Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Christina Pearson to speak at RAW Day in Santa Cruz July 23

 A windy day at Monterey Bay in 2016. From left, Richard Rasa, Christina Pearson, German radio journalist Maximilian Netter, Marlin Jermutus (from Rasa's band, Starseed.)

The Robert Anton Wilson Trust has issued its own official announcement on RAW Day in Santa Cruz July 23, following up on the news from our British friends.

The main additional news appears to be Christina Pearson, Robert Anton Wilson's daughter and literary executor, confirmed as an additional speaker, hence the headline for this post. From the official announcement:

Confirmed speakers include:

Daisy Campbell – the writer and director who recently staged the Cosmic Trigger Play in London, to great critical acclaim. She is a central figure in the UK’s Discordian counterculture revival.

Christina Pearson, Bob's daughter, Trustee of the Robert Anton Wilson Trust and co-publisher of Hilaritas Press


Erik Davis – author and podcaster behind TechGnosis – a seminal writer on the intersection between magic, mysticism and technology.

Richard Rasa – co-publisher of Hilaritas Press and Meta-Programming Director of the RAW Trust, who together with Bob's daughter Christina, is re-releasing mosbunall of Bob's books via Hilaritas Press.

In addition to the talks, DJ, record label boss Greg Wilson (no relation) and creator of the Super Weird Happenings taking the UK by storm, will be playing a cosmically-infused set.

The event is now listed as being from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. July 23 at The Museum of Art and History, 705 Front Street in Santa Cruz, Calif. Link for tickets is here. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Email to the Universe discussion group, Week Nine

 By Gregory Arnott, guest blogger

Part III: In Defense of the Damned

"the Damned" is presumably the same group of ideas and phenomena that do not fit into our perceived reality "correctly" and are thus discarded, after those peculiarities that Charles Fort named his famous opus, The Book of the Damned.

I was going to comment on RAW's quotes about the bush administration, but I backspaced after deciding that I've talk way too much about republicans in the White House in these posts. Presumably everyone here has access to the news and is capable of making their own comparisons.

Guns and Dope Party

This is RAW at his most petulantly anti-order which tickles me blue. I realize that my politics are more radical than most of the older readers of this blog, but as I have mentioned before, I am currently a member of the Guns and Dope Party and fully believe in its mission. My political beliefs at this point can be boiled down to "mind your own business" which could have curbed a lot of sacrosanct patriotic bullshit in this country if that had been printed on our currency instead of the absurdly pompous "In God We Trust." RAW points out on pg. 169 that our government does indeed seem to believe that God is on their side or at least want us to believe that they do. I'm gonna trust Bob/Olga over the professional fuckers we reelect year after year so they can keep fleecing us.

The George Washington quote at the beginning of the essay reminds me of a point that Bill Hicks made: no matter how many sub-machines guns and assault rifles a survivalist has, the government has tanks and bombs (and now drones). While I have nothing against gun ownership, I come from a very West Virginian family and even own a pistol, it is a good thing to remember that the average citizen stands no chance against the might of "our" government's armory.

Remember when everyone thought Skull and Bones was an important conspiracy?

The Gadsen flag is an example of a symbol whose context has rapidly changed since the publication of email to the Universe. It is now primarily associated with the Tea Party and such grassroots rightwing sentiments.

For anyone else who was unfamiliar with the term "suidaen" it is the descriptive term for the biological family Suidae whose members include pigs, boars, and hogs. I'd take ostriches over pigs any day.

"If Olga doesn't talk to you, you need more pain medicine, and frankly I don't understand how you've survived three years of Bozo without it." I was in the middle of one of my valiant yet futile attempts to kick my nicotine habit around November 7th 2016- I gave up on the 8th figuring we won't be around long enough now to justify me worrying about it. (I speak partially in jest, knowing how addictions can find infinite reasons for the continuation. For those of you concerned about my health I am currently on another one of my "quitting kicks.")

Damn. Isn't Lysander Spooner's tax plan ingenious? Where I'm from a lot of people love to bitch about Medicare, Medicaid, WIC (damn those money grubbing women, infants, and children) and such being funded from their pockets. I'd much rather pay the minuscule amount of tax that I lose to social programs than the massive amount of my taxes that go to funding Babylon-Washington and the defense of Israel.

Now that the republicans and those damn russians have decided to let bygones by bygones and final become the dream duo of bullshit nationalistic politics, a sizable chunk of our population is revealing their natural love of tsardom.  Of course, as I listen to people's opinions (unasked for) about others drug use, I realize that many of the critters on the planet of the apes believe in regulating what drugs, herbs, compounds, etc. can go into the bodies of the private citizenry. To someone like myself who doesn't believe in victimless "crime," this makes those critters seem hostile and dangerous; far more dangerous that the poor sot injecting heroin in some vaguely imagined trap house. Tsardom, police quotas, and the piss police will all have to be utterly rejected for this to ever be anything resembling "the Land of the Free."

Every man and woman is a tsar. And everyone reading this is a pope. Make your own goddamn rules and govern the one person you actually have a right to govern in the way that seems best to you.

The John Adams quotation on pg. 175 brings up the invaluable legal tactic of jury nullification which RAW writes about extensively elsewhere. I try to educate as many people as possible about the existence and necessity of jury nullification.

RAW's explanation of why Olga is essential serious, scientific, and sincerely surrealist aspects of the Guns and Dope Party is deft and resonates with me. That is why I am always proud to endorse the idea that 33% of Congress really should be changed to ostriches. I'd like to see Congress be productive and civilized someday.

W.C. Fields closes the chapter and I'll insert a non sequitar, my favorite story relating to the old comedian/philosopher:

On his death bed, he supposedly asked his banker, "Do I have enough money to buy all the children of Philadelphia a bike each?" The banker looked at his notes and said yes. Fields stayed quiet for a moment in deep thought and replied "Well fuck 'em!"

Sunday, July 9, 2017

RAW and Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche

When I re-read "Left and Right: A Non-Euclidian Perspective," I was struck by RAW's comment that that Nietzsche made a "powerful impression" on him and that "I still re-read one or two of his books every year, and get new semantic insights from them."

As I have never read Nietzsche, this raises the question of where to begin.

I pulled out my trusty copy of Eric Wagner's An Insider's Guide to Robert Anton Wilson by Eric Wagner, and sure enough, Eric is on the case, noting that Wilson mentioned Nietzsche in both of his lists of books that everyone needs to read.

One list includes Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ. The other lists The Anti-Christ in H.L. Mencken's translation.

When I looked in the Kindle store on Amazon, I found the Mencken translation of Anti-Christ for 99 cents, so I bought it. There were cheap editions of Twilight, too, but I couldn't figure out which translations were good.

I once saw a Gahan Wilson cartoon that showed a man sitting at a bar, with a robot standing next to him. The man with the robot tells another person in the tavern, "He's programmed to take me home when I begin quoting Nietzsche."

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Watch a five minute video of RAW by Rasa

It's just been uploaded to YouTube.

The video is called "Non Simultaneously Apprehended."

On Facebook, Rasa explains,

"A year after RAW rode the great lasagna over Monterey Bay, Maybe Logic documentary maker Lance Bauscher gave me some outtakes (and a few intakes) from his project so I could make a small video, something enticing for the home page of the update I was building of the rawilson.com website. I put together a five minute video, and as was the custom, I made it into a cool-looking Flash animation. I used to love Flash animation, until Apple went to war with Adobe. In any case, for a number of years I've wanted to put the video into an HD format and upload it to YouTube. I finally got around to it. Many thanks to Lance for the video, Bastian for the music, Brummbaer (may he rest in hyperspace) for the fractal backgrounds I added to the HD version, and special thanks to Bob for always having something mind-expanding to say."


Friday, July 7, 2017

The lasagna flies in many languages

Richard Rasa. Check out his band. 

Rasa has been collecting the phrase "keep the lasagna flying" in different languages. In a recent comment posted to this blog, he explains, "I'm borrowing RAW's example. He used to sign his emails with a changing array of signatures, many of which were Keep the Lasagna Flying" in a few different languages. He used Irish, German and Italian versions. I've been collecting some other languages. Here's my list so far, with a couple I'm not certain about (?). Please offer corrections or new versions!!"

Las die Lasagne weiter fliegen!

Mantenere il volo di lasagna!

Coinnigh an lasagne in airde!

Blijf de Lasagne vliegen!

שמור את הלזניה עפה

שהלזניה תמשיך לעופף

Guarde el vuelo del lasagna!

लज़ान्या उड़ान रखने के

إبقاء لاساجنا الطائر!


Udržujte lasagne létání!

Konservu la Lasagna Fluganta!

E mālama i ka Lasagna e lele ana! (Save Lasagna Flying!)

Jauhkan Lasagna Terbang!

라자냐를 계속 날아라!

Держите Лазанью Летающий!

Tausi Lasagna lele!

Lazanyayı uçmaya devam et!

Kia mau ki te rere lasagna!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

More Joyce lore from znore

When I read znore's excellent Groupname for Grapejuice blog post about Joyce's Ulysses, which I wrote about in a recent blog post,  I noticed that he talked about participating in a Bloomsday podcast. So I downloaded the 42 Minutes podcast on the podcast app on my lowly Android phone and listened to it.

There are several people participating in the podcast, but znore (easy to keep track of because he's the only one without an American accent) is the standout here. I especially liked the bit where he explained all of us do a daily "journey" when we leave home to go to work and then return home in the evening, just like Bloom, and how Joyce brings out the mythic aspects of that journey, analogous to the journey of Odysseus as he struggle to return home. I listened to the podcast as I was driving to work. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Coincidance up next for Hilaritas

Cover for Coincidance, although it's likely the new edition will have a new cover

With the publication of Email to the Universe, another collection, Coincidance: A Head Test is the next scheduled authorized reprint from Hilaritas Press. It's the next one scheduled according to the publication schedule listed at the Hilaritas website, and I know that work has been done on it.

I am excited about the impending publication of Coincidance. There was a reading group for it here in 2013, still available on this page, and when the book is republished by Hilaritas, I will clear out any accumulated spam in the comments. I'm also excited about the books that come next: The three Historical Illuminatus! novels, and then Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth, which is think is an underrated masterpiece.