Jake Johnson, staff writer
In a move already being denounced by progressives as "tone-deaf" and "literally the stupidest f------ idea...
Jessica Corbett, staff writer
Hamburg police used a water cannon on G20 Summit protesters
German police deployed a water cannon and pepper spray to disperse around 500...
Julia Conley, staff writer
As the Republican Senate leadership aims to push through a deeply unpopular...


Sorry to start the week this way, but we're doomed. Three-fold. Because North Korea. Because the addled Emperor Child King lost his limousine though it was waiting in front of him. Because when, for the 29th year, NPR celebrated our fine nation by reading aloud and tweeting the Declaration of Independence that gave birth to it, the moronic fans of said Emperor freaked out that all those gay hippie commies were calling for revolution. Hmm. Come to think of it, we are.