Bill Scher's LiberalOasis

Home of the This Is Not Normal podcast, Bill Scher columns and other liberal commentary

This Is Not Normal Episode 23: Populism vs. Pragmatism

Bill Scher, Traci Olsen and special guest Bob Williams debate why Democrats struck out in the special elections.

Check out this episode!

This Is Not Normal Episode 22: Just A Regular Thursday In The White House

Bill Scher and Traci Olsen discuss the Comey testimony, the Paris pullout fallout and the Qatar cutoff.

Check out this episode!

Real Clear Politics: Corporations Support Paris Accord. Progressives, Take Note.

“The standard progressive narrative tells us that corporate influence is why we can’t have nice things. But a “nearly united corporate front” of Big Business, according to the New York Times, sided with the left and tried to persuade President Trump to keep the U.S. in the Paris climate pact. …when it came to an issue of critical importance to the fate of the planet, these corporations fought on the right side of history. Progressives should take note, as they need all the help they can get.” (Click here for more.)

The DMZ: June 2, 2017

With Matt Lewis, discussing the Paris pullout.

Politico Magazine: Will Trump Make You Care About Climate Change?

“Donald Trump won the presidency after promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But once he tried to follow through on his pledge, the public focused on what had been gained, and the health reform law became more popular than ever … now that Trump is about to follow through on his pledge to abandon the Paris climate pact, Democrats are hoping he will spark a renewed commitment to protecting the planet, and unwittingly turn the environment into a powerful wedge issue—just as he did with health care.” (Click here for more.)

This Is Not Normal Episode 21: Gun Shy Democrats

Bill Scher and Traci Olsen talk how Democrats are downplaying gun control as they look ahead to 2018 and 2020, and size up the odds of impeachment.

Check out this episode!

Politico Magazine: Montana’s Charles Sumner Moment

“Conservative radio host Glenn Beck has long warned that a polarized America would eventually suffer another violent and divisive ‘Charles Sumner moment.’ Last June he said, ‘Mark my words. It will be someone like Ted Cruz or Louie Gohmert that gets the cane to the head. It will be a self-righteous progressive that will beat a liberty person almost to death.’ Close, but not quite. It was a testy conservative named Greg Gianforte who is said to have beaten a journalist, or as the president would say, a member of the ‘opposition party.'” (Click here for more.)

Politico Magazine: The Issue Democrats Wish Would Go Away

“[Rob] Quist’s break with the Democratic Party platform hasn’t produced a peep from the activist left; the gun issue wasn’t even raised before decided to endorse him. Are progressives knowingly practicing hard-headed electoral pragmatism? Or, as is more likely, are they ducking a divisive and frustrating issue for as long as possible, until another horrific mass shooting produces a fresh wave of outrage?” (Click here for more.)

Politico Magazine: An Outrageously Early Field Guide to 2020

“I can already hear your complaints: It’s too early to talk about the 2020 presidential primaries! But the prospective candidates don’t think so … What badges are potential Democrats trying to earn, and who is best positioned to claim each prize? Here is how the nascent field is shaping up…” (Click here for more.)

This Is Not Normal Episode 20: To Impeach Or Not To Impeach

Bill Scher and Traci Olsen assess what will it take to hold Trump accountable after the firing of James Comey.

Check out this episode!

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