Innovation isn't about ideas says McKinsey & Co's Erik Roth

Erik Roth: "You need people who are experienced with the pattern recognition of what looks like a disruption."
Erik Roth: "You need people who are experienced with the pattern recognition of what looks like a disruption." Louie Douvis

It’s a good thing, says McKinsey & Co’s innovation director Erik Roth, that Australian companies are throwing the word innovation around to try to change how they operate. Trouble is, he says, so many of them are just fiddling at the edges.

Innovation, he says, is the ability of a business to generate a stream of new products, services, processes and business models over time that are material to the organisation.

“Any organisation can hit a home run once in a while,” he says. “The challenge is to do it consistently over time.”

Also, the innovation has to be material, otherwise it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately, many Australian companies don’t understand that innovation is not about ideas. “It is a resource reallocation problem and companies get that wrong consistently,” says Roth.

He says he meets chief executives every day who say, “We need bigger and better ideas.”

“Well, that’s good, you should have bigger and better ideas, that’s absolutely the case. However, I like to use [inventor Thomas] Edison’s quote: Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration. It’s the 99 per cent that companies don’t spend enough time on getting right.”

If an organisation’s operating system doesn’t allow innovative growth to occur, it gets stuck doing incremental innovation in products and customer experiences rather than changing its business model, says Roth. “This is certainly true for large organisations I’ve seen in Australia,” he says.

Roth, who co-wrote Seeing What’s Next with Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, and Scott Anthony, says it comes back to what he calls the “green box” problem.

Resource allocation

“If you’re in a given market we know that 65 per cent of your growth over time can be explained by picking the right market. That’s box one, you want to pick the right market, come up with the right portfolio. Box two, I call that the better box. That’s all the things that you can do better in your core business; pricing, distribution games, better customer experience, more incremental products. There’s a long list of things that you can always do better.

“If you have a clear mergers and acquisitions strategy on top of the few I just mentioned that also takes away from the need for innovation.”

The combination of box one and two equals the future. “The difference between today’s performance and future performance is what I call the green box. If an organisation does not have a substantially large enough green box tied to the senior executives or the business leaders, those who have resource allocation responsibilities and accountability, then why does an organisation need to innovate?

“You would first have to have a green box sufficiently large enough and that effectively becomes your portfolio, from which you then innovate. That innovation box has to be large enough that resources get reallocated.”

Roth reckons if you are really serious about learning about the business models, or getting out of your innovation rut, you have to get the innovation aspiration right. Only that will motivate the organisation.

“Otherwise, what happens is the CEO makes a wonderfully inspiring speech about innovation. Everybody cheers, goes back to their desk and says, ‘OK, well I don’t know what to do differently, so I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing today.’

“That’s because the aspiration has not been tied down to an operating system, where there is accountability and capability throughout the organisation.

“Without a large green box of potential you can’t create the rationale for moving substantial resources, you cannot motivate and mobilise a large organisation.”

Strategic planning

In Australia, we’re familiar with this kind of inertia. Many Australian businesses that are very profitable have prospered in oligopolistic industries where they feel insulated even as they see disruption in the same industry in the US. They seem to be hoping that Australia won’t be hit or that they can ride out their term before disruption takes hold here.

Roth recalls a recent conversation with an Australian company. “They have this problem. The core is doing great and they’re able to generate a lot of savings out of some initiatives. But we were talking about looming disruptions; they’re seeing them in other markets outside of Australia, so they know they’re possible.

“Their business is sufficiently diversified, so they know it could come from any number of places. They know the likely early signs will be small and they don’t know which ones will ultimately topple them, versus just go away.

“I said, ‘How does this factor in your strategic planning process? When you look out in the future, your green box, how does it affect that?’

“They said, ‘We don’t really have a green box, but we put a number out there just because we’re worried.’ I said, ‘That’s a good start, but if you were to be disrupted tomorrow, what would that look like?’

“They said, ‘We don’t know.’ They haven’t given it much thought because things are going reasonably well, they’re reasonably insulated. They are all looking at it as downside risk, not upside opportunity.”

Threat and opportunity

So how does a CEO get out of the defensive mode? “Make sure, as you think about your innovation, that you’re looking out to the horizon to anticipate.”

He reckons every business needs a scout or a lookout who can scan the horizon to determine the threat and opportunity level.

“You need that scan mechanism, not business planners who have been in your company for 30 years.”

You need experienced people who know what disruption looks like, he says.

“If Australia is going to be great at this then does it have all the ingredients for what makes a successful innovation platform and a way to create lots of products, services and business models around a particular area to make it happen?”

Good question.

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