Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Having had no luck fishing for any direct evidence of Trump, the Trump family, the campaign team, anyone in Congress, the second cousin thrice removed or anyone else who met Trump in the last ten years having colluded with the Russians, the Salem elders are now looking at "pro-Trump" websites.

I hear water-float tests are next.

This is CNN:

So, after nearly a full day of promoting a story labeling the redoubtable Reddit meme generator HanA**holeSolo the source of President Trump's WWE vs. CNN logo wrestling gif, it turns out that CNN may have botched the story. HanA**holeSolo apologized for his myriad wrongs and stated that he never meant to promote violence. CNN threatened to out HanA**holeSolo's identity if he reneged on his apology.

And the meme Trump tweeted wasn't generated by HanA**holeSolo. CNN shot first.

Maybe their layers and layers of fact-checkers were packing moving boxes yesterday.

UPDATE: smdh

The military needs to curb-stomp these members. Drunk, young, Twitter generation, whatever, the lessons apparently need to be taught again that you don't have the same rights as civilians when you enlist.

You are not allowed to be political when in the military and for damned good reasons. You have the right of your anonymous vote to voice your politics.

Edit: Because I actually was in the military, and I actually read the QR&Os; I'll provide a link to one of the relevant orders.

Section 2 - Dealings with Public, Civil Employment and Political Activities

(1) For the purposes of this article, the adjective "military" shall be construed as relating not only to the Canadian Forces but also to the armed forces of any country.

(2) Subject to article 19.375 (Communications to News Agencies), no officer or non-commissioned member shall without permission obtained under article 19.37 (Permission to Communicate Information):
j. publish in writing or deliver any lecture, address or broadcast in any dealing with a subject of a controversial nature affecting other departments of the public service or pertaining to public policy.

Randy Ambrosie is named the new CFL Commissioner.

Excellent choice, let's hope he does better than the previous office-holder.

I guess it'll be harder to fake emission reports if the engines are all electric. I'm sure the hybrid models will grade out just fine, though. >wink<

Our monthly roundup of oil production and drilling statistics from around the world.

I hope she wins. I hope she makes the terrorist destitute. I hope he ends his days begging for coins to buy liquor.

The lawyer for the widow of an American soldier killed in Afghanistan said Tuesday they have filed an application so that any money paid by the Canadian government to a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner convicted of killing him will go toward the widow and another U.S. soldier injured.

Related: The Canadian Taxpayer Federation has a petition to deny Khadr our money.

Daily Caller;

Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of electricity generated than nuclear power plants, according to a Thursday report from the pro-nuclear group Environmental Progress (EP).

The report found that solar panels use heavy metals, including lead, chromium and cadmium, which can harm the environment. The hazards of nuclear waste are well known and can be planned for, but very little has been done to mitigate solar waste issues.

h/t patrick

"CNN has chosen the form of its Destructor. A million @4chan guys,"

Tuesday, July 4, 2017



Rona is hanging up the cleats, but remains committed to working with the fans and the team to improve the on-ice performance.

Good luck in your future.

Via Exiled Maritimer:

Poll needs help 1/3 down on right. Should the Canadian government be compensating Omar Khadr?

Bizarre computer glitch sends technology stocks all crashing to same price

Or as I like to say, "America's Hat" ;)

Of cancer you really don't care if the hospital that might have saved you has a different medical standard.

The Canadian government says that although Canadians may seek medical care in other countries, they need to be aware of the risks involved.

"It is important to remember that medical practices, health standards and infection control measures in other countries may differ from those in Canada and could result in lower quality medical care," the government says on its website.

I am sickened. Who says murdering scum-bag terrorists don't profit.

And please, no death threats in the comments section.

If Canada had any spine in the PMO, this whole payment will go to Khadr's victims but I don't know the law in this nor do I think the PMO knows what a backbone is.

Speer's widow, Tabitha, and former soldier Layne Morris, who was wounded in the firefight and lost sight in one eye, sued Khadr in a Utah court for damages. In 2015, a Salt Lake judge handed down a $134.2-million (U.S.) default settlement after receiving no reply from Khadr or his lawyers.

See also, Warren K Smith's link to the Globe & Mail story.

Happy Independence Day USA!

God Bless America!

Men At Work, Down Under

Please note, the auto publishing cron jobs don't seem to be working so posts that are normally scheduled are delayed until an admin can publish them. I've work today as well, so don't be surprised if all of a sudden there are five posts that pop up later in the day.


Monday, July 3, 2017

This will not end well.

The Democratic Unity coalition, which is starting a fourth month of street protests aims to hold a symbolic vote on July 16 to delegitimise Maduro.
Venezuelan's will also be asked their view on the military's responsibility for "recovering constitutional order" and the formation of a new "national unity" government.

equip-bulldozer.jpgThat's effectively asking if the military should stage a coup. That would be the same military that Maduro has neutered with transfers of belligerents out and loyalists in.

Venezuela is getting close to end-game, the same place socialism always ends, every single time the moon-bats try it. Deep holes and death-squads.

How deep, Mr. Maduro, indeed.

Greek Coast Guard fires on Turkish freighter.

Kalkavan confirmed that the ship, which had set off from the Turkish city of Iskenderun, near the Syrian border, had returned to Turkish waters.

Two greenhouses cleared out. Fan installed. Nine trays of annuals planted, 650 kms. One Rider game. Copious amounts of beer.

Apologies for the lack of content, I had life to do, Kate is in Texas and everyone else is enjoying their own long weekends.

We'll try and do better for Ms. Jane next week, but I should remind her that if she feels the service levels here at SDA are not up to the standards expected for the price, there is a alternative solution.

The [therapy animal] trend, which has accelerated hugely since its initial stirrings a few decades ago, is underpinned by a widespread belief that interaction with animals can reduce distress -- whether it happens over brief caresses at the airport or in long-term relationships at home. Certainly, the groups offering up pets think this, as do some mental health professionals. But the popular embrace of pets as furry therapists is causing growing discomfort among some researchers in the field, who say it has raced far ahead of scientific evidence.

You don't say.

Last month, Democratic Senator Ed Markey delivered what seemed like an explosive bit of news during an interview with CNN: A grand jury had been impaneled in New York, he said, to investigate the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia.

The only problem: It wasn't true.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Large blaze breaks out at brand new block of £1million flats in East London 'after solar panels catch fire'

Europe's Migrant Crisis- We are not going to take part in the madness of the Brussels elite."

Nancy Pelosi gives another muddled speech, confusing details and mispronouncing words

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

In today's 'Elsewhere' round-up:

Pretty sure they were trying to keep them from jumping.

Trans activist and self-declared "insatiable researcher" Zinnia Jones struggles to apprehend certain aspects of reality.


July 2017

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Recent Comments

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