- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 17473
The 2006 Commonwealth Games, officially the XVIII Commonwealth Games, were held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia between 15 and 26 March 2006. It was the largest sporting event to be staged in Melbourne, eclipsing the 1956 Summer Olympics in terms of the number of teams competing, athletes competing, and events being held.
The site for the opening and closing ceremonies was the Melbourne Cricket Ground which was also used during Melbourne's 1956 Olympic Games. The mascot for the games was Karak, a red-tailed black cockatoo (a threatened species).
During the 1998 Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, two cities initially expressed interest in hosting the event; Melbourne and Wellington, New Zealand. Wellington withdrew its bid, citing the costs involved with matching the bid plan presented by Melbourne, which became the default host without members of the Federation going to vote.
Early concerns arose about the large cost of staging the Games, with projected costs likely to be over 1 billion Australian dollars and a high likelihood the Victorian taxpayer would have to cover the expense. The cost was described in some local media as excessive. National Party leader Peter Ryan said that the Labor government should win "gold (medal) for burning money" However, not all of this money was wasted. The actual costs for hosting the games was 1.144 billion dollars & prior to the Games, accountants at KPMG were estimating that the gross income generated by this event could be as high as 1.5 billion dollars.
The Commonwealth Games (known as the British Empire Games from 1930–1950, the British Empire and Commonwealth Games from 1954–1966, and British Commonwealth Games from 1970–1974) is an international, multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. The event was first held in 1930, and, with the exception of 1942 and 1946, which were cancelled due to World War II, has taken place every four years since then.
The games are overseen by the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF), which also controls the sporting programme and selects the host cities. A host city is selected for each edition. 18 cities in seven countries have hosted the event. Apart from many Olympic sports, the games also include some sports that are played predominantly in Commonwealth countries, such as lawn bowls and netball.
Although there are 53 members of the Commonwealth of Nations, 71 teams participate in the Commonwealth Games, as a number of dependent territories compete under their own flag. The four Home Nations of the United Kingdom—England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland—also send separate teams. Only six countries have attended every Commonwealth Games: Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales. Australia has been the highest achieving team for twelve games, England for seven, and Canada for one.
Melbourne (/ˈmɛlbərn/, AU i/ˈmɛlbən/) is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia and Oceania. The name "Melbourne" refers to the area of urban agglomeration (as well as a census statistical division) spanning 9,900 km2 (3,800 sq mi) which comprises the broader metropolitan area, as well as being the common name for its city centre. The metropolis is located on the large natural bay of Port Phillip and expands into the hinterlands towards the Dandenong and Macedon mountain ranges, Mornington Peninsula and Yarra Valley. Melbourne consists of 31 municipalities. It has a population of 4,347,955 as of 2013, and its inhabitants are called Melburnians.
Founded by free settlers from the British Crown colony of Van Diemen's Land on 30 August 1835, in what was then the colony of New South Wales, it was incorporated as a Crown settlement in 1837. It was named "Melbourne" by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Richard Bourke, in honour of the British Prime Minister of the day, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne. It was officially declared a city by Queen Victoria in 1847, after which it became the capital of the newly founded colony of Victoria in 1851. During the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s, it was transformed into one of the world's largest and wealthiest cities. After the federation of Australia in 1901, it served as the nation's interim seat of government until 1927.
Christopher Gordon may refer to:
Seven Sisters is the common name for the Pleiades, a star cluster named for mythological characters.
Seven Sisters may also refer to:
2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony - Part 1
Kerryn McCann - 2006 Commonwealth Games Marathon
2006 Commonwealth Games Mens 5000m Final
2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony - Part 3
M2006 - Re-live the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games
2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony
2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony
Ben Turner 69Kg Gold 2006 Commonwealth Games
2006 commonwealth womens 400
Commonwealth Games Melbourne 2006 - The Arrivals - Christopher Gordon
Commonwealth Games 2006 Opener
2006 Commonwealth Games "These Small Moments" promo
Roaming Graffiti Wall
The Black GST
The first of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
The end of the very memorable 2006 Commonwealth Games womens marathon.
On 20 March 2006 at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games, Craig Mottram came second in the 5000m event with a time of 12 minutes, 58.19 seconds, beaten narrowly by Kenyan runner Augustine Choge. This race was only the second time that this event was won in under 13 minutes at a championship competition (first one being 2003 World Athletics Championships.)
The third of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
Highlights of the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. Soundtrack: Delta Goodram performing Together We Are One
The BBC's coverage of the closing ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
Any redistribution of this content without written consent from The Commonwealth Games Federation is prohibited. Please enjoy. Like me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Super-Catman-1796785770583...
Ben Turner 69Kg Gold 2006 Commonwealth Games
The beginning of the Opening Ceremony of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games 2006 1. (00:00) Countdown (Christopher Gordon) 2. (00:53) Journey to the Stadium (The Arrival pt 1) (Christopher Gordon) 3. (03:26) Welcome to the MCG (The Arrival pt 2) (Christopher Gordon) 4. (07:04) Raising the Three Nation Flags (Christopher Gordon) 5. (09:22) Fanfare for All Nations (Arrival of the Queen) (Christopher Gordon) 6. (11:43) Advance Australia Fair (Peter Dodds McCormack, arranged Christopher Gordon) 7. (13:43) Welcome to Melbourne (The Celebration) (Christopher Gordon) Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Young Voices of Melbourne, Melbourne Choral, Conducted by Lyn Williams
Spinifex created this opener for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, 2006.
Launch promo for Foxtel's broadcast of the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Read the creative case study about this spot at http://www.charleyholland.com/comm-games.html
Roaming Graffiti Wall (a temporary autonomous zone) It's March 2006 and it's the height of two disparate cultures in Australia – Howardism and stencilism. The City of Melbourne is hosting the Commonwealth Games and the authorities of the city have taken it upon themselves to enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards graffiti. This was our response. A WorkmanJones action, 2006. Film and music by Patrick Jones (Peej), 2009. Roaming camera by Ivor Bowen.
The Black GST This short documentary about contemporary and historical indigenous issues was created in the lead up to the protest at Camp Sovereignty during the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. It is narrated by two of the leaders of the Black GST movement, Robbie and Marg Thorpe and explores the three main issues of unfinished business leftover from Australia's reconciliation movement. G- Genocide S - Sovereignty T- Treaty Shot and edited by Tim Parish and Krusty, the guerilla news style documentary is intended as a historical primer for people interested in the issues of Aboriginal rights in the lead up to the Stolenwealth Games in Melbourne 2006. For more information visit the websites: www.blackgst.com www.stolenwealthgames.com
Alive with the Dreaming! Senior desert dancers of Kungkarangkalpa: the Seven Sisters Songline, will fly from the red sands of Central Australia to alight by the lake for a series of performances at the National Museum of Australia. The ancient chants of the Western Desert epic song saga of the Seven Sisters will fill the night as the dancers join people from all over the continent to celebrate the Centenary of Canberra. By singing up the living cultural routes of trade, story, dance, art and music that criss-cross our country, they will symbolically join the nation’s capital to the nation’s heart. In Aboriginal cultures across Australia, and in other cultures around the world, the Pleiades and Orion star clusters are associated with the story of the Seven Sisters. It is a universal story...
Francis got within metres of Queen Elizabeth at the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. Francis was working as a volunteer in the catering department of the games at the time. He describes the experience of being that close to the Queen as one of the most memorable days of his life. Francis took part in ABC Open Moment Behind The Photo workshops at the Artchie Graham Community Centre to create this story.
Laura Langman is an International Netball player. Langman’s rise has been swift. She was selected for the NZU21 side at 16, made the Silver Ferns squad a year later, and won her first test cap against England in 2005, at the age of nineteen. In 2006 she won a Commonwealth Games gold medal with the Silver Ferns, and in 2009 she featured on the ANZ Championship top ten player lists with 150 goal assists.
Made this back in 2006 as part of a project in the Latrobe Valley as part of the Commonwealth Games cultural festival, working with the students of Yallourn North Primary School to animate the stories of some of the towns former residents. Making this film sparked my interest in the ill-fated township and the people who lived there. An interest that has led to the graphic novel about the town that I am currently in the thick of(hopefully to be completed and out there by mid-next year). If you want to know more about the town and its history then the virtual yallourn web site (http://www.virtualyallourn.com) is a good spot to start.
-Melbourne elnevezése arra a földrajzilag kiterjedt területre vonatkozik amelyen a metropolisz nagyságú város helyezkedik el. Ausztrália második legnagyobb városa a népesség tekintetében, a 2007-es becsült adatok alapján hozzávetőleg 3,8 millió lakosa van, ugyanakkor Victoria állam fővárosa is. Melbourne a Yarra folyó torkolatában fekszik, Port Phillip Bay északi és keleti partvidéke és mögöttes területei mentén. Mielőtt az első európai telepesek megérkeztek volna, a területen mintegy 31-40 ezer évvel ezelőtt körülbelül 20 ezer vadászó-gyűjtögető bennszülött élt három különböző helyi törzsből. A maroknyi telepes által a folyó tölcsértorkolatában alakított település (47 évvel az első európaiak Ausztráliában létrehozott települése után) roppant gyorsan a leggazdagabb metropolisszá vált a Vic...
-Melbourne elnevezése arra a földrajzilag kiterjedt területre vonatkozik amelyen a metropolisz nagyságú város helyezkedik el. Ausztrália második legnagyobb városa a népesség tekintetében, a 2007-es becsült adatok alapján hozzávetőleg 3,8 millió lakosa van, ugyanakkor Victoria állam fővárosa is. Melbourne a Yarra folyó torkolatában fekszik, Port Phillip Bay északi és keleti partvidéke és mögöttes területei mentén. Mielőtt az első európai telepesek megérkeztek volna, a területen mintegy 31-40 ezer évvel ezelőtt körülbelül 20 ezer vadászó-gyűjtögető bennszülött élt három különböző helyi törzsből. A maroknyi telepes által a folyó tölcsértorkolatában alakított település (47 évvel az első európaiak Ausztráliában létrehozott települése után) roppant gyorsan a leggazdagabb metropolisszá vált a Vic...
The first of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
The end of the very memorable 2006 Commonwealth Games womens marathon.
On 20 March 2006 at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games, Craig Mottram came second in the 5000m event with a time of 12 minutes, 58.19 seconds, beaten narrowly by Kenyan runner Augustine Choge. This race was only the second time that this event was won in under 13 minutes at a championship competition (first one being 2003 World Athletics Championships.)
The third of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
Highlights of the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. Soundtrack: Delta Goodram performing Together We Are One
The BBC's coverage of the closing ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
Any redistribution of this content without written consent from The Commonwealth Games Federation is prohibited. Please enjoy. Like me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Super-Catman-1796785770583...
Ben Turner 69Kg Gold 2006 Commonwealth Games
The beginning of the Opening Ceremony of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games 2006 1. (00:00) Countdown (Christopher Gordon) 2. (00:53) Journey to the Stadium (The Arrival pt 1) (Christopher Gordon) 3. (03:26) Welcome to the MCG (The Arrival pt 2) (Christopher Gordon) 4. (07:04) Raising the Three Nation Flags (Christopher Gordon) 5. (09:22) Fanfare for All Nations (Arrival of the Queen) (Christopher Gordon) 6. (11:43) Advance Australia Fair (Peter Dodds McCormack, arranged Christopher Gordon) 7. (13:43) Welcome to Melbourne (The Celebration) (Christopher Gordon) Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Young Voices of Melbourne, Melbourne Choral, Conducted by Lyn Williams
Spinifex created this opener for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, 2006.
Launch promo for Foxtel's broadcast of the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Read the creative case study about this spot at http://www.charleyholland.com/comm-games.html
Roaming Graffiti Wall (a temporary autonomous zone) It's March 2006 and it's the height of two disparate cultures in Australia – Howardism and stencilism. The City of Melbourne is hosting the Commonwealth Games and the authorities of the city have taken it upon themselves to enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards graffiti. This was our response. A WorkmanJones action, 2006. Film and music by Patrick Jones (Peej), 2009. Roaming camera by Ivor Bowen.
The Black GST This short documentary about contemporary and historical indigenous issues was created in the lead up to the protest at Camp Sovereignty during the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. It is narrated by two of the leaders of the Black GST movement, Robbie and Marg Thorpe and explores the three main issues of unfinished business leftover from Australia's reconciliation movement. G- Genocide S - Sovereignty T- Treaty Shot and edited by Tim Parish and Krusty, the guerilla news style documentary is intended as a historical primer for people interested in the issues of Aboriginal rights in the lead up to the Stolenwealth Games in Melbourne 2006. For more information visit the websites: www.blackgst.com www.stolenwealthgames.com
Alive with the Dreaming! Senior desert dancers of Kungkarangkalpa: the Seven Sisters Songline, will fly from the red sands of Central Australia to alight by the lake for a series of performances at the National Museum of Australia. The ancient chants of the Western Desert epic song saga of the Seven Sisters will fill the night as the dancers join people from all over the continent to celebrate the Centenary of Canberra. By singing up the living cultural routes of trade, story, dance, art and music that criss-cross our country, they will symbolically join the nation’s capital to the nation’s heart. In Aboriginal cultures across Australia, and in other cultures around the world, the Pleiades and Orion star clusters are associated with the story of the Seven Sisters. It is a universal story...
Francis got within metres of Queen Elizabeth at the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. Francis was working as a volunteer in the catering department of the games at the time. He describes the experience of being that close to the Queen as one of the most memorable days of his life. Francis took part in ABC Open Moment Behind The Photo workshops at the Artchie Graham Community Centre to create this story.
Laura Langman is an International Netball player. Langman’s rise has been swift. She was selected for the NZU21 side at 16, made the Silver Ferns squad a year later, and won her first test cap against England in 2005, at the age of nineteen. In 2006 she won a Commonwealth Games gold medal with the Silver Ferns, and in 2009 she featured on the ANZ Championship top ten player lists with 150 goal assists.
Made this back in 2006 as part of a project in the Latrobe Valley as part of the Commonwealth Games cultural festival, working with the students of Yallourn North Primary School to animate the stories of some of the towns former residents. Making this film sparked my interest in the ill-fated township and the people who lived there. An interest that has led to the graphic novel about the town that I am currently in the thick of(hopefully to be completed and out there by mid-next year). If you want to know more about the town and its history then the virtual yallourn web site (http://www.virtualyallourn.com) is a good spot to start.
-Melbourne elnevezése arra a földrajzilag kiterjedt területre vonatkozik amelyen a metropolisz nagyságú város helyezkedik el. Ausztrália második legnagyobb városa a népesség tekintetében, a 2007-es becsült adatok alapján hozzávetőleg 3,8 millió lakosa van, ugyanakkor Victoria állam fővárosa is. Melbourne a Yarra folyó torkolatában fekszik, Port Phillip Bay északi és keleti partvidéke és mögöttes területei mentén. Mielőtt az első európai telepesek megérkeztek volna, a területen mintegy 31-40 ezer évvel ezelőtt körülbelül 20 ezer vadászó-gyűjtögető bennszülött élt három különböző helyi törzsből. A maroknyi telepes által a folyó tölcsértorkolatában alakított település (47 évvel az első európaiak Ausztráliában létrehozott települése után) roppant gyorsan a leggazdagabb metropolisszá vált a Vic...
-Melbourne elnevezése arra a földrajzilag kiterjedt területre vonatkozik amelyen a metropolisz nagyságú város helyezkedik el. Ausztrália második legnagyobb városa a népesség tekintetében, a 2007-es becsült adatok alapján hozzávetőleg 3,8 millió lakosa van, ugyanakkor Victoria állam fővárosa is. Melbourne a Yarra folyó torkolatában fekszik, Port Phillip Bay északi és keleti partvidéke és mögöttes területei mentén. Mielőtt az első európai telepesek megérkeztek volna, a területen mintegy 31-40 ezer évvel ezelőtt körülbelül 20 ezer vadászó-gyűjtögető bennszülött élt három különböző helyi törzsből. A maroknyi telepes által a folyó tölcsértorkolatában alakított település (47 évvel az első európaiak Ausztráliában létrehozott települése után) roppant gyorsan a leggazdagabb metropolisszá vált a Vic...
The BBC's coverage of the closing ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
The first of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
The second of three parts showing the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne, Australia. This part features the parade of athletes as they enter the stadium.
Kerryn McCann successfully defends her 2002 Commonwealth Games gold medal title with one of the most spirited finishes ever witnessed in the women's marathon event with a time of 2:30:50.
Any redistribution of this content without written consent from The Commonwealth Games Federation is prohibited. Please enjoy. Like me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Super-Catman-1796785770583...
Squash :Lee Beachill v Nick Matthew 2006 Commonwealth Games Squash Bronze Medal Match Go Behind the Scenes on the PSA tour here http://bit.ly/w6LBPE FB JDSQUASH.COM: http://on.fb.me/wtyzAQ FB Behind The Scenes : http://on.fb.me/xmniY3 Twitter : http://bit.ly/AhOUeg http://JDSQUASH.COM http://DavisFitnessBlog.com
Learn how WCAG2 applies to mobile sites and the accessibility issues unique to the mobile format, the most common problems and how you can avoid them. Gian Wild looks at mobile web sites, mobile apps and desktop sites on a mobile device and shows you what can go wrong, as well as what can go right. Gian Wild is the CEO, President and Founder of AccessibilityOz. She has worked in accessibility industry since 1998. Her major achievements include: the very first Australian accessible web site; the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games; the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games; her six years active membership in the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group; and presentations to the United Nations. Thanks to the Chicago Interactive Design & Development (CIDD) Meetup, who co-hosted thi...
Great win by Brad Kahlefeldt from Australia...particularly memorable for the " war " that went on for 2nd and 3rd place between three time world champion Peter Robinson ( Australia ) and Olympic medallist Bevan Docherty ( NZ ) as they duelled along the streets of Melbourne (..it was one of the better ones )...the race also featured among others 2004 Olympic champion Hamish Carter, Kris Gemmel and Tim Don from England
Get the music here: http://thenewpollutants.bandcamp.com The New Pollutants Metropolis Rescore is a new soundtrack to the 2010 Restoration Version of Fritz Lang's classic sci-fi epic Metropolis The New Pollutants https://facebook.com/thenewpollutants are the musical duo of Mister Benjamin Speed http://benjaminspeed.com and DJ TR!P http://facebook.com/finddjtrip. They are thrilled to present their newly composed score to Fritz Lang's classic silent film Metropolis. They perform the score live, accompanied by vocalist Astrid Pill & cellist Zoe Barry. The original score was conceived, composed & recorded over a 12-month period & had its world premiere at the 2005 Adelaide Film Festival. The Metropolis Re-Score ran a successful season as part Next Wave Festival at ACMI in Melbourne for the ...
The last half of the third and fourth quarters of the 2004 Australian Football League (AFL) Grand Final, which was played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on Saturday 25th September, 2004, between the Port Adelaide Football Club (The Power) and the Brisbane Football Club (The Lions). The 108th VFL/AFL Grand Final saw an official attendance of 77,671 spectators. The commentators for this Grand Final were Anthony Hudson, Tim Lane, and Robert Walls. Mark Williams was Port Adelaide's coach, and Leigh Matthews was Brisbane's coach. The final score saw Port Adelaide defeating Brisbane by 40 points, to win their first (and to date only) Premiership. Recorded from the broadcast of the 2016 AFL Grand Final Marathon, October 1, 2016, on the Seven Network (HSV-7). Vaxfacts: Brisbane's loss s...