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Beyond Madness

Manager: alicorna
Illnesses > Mental Health
Beyond Madness, created in 1996, is a ring dedicated to bringing together web sites dealing with any type of mental illness and mental health in general. This includes, but is not limited to, sites concerning depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, panic disorder, mania, personality disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD, and adult attention deficit disorder.

It is the hope of the ring manager that this ring will provide healing, resources, and a sense of community to those who are affected by these illnesses.

The image used for the ring logo is "Insanity" by Władysław Podkowiński (1866-1895).


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   Night Hells (Night Terrors) and Hearing Voices Preview Go
At last we have an explanation of, and a true healing possibility for, a widely occurring mental health issue involving night terrors and/or tormenting inner voices, often with various manifestations of deep seated fear. With this new understanding, many people currently considered mentally ill or psychotic can at last be understood and fully healed - and indeed the true source of virtually ALL mental health issues is revealed and indeed can be addressed.

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   Anxiety and Doing Something to Pre-empt It Preview Go
If I can do something about a problem then I just need to do it and there is no need to worry. If I find there is nothing I can do about a problem there is nothing to be done and so no point in worrying.
   Treating Depression Preview Go
Find help in treating depression. Dr. Neil Nedley will use medication if needed but uses natural treatments that will turn your life around.

   Bonni's Personal Pages: Survivor Preview Go
My story of a dysfunctional family, domestic violence, sexual assault, and attempted self-destruction, and how I healed from it.
   Anxiety Attacks Preview Go
What I've learned & experienced throughout my nearly twenty-year battle with anxiety. How they began, my story, feelings, what's helped, what hasn't. Also, sound, heartfealt advice from Dr. Jeanette- licensed Psychologist helping people overcome anxiety without drugs. The benefits of Yoga on the mind and body.
   The Story of a PROUD Nut Case Preview Go
The politics of insanity: A story of one woman's four involuntary psychiatric commitments.
   Promethean Fire - Eating Disorders Preview Go
This site offers information about eating disorders and links to help.
   The Cheesemeister's Psychological Sewer Preview Go
Bad tempered bipolar curmudgeon is kinder on the inside than she appears to be on the outside. B*tch with problems seeks sympathetic ears, eyes, or whatever. Just trying to keep myself from committing suicide on a daily basis but am doing so slowly on a daily basis. I am very creative. It is my blessing and my curse.
   LoveCry's Healing Site! Preview Go
LoveCry is a non profit company owned and operated by abuse survivors and street kids world wide.
   Soul Lost Preview Go
A site detailing my own experiences with sexual abuse, bpd, ptsd, and self-injury.

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