- published: 10 Jun 2016
- views: 11819
Mor or MOR may refer to:
In music:
In media:
In science and technology:
Cancer, also known as a malignant tumor or malignant neoplasm, is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Possible signs and symptoms include: a new lump, abnormal bleeding, a prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements among others. While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they may also occur due to other issues. There are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans.
Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% is due to obesity, a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and consumption of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants. In the developing world nearly 20% of cancers are due to infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human papillomavirus (HPV). These factors act, at least partly, by changing the genes of a cell. Typically many such genetic changes are required before cancer develops. Approximately 5–10% of cancers are due to genetic defects inherited from a person's parents. Cancer can be detected by certain signs and symptoms or screening tests. It is then typically further investigated by medical imaging and confirmed by biopsy.
Morgellons (/mɔː(ɹ)ˈdʒɛlənz/), also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome, is a condition in which people have the delusional belief that they are infested with disease-causing agents described as things like insects, parasites, hairs or fibers, while in reality no such things are present.
People with the condition may exhibit a range of cutaneous symptoms such as crawling, biting, and stinging sensations (formication), unusual fibers in the skin, and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). These symptoms have been identified by a range of medical experts including dermatologists, entomologists, and psychiatrists, as consistent with delusional parasitosis (DP or DOP). Some cases of self-diagnosed Morgellons have been more accurately diagnosed as known skin disorders.
The name was coined in 2002 by Mary Leitao, who derived it from a 1656 essay by Sir Thomas Browne. Leitao's "Morgellons Research Foundation" and people associated with the organization who are self-diagnosed successfully lobbied members of the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate the condition. CDC researchers issued the results of their multi-year study in January 2012, indicating that there were no disease organisms present in people with Morgellons, the fibers found consisted mainly of cellulose, which the CDC suggested were likely cotton, and concluded that, in these respects, the condition was "similar to more commonly recognized conditions such as delusional infestation".
Rife or Rifé may refer to:
John White is the name of:
Cancer My Experience With Spooky2 by Johann Stegmann ( cancer, chemo, lyme, morgellons. cold, flu )
Spooky2 rife recovery testimonials (june 2015) (lyme, cancer, morgellons, weight, frequency)
Invisible Epidemics: Morgellons, Cancer & other viruses with Ingrid Naiman
Rife Recovery Guide - Cancer, Lyme, Morgellons, Ageing, Diabetes, Tumors, Weight Loss, Parasites
Morgellons (pathogen) ...Cancer Puzzle
Morgellons, Chemtrails, cancer, review, photos, 2/2, English version
Morgellons Dark Matter Under Toenail Symptom
Morgellons Eye & Worms & Power Back To You
Invisible Epidemics: Morgellons, Cancer vesves other viruses with Ingrid Naiman
Morgellons Disease Frequency Healing - Get Rid of Morgellons - Rife Frequencies
Morgellons & 5G
Poison: Maintenance Crews Carrying POISON Know the Cancer, RLS, & Morgellons BUGS (alleges)
Spooky2 Central Plasma Testimonials (phanotron, cancer, lyme, morgellons, rife)
Children of Morgellons
Morgellons Disease 2 - RIFE Frequencies Treatment - Energy & Quantum Medicine with Bioresonance
@_in_shun Targeted Individuals, Morgellons, Fibro Myalgia, Cancer, Etc., REAL CURE
Using Infused Sulfur to Cure Morgellons, Fibro, Arthritis, Cancer - Tips and Techniques 4
Morgellons Disease 1 - RIFE Frequencies Treatment - Energy & Quantum Medicine with Bioresonance
This is a condensed version from Johann's ebook guide on Cancer. Johann on Cancer - instruction manual - healing cancer with rife frequency's and spooky2.com http://bit.ly/1PjQr6m Spooky2.com is a non profit company dedicated to help every person, reclaim birth right health and happiness. ----------- Spooky2 beginner group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 Spooky2 advanced group: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Spooky2 Success Stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spook... -------- Link to Spooky2 Central Plasma: http://bit.ly/spooky2-central-plasma Link to Spooky2 Rife Generators: http://bit.ly/spooky2-generators Welcome to the Spooky2.com "Beginners" educational support group Spooky search engine http://www.Spooky2Support.com Beginners start here: http://bit.ly/spooky2...
Spooky2 Customer Testimonials - The growing list Testimony's from those who have found health recovery using Spooky2 rife device Follow along with pdf guide: http://bit.ly/Spooky2testimoniesjune2015 more info about Spooky2 rife device..... Welcome to the "Beginner's" Spooky2 Rife for Life group https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/ ----------------- Spooky2 Success Stories group https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2success and http://www.spooky2-mall.com/usertestimonials ------------------ Main website: http://spooky2.com Spooky2 store: http://spooky2-mall.com Spooky2 Starter Kit's: http://bit.ly/spooky2-generators Spooky2 Blog "how to use spooky2" http://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog Free Software and Guides - updated beginning every month: http://bit.ly/spooky2download...
Guest: Ingrid Naiman: Invisible Epidemics Author of the book Cancer Salves Ingrid's websites: Ingrid has 45 web sites (more or less, maybe more), some 2500 pages. Here are a few of potential interest. http://ingridnaiman.com/subscription_lists/posts_microscopy.html http://www.cancersalves.com/botanical_approaches/individual_herbs/boswellia.html http://www.moldmisery.com/ http://www.darkfieldstudies.com/joomla/index.php http://www.kitchendoctor.com/ http://doshabalance.com/ " If possible, I would like to focus mainly on describing the magnitude of the problem of invisible epidemics. People feel terrible, have symptoms, often bewildering symptoms, and they go from one specialist to another without getting the help needed. Out of this huge "sou...
Spooky2 using 2 Generators For Cancers v1.0 The Problem With Cancer, Lyme, Morgellons Please join us at the "Beginner's" Spooky2 Rife for Life group :) at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 Spooky2 Starter Kit:: https://bit.ly/spooky2kit Spooky2 store: https://spooky2-mall.com more info: https://spooky2.com ~~SPOOKY2 DOWNLOAD'S - updated beginning every month: https://bit.ly/spooky2download 2015 Spooky2 Manual: https://bit.ly/Spooky2ManualFeb2015 Testimony's: https://bit.ly/Spooky2---testimonials FAQ: https://bit.ly/spooky2-faq Pulse: https://bit.ly/spooky-pulse Bio-Feedback Scan (2 pages): https://bit.ly/Spooky2_Biofeedback_Scan Morgellons Protocol: https://bit.ly/morgellons-spooky2 ~~"ADVANCED" SPOOKY2 FORUMS: https://spooky2.com/forums https://groups.yahoo.com/n...
See Morgellons at CitizensAHT.org Citizens Against Harmful Technology NARRATED version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0PWi77uMH0 Supporting research at http://www.skizit.biz/2013/07/21/ecdysone-insect-hormone-an-inducible/ When you register, please consider making a $10-$20 donation for the furtherance of this research. Books and articles that confirm this research must be paid for through donations. The only way genetic transformations in Morgellons can occur is with the strict tight control by inducible expression systems such as ecdysone. Here is a model of the ecdysone receptor molecule. This is what the new DNA inserts, a molecule which will accept non-human hormones to start the transcription of foreign DNA in the body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-9wOuqbIwQ MORE MORGELLON...
Morgellons Dark Matter Under Toenail Symptom
Guest: Ingrid Naiman: Invisible Epidemics Author of the book Cancer Salves Ingrids websites: Ingrid has 45 web sites (more or less, maybe more), some 2500 . See Morgellons at CitizensAHT.org Citizens Against Harmful Technology NARRATED version: Supporting .
If you like this video and you get a benefit from using it, please consider purchasing the downloadable version, to make a donation or at least disable the Ad Blocker you might have. This enables me to produce more of these free videos for the benefit of all. *** Website: (Personal Recordings and Assistance available now): https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/ *** Store: https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/store/ *** Unveil Your Mastery - A Journey of Total Transformation - Remember Who You Truly Are: https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/unveil-mastery-sales-page/ *************************************************************** Medical Disclaimer: Sound, Frequency and Energy healing are energy based healing methods. This recording is not intended to represent that it is used to diagnose...
Threat Assessment: WHAT DO YOU CALL A SYSTEM, With Anita WDYCAS http://www.youtube.com/user/WhatDoYouCallASystem (From YouTube: LifeCancerChallenges) The maintenance man knows the cancer causing bugs that the researchers know, the doctors know, and many in the science industry. The maintenance does not know more than them, but the poison crews deliver the POISON. I have made information simple to find. . SIMPLE QUERIES: YOUTUBE'S SEARCH BAR USE THIS BELOW 1 2 WDYCAS baking soda WDYCAS Morgellons WDYCAS fiber disease WDYCAS rainbow disease WDYCAS rape women WDYCAS home security WDYCAS Morgellons relief WDYCAS wealth redistribution WDYCAS car colors WDYCAS e-mail crime WDYCAS human experimentation WDYCAS rfid chips WDYCAS se...
Welcome to the Spooky2.com "Beginners" educational support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 One can buy Spooky2 Centrals at http://www.spooky2-mall.com/products more testimonials: Spooky2 Success Stories (with music) http://bit.ly/2dWKiqg Spooky2 Success Stories (no music) http://bit.ly/2dD9T43 Advanced Spooky2 forum: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Spooky2 free software and guides, updated the 1st of every month: http://spooky2.com/downloadsPage/inde... Spooky (like google) search engine http://www.Spooky2Support.com Spooky2 testimonies http://www.spooky2reviews.com Beginners start here: http://bit.ly/spooky2-start-here Beginners, visual quick start tutorials: http://www.spooky2-mall.com/videos Spooky2 Notes: Set up and First Rife: http://bit.ly/first-rife-se...
BioResonance Therapy uses concepts of energy medicine and quantum physics to help the body’s self regulatory system. It describes the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. It assists the body by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and all cells in the body, while suppressing the signals given off by allergens and other stressors. We've made a collection of videos that contain a combinaison of isolated Rife Frequencies (by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife) + Specifics frequencies to harmonize the Aura, Chakras and Meridians + Specifics Symbols (forms) to boost your vital energy. For more informations : Dr Royal RIFE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Rife Exemple of treatment by Rife fr...
Targeted Individuals, Fibro Myalgia, CFS/ME, etcetera possible game changer. Even though I don't say so directly in this video, I have found what I believe to be a viable treatment/cure for many severe maladies including some types of cancer. I believe that most of these impairments stem from the same condition (ingrown hair) that I have found myself with, and that I have somewhat described herein. The solution that I have found to eventually be as close to a complete cure as possible, assuming proper usage over time, is 10% sulfur in a very mild soap base applied in a certain way (explained in the video) to the heaviest areas of the infection (ingrowth). Even though this first video is initially targeted at the TI's (Targeted Individuals) amongst us, there are much further very ser...
Using Infused Sulfur to Cure Morgellons, Fibro, Arthritis, Cancer - Tips and Techniques 4 https://youtu.be/WNkwbMYNsw0
BioResonance Therapy uses concepts of energy medicine and quantum physics to help the body’s self regulatory system. It describes the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. It assists the body by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and all cells in the body, while suppressing the signals given off by allergens and other stressors. We've made a collection of videos that contain a combinaison of isolated Rife Frequencies (by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife) + Specifics frequencies to harmonize the Aura, Chakras and Meridians + Specifics Symbols (forms) to boost your vital energy. For more informations : Dr Royal RIFE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Rife Exemple of treatment by Rife fr...
Maladie étrange, MORGELLONS due a des manipulations technologique. Des fils qui pénètrent le corps, et bougent. La nanotechnologie, une haute technologie en pleine expansion, utilisée dans tout les domaines, dans un incertitude totale! Manipulations atomiques qui incitent au rêve du consumérisme, sans percevoir le cauchemar qui peut être engendré. L'homme est un créateur de bonne foi de monstruosités, sous la bonne garde des désirs d'un meilleur confort, et d'une pseudo santé physique. La civilisation en marche? qui nous sauvera? Danger OGM, danger d'être séquencé, danger des additifs des carburants, et danger pour l'homme et son intégrité, jusqu'à sa propre intégrité génétique...
This is a condensed version from Johann's ebook guide on Cancer. Johann on Cancer - instruction manual - healing cancer with rife frequency's and spooky2.com http://bit.ly/1PjQr6m Spooky2.com is a non profit company dedicated to help every person, reclaim birth right health and happiness. ----------- Spooky2 beginner group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 Spooky2 advanced group: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Spooky2 Success Stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spook... -------- Link to Spooky2 Central Plasma: http://bit.ly/spooky2-central-plasma Link to Spooky2 Rife Generators: http://bit.ly/spooky2-generators Welcome to the Spooky2.com "Beginners" educational support group Spooky search engine http://www.Spooky2Support.com Beginners start here: http://bit.ly/spooky2...
Spooky2 Customer Testimonials - The growing list Testimony's from those who have found health recovery using Spooky2 rife device Follow along with pdf guide: http://bit.ly/Spooky2testimoniesjune2015 more info about Spooky2 rife device..... Welcome to the "Beginner's" Spooky2 Rife for Life group https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/ ----------------- Spooky2 Success Stories group https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2success and http://www.spooky2-mall.com/usertestimonials ------------------ Main website: http://spooky2.com Spooky2 store: http://spooky2-mall.com Spooky2 Starter Kit's: http://bit.ly/spooky2-generators Spooky2 Blog "how to use spooky2" http://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog Free Software and Guides - updated beginning every month: http://bit.ly/spooky2download...
Guest: Ingrid Naiman: Invisible Epidemics Author of the book Cancer Salves Ingrid's websites: Ingrid has 45 web sites (more or less, maybe more), some 2500 pages. Here are a few of potential interest. http://ingridnaiman.com/subscription_lists/posts_microscopy.html http://www.cancersalves.com/botanical_approaches/individual_herbs/boswellia.html http://www.moldmisery.com/ http://www.darkfieldstudies.com/joomla/index.php http://www.kitchendoctor.com/ http://doshabalance.com/ " If possible, I would like to focus mainly on describing the magnitude of the problem of invisible epidemics. People feel terrible, have symptoms, often bewildering symptoms, and they go from one specialist to another without getting the help needed. Out of this huge "sou...
Welcome to the Spooky2.com "Beginners" educational support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 One can buy Spooky2 Centrals at http://www.spooky2-mall.com/products more testimonials: Spooky2 Success Stories (with music) http://bit.ly/2dWKiqg Spooky2 Success Stories (no music) http://bit.ly/2dD9T43 Advanced Spooky2 forum: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Spooky2 free software and guides, updated the 1st of every month: http://spooky2.com/downloadsPage/inde... Spooky (like google) search engine http://www.Spooky2Support.com Spooky2 testimonies http://www.spooky2reviews.com Beginners start here: http://bit.ly/spooky2-start-here Beginners, visual quick start tutorials: http://www.spooky2-mall.com/videos Spooky2 Notes: Set up and First Rife: http://bit.ly/first-rife-se...
http://www.thetruthdenied.com/ The Truth Denied Guest: Steven Swan, Dr. Hulda Clark Consultant Steven Swan has been studying and using the discoveries, inventions, and protocols of Dr. Clark for many years to keep Himself healthy. He has also used them to cure his own asthma and his own psoriasis. Swan has a consulting service for anyone wishing assistance in using Dr. Clark's protocols to cure their own ailment or diseases. His website is www.drclarkconsultant.com. Steven Swan has also updated Dr. Clark's earlier cures for asthma, psoriasis, eczema, epilepsy, seizures, and soft teeth using information Dr. Clark provided in her last cancer-curing book. They are available for only $19.95 each at Swan's website www.clarkupdates.com. Swan also has a Dr. Hulda Clark blog located at http:...
If you like this video and you get a benefit from using it, please consider purchasing the downloadable version, to make a donation or at least disable the Ad Blocker you might have. This enables me to produce more of these free videos for the benefit of all. *** Website: (Personal Recordings and Assistance available now): https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/ *** Store: https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/store/ *** Unveil Your Mastery - A Journey of Total Transformation - Remember Who You Truly Are: https://www.freedomconsciousness.com/unveil-mastery-sales-page/ *************************************************************** Medical Disclaimer: Sound, Frequency and Energy healing are energy based healing methods. This recording is not intended to represent that it is used to diagnose...
Warning kinda gross but what many face with parasitical issues and Morgellons https://youtu.be/xsiJpuARHcE here's First of all if you don't know about Morgellons are What's called the superbug are nano technology I suggest you watch this video https://youtu.be/xsiJpuARHcE also look up nanotechnology transhumanism chemtrails smart dust and you'll see it worldwide this is going on why I am a vegan watch this video All About parasites https://youtu.be/9I-nSHDms44 alien disease Morgellons https://youtu.be/P60RSzraxMA is best to look at this like a doctor would lol it'll make it easier https://youtu.be/PV4rowSN_AQ Morgellons inside of urine and feces towards the end I test test alcohol peroxide and borax see how it affects it and it most certainly start singing together and doing some we...
Guest: Ingrid Naiman: Invisible Epidemics Author of the book Cancer Salves Ingrids websites: Ingrid has 45 web sites (more or less, maybe more), some 2500 . See Morgellons at CitizensAHT.org Citizens Against Harmful Technology NARRATED version: Supporting .
This is a true record of my current health condition showing up to date images and condition of my health, my focus is distorted looking at myself it's as though I'm doped but thats just me feeling wiped out with brain fog and stress caused by this illness if you view other you tube recordings on my channel i look more lively on one or two it's like these things are taking over my brain ?. Anyway I'm sending my prayers thoughts and best wishes to all sufferers and to those we have lost God rest their souls and lift this awful curse off us all. Amen xxx Billy King Liverpool UK
Maladie étrange, MORGELLONS due a des manipulations technologique. Des fils qui pénètrent le corps, et bougent. La nanotechnologie, une haute technologie en pleine expansion, utilisée dans tout les domaines, dans un incertitude totale! Manipulations atomiques qui incitent au rêve du consumérisme, sans percevoir le cauchemar qui peut être engendré. L'homme est un créateur de bonne foi de monstruosités, sous la bonne garde des désirs d'un meilleur confort, et d'une pseudo santé physique. La civilisation en marche? qui nous sauvera? Danger OGM, danger d'être séquencé, danger des additifs des carburants, et danger pour l'homme et son intégrité, jusqu'à sa propre intégrité génétique...
Using Infused Sulfur to Cure Morgellons, Fibro, Arthritis, Cancer - Tips and Techniques 4 https://youtu.be/WNkwbMYNsw0
Mark answers questions live on lymphatic detoxification--the highest healing known. He discusses frutarianism, iridology, herbs, so-called "cancer, MS, Parkinson's, dementia, diabetes" and more. BE HERE Monday's at 6:30 for a "LIVE" broadcast. Website: http://www.markjamesgordon.com Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markgordonwe... Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/markjamesgordon Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/markjamesgordon JIVANA Detox-All Tea: http://www.jivanadetox.com Mark Gordon is a Natural Health Practitioner and Certified Detoxification Specialist (ISOD) trained by Dr. Robert Morse, ND. Getting the acids out of your lymph system is the key to health and this is done by eating an alkaline forming diet of raw living food -- mostly fruits and some veg...
Spooky2 Guide Audiobook - March 2017 Spooky2 study strategies: 1. Listen to audiobook 2. Turn off audio, read guide, pages turn every 10 seconds. 3. Multi-task, listen to audiobook and read guide at same time. Spooky2 Links: Main site: http://www.spooky2.com Spooky2 Testimonials: http://www.spooky2reviews.com Spooky2 Tech Support: http://www.spooky2support.com Spooky2 Video Tutorials: http://www.spooky2videos.com Buy Spooky2: http://www.spooky2-mall.com/products Spooky2 Rife Audio Therapy: http://www.rifetherapies.com http://www.rifetherapies.com/rife-frequencies/ Spooky2 beginner group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/ Spooky2 advanced group: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Free Spooky2 software and guides: http://spooky2.com/downloadsPage/index.html --------------- Spooky2 tut...
WHAT DO YOU CALL A SYSTEM, With Anita WDYCAS http://www.youtube.com/user/WhatDoYouCallASystem (Water Contamination, Beware In Hotels & Apartments) If there is one thing I can share with Morgellons sufferers, fight for just a good night's rest. Fight for the next night's rest, then another, then another. Next fight for LESS PAIN tomorrow. Fight again for LESS PAIN again. Baby steps are needed and fighting for the rest you so deserve. The crime of severe poisoning occured in Woodstock, GA. http://www.youtube.com/user/WhatDoYouCallASystem
Using Sulfur Soap to Cure Morgellons Disease, Fibro Myalgia, Cancer, Arthritis, Ingrown Hair, etc. Tips and Techniques 1 Even though I don't say so directly in this video, I have found what I believe to be a viable treatment/cure for many severe maladies including some types of cancer. I believe that most of these impairments stem from the same condition (ingrown hair) that I have found myself with, and that I have somewhat described herein. The solution that I have found to eventually be as close to a complete cure as possible, assuming proper usage over time, is 10% sulfur in a very mild soap base applied in a certain way (explained in the video) to the heaviest areas of the infection (ingrowth). Though I have been in this state more severely than most with these ills, I think that...
This updated hard-hitting video presentation compiles several of the most recent reports on Chemtrails, and the epidemic outbreak of Morgellon's disease coast to coast. The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH version contains extended news coverage, and other information which anybody interested in knowing the truth about Chemtrails must not miss!! Politically aware individuals will understand the connection between this documented activity, and the proven 'End Game' theories of patriots such as Alex Jones, Anthony J. Hilder, Phil Schneider (RIP), and many others, as well as the 'Zeitgeist' religious conspiracy (which has been carried out upon humanity for millennium by the apex echelon of dynastic elite). This is the time for the powerful creative forces of good, inner light, and love to take back this sp...
http://yt.ultimatebrainwave.com/ - access the ultimate brainwave entrainment library!
Spooky Central - Plasma Mode info We’re very happy and proud to announce the launch of Spooky Central, our flagship Rife machine and centerpiece of the Spooky2 Rife System. Developed in secrecy over the past two years, this astonishing machine has it all – super plasma, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF), ultrasonics, and augmented Contact Mode. ---- Spooky Central with Paul: https://youtu.be/hnQJ5M_wzE0 Spooky Central with Brigette: https://youtu.be/glJ-4q_K44M ---- learn how to use Spooky Central: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Spooky2 and http://www.spooky2.com/forums ------- PEMF provides powerful magnetic fields that pulse one hundred times a second, delivering a 29-volt spike of energy at the end of each pulse. The fields are globular, and they extend six inches from each coil...
This audiobook describes Spooky2 Central plasma device and Spooky2 Rife frequency generators, created from the specifications of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. Spooky2.com is a non profit company dedicated to help every person, reclaim birth right health and happiness. This audiobook is to be used along with Spooky2 guide that can be downloaded at: http://spooky2.com/downloadsPage/index.html This audiobook was created via artificial intelligence :) ----------- Spooky2 beginner group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2 Spooky2 advanced group: http://www.spooky2.com/forums Spooky2 Success Stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spook... -------- Link to Spooky2 Central Plasma: http://bit.ly/spooky2-central-plasma Link to Spooky2 Rife Generators: http://bit.ly/spooky2-generators Wel...