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Skeptical Inquirer

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Skeptical Inquirer is the official journal of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. It is published by the Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Six times per year Skeptical Inquirer publishes critical scientific evaluations of all manner of controversial and extraordinary claims, including but not limited to paranormal and fringe-science matters, and informed discussion of all relevant issues. In addition to news, articles, book reviews, and investigations on a wide variety of topics, Skeptical Inquirer has a stellar stable of regular columnists including Joe Nickell (“Investigative Files”), Massimo Polidoro (“Notes on a Strange World”), Massimo Pigluicci (“Thinking About Science”), Robert Sheaffer (“Psychic Vibrations”), and SI managing editor Benjamin Radford's reader-driven (“The Skeptical Inquiree”). Yale University neurologist Steven Novella, M.D., founder of the New England Skeptical Society and executive editor of the Science-Based Medicine blog, contributes a new "The Science of Medicine" column, and contributing editor Kenneth W. Krause adds a regular science column, "ScienceWatch."

Los campos electromagnéticos ¿pueden crear fantasmas?

by Ben Radford, translated by Alejandro Borgo
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017

Skeptical Inquiree

Si usted está seguro de que los fantasmas son reales (y no el producto de alucinaciones inducidas por CMEs), no hay lógica ni razón alguna para usar un dispositivo para detectar dichos CMEs.

Surviving the Misinformation Age

Surviving the Misinformation Age

by David J. Helfand
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017


For ourselves and our society, survival in the current era requires adopting scientific habits of mind.

Statin Denialism

Statin Denialism

by Harriet Hall
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017


The benefits of statins far outweigh their risks, but public perception has been skewed by alarmist misinformation from statin denialists.

Vaccines, Autism, and the Promotion of Irrelevant Research: A Science-Pseudoscience Analysis

by Craig A. Foster and Sarenna M. Ortiz
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017


Proponents of the vaccination-autism link have created a bogus scientific debate by providing lists of studies that supposedly support their claims but are actually either questionable or irrelevant. We identify this as a relatively new pseudoscience tactic: the promotion of irrelevant research.

Still ‘Amazing’: A Conversation with James Randi, Part 2

Still ‘Amazing’: A Conversation with James Randi, Part 2

by Kendrick Frazier
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017


You were asked how to treat a friend who ardently believes in the paranormal. You said, “Be kind. Be kind. They believe because they need to believe. Be compassionate.”

Some Queensland Mysteries

Some Queensland Mysteries

by Joe Nickell
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017

Investigative Files

Strange mysteries may be found almost anywhere, but they seem especially plentiful and interesting in Australia.

The Return of the Fairies

The Return of the Fairies

by Massimo Polidoro
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017

Notes on a Strange World

“In this case, the gnome is seen as a guardian of nature, just like our Corp is recognized as the environmental protector.”

It Just Never Stops ...

by James Randi
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017

A Magician in the Lab

Any nonsense that powerful people such as Oprah Winfrey choose to promote is featured as fact, quackery is extolled, and pseudoscience is flaunted in news media rather than on pulp magazine racks.

The Mindfulness Movement

The Mindfulness Movement

by Matt Nisbet
Volume 41.3, May/June 2017

The Science of Science Communication

How a Buddhist Practice Evolved into a Scientific Approach to Life…

Why Skepticism?

by Ronald A. Lindsay
Volume 41.2, March/April 2017


The issues we address are only “soft” targets in the sense that there may be little scientific support for some of these claims. But these claims actually can be very resilient because of ideological support or commercial interests.

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