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Updated July 5, 2017 - 4:59 PM EDT
US Tells North Korea It Is Prepared to Go to War
  North Korea Claims Successful ICBM Test Launch
  US Wants Show of Force on Korea; Russia, China Urge Calm
  China Defends North Korea Efforts After Trump Outburst
Tillerson: Assad's Fate Is in Russia's Hands Now
  US-Backed Forces Breach Raqqa's Old City Wall
  Iraq Slows Mosul Offensive While Celebrating 'Big Victory'
  Mass Execution of Turkmen; 230 Killed in Iraq
UAE Foreign Minister to Qatar: 'Enough Is Enough'
Pentagon Withholds Nuke Inspection Results
States With Most Casualties Elected Trump
Canada to Apologize to Ex-Gitmo Detainee, Pay Millions
Police Seize Servers of Ukrainian Firm After Cyberattack
The 'Forgotten' US Shootdown of Iranian Airliner Flight 655  by Jeremy R. Hammond
Moral Injury of War: The Invisible Wound of Empire  by Nozomi Hayase
Military Spouses: Lead US Out of the Quagmire!  by Jacob G. Hornberger
Anti-Interventionist Voters Elected Trump  by Justin Raimondo
Trump: Toward War in the Middle East  by Adil E. Shamoo
The North Korea Crisis Is Coming to a Boil  by Doug Bandow

More Viewpoints

How the National Security State Censors Hollywood
American Police Are Acting Like Military Occupiers
Widow Goes After Money Canada Will Give Ex-Gitmo Prisoner
Philippine Supreme Court Upholds Duterte's Martial Law Edict
People 'Burned to Death in Homes' by South Sudan's Govt Militias
Mass Execution of Turkmen; 230 Killed in Iraq
Civilians Emerge From Mosul's Rubble Starving, Injured, and Traumatized
'You Destroy, We Rebuild': a Builder's Life in War-Torn Syria
Fire Kills Girl at Syrian Refugee Camp in Lebanon: Medical Source
Lebanese Army Says Four Syrian Detainees Died From Illness
Labor Party Votes to Oust Leader Herzog; Peretz, Gabbay Head to Runoff
A Look Into Haredi Textbooks Shows Hatred and Racism
Settler Leader Used State Resources to Fund Illegal Outpost, While Israel Turned Blind Eye
Starved of Power, Gaza's Palestinians Buckle Under an Oppressive Heatwave
Feeling Unwanted and Unwelcome, African Migrants Hit by New Tax in Israel
Border Police Say Jerusalem Terror Attack Foiled at West Bank Checkpoint
Police Seize Knives, Bats, Incendiaries Ahead of Hamburg G20 Summit
Germany Must Brace for More Attacks by Radicalized Muslims: Officials
Italy-Austria Tension Over Border Troops at Brenner Pass
Trump to Promote US Natural Gas Exports in Russia's Backyard
Theresa May Delaying Report on Saudi Funding of Extremism
Turkey Insists on Troop Presence in Any Cyprus Peace Deal
Catalonia to Split From Spain Within 48 Hours of Secession Vote – Referendum Draft Bill
Juncker Tells Near-Empty EU Parliament: 'You Are Ridiculous'
Portuguese Prosecutor Suspects Gun Runners, Militants in Arms Theft
Relatives of Mexican Gang Members Say They Were Executed by Police
Venezuela's Attorney General Refuses Court Summons
Qatar Plans to Increase Gas Production Despite Sanctions
Libyan Military Accuses Qatar of Supporting Terrorism
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Soldier Killed, Three Wounded in Explosion
Saudi Arabian Airlines Hopes US Will Lift Laptop Ban by July 19
Saudi Arabia Agrees to Iran Consulates in Hajj
Iran Guards Chief Calls Saudi 'Terrorist State'
Volkswagen Will Sell Cars in Iran for First Time in 17 Years
Middle East

Activist Detained in Bahrain at 'High Risk of Torture'

Assailant Kills Police Officer, Commits Suicide in Turkish Court House: Anadolu
North Korea
North Korea Vows More 'Gift Packages' of Missile Tests for US
US Requests UN Security Council Meeting on North Korea Missile Launch
Russia, China: North Korea Missile Test 'Unacceptable'
North Korea Appeared to Use China Truck in Its First Claimed ICBM Test
What Is an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile?
Philippine Army Prepares 'Last Assault' in Marawi
One Rohingya Man Killed, Six Hurt When Buddhists Attacked Them in Myanmar
Egypt Extends State of Emergency as Roadside Explosion Kills Three Policemen
Egypt Agrees to Open Rafah Border Crossing
Libya: Tripoli Beachgoers Killed by Shelling
Kenya County Officials Blame Military for Five in Shallow Grave
Ignoring International Warrants, Sudan's Leader Says He'll Visit Moscow
Tanzania Orders Arrest of Opposition MP for Insulting President
Burundi Authorities Purging Army on Ethnic Lines: Rights Group
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Anti-Interventionist Voters Elected Trump

Sheldon Richman
The American Way of War

Ivan Eland
Potential Savings in the Defense Budget

Lucy Steigerwald
It Doesn't Matter Who Controls the Military

Dan Sanchez
Is Wonder Woman War Propaganda?

Ran HaCohen
Israel: Neither Democratic or Jewish

David R. Henderson
Robert Gates, Pro and Con

Nebojsa Malic
Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

Additional Contributors
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