From the blog

Vegetative Love, a film by Dror Shohet Posted Jun 03, 2017 By Lawrence Joffe

On 7 June Meretz UK and Spiro Ark will jointly screen the film Vegetative Love by Dror Shohet. See below more information about this amazing documentary and its

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A Year of Historical Choices – by Uri Zaki Posted Jan 03, 2017 By Lawrence Joffe

A Year of Anniversaries, A Year of Historical Choices By Uri Zaki – who is speaking at Meretz UK this Sunday 2017 is going to be

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Natasha Pein on her scholarship to Givat Haviva’s “outstanding” 2016 intensive Arabic course Posted Aug 31, 2016 By Lawrence Joffe

Intensive Arabic Semester 2016: Report By Natasha Pein   Natsha Pein received a grant from Hashomer Hatzair UK Centenary Award towards Givat Haviva’s Intensive Arabic

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