- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 1278
Railways (RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語, Railways 49-sai de Densha no Untenshi ni Natta Otoko no Monogatari) is a Japanese film released on 29 May 2010. The film was produced by Shūji Abe, directed by Yoshinari Nishikōri, and stars Kiichi Nakai and Reiko Takashima.
The movie tells the story of a 49-year-old office worker, who quits his job in Tokyo to become a train driver on the rural Ichibata Electric Railway in Shimane Prefecture.
Railways (2010) English subbed trailer RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語
Snow on the Blades - Japan Cuts 2015
中井貴一 Kiichi Nakai 中国映画『戦国』初回版予告編
映画『RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語』予告編
MIKIPrune CM 中井貴一
Good Morning Show - Trailer (English Sub)
燃ゆるとき 中井貴一 大塚寧々
小泉今日子のバブル時代は女王だった?! 中井貴一が思わずツッコミ 多忙な売れっ子アイドル時代とは
RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語 Reiruweizu: 49-sai de densha no untenshi ni natta otoko no monogatari Yoshinari Nishikori movie. Hajime Tsutsui (Kiichi Nakai) worked for the electric company and recently received a promotion. Due to his mother's illness and the death of a close friend Hajime decides to return to his hometown of Izumo, Shimane to work as a rail car driver ... more info: http://asianwiki.com/Railways_(2010-Japan)
Snow on the Blades http://www.japansociety.org/event/snow-on-the-blades 柘榴坂の仇討 (Zakurozaka no Adauchi) Tuesday, July 14, 6:30 PM FEATURE SLATE NEW YORK PREMIERE In this beautifully lensed jidaigeki, based on the events of the Sakuradamon Incident of 1860, a sincere samurai named Kingo Shimura is faced with the immense shame of failing to protect his lord, who is assassinated in a surprise ambush. In order to restore his honor, Kingo is tasked with finding and killing the remaining assassins. Meanwhile, Japan begins to undergo significant changes, shedding samurai values as the Edo period ends and Western influences start to take hold. After a tortured 13-year search, Kingo finally finds the one remaining assassin—but, as he unsheathes his sword for vengeance, is he still the same man h...
映画『RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語』予告編 2010年5月29日(土)より全国公開 仕事に追われ、家族を省みることのなかった50歳目前の男が、ふと人生を振り返り、幼いころの夢を追い求め始める感動ストーリー。監督は『白い船』などで知られる島根出身の錦織良成。主人公の男を『亡国のイージス』の中井貴一、その妻を「天地人」の高島礼子、娘を『ドロップ』の本仮屋ユイカが演じている。一畑電車の走る島根の風土を描きながら、家族や仕事といった人生の普遍的なテーマを扱った深遠なストーリーが感動を呼ぶ。 配給:松竹 オフィシャルサイト http://www.railways-movie.jp/ (C) 2010「RAILWAYS」製作委員会
For more Fuji TV videos in English, visit our official website: http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/fujitvinternational.html A wonderful mix of comedy and drama, the feature film directed by Ryosuke Kimizuka "Good Morning Show" depicts behind the scenes of a morning show and a particularly "unusual" day of Shingo Sumida, host of daily morning infotainment show "Good Morning Show." One day, Shingo wakes up at 3am as usual and leaves home to work after getting involved with a quarrel between his wife and son. He arrives at the broadcasting station and co-host Keiko (Masami Nagasawa) demands him to reveal that he's having an affair with her live on air. Making things even worse, the producer informs Shingo that the show is about to be cancelled. Just then, breaking news comes in of a man who has bar...
燃ゆるとき □内容・ストーリー 東京・築地市場で産声をあげた小さな食品会社《東輝水産》は、即席麺を主力商品として、今や日本全国をマーケ. 茜の雲の燃ゆる時 歌唱:霧島昇、松原操、合唱團 作詞:大木 惇夫 作曲:古賀 政男 昭和十七年一月發賣.
一流企業に勤めていた主人公が母の病をきっかけに人生を見つめ直し、新たな一歩を踏み出していく姿を描いた感動作『RAILWAYS 49歳で電車の運転士になった男の物語』。4月12日、この映画の完成披露会見が東京會舘で行われ、主演の中井貴一をはじめ、高島礼子、本仮屋ユイカ、三浦貴大、奈良岡朋子、佐野史郎、甲本雅裕、錦織良成監督、阿部秀司プロデューサーの計9名が出席した。 (つづきはこちら) http://www.moviecollection.jp/news/detail.html?p=1084
小泉今日子のバブル時代は女王だった?! 中井貴一が思わずツッコミ 多忙な売れっ子アイドル時代とは ボクらの時代のゲストは、小泉今日子×中井貴一×宮本理江子 キョンキョンのバブル時代は、アイドルとしてとても多忙だったようです。 アッシー君、めっしー君という言葉も懐かしいです。 バブル時代のお金をかけた仕事の様子を話しています。 ボクらの時代 2014年6月1日放送 画像:http://www.sanspo.com/geino/photos/20140413/oth14041305040001-p3.html
G g7
Love won't annihalate hatred
It builds you up till youve had enough
then wont lewt you be
g g7
Fame, wont alleviate heartache
knocks at your door gives youthe score
then wont let you be
Just when you say no more
A hand asks for the key
g bflat am
I never wanted to be in Quasimodo's Dream
g bflat
Shall I beg the ringmaster please