- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 2872
Riga (/ˈriːɡə/; Latvian: Rīga, pronounced [ˈriːɡa]) is the capital and the largest city of Latvia. With 641,007 inhabitants (2015), Riga is the largest city of the Baltic states and home to one third of Latvia's population. The city lies on the Gulf of Riga, at the mouth of the Daugava. Riga's territory covers 307.17 km2 (118.60 sq mi) and lies between 1 and 10 metres (3.3 and 32.8 ft) above sea level, on a flat and sandy plain.
Riga was founded in 1201 and is a former Hanseatic League member. Riga's historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture and 19th century wooden architecture. Riga was the European Capital of Culture during 2014, along with Umeå in Sweden. Riga hosted the 2006 NATO Summit, the Eurovision Song Contest 2003, and the 2006 IIHF Men's World Ice Hockey Championships. It is home to the European Union's office of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). Riga is served by Riga International Airport, the largest airport in the Baltic states.
The European Capital of Culture is a city designated by the European Union for a period of one calendar year during which it organises a series of cultural events with a strong European dimension.
Preparing a European Capital of Culture can be an opportunity for the city to generate considerable cultural, social and economic benefits and it can help foster urban regeneration, change the city's image and raise its visibility and profile on an international scale.
In 1985, former actress Melina Mercouri, then Greece’s Minister of Culture, and her French counterpart Jack Lang came up with the idea of designating an annual Capital of Culture to bring Europeans closer together by highlighting the richness and diversity of European cultures and raising awareness of their common history and values.
The Commission of the European Union manages the title and each year the Council of Ministers of the European Union formally designates European Capitals of Culture: more than 40 cities have been designated so far.
Capital of Culture or City of Culture may refer to:
Winter in Rīga, Latvia - European Capital of Culture 2014 - Unravel Travel TV
GACHO "Riga Haute Couture" (pied. Elisters)
Latvija Rīga 1970 - 80 attīstības laiku 2
Dinamo Rīga komandai pievienojas kanādiešu aizsargs Karl Stollery
Kā Latvija, Rīga izskatījās 1970-80. gados
VLOG - Savāca 2 apsargi uz Rīga Plazas jumta, Atradām līķus
Rīga par Marihuānu
Rīga par Alkoholu!
Riga 1989
Es mīlu tevi, Rīga Я Люблю Тебя, Рига I love You Riga
Riga the capital of Latvia is a gem of the Baltics. It is situated at the mouth of the Daugava, on the shores of the Gulf of Riga on the Baltic. Riga has an ancient history and rich cultural heritage. As Riga has always been located at a juncture of trading routes, it is a multicultural city which means there are things to see here: a weekend in Riga is a great way to gather new impressions and to relax. Travellers can admire the diverse architecture of Riga, especially the art nouveau buildings. Riga has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to the collection of art nouveau buildings that is one of the largest in the world, as well as a city in whose architecture the entire history from 1201 to the present day is reflected. It is also valued as a city with a unique collection of ...
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Šī desmitgade savā veidā pat uzskatāma par jaunrades, jaunas domas uzplaukuma laiku. 70.gadu sākumā arī Latvijā parādījās hipiji – puķu bērni, kas sev radniecīgas dvēseles atrada kafejnīcās „Kaza”, „Skapis”, „Dieva auss”, „Allegro” u.c. Teātris, dzeja, mūzika, māksla bija līdzeklis, caur kuru, izmantojot zemtekstus, paust cenzūras aizliegto. 70. gadi ir arī laiks, kad dzimst leģendārā rokgrupa „Līvi”. Galu galā, nacionālās idejas savu ieskrējienu uzņēma tieši šajā gadu desmitē, kulmināciju sasniedzot nākošajā. „Diriģents varēja uzrunāt, neizsakot cenzūras aizliegtos vārdus. Savas darba specifikas dēļ viņš mēms stāvēja dziedoša kora priekšā un vadīja šo it kā tautas ideālo modeli – ļaužu kopu, kuru caurstrāvo kādi vienoti un disciplinēti garīgi centieni. Dažkārt dziedāja vienu, bet kora ...
Twitter - http://twitter.com/PirmaVietaTV Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PirmaVietaTV Draugiem - http://www.draugiem.lv/PirmaVietaTV YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/PirmaVietaTV RAIDĪJUMU VEIDOJA: Ralfs Eilands http://twitter.com/RalfsEilands Roberts Silavs https://twitter.com/RobertaCepetis Alberts Kaminskis http://twitter.com/WebagentOnAir Toms Leinasars *Šis video ir joks. PirmāVietaTV neatbalsta jebkādu nelegālu substanču lietošanu un izplatīšanu. PirmāVietaTV ir youtube kanāls, kura mērķis ir piedāvāt interesantu un izklaidējošu saturu latviešu valodā. Ar vairāk kā 900 000 skatījumiem un 7000 abonentiem tas ir viens no skatītākajiem YouTube kanāliem Latvijā. Pazīstamākais PirmāVietaTV raidījums ir ''Rīga par'', kuru vada Ralfs Eilands un Roberts Silavs. Uz šo brīdi ir iznāk...
Ar alkoholu var būt tikai 3 attiecību veidi... Twitter - http://twitter.com/PirmaVietaTV Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PirmaVietaTV Draugiem - http://www.draugiem.lv/PirmaVietaTV YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/PirmaVietaTV Video Veidoja: Renārs Stegenburgs Roberts Silavs Alberts Kaminskis *Ja tu neesi pilngadīgs, nelieto alkoholu. Ja tu esi pilngadīgs, saprāta robežās. Šis nav grādīgā propogandas gabals. Šī ir satīra. Kind of. PirmāVietaTV ir youtube kanāls, kura mērķis ir piedāvāt interesantu un izklaidējošu saturu latviešu valodā. Ar vairāk kā 1 000 000 skatījumiem un 8000 abonentiem tas ir viens no skatītākajiem YouTube kanāliem Latvijā. Pazīstamākais PirmāVietaTV raidījums ir ''Rīga par'', kuru vada Ralfs Eilands un Roberts Silavs. Uz šo brīdi ir iznākušas vairāk kā 20 ''R...
Rīgā aust jauna diena. Tik daudz stāstu apkārt, un Rīga atkal rāda rīdzinieka dzīves kardiogrammu. Te sirds sitās straujāk, te norimst, te uzvirmo kaislības, te sākās stāsti, te tie turpinās... Filmā caur 16 stāstiem atklāts viss par to, ko mēs mīlam mīlestībā. Dažreiz pietiek ar mirkli- ar vienu acu skatienu, vienu smaidu, lai saprastu, ka kaut kas dzīvē ir mainījies --neatgriezeniski uz visiem laikiem; citreiz vajag nodzīvot dzīvi līdz pusmūžam lai saprastu, ka nav nekā svarīgāka dzīvē par mīlestību. Tieši šie atskārsmes mirkļi, padara dzīvi īstu, tie iedvesmo, iedrošina noticēt, ka mēs šajā pasaulē esam tāpēc, lai atrastu savus cilvēkus un būtu laimīgi. Dažreiz pietiek ar vienu mirkli un tas jau ir izkrāsojis visu dienu, dažreiz pietiek ar vienu dienu un tā ir izkrāsojusi visu dzīvi...
These little films are designed to whet the appetite of the undecided traveler and of all who long to escape their daily routine for a weekend in an exciting city. These “appetizers” take viewers to the main sightseeing destinations as well as to little-known attractions. Among the cities visited are Amsterdam, Antwerp, Dublin, Milan, Turin and Vienna, and there’s even an excursion to the popular island of Majorca. “Weekend” is the ideal pocket guide for everyone who itches to travel!
In this Quick Guide to Latvia I show you some fun things to do in Riga and Sigulda like Biking, Wind Tunnel flying, Climbing, Sledding...and Drinking ;) More info: www.latvia.travel --- equipment used to produce this video --- Sony A7 II http://amzn.to/1Gfj8MU Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4 SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo I traveled to Riga for only 4 days and managed to see and do a lot in that short given timeframe. Riga is the largest city of the Baltics and offers a lot of cool things to do in Riga itself but also just a short train ride out of t...
I fly in to the Latvian capital to see the sights: Freedom Monument, Powder Tower, 3 Brothers, House of the Blackheads, Occupation Museum, St Peter's, Soviet Victory Monument...
Travel guide to the best places in Riga, Latvia
Hi There! We were lucky enough to be hosted by Live Riga and the Radisson Blu in Riga. It's a beautiful city that NEEDS to be on anyone's euro trip list! Learn more about Riga at: https://www.liveriga.com/lv/ Music: "Jumbo" by "DJ Elysir" is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
Riga Latvia - #Travel Europe | #TravelVic #Riga is the capital and the largest city of #Latvia. With 641,007 inhabitants (2015), Riga is the largest city of the Baltic states and home to more than one third of Latvia's population. The city lies on the Gulf of Riga, at the mouth of the Daugava. Riga's historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture and 19th century wooden architecture. Travel #Europe: Latvia Riga https://youtu.be/j1jg0-ZucnA Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz60_RT8QAoiofO-6Z_WU-g?sub_confirmation=1 Travel The World: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5mdOQVVjUHd-d8C0e67fz26V-R1da_tX Travel Europe: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5mdOQVVjUHfhtIqmag3rcwsjMkJYK0F4
Welcome my world travel guide channel. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel and share my videos. I would be really happy. And you can also follow me on other social media platforms: https://www.facebook.com/dunyabirmasaldir https://www.instagram.com/ozgur_cagdas/ https://www.youtube.com/user/OzgurCagdas https://www.twitter.com/Ozgur_Cagdas https://www.plus.google.com/+OzgurCagdas and my blog: https://www.dunyabirmasaldir.com (The World is a Fairy Tale) In my travel channel, I share my own trip videos from my journeys. Until now, I traveled around 40 countries and I produced 10.000 stock footage. I am professional traveler and videographer, working many microstock footage companies. In my youtube videos, I try to combine my stock footages by locations, cities and/or countri...
Take a tour of Historic Town of Riga in Riga, Latvia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Riga is Latvia's capital, largest city, and a center of commerce and culture. It is a truly exceptional place with a unique and distinctive culture and atmosphere. Riga's buildings, both homes and businesses, are frequently both brightly colored and elaborate. St. Peter's Church, in the old town, features a tower with a remarkable view. The history of Riga extends back to its earliest beginnings in the 2nd century AD. Vikings were the original founders of the city, though it was later taken over by crusaders. Riga was also part of the Hanseatic League and the Holy Roman Empire. In the 20th century, Riga suffered under the command of Germany ...
What is in #Riga to see and do? Follow me as I #travel this beautiful #Baltic state, Riga. Discover what #Latvia has to offer as a travel destination. Visiting Old Riga with the Dome Cathedral, and the new up and coming spots such as the Skyline Bar. Plus see what the Riga Marathon is like. // Flying with Air Baltic // Staying in Riga central at... Radisson Blu Latjvia & Radisson Blu Daugava VISTING // PanCars Tours Dome Central Riga Marathon Let's Get SOCIAL // Twitter // http://www.twitter.com/missanniebean Instagram // http://www.instagram.com/itsanniebean Blog // http://www.talesofanniebean.com Snapchat // imanniebean DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! Love your comments - so fire them at me! FOR BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: CONTACT: talesofanniebean@gmail.com Music from Kevin Mcloud from Y...
Take a virtual tour of the historical centre of Latvian capital Riga, whilst sat in front of your computer. Internet and phone is all that you need to be a virtual tourist in Riga. Open the virtual tour and call (+371) 27772888 to listen to one of the 13 three minute stories in your native language. This is NOT a chargeable number. You pay only for a call to Latvian mobile number!
There are people in this country who work hard every day
Not for fame or fortune do they strive
But the fruits of their labor are worth more than their pay
And it's time a few of them were recognized
Hello Detroit auto workers let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin' just to send it on down the line
Hello Pittsburgh steel mill workers let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
This is for the one who swings the hammer, driving home the nail
Or the one behind the counter, ringing up the sale
Or the one who fights the fires, the one who brings the mail
For everyone who works behind the scenes
You can see them every morning in the factories and the fields
In the city streets and the quiet country towns
Working together like spokes inside a wheel
They keep this country turning around
Hello Kansas wheat field farmer, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
Hello West Virginia coal miner, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
This is for the one who drives the big rig, up and down the road
Or the one out in the warehouse, bringing in the load
Or the waitress, the mechanic, the policeman on patrol
For everyone who works behind the scenes
With a spirit you can't replace with no machine