- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 77820
The East Is Red may refer to:
East is a cardinal direction.
East or The East may also refer to:
East is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. East is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. It is the opposite of west and is perpendicular to north and south.
The word east comes from Middle English est, from Old English ēast, which itself comes from the Proto-Germanic *aus-to- or *austra- "east, toward the sunrise", from Proto-Indo-European *aus- "to shine," or "dawn". This is similar to Old High German *ōstar "to the east", Latin aurora "dawn", and Greek ēōs or heōs.Ēostre, a Germanic goddess of dawn, might have been a personification of both dawn and the cardinal points.
By convention, the right hand side of a map is east. This convention has developed from the use of a compass, which places north at the top.
To go east using a compass for navigation, set a bearing or azimuth of 90°.
East is the direction toward which the Earth rotates about its axis, and therefore the general direction from which the Sun appears to rise. The practice of praying towards the East is older than Christianity, but has been adopted by this religion as the Orient was thought of as containing mankind's original home. Hence, most Christian churches are oriented towards the east.
East Jesus is a collection of material Lee Ranaldo recorded between 1981 and 1991. It was released on Atavistic Records. Tracks 2, 5, 8 and 10 are pieces that appeared on the CD version of his first LP From Here to Infinity or slight re-edits of that material. The rest of the collection ranges from obscure compilations and 7" releases, or previously unreleased material.
Red Bull is an energy drink sold by Austrian company Red Bull GmbH, created in 1987. In terms of market share, Red Bull is the highest-selling energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013.
Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz was inspired by an existing energy drink named Krating Daeng, which was first invented and sold in Thailand. He took this idea, modified the ingredients to suit the tastes of Westerners, and, in partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhya, founded Red Bull GmbH in 1987 in Chakkapong, Thailand. In Thai, daeng means red, and krating is the large bovine called "gaur". Red Bull is sold in a tall and slim blue-silver can, while Krating Daeng is in a gold shorter can. The two are different products, produced separately.
The Red Bull company slogan is "Red Bull gives you wings", and the product is marketed through advertising, events (Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull Air Race, Red Bull Crashed Ice), sports team ownerships (RB Leipzig, FC Red Bull Salzburg, Red Bull Brasil, New York Red Bulls, Red Bull Racing, Scuderia Toro Rosso), celebrity endorsements, and music, through its record label Red Bull Records.
Chinese Patriotic Song - "The East Is Red" ("东方红")
The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles
东方红 The East is Red 1964 with subtitles
《东方红》中国人民解放军进行曲 The East is Red: March of the People's Liberation Army
大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》The East Is Red (上)
The East is Red (Chinese Patriotic Song)
东方红 1960 -The East is Red-
Phim hay Đông Phương Bất Bại The East Is Red 1993 HD English Sub
东方红 The East is Red 1964
The East is Red (English Lyrics)
The Revenge of the Beasts
Red Bull - Melodies for the Lemurs (Full Length)
Red Cafe - Heart and Soul of New York City by K1X
Red Bull Flatland BMX - Into the East
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ESPAÑOL۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● «El Oriente es Rojo» (chino simplificado: 红东方; chino tradicional: 红东方; pinyin: Dongfang Kong) es una canción que fue el himno de la República Popular de China durante al Revolución Cultural en la década de 1960. La letra de la canción fue atribuida a Lo Youyuan, un agricultor del norte de Shaanxi, quien al parecer se inspiró al ver el sol levantarse en la mañana de un día soleado. La melodía se derivó de una canción popular local. La melodía se fusionó posteriormente en el famoso río Amarillo Concierto para piano en 1969 por Yin Chengzong, y el concierto se basó en el río Amarillo Cantada por Xian Xinghai. Debido a su asociación con la Revolución Cultural, la canción se escuchó rara vez con la subida de Deng Xiaoping a finales de 1970. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ENGLISH...
According to wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_East_Is_Red_(1965_film): The East Is Red (simplified Chinese: 东方红; traditional Chinese: 東方紅; pinyin: Dōngfāng Hóng) is a 1965 Chinese film directed by Wang Ping. It is a "song and dance epic" dramatizing the history of the Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party under the leadership of Mao Zedong, from the beginnings of the Boxer Rebellion, to the Civil War against the Nationalists, to the victory of the Communists and the establishing of the People's Republic. I made new English subtitles after being unhappy with the version available online. I don't think the English subtitles on the version on Internet Archive (http://archive.org/details/The_East_is_Red) captures the feeling of the Chinese very well (and in some places it is ...
东方红 The East is Red 1964 with subtitles
音乐·舞蹈·史诗《东方红》中国人民解放军进行曲 1965 影片通过歌舞概括地表现了中国共产党成立后,中国人民在中国共产党和毛主席的领导下,所进行的反帝、反封建、反对官僚主义的艰苦卓绝的革命斗争。这部史诗选择了各个革命阶段最有代表性的典型事件,使它成为中国人民谋求解放的历史缩影。这部音乐舞蹈史诗是为庆祝中华人民共和国建国15周年而创作的。北京、上海和中国人民解放军等七十多个单位的音乐舞蹈工作者、诗人、作曲家、舞台美术工作者,以及工人、学生、少先队业余合唱团三千多人,以满腔的革命热情成功地创作了这首革命史诗。音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》依照中国革命的历史进程集... 中国人民解放军军歌,名为《中国人民解放军进行曲》,由公木作词,郑律成作曲,创作于1939年。原名《八路军进行曲》,是组歌《八路军大合唱》中的一首。1988年7月25日,定为中国人民解放军军歌。
影音出處:互聯網檔案館下集: 《東方紅》是一套紀錄20世紀初舊中國至1949年中華人民 ... 大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》/The East Is Red 為慶祝中華人民共和國成立15週年,1964年10月2日,大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》在北京人民大會堂隆重首演,3500多名專業和業餘文藝工作者參加了演出。 首都文艺工作者和工人、学生业余合唱团三千多人集体创作。中央新闻纪录电影制片厂, 八一电影制片厂, 北京电影制片厂1965年联合摄制。总导演:周. 影音出處:互聯網檔案館上集: 從互聯網檔案館免費下載全集影音: 首都文艺工作者和工人、学生业余合唱团三千多人集体创作。中央新闻纪录电影制片厂, 八一电影制片厂, 北京电影制片厂1965年联合摄制。总导演:周恩来. 中国第一部歌舞史诗巨片! 影片通过歌舞概括地表现 ... 大型音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》1965年 大型音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》1965年
Simplified Chinese: 东方红 Traditional Chinese: 東方紅 Pinyin: Dōngfāng Hóng English: The East is Red -------- Simplified Chinese: 东方红,太阳升, 中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 毛主席,爱人民, 他是我们的带路人, 为了建设新中国, 呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 为了建设新中国, 呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳, 照到哪里哪里亮。 哪里有了共产党, 呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 哪里有了共产党, 呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 东方红,太阳升, 中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! -------- Traditional Chinese: 東方紅,太陽升。 中國出了個毛澤東。 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 毛主席,愛人民, 他是我們的帶路人, 為了建設新中國, 呼爾嗨喲,領導我們向前進! 為了建設新中國, 呼爾嗨喲,領導我們向前進! 共產黨,像太陽, 照到哪裡哪裡亮, 哪裡有了共產黨, 呼爾嗨喲,哪裡人民得解放! 哪裡有了共產黨, 呼爾嗨喲,哪裡人民得解放! 東方紅,太陽升。 中國出了個毛澤東。 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! -------- Pinyin: Dōngfāng hóng, tàiyáng shēng, Zhōngguó chū liǎo ge Máo Zédōng, Tā wèi rénmín móu xìngfú, Hū'...
东方红 -全总业余合唱 - The East is Red L'Oriente è rosso O Medio é Vermello El Oriente es Rojo L'Orient est rouge Wschód jest czerwony Красный Восток ตะวันออกเป็นสีแดง Phía đông là Red 이스트 레드입니다 東方紅 初演
既然民歌是劳动人民为了表达自己的思想感情而集体创作的一种艺术形式,那么,劳动人民在不同的历史时期内,便可以利用这种艺术形式来表达自己想要表达的一切符合历史规律的思想感情。《东方红》正是在抗日战争期间人民用以表达对领袖毛泽东主席、对中国共产党由衷的感激之情而创作的颂歌。多少年来,这一颂歌,随着全中国的解放,随着新中国的逐步繁荣、富强、随着人民对毛主席、共产党热爱程度的提高而愈加普及。 这首民歌原为陕北民歌《骑白马》。1943年冬,陕西葭县(今佳县)农民歌手李有源(1903-1955)依照《骑白马》的曲调编写成一首长达十余段歌词的民歌《移民歌》。《移民歌》既有叙事的成分,又有抒情的成分,表达在毛主席、共产党领导下的广大贫苦农民追求幸福生活的欣悦心情。歌曲编成后由李有源的侄子、农民歌手李增正多次在民间和群众集会上演唱,很受人们欢迎。随后,延安文艺工作者将《移民歌》整理、删修成为三段歌词,并改名为《东方红》,1944年在《解放日报》上发表。 解放后,为适应专业合唱队表演,先后有多位作曲家将其改编为合唱曲,现在通行的合唱曲《东方红》是由著名作曲家李涣之编写的。 在文革中,《东方红》几乎人人会唱,成为"伟大领袖毛主席的庄严颂歌",也成为实际上的代国歌,国歌只在迎接外宾时用。在重大会议、集会上,都是奏《东方红》。 歌词: 东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的大救星。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的大救星。 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人。 为了建设新中国,呼儿咳哟, 领导我们向前进。 为了建设新中国,呼儿咳哟, 领导我们向前进。 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。 哪里有了共产党,呼儿咳哟, 哪里人民得解放。 哪里有了共产党,呼儿咳哟, 哪里人民得解放。 东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的...
Didn't see a decent version. Here you guys go. No, I do not know Simplified Chinese. This translation was done by someone else.
When I was a kid I saw a skater jumping for the first time, I believed it was magic that made him fly. I realized that this has been a childish fantasy. But this year we decided to bring back my dream. The Revenge of the Beasts A Film by Sebastian Linda We just won the Webvideopreis in the Category Action. Thanks to all voters! Upcoming trailer for the next part of the Beasts: https://vimeo.com/98111453 www.sebastian-linda.de www.facebook.com/pages/Sebastian-Linda-Cinematographie/236987166380010?ref=hl No tripods or dollies used. Just a skateboard, car, and bodymovement. Filmed on the weekend of the 29 and 30th June 2013. Check out the Making of here: https://vimeo.com/70575221 ERIK GROSS - TOM KLEINSCHMIDT - RICHARD NAUMERTAT - OCTAVIO TRINDADE CHRISTIAN DÖBRICH - DAVID RADERECHT -...
I was honored with a quite sweet award from the European skateboard community, the 'best film-maker of 2014'. Along with a trophy, Red Bull pretty much told me I can choose any place on earth and film a short piece. I scrambled through a world atlas and thought that Madagascar would be the ideal place to celebrate this award as well as explore the streets of this exotic island along the Indian Ocean with some good friends. Produced by Red Bull Directed, Filmed & Edited by Patrik Wallner Featuring Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins, Wilko Grüning, Brian Dolle, Gosha Konyshev Photography by Lev Maslov Text and French interpretation by Kirill Korobkov Here is Kirill Korobkov giving a short intro to our trip: Madagascar sounds a bit like something from the pages of a fantasy novel. Ever...
Red Cafe & Pete Rock "THE HEART & SOUL OF NEW YORK CITY" A K1X film by Kevin Couliau Yes, it's about that time. Rain, sleet and snow have made way for the sun, long evenings and fresh sneakers. Early may, when Europe's hardwood champions have been crowned and the NBA playoffs shift into full gear, marks the inofficial start of the real basketball season: the streetball season! That's when reputations are made, nicknames are born and every ballplayer naturally gravitates towards that "thump", "thump" sound of his or her home court. Playground basketball is where it all started. Playground basketball is where talent is honed and friendships are made. It's where neighborhoods gather and where skills and sweat are a currency. That's especially true for the mecca of basketball, New York City....
The main vision of the video is to showcase three aspects: the rider, the art, and the Eastern culture. The idea is to convey the exciting art of Flatland BMX mixed with the contrast of calm traditional Chinese elements of bamboo and ink. Set in an all-white environment, an installation is built with bamboo sticks, creating a space for the riders to showcase their skills. Launched in September 2013 Client: Red Bull Created by hehehe Riders: Vicki Gomez, Matthias Dandois Cinematography: Rick Lau Music: Josh Yeung www.hehehe.hk/ www.facebook.com/hehehe.hk/
Phipps lives in a fisherman’s shack in Tasmania that his family’s owned all his life. His front garden is a giant lake, brimming with 9lb trout; his neighbours are wedge-tailed eagles and possums and tiger snakes. This is a day in Phipps’ beautiful, quiet world. Music: Pig Food - The Middle East Camera: Red Epic + 5DMK3 Created by three mates Robert F Coleman, Chas Mackinnon and Drew Dunlop.
"REDLANDS" -- NOW ON VIMEO ON DEMAND! http://vimeo.com/ondemand/redlands The lives of three residents of Redlands, California intersect and ultimately collide in this claustrophobic adult drama – a radical exploration of creativity, sexuality and violence in America. VIENNA is a young “alternative” nude model who lives with her indie-musician boyfriend ZACK in Redlands, California (a bleak Inland Empire city sixty miles east of Los Angeles). Controlling and hypocritical, Zack uses Vienna’s earnings to further his own musical career as Vienna attempts to build a creative life of her own. Their lives are forever changed when Vienna meets ALLAN, a balding middle-aged amateur glamour photographer; unemployed and recently divorced, Allan’s unassuming behavior camouflages his feelings of inade...
I took a brief trip down to East Jesus with my Red Scarlet X to visit friends and to pay my respects to the late Charles Russell; a brilliant man and a friend to many. East Jesus is an experimental, habitable art compound located in the famous Slab City of Niland, CA. It is a creation in progress originally built by Charles Russell and his friends. We feature a sculpture garden, art cars, Walter the 35 degree bus, as well as a selective residency program for artists and sustainability experts. Charles passed away in 2011 and East Jesus is currently being maintained by his friends. To learn more about East Jesus check out: http://eastjesus.org There's much to see and do in East Jesus. It's a great place to get away from the city and sit around a nice campfire with some good folks. The S...
Tis the season to be helping. Please help Royale raise $10,000 for The American Red Cross benefiting those on the east coast affected by Hurricane Sandy. Stick around after the movie is done to find out how you can help or click the link www.weareroyale.com/thebellringer. If Royale meets their goal on January 11th, 2013 they will post a continuation of the story! The animated story of Edith, altruistic bell ringer, embarks in a faraway land on a wintry city sidewalk. After many fruitless attempts at ringing in the spirit of giving, Edith becomes so frustrated that she hurls her bell at the next uncaring passerby, causing a coin to curiously bounce her way. Ignored yet again, she throws her bell at another passerby, this time yielding even more coins. By the end of the film, Edith’s red ...
These are Helpful Links: * Best Map (I think this is the best one): http://amzn.to/JMT_MAP * Planning Book (Descriptive and accurate): http://amzn.to/JMT_BOOK * JMT's Most Essential Gear Item: http://amzn.to/trekkingpoles General Info: * Blog: http://walkifornia.blogspot.com/2011/06/john-muir-trail-video-of-trail-from-mt.html * Permit Help (Information for either direction): http://bit.ly/aQGIUJ * Mileage: http://bit.ly/ak1INf * Elevation Profile (Click on the Image and it expands): http://bit.ly/bodOxf * Transportation from one trailhead to the other (best price): High Sierra Transportation 760.258.6060 Get in touch with me if you have questions about the John Muir Trail. I'm happy to help. Facebook Message: Ryan Commons This is a summary of an October thru-hike on the John Muir...
An experiment using a «sonification scanner» on rock carvings from the Bronze Age [1800 –500 B.C.]. Outdoor audio and video installations on a Bronze Age site just outside Stavanger. 3-12. October 2008, Austre Åmøy, Stavanger, Norway One of the main mottos of Stavanger2008 is openness. It is just such openness to external impulses that is reflected in the Bronze Age discoveries. There was lively contact across large parts of Europe and the neighbouring areas to the South and East. The Bronze Age is one of the few pre-historic periods from which a wealth of pictorial material remains. This is perhaps best expressed in the rock carvings that still form a part of our landscape. The rock carvings were ritual meeting places. Today they can also be regarded as art. The people of the Bronz...
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ESPAÑOL۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● «El Oriente es Rojo» (chino simplificado: 红东方; chino tradicional: 红东方; pinyin: Dongfang Kong) es una canción que fue el himno de la República Popular de China durante al Revolución Cultural en la década de 1960. La letra de la canción fue atribuida a Lo Youyuan, un agricultor del norte de Shaanxi, quien al parecer se inspiró al ver el sol levantarse en la mañana de un día soleado. La melodía se derivó de una canción popular local. La melodía se fusionó posteriormente en el famoso río Amarillo Concierto para piano en 1969 por Yin Chengzong, y el concierto se basó en el río Amarillo Cantada por Xian Xinghai. Debido a su asociación con la Revolución Cultural, la canción se escuchó rara vez con la subida de Deng Xiaoping a finales de 1970. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ENGLISH...
According to wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_East_Is_Red_(1965_film): The East Is Red (simplified Chinese: 东方红; traditional Chinese: 東方紅; pinyin: Dōngfāng Hóng) is a 1965 Chinese film directed by Wang Ping. It is a "song and dance epic" dramatizing the history of the Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party under the leadership of Mao Zedong, from the beginnings of the Boxer Rebellion, to the Civil War against the Nationalists, to the victory of the Communists and the establishing of the People's Republic. I made new English subtitles after being unhappy with the version available online. I don't think the English subtitles on the version on Internet Archive (http://archive.org/details/The_East_is_Red) captures the feeling of the Chinese very well (and in some places it is ...
东方红 The East is Red 1964 with subtitles
音乐·舞蹈·史诗《东方红》中国人民解放军进行曲 1965 影片通过歌舞概括地表现了中国共产党成立后,中国人民在中国共产党和毛主席的领导下,所进行的反帝、反封建、反对官僚主义的艰苦卓绝的革命斗争。这部史诗选择了各个革命阶段最有代表性的典型事件,使它成为中国人民谋求解放的历史缩影。这部音乐舞蹈史诗是为庆祝中华人民共和国建国15周年而创作的。北京、上海和中国人民解放军等七十多个单位的音乐舞蹈工作者、诗人、作曲家、舞台美术工作者,以及工人、学生、少先队业余合唱团三千多人,以满腔的革命热情成功地创作了这首革命史诗。音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》依照中国革命的历史进程集... 中国人民解放军军歌,名为《中国人民解放军进行曲》,由公木作词,郑律成作曲,创作于1939年。原名《八路军进行曲》,是组歌《八路军大合唱》中的一首。1988年7月25日,定为中国人民解放军军歌。
影音出處:互聯網檔案館下集: 《東方紅》是一套紀錄20世紀初舊中國至1949年中華人民 ... 大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》/The East Is Red 為慶祝中華人民共和國成立15週年,1964年10月2日,大型音樂舞蹈史詩《東方紅》在北京人民大會堂隆重首演,3500多名專業和業餘文藝工作者參加了演出。 首都文艺工作者和工人、学生业余合唱团三千多人集体创作。中央新闻纪录电影制片厂, 八一电影制片厂, 北京电影制片厂1965年联合摄制。总导演:周. 影音出處:互聯網檔案館上集: 從互聯網檔案館免費下載全集影音: 首都文艺工作者和工人、学生业余合唱团三千多人集体创作。中央新闻纪录电影制片厂, 八一电影制片厂, 北京电影制片厂1965年联合摄制。总导演:周恩来. 中国第一部歌舞史诗巨片! 影片通过歌舞概括地表现 ... 大型音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》1965年 大型音乐舞蹈史诗《东方红》1965年
Simplified Chinese: 东方红 Traditional Chinese: 東方紅 Pinyin: Dōngfāng Hóng English: The East is Red -------- Simplified Chinese: 东方红,太阳升, 中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 毛主席,爱人民, 他是我们的带路人, 为了建设新中国, 呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 为了建设新中国, 呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳, 照到哪里哪里亮。 哪里有了共产党, 呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 哪里有了共产党, 呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 东方红,太阳升, 中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! 他为人民谋幸福, 呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星! -------- Traditional Chinese: 東方紅,太陽升。 中國出了個毛澤東。 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 毛主席,愛人民, 他是我們的帶路人, 為了建設新中國, 呼爾嗨喲,領導我們向前進! 為了建設新中國, 呼爾嗨喲,領導我們向前進! 共產黨,像太陽, 照到哪裡哪裡亮, 哪裡有了共產黨, 呼爾嗨喲,哪裡人民得解放! 哪裡有了共產黨, 呼爾嗨喲,哪裡人民得解放! 東方紅,太陽升。 中國出了個毛澤東。 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! -------- Pinyin: Dōngfāng hóng, tàiyáng shēng, Zhōngguó chū liǎo ge Máo Zédōng, Tā wèi rénmín móu xìngfú, Hū'...
东方红 -全总业余合唱 - The East is Red L'Oriente è rosso O Medio é Vermello El Oriente es Rojo L'Orient est rouge Wschód jest czerwony Красный Восток ตะวันออกเป็นสีแดง Phía đông là Red 이스트 레드입니다 東方紅 初演
既然民歌是劳动人民为了表达自己的思想感情而集体创作的一种艺术形式,那么,劳动人民在不同的历史时期内,便可以利用这种艺术形式来表达自己想要表达的一切符合历史规律的思想感情。《东方红》正是在抗日战争期间人民用以表达对领袖毛泽东主席、对中国共产党由衷的感激之情而创作的颂歌。多少年来,这一颂歌,随着全中国的解放,随着新中国的逐步繁荣、富强、随着人民对毛主席、共产党热爱程度的提高而愈加普及。 这首民歌原为陕北民歌《骑白马》。1943年冬,陕西葭县(今佳县)农民歌手李有源(1903-1955)依照《骑白马》的曲调编写成一首长达十余段歌词的民歌《移民歌》。《移民歌》既有叙事的成分,又有抒情的成分,表达在毛主席、共产党领导下的广大贫苦农民追求幸福生活的欣悦心情。歌曲编成后由李有源的侄子、农民歌手李增正多次在民间和群众集会上演唱,很受人们欢迎。随后,延安文艺工作者将《移民歌》整理、删修成为三段歌词,并改名为《东方红》,1944年在《解放日报》上发表。 解放后,为适应专业合唱队表演,先后有多位作曲家将其改编为合唱曲,现在通行的合唱曲《东方红》是由著名作曲家李涣之编写的。 在文革中,《东方红》几乎人人会唱,成为"伟大领袖毛主席的庄严颂歌",也成为实际上的代国歌,国歌只在迎接外宾时用。在重大会议、集会上,都是奏《东方红》。 歌词: 东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的大救星。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的大救星。 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人。 为了建设新中国,呼儿咳哟, 领导我们向前进。 为了建设新中国,呼儿咳哟, 领导我们向前进。 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。 哪里有了共产党,呼儿咳哟, 哪里人民得解放。 哪里有了共产党,呼儿咳哟, 哪里人民得解放。 东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳哟, 他是人民的...
Didn't see a decent version. Here you guys go. No, I do not know Simplified Chinese. This translation was done by someone else.
When I was a kid I saw a skater jumping for the first time, I believed it was magic that made him fly. I realized that this has been a childish fantasy. But this year we decided to bring back my dream. The Revenge of the Beasts A Film by Sebastian Linda We just won the Webvideopreis in the Category Action. Thanks to all voters! Upcoming trailer for the next part of the Beasts: https://vimeo.com/98111453 www.sebastian-linda.de www.facebook.com/pages/Sebastian-Linda-Cinematographie/236987166380010?ref=hl No tripods or dollies used. Just a skateboard, car, and bodymovement. Filmed on the weekend of the 29 and 30th June 2013. Check out the Making of here: https://vimeo.com/70575221 ERIK GROSS - TOM KLEINSCHMIDT - RICHARD NAUMERTAT - OCTAVIO TRINDADE CHRISTIAN DÖBRICH - DAVID RADERECHT -...
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Red Cafe & Pete Rock "THE HEART & SOUL OF NEW YORK CITY" A K1X film by Kevin Couliau Yes, it's about that time. Rain, sleet and snow have made way for the sun, long evenings and fresh sneakers. Early may, when Europe's hardwood champions have been crowned and the NBA playoffs shift into full gear, marks the inofficial start of the real basketball season: the streetball season! That's when reputations are made, nicknames are born and every ballplayer naturally gravitates towards that "thump", "thump" sound of his or her home court. Playground basketball is where it all started. Playground basketball is where talent is honed and friendships are made. It's where neighborhoods gather and where skills and sweat are a currency. That's especially true for the mecca of basketball, New York City....
The main vision of the video is to showcase three aspects: the rider, the art, and the Eastern culture. The idea is to convey the exciting art of Flatland BMX mixed with the contrast of calm traditional Chinese elements of bamboo and ink. Set in an all-white environment, an installation is built with bamboo sticks, creating a space for the riders to showcase their skills. Launched in September 2013 Client: Red Bull Created by hehehe Riders: Vicki Gomez, Matthias Dandois Cinematography: Rick Lau Music: Josh Yeung www.hehehe.hk/ www.facebook.com/hehehe.hk/
Phipps lives in a fisherman’s shack in Tasmania that his family’s owned all his life. His front garden is a giant lake, brimming with 9lb trout; his neighbours are wedge-tailed eagles and possums and tiger snakes. This is a day in Phipps’ beautiful, quiet world. Music: Pig Food - The Middle East Camera: Red Epic + 5DMK3 Created by three mates Robert F Coleman, Chas Mackinnon and Drew Dunlop.
"REDLANDS" -- NOW ON VIMEO ON DEMAND! http://vimeo.com/ondemand/redlands The lives of three residents of Redlands, California intersect and ultimately collide in this claustrophobic adult drama – a radical exploration of creativity, sexuality and violence in America. VIENNA is a young “alternative” nude model who lives with her indie-musician boyfriend ZACK in Redlands, California (a bleak Inland Empire city sixty miles east of Los Angeles). Controlling and hypocritical, Zack uses Vienna’s earnings to further his own musical career as Vienna attempts to build a creative life of her own. Their lives are forever changed when Vienna meets ALLAN, a balding middle-aged amateur glamour photographer; unemployed and recently divorced, Allan’s unassuming behavior camouflages his feelings of inade...
I took a brief trip down to East Jesus with my Red Scarlet X to visit friends and to pay my respects to the late Charles Russell; a brilliant man and a friend to many. East Jesus is an experimental, habitable art compound located in the famous Slab City of Niland, CA. It is a creation in progress originally built by Charles Russell and his friends. We feature a sculpture garden, art cars, Walter the 35 degree bus, as well as a selective residency program for artists and sustainability experts. Charles passed away in 2011 and East Jesus is currently being maintained by his friends. To learn more about East Jesus check out: http://eastjesus.org There's much to see and do in East Jesus. It's a great place to get away from the city and sit around a nice campfire with some good folks. The S...
Tis the season to be helping. Please help Royale raise $10,000 for The American Red Cross benefiting those on the east coast affected by Hurricane Sandy. Stick around after the movie is done to find out how you can help or click the link www.weareroyale.com/thebellringer. If Royale meets their goal on January 11th, 2013 they will post a continuation of the story! The animated story of Edith, altruistic bell ringer, embarks in a faraway land on a wintry city sidewalk. After many fruitless attempts at ringing in the spirit of giving, Edith becomes so frustrated that she hurls her bell at the next uncaring passerby, causing a coin to curiously bounce her way. Ignored yet again, she throws her bell at another passerby, this time yielding even more coins. By the end of the film, Edith’s red ...
These are Helpful Links: * Best Map (I think this is the best one): http://amzn.to/JMT_MAP * Planning Book (Descriptive and accurate): http://amzn.to/JMT_BOOK * JMT's Most Essential Gear Item: http://amzn.to/trekkingpoles General Info: * Blog: http://walkifornia.blogspot.com/2011/06/john-muir-trail-video-of-trail-from-mt.html * Permit Help (Information for either direction): http://bit.ly/aQGIUJ * Mileage: http://bit.ly/ak1INf * Elevation Profile (Click on the Image and it expands): http://bit.ly/bodOxf * Transportation from one trailhead to the other (best price): High Sierra Transportation 760.258.6060 Get in touch with me if you have questions about the John Muir Trail. I'm happy to help. Facebook Message: Ryan Commons This is a summary of an October thru-hike on the John Muir...
An experiment using a «sonification scanner» on rock carvings from the Bronze Age [1800 –500 B.C.]. Outdoor audio and video installations on a Bronze Age site just outside Stavanger. 3-12. October 2008, Austre Åmøy, Stavanger, Norway One of the main mottos of Stavanger2008 is openness. It is just such openness to external impulses that is reflected in the Bronze Age discoveries. There was lively contact across large parts of Europe and the neighbouring areas to the South and East. The Bronze Age is one of the few pre-historic periods from which a wealth of pictorial material remains. This is perhaps best expressed in the rock carvings that still form a part of our landscape. The rock carvings were ritual meeting places. Today they can also be regarded as art. The people of the Bronz...
Đông Phương Bất Bại (The East Is Red) 1993 HD English Sub
Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) #Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) =======================:-»https://t.co/jFBxJT1lgU«-:==================================================================== ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) #Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) =======================:-»https://t.co/jFBxJT1lgU«-:==================================================================== ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
W4atch free The East is Red 1965 'HD NOW ► https://shorturl.im/kZrLE Watch* The East is Red (Streaming)'Online -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) #Swordsman III: The East Is Red (1993) =======================:-»https://t.co/jFBxJT1lgU«-:==================================================================== ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
The East is Red FULL Length movie 'HD NOW ► https://shorturl.im/3eUkE Watch* The East is Red Streaming'Online -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[Verse 1:]
"Yo man you here dat you here dat shit man"
Like what the fuck is this
Hey look at this what kinda luck is this
(Haack) Uh Madlib and Dilla is the illest my niggaz
Only haters holler they can't feel us
Wanna get looser then we?
But just gonna be a looser to me and dilla(ha)
Killa, Talkin bout how you kill cops, you softer then a pillow
Backslapin' ya neck while you covered in rep?
Cause you bluffin and you ain't said nothin to spec?
Anyway I'm straight high off the trees
Your girl don't wanna lie she's gonna get on a niggaz dick
Turn It up, y'all niggaz must be outta head
If ya sister made it up to the bed?
[Verse 2:]
[Jay Dee:]
"Yo what was that you said right there what was that? "
Mr Leadway
Instant Replay
Instant Relay
Instant Mc, Producer, and DJ
I do this shit without a cell beeper or three way
Your coming off like like a G-lay?
Ay, Peace to A.G
Peace to Pete Rock, Diamond D, Peace to Sage
Oh that nigga Wildlight, Wildlife, Hannibal, Cannibals
"WHOOOP What else? "
Um, Male Facists, Womanizers, Nymphos, niggaz in disguises
" Ah What Else"
Fine Women that like Pretty Women Some Fuck Women Some Fuck Woman?
"Mostly Fuckin Women"