of which sell for $US300,000 per kilo; and the deployment of Israeli cybersecurity software into all major global banks. Each story of individual success represents the collective – start-ups are not what they do in Israel, they are who they are.

Long-term perspective

Israel sees itself as a heady mix of unique personal qualities (a nation of creative, can-do, risk-takers), supported by a well-coordinated innovation ecosystem comprising government investment of $US700 million, the Office of the Chief Scientist, a funded network of 24 start-up incubators, the academic rigour of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the en masse influx of Russian software engineers.

A central part of the ecosystem is military service, which creates deep technical capabilities (especially in the elite Intelligence Unit 8200) and lifelong networks which facilitate information-sharing (reservists reunite for one month’s service every year).

This is a society which takes a long-term perspective on investments (e.g. government incubator licences last for eight years) and plays to win the big game – such as focusing on global customers rather than a domestic market of only 8.5 million. It’s an irresistible story of potential that is garnering the attention of chief executives (there have been 30 AICC trade missions between Australia and Israel in the past year) and the lifeblood flow of venture capital and mainstream investment.

In fact, it appeared to me that there is a feeding frenzy going on, with thousands of Israeli start-ups (whose game plan is to build fast and exit quickly) being actively pursued by global investors seeking better returns than those on offer in Silicon Valley.

Medved tells a story – insisting it is not apocryphal – of a friend, working on his laptop at a street cafe, who was accosted by a passing tour guide. Pointing to her flock of Chinese businessmen, she asked him whether he owned a start-up (of course), and more pertinently, whether he was looking for investment (of course). Business has never been easier.

There is no box

But all is not perfect in the Garden of Eden. Israelis don’t like to acknowledge risk. Vered Manor-Gilhar, a senior manager at Deloitte, told me, “People say: ‘Think out of the box’, but for Israelis there is no box.” Universal military service and past tragedies have created a very resourceful and self-reliant nation. Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion reportedly said, “The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer.”

There’s much to be said for this attitude and Australians could learn to be a little less risk-averse, but there are obvious watch-points for the Start-up Nation and its apparently luminous trajectory. How long will Israelis scraping by on the average household income of less than $US5000 a month tolerate their compatriots living in shiny new $US10 million-$US20 million apartments? How long can globally focused start-ups ignore the lack of domestic manufacturing capability? When will underlying domestic racial, gender and religious divisions spill over into the mainstream? Is the influx of venture capital creating a financial bubble?

The Israeli economy is a finely tuned machine and cannot afford any tremors. Maxine Fassberg, vice-president of Intel Capital, says that Israel’s largest company of 10,200 employees accounts for more than 1 per cent of GDP, which means the Bank of Israel takes into account Intel’s performance when making national forecasts. With that level of responsibility, “We can’t afford to miss a beat”, says Fassberg. And, of course, there’s an inbuilt fragility to the status quo given underlying Arab-Israeli tensions.

Notwithstanding these concerns, there’s no denying Israel is punching above its weight in the digital race and there’s much to learn from its creation of a single narrative, ecosystem of support and laser-like focus.

The most important lesson I learned? Australia needs to pick up its game. With our eyes firmly fixed on Silicon Valley and China, we’ve probably overlooked this amazing place and its stellar progress. As science-fiction writer William Gibson said, “The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.”

Juliet Bourke is human capital partner at Deloitte. The AICC tour was led by Helen Coonan, Jillian Segal and Diane Smith Gander.

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