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June 10, 2017 marked the date of the national March Against Sharia, an event celebrating Islamophobic war propaganda while warning against the supposed looming threat of Sharia Law being implemented in America…but who’s pushing for Sharia Law?
The “Cost Disease” is Really Just a Symptom
At Slate Star Codex (“Considerations on Cost Disease,” Feb. 9), Scott Alexander has a long, long, LONG article speculating on possible causes for the “cost disease — that is, the escalating unit costs and prices in certain economic sectors relative to their outputs.
End the Hypocrisy: Let Us Trade with Cuba
Jeff Sessions’ War on Personal Freedom
Understanding Richard Spencer’s Holodomor Denial
Further Response on Democratic Anarchism
Having already written three essays on the topic of anarchism’s relation to democracy, I will only present a few comments. These are generally in response to the interesting remarks of other writers in this series.
Reply to Kevin Carson and William Gillis
Response to Carson
Comments on the Other Lead Essays
Book Review: Things That Can & Cannot Be Said
With all the attention given to last month’s release of Chelsea Manning, whose sentence was only commuted by the Obama administration after it became politically convenient, we must not overlook the fact that the Obama administration also had the opportunity to pardon another famous whistle-blower.
Book Review: The Diamond Age
Film Review: Bitter Harvest
Against The Pull Of Simplicity & Disconnect
Agency and Other Anarchist Themes In Paul Goodman’s Work
Perhaps the most important characteristic Goodman shares with the other “anarchists without adjectives” in this series is his high regard for human agency, and his primary focus on the way actual human beings assert that agency in interacting with their environment. Read Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study on Goodman here!
Deleuze, Guattari and Market Anarchism
Postmodern Philosophy and Market Anarchism: Allies or Enemies?
We Are Not Disposable! Building Alternatives To Prisons