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Trading in Venezuela's dollar bonds was more volatile in June, with its benchmark $US4 billion of notes due in 2027 ...

Venezuelan default risk rises

Bets on a Venezuelan default are climbing as international reserves near $US10b amid heightened anti-government protests.

Deliveroo faces claims it is underpaying staff.

Welcome to the rough gig economy

In what can only be described as a disturbing new trend, an increasing number of Australians are facing a lifetime of insecure work thanks to rapidly appearing digital economy employers operating on the internet.

Russia doesn't want to change the current deal because any further supply curbs would send the wrong message to the ...

Oil tumbles most in four weeks

Crude oil fell sharply, ending the longest winning streak this year, amid reported Russian opposition to deeper output cuts.

Open interest on the Shanghai Futures Exchange's steel reinforcement bar contract surged to a record 2.82 million lots ...

China's risky record steel punts

Chinese investors have racked up an unprecedented volume of bets on steel futures, raising the prospect of a sharp retreat.

Term deposit interest rates have been declining since 2010, and are now at their lowest point in recent memory.

'Savers the big losers' from rate rises

Only 15 of 75 lending institutions have increased the interest rate on any of their term deposits since August, when the RBA cuts rates to a record low of 1.5 per cent.

Flight Centre soared after it raised its profit expectations for the full year.

ASX shudders as Korean tensions rise

Sabre-rattling over North Korea's missile program sent investors seeking out safe haven assets, but strong gains in the miners kept a lid on the market's losses.

Your suitcase has taken on a life of its own. It can now tell you if it has strayed too far, or if you've packed too ...

Did you pack too much? Your suitcase knows

Your suitcase has taken on a life of its own. It can now tell you if it has strayed too far, or if you've packed too much, and it may soon be able to call you an Uber car.

Small Business