• Monday, June 26th, 2017

    Monday, June 26th, 2017

    Spokane Train Blockaders Will Use Necessity Defense

    Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review

    from Wild Idaho Rising Tide

    Pre-Trial Motion Hearing: Necessity Defense & Expert Testimony

    In late August and September 2016, Raging Grannies Margie Heller, Nancy Nelson, and Deena Romoff and Veterans for Peace Maeve Aeolus, Rusty Nelson (husband of Nancy), and George Taylor protested oil and coal trains moving through Spokane and the contribution of those pipelines-on-wheels to global climate change [1-6].  Police handcuffed and booked into jail these Spokane Climate Protectors assisted by Direct Action Spokane, and cited them with the misdemeanor charges of second degree trespassing and obstructing or delaying a train on Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail lines. (more…)

  • Monday, June 26th, 2017

    Monday, June 26th, 2017

    Standing Rock to Hancock: CampOut to Stop the Potomac Pipeline

    by No Potomac Pipeline / Popular Resistance

    From Standing Rock to Hancock people are rising up to resist fracked gas pipelines in their community. Following a historic fight in Maryland, where we became the first state with gas reserves to legislatively ban fracking, we still find our communities our under attack by Big Oil and Gas. TransCanada the same company behind the Keystone Pipeline that spilled over 16000 gallons of crude oil on South Dakota land now wants to build a pipeline that would transport fracked gas between Pennsylvania and West Virginia. How are they going to do this? They are going to do it through the shortest and cheapest route by cutting through Maryland and underneath the Potomac River that serves as the source of drinking water for millions of residents in our state and the DC suburbs.

    We are not going to allow this to happen.

    That’s why we are forming a resistance to stop the Pipeline under the Potomac. During the summer months we will be calling on Governor Hogan to deny the permit that would allow TransCanada to drill under the Potomac in Maryland.

    The Eastern Panhandle Protectors Weekend encampment is set for July 21st and will be held at the Antietam Creek Campground, a few miles south of Shepherdstown, WV. If you would like to take part in this camp-out please email me ASAP!


  • Sunday, June 25th, 2017

    Sunday, June 25th, 2017

    Check-in with the Sabal Trail Resistance

    from It’s Going Down

    In the wake of the #NoDAPL struggle, resistance encampments across the US have grown as thousands step up to fight pipeline and resource extraction projects that threaten both human communities and the natural environment. One of these camps is in Florida, which has formed to fight against the Sabal Trail Pipeline which endangers watersheds, schools and communities, and living ecosystems. Wanting to know more about the growing anti-pipeline movement in the wake of the #NoDAPL struggle, we reached out to someone involved in Sabal Trail Pipeline resistance to find out more information and how people can support those on the front lines.

    IGD: When did you get involved in resisting the Sabal Trail Pipeline and why?

    I want to say I got involved in resisting the Sabal Trail Pipeline (STP) back in October of last year. I was at a NoDAPL protest in Gainesville FL when someone, who I later found out was an Earth! Firster, handed me a flyer about a weekend workshop they were organizing to resist a local pipeline in FL, the STP. I was surprised that I hadn’t heard about STP sooner and was eager to go to the workshop. Once I went to the workshop I was hooked. I went to I don’t even know how many protests, got arrested at one of them, then camps started forming. (more…)

  • Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    July 13-17, VA: Stop the Pipelines Action Camp

    by The Final Straw / It’s Going Down

    Listen and Download (this section begins at 11 minutes 29 seconds) Here


    This week we featured two conversations in the episode.

    “Stop The Pipelines Action Camp”

    Firstly, Bursts chatted with Erin. Erin is a resident of the Blacksburg VA area and an affiliate of Blue Ridge Rapid Response Project (or BRRRP) and is helping to organize the “Stop The Pipelines Action Camp” in that area from July 13-17th, 2017. The action camp is being organized in hopes to spread resistance to the Mountain Valley & Atlantic Coast Pipelines that are traversing Appalachian West Virginia, Virginia and, in the MVP’s case, North Carolina. We talk about what it is to live in a place and defend your home, to get to know your neighbors, to build the skills needed to resist ecocidal, capitalist infrastructure projects. More info at https://blueridgerapidresponse.wordpress.com. The event is being co-sponsored by Smokey Mountain Eco-Defense (SMED).

    Erin mentions pipeline security pursued by mercenary groups like TigerSwan as well as industry-sponsored astro-turf (or fake grassroots) group YourEnergy meant to muddy the water of community resistance to pipeline expansion and other infrastructural projects.

    Errekaleor Bizirik!

    After that, Bursts chatted with 2 residents of the squatted neighborhood of Errekaleor Bizirik in the Basque territory within the borders of so-called Spain. The residents talk about the history of Errekaleor Bizirik, feminism, energy infrastructure, recent attacks by police on the project and pre-figuring a post-capitalist life-way in the rubble of the existent. For more info on the project, which translates to Dry River (Errekaleor) Lives (Bizirik)!, check out: an IGD post about the project with links and context and their Coopfunding page.


  • Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Ninety-five-year-old Locks Down at Mining Equipment Depot in Australia

    from The Galilee Blockade

    Late last night, 95 yo Kokoda veteran and great-grandfather Bill Ryan locked the gates of a Road Maintenance Depot full of equipment in Sydney, challenging Downer Group to tear up their $2.6bn contract to build Adani’s Carmichael coal mine.

    Citizens also locked up 9 more Downer Group industrial premises last night in Melbourne, Brisbane, Townsville, Dunedin, Bathurst, Gympie and Wodonga.

    After publicly committing a crime Bill stayed close to his son and lawyer for the day. Who else to visit first up but his local MP, Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison. He nails it! Giving up on Scott Morrison, Bill decided to engage local residents down the beach instead. Listen to your elders and register for a direct action group! (more…)

  • Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    India: 204 Protesters Arrested at Puthyvype LNG Plant

    by Staff/ Times of India

    People’s protest against construction of IOC’s LPG import terminal at Puthuvype in Kochi on Sunday. Photo by Josekutty Panackal

    [June 15, 2017] KOCHI: Njarackal police removed protesters from the Puthuvype LNG import terminal of the IOC on Wednesday after they allegedly disrupted the functioning of the plant. According to police, as many as 204 protesters were arrested and removed from the spot. The arrested persons were booked under sections 188, 283, 143, 145 147 and 149 of the IPC and were later let go on bail.

    District collector had given out instructions to ensure police protection for the smooth functioning of the terminal of Indian Oil Corporation.

    The district collector’s direction to the rural district police chief came in the wake of orders of the state and central governments, the Kerala high court and the National Green Tribunal.

    High court had on September 8 ordered the police to provide necessary protection to the LPG terminal in the special economic zone of Puthuvype. The order was applicable to all persons connected with the terminal, including the company’s property, employees and contractors.


  • Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Against the Construction of Kulon Progo International Airport, Indonesia

    by Anonymous Contributor / It’s Going Down

    Banner-dropping action held yesterday during 5 AM in the morning on the train bridge Kewek, Yogyakarta, near Malioboro (A tourists area). Banner resisting airport construction in the Kulon Progo regions whereas for years the peasants have been resisting mining companies and the mega-project including Bandara Temon Temon Airport or what is well known as NYIA (NEW YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT).

    More detailed information soon in english and a call for international solidarity against New Yogyakarta International Airport!

    The banner reads as: “Construction of Kulon Progo Airport equals environmental destruction and the eviction of peasants community. #YOGYAKARTA IS SPECIAL!


    For more info:



    FB: Jogja Darurat Agraria

  • Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    Introducing L’eau Est La Vie (Water is Life) Camp for Bayou Bridge Resistance

    from Indigenous Environmental Network

    Springfield, LA – Following legal victories for the Tribes at Standing Rock, Water Protectors in Southern Louisiana will open the L’eau Est La Vie (Water is Life) Camp tomorrow. The launch marks the next fight to protect Indigenous rights, life-giving water and to stop Energy Transfer Partners from committing acts of environmental injustice.

    The Indigenous Environmental Network announced the opening of the camp with a video, highlighting, Cherri Foytlin who represents IEN’s interests in the Bayou. The video explains the connection between the Bayou Bridge and Dakota Access Pipeline, the Houma tribe, and all people who will be impacted by these pipelines, and why completion of the Bayou Bridge pipeline must be stopped.

    Watch the video and learn more about the L’eau Est La Vie (Water is Life) Camp and the lead organizers rising up on the frontlines of the fighting for environmental justice to protect Indigenous rights, clean water, and rapidly disappearing wetlands on the Gulf Coast.


  • Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

    Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

    Red Butte Gathering Against Uranium June 23-25, 2017

    from Haul No!

    Highway 180 has been re-opened but expect delays.


    From Flagstaff through Williams: take I-40 West
    Take exit 165 for AZ-64/I-40 toward Williams/Grand Canyon
    Go through Valle (north) and continue 11 miles to Forest Road 305.
    Turn right (east) and go 1.3 miles. Take a right at 305. Look for signs.

    From Flagstaff through Highway 180: Take Highway 180 towards Grand Canyon.
    Turn Right in Valle onto AZ-64 (north) and continue 11 miles to Forest Road 305.
    Turn right (east) and go 1.3 miles. Take a right at 305. Look for signs.

    No drugs, alcohol, or weapons. (more…)

  • Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

    Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

    Orcas are Stalking Boats and Stealing Their Fish

    by Angela Chen / The Verge

    Pods of orcas are stalking the boats of Alaska fishermen and stealing their halibut catches, leaving the men with no fish and thousands of gallons of fuel wasted trying to flee.

    It’s not exactly new that orcas, also called killer whales, can learn to recognize boats and then steal their catches. One article from the Journal of Marine Science traces the habit back to at least the 1960s, and complaints by Japanese fishermen. Now, though, the problem seems to be getting worse. The killer whales are tailing boats all around Alaska, with the majority of the pack seemingly in the strip of water between Russia and Alaska, called the Bering Sea.

    One fisherman, Robert Hanson, complained that he lost 12,000 pounds of halibut to whales, and 4,000 gallons of fuel getting away. (Given that one 2014 study said that such thieves could cost boats up to $500 a day, these recent examples seem more serious.) He told of how a pod tracked him for 30 miles and then stayed in the area with him for 18 hours. Dark.

    Another one said that sometimes the killer whales will take all of the catch — as much as 30,000 pounds in a day — and leave only the halibut “lips” still attached. Really dark.


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