This cookery article is really just about showing off

I'LL be explaining a simple but delicious Italian dish, while tossing in the odd aside like the fact that we have a boathouse.

Educated women unable to find men despite willingness to accept some twattish qualities

INTELLIGENT young women are struggling to find partners despite being open to men who are sometimes a bit twattish.

Is it hot, or too hot? Take the Mash test

IT'S SUMMER, the sun is blazing down, and it's nice and hot. Or is it too hot? Take our test to find out.

For sale: Luxury Shard apartments representing everything wrong with world

THIS is your chance to live in a massive steel penis like something out of a depressing science fiction film.

Cameron: Am I the only good, selfless person left in Britain? 

OVER the last year, I have been left aghast by the selfishness of Britons in their wilful, egocentric behaviour. 

Selfish nurses quitting to kick back and enjoy their massive wealth

NURSES are leaving the NHS in record numbers because they are already minted, it has emerged.

Bristol to be reclassified as London suburb

BRISTOL is so overrun by 'relocating' London twats that it might as well just be in London, it has been confirmed.

Delivery driver's coming anticipated like Christ's

THE coming of a DPD driver who will drop off a package today has been anticipated like the return of the messiah.

'Have I told you I'm in therapy now?' asks friend who talks about nothing else

A WOMAN who has started therapy mentions it in every single conversation, it has emerged.