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  • Messin’ Around – Keep Britain Tidy

    1960s, 1970s, Ephemera, Poster, Retro Advertising • 720 Views

    We like a tidy office here at VoEA and we also hate litter bugs. Ooh yes we do. So now we’ll cast our eyes back to somewhere around 1973 and the then campaign by the good people at Keep Britain Tidy. An organisation that was first established back in 1955 and initiated by the Women’s Institute.

    Keep Britain Tidy are still running today and still doing sterling work in trying to keep our towns, cities and countryside free from the droppings of those pesky litter louts. Continue Reading

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  • Johnson C. Smith University – 1970 Yearbook

    1970s, Ephemera • 4376 Views

    2016 has been a funny old year in many ways and recent events in the USA have only served to emphasise the strange times we’re currently living through. So, by way of a change, and as a breath of vintage fresh air we are heading over the pond to the Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina – a historically black university in the southern states of the USA. Continue Reading

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  • Voices of East Harlem – 1970 Tanglewood Concert

    1970s, Music • 6240 Views

    The sharp eyed amongst you may have gathered that we are big fans of the Voices of East Harlem here at VoEA so much so that we named our blog with more than a nod to the band.

    We will do a longer post on the band sometime soon but in the meantime check out this footage from them when they played at the noted Tanglewood venue in Massachusetts in the summer of 1970. Oh, and don’t forget they are pretty much a bunch of kids coming as they do from the East Harlem Federation Youth Association. Continue Reading

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  • Old Habitats Die Hard

    1960s, 1970s, Ephemera, Furniture • 9005 Views

    Having been through a number of ups and downs in recent years Habitat are still gamely struggling on but are nowhere near the furnishing behemoth they were at their peak in the 1970s and 80s when they seemingly dominated the UK market for scatter cushions, bean bags and stripped pine bedding boxes.
    Quite where they went wrong we’re not sure but that’s by-the-by as here we take a look back at the early Habitat days when Terence Conran had a vision to brighten up dreary post-war Britain and helped by the newly-launched Sunday supplements plus a penchant for self-promotion managed to do just that. Continue Reading

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  • Bikinis Y Rock – Groovy Seventies Mexican Film

    1970s, Film, Music, Uncategorized • 7177 Views

    There are films where the music doesn’t quite match up to the plot and acting then there are films where the music is really the only reason you’re likely to watch the film. To be honest Bikinis y rock falls into the latter category but the music really is quite something and we firmly believe you will dig this – if you don’t then we’re clearly barking up the wrong tree. Continue Reading

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  • Sonny and Cher Custom Cars – We’ve Got Two Babe

    1960s, Music, Transport • 10905 Views

    As one of the most successful duets of the 1960s selling some 40 million records Sonny & Cher rarely turned down an opportunity to maximise the marketing opportunities that came their way and this has to be one of the most obscure.
    Created by noted US custom car creator George Barris (the man behind the original Batmobile amongst many other creations) these two Ford Mustangs were taken straight from the production line and given a rather special makeover. Sonny’s car got some ‘Bobcat fur’ on the inside alongside antique leather and suede while Cher’s got some ‘Ermine fur’ and pink suede with a white fur lined boot. Predictably enough Cher’s Mustang was painted pink while Sonny ended up with a gold and brown paintjob. Continue Reading

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  • Frank Sinatra and The Fifth Dimension

    1960s, Music, Television • 7196 Views

    May we present to you the rather excellent Fifth Dimension combining with Mr Frank Sinatra on the 1968 TV special  ‘Francis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing’. It has to be said Mr Sinatra is looking a little awkward at times but be consoled by the fact that he’s singing what is essentially a drinking song that was written by the excellent and sadly departed Laura Nyro.
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  • Pop and Shop – 1966 Underground Antics

    1960s, Documentary, Fashion, Music • 6888 Views

    It’s 1966, it’s Oxford Street in the heart of swinging London, it’s a bit nippy outside by the looks of it and a new concept has hit the streets – or more accurately hit the basements beneath the streets but you know what we mean. It’s the revolutionary new Pop & Shop. Here’s the idea in a nutshell – you go to a gig, in this case The Animals on stage, and you can also buy some clothes and records at the same time if you’re not that fussed about watching the band.
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  • Tread Lightly – Clark’s Shoes Adverts

    1960s, 1970s, Fashion, Retro Advertising • 698 Views

    By way of a tribute to Walter White’s Wallabees (and if you don’t know who Walter White is by now then we urge you to check out Breaking Bad ) we’ve put together a post to honour the good people at Clark’s in sunny Somerset and also the guys in Ireland who for many years made the Wallabees for Clark’s – Padmore & Barnes.

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  • Back to the Future – 50 Years Back

    1960s, Futuristic • 495 Views

    We understand the kind of people who like to predict what life will be like in 20, 30 or 50 years time are called Futurologists and it seems their role in life is to predict possible, probable and preferable futures. Well, if they are as accurate as the people who worked on this clip from 1965 we’ll be mightily impressed.

    We’re going back 50 years to look at how the future would have looked in 1999 AD from a sixties point of view. To be fair the accuracy of the predictions are pretty much spot-on including online shopping (just getting going back in ’99), home computers, online banking, populating Mars, wall mounted TVs and microwave ovens.
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