- published: 08 Sep 2016
- views: 41112
Crossbreed was a six-member heavy metal band from Clearwater, Florida, formed in 1996. They were signed with Artemis Records before being dropped from the label in 2003. The band released two EPs and three full-length albums before disbanding in 2010.
Crossbreed was formed in 1996 as a four-man band consisting of James Rietz, Chris Nemzek, Charlie Parker & Travis Simpkins. A year later they added keyboardist Jason Troph who left in 1998 to front the Orlando-based band Irrational. He was replaced by Phil "Flip" Marquardt. Their self-produced album .01 was released in 1998 with only 1,000 copies made; the album featured a cover version of "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak.
In 1999, Dan "DJ" Izzo (then under the moniker "D.J. Balistick") joined the band as their DJ/2nd Keyboardist. It was at this time that he began developing their stage show using black lights and glow paint, which helped bring the band to the attention of the music industry.
オススメ動画→https://youtu.be/bFxFj9xzJL8 モノガタリ【ワンダーランド】のPVはこちらから↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6iTOCCxdBBS_BwR_MIrpw 本日もご視聴ありがとうございます!! よかったらチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!! ~twtterアカウント~ サイタくん https://twitter.com/saitakun_No1 サイタくんのバンド垢 https://twitter.com/saita_mngtr まー https://twitter.com/MAH_mngtr のぞみ https://twitter.com/non_mngtr やっちゃん https://twitter.com/MngtrOf のんき https://twitter.com/Nonki_shibuya おっとチャンネルでは皆様からのリクエストをお待ちしております。TwitterのDMまたは動画下のコメント欄にて!
過去最長の挑戦時間になる事が予想されます。 放送内でも練習時間等が多くなると思いますが御了承下さい。 コースID:64E9-0000-0321-A5FB ※コースIDの募集、リクエスト等は受け付けていませんので御了承下さい。 マリオメーカー高難易度コース→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyePAo5iQtjVzLQ3rKisKQ9Ul マリオメーカー実況→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyeN1GSfe3M36svEadPPljRZq マリオメーカー生放送での挑戦→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyeMsWsZ2NW62eIVSca1LNLuR マリオカート8DX生放送まとめ→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyeOcvUgb6Qd22qObjyV6MIYX ゼルダ放送アーカイブ→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyePu3qKimTwidLaQNb_3ZiXB PS4ゲーム生放送アーカイブ→https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL44nGIOgUyeMIxM19RWJ37Hr_zsIAErx2 ツイッター(主に更新状況など)→https://twitter.com/midna_nicotube
①訂閱一下(≧ω≦)/:https://goo.gl/3Ktx4O ②影片源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXLEgMmXvt4 ③大火龍FB:https://goo.gl/rcICW1 ④大火龍頭像:https://goo.gl/BgLb32 ⑤翻譯日本youtuber,請幫我按讚並訂閱我喔!o(≧v≦)o
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Crossbreed - Underlined Clip Watch listen and RESPECT! \m/ \m/
Tracklist: 1. Severed 2. Seasons 3. Underlined 4. Breathe 5. Pure Energy 6. Release Me 7. Machines 8. Painted Red 9. Stem 10. Concentrate 11. Regretful Times 12. Lost Soul Crossbreed was a six-member heavy metal band from Clearwater, Florida, formed in 1996. They were signed with Artemis Records before being dropped from the label in 2003. The band released two EPs and three full-length albums before disbanding in 2010. Formed in 1996 as a four-man band consisting of James Rietz, Chris Nemzek, Charlie Parker & Travis Simpkins. A year later they added keyboardist Jason Troph who left in 1998 to front the Orlando-based band Irrational. He was replaced by Phil "Flip" Marquardt. Their self-produced album .01 was released in 1998 with only 1,000 copies made; the album featured a c...
Band: Crossbreed Titel: Painted Red Album: Synthetic Division Year: 2001 Genre: Industrial Metal From: USA ---------------------------------------- myspace: http://www.myspace.com/crossbreed ---------------------------------------- If you're into 'Metal' in general check out my other videos or come by my channel. .
KEM SECKSDIIN !!! (Kemikal) (EX Bassist from Celldweller live band) Now known under his project name SUBKULTURE (Subkulture feat. Klayton of Celldweller - Erasus) is a Band Member Of CROSSBREED!! Check The new Album: Crossbreed - KE101 www.myspace.com/crossbreed (BUY IT)
among the best band if not the best in Mauritius all credit goes to Crossbreed Supersoul
Tracklist: 1. Severed 2. Seasons 3. Underlined 4. Breathe 5. Pure Energy 6. Release Me 7. Machines 8. Painted Red 9. Stem 10. Concentrate 11. Regretful Times 12. Lost Soul Crossbreed was a six-member heavy metal band from Clearwater, Florida, formed in 1996. They were signed with Artemis Records before being dropped from the label in 2003. The band released two EPs and three full-length albums before disbanding in 2010. Formed in 1996 as a four-man band consisting of James Rietz, Chris Nemzek, Charlie Parker & Travis Simpkins. A year later they added keyboardist Jason Troph who left in 1998 to front the Orlando-based band Irrational. He was replaced by Phil "Flip" Marquardt. Their self-produced album .01 was released in 1998 with only 1,000 copies made; the album featured a c...
Crossbreed playing live at the House of Blues in Orlando, FL on May 2, 2004. Opening up for Orgy on the Punk Statik Paranoia Tour. This show was the last for Travis Simpkins, Phil "Flip" Marquardt, and Bishop as members of the band. 0:00 Machines 4:27 Breathe 10:00 Beg 13:36 Painted Red 17:21 Pure Energy 22:53 48 Grave 27:06 Jack in the Box 31:17 White Wedding 35:37 Seasons Check out Orgy's set from the same show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmSE4MG2hu0
Album: On Top Of The Food Chain Released: Apr 10, 2017 Genre: Beatdown Location: Sofia, Bulgaria Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neverprey Bandcamp: https://neverprey.bandcamp.com 1. Intro [00:08] 2. Crossbred [01:46] 3. Veils Afire [04:33] 4. Utter Disgust [08:13] 5. Monocrat [12:40] 6. Annihilating Existence [16:13] 7. Multi Threat Vendetta [20:09] 8. Sea Of Souls [23:40] 9. Evocation (The Trade I) [27:36] 10. Murderborn (The Trade II) [32:04] 11. Outbreak Of Deception [35:27] 12. Outro [39:43] Slam Worldwide: Email: contact@slamworldwide.net Website: http://www.slamworldwide.net Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/slamworldwideofficial Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/slamworldwideofficial Instagram: http://instagram.com/slamworldwide Twitter: https://twitter.com...
Country: Croatia Artist: Cyber Hate Album: Beyond Human Year: 2015 Genre: Industrial Metal Members: Marko Lovrić - vocals Kristijan Bajlo - guitars, vocals Vladimir Gundić - guitars Marko Bradaš - bass Dean Cvjetanović - drums Tracklist: 1. Trapped Inside 0:00 2. Cyber Dome 4:07 3. Terminate 8:33 4. Cyborg Creation 12:02 5. Syclone 16:56 6. Mind Frenzy 20:36 7. Cosmic Flow 24:25 8. The Endless Journey 28:03 9. Star 31:31 10. Nightmare 34:30 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CyberHateZd BANDCAMP: https://cyberhate.bandcamp.com/ LAST.FM: http://www.last.fm/music/Cyber+Hate REVERBNATION: https://www.reverbnation.com/cyberhate
Bluster Recordings est une nouvelle maison montante en région Liégeoise. Ils envoient de la Drum And Bass / Hardcore soutenue allant de la Neurofunk au Crossbreed !! Ils organisent des soirées promotionnelles afin de promouvoir leurs artistes et de faire partager l'expérience de gros noms de la scène ! Dans cette vidéo : MiK-Mac & Lewis Carter (également connus sous un autre noms , à vous de trouver ) Plus d'infos sur les liens ci-dessous: http://www.bluster-record.com/ Live ! Sessions Belgium est un organisme qui invite des artistes tous styles confondus (électro-drum and bass- pop- rock ,...) à se produire en Live stream sur internet. Au programme , des interviews, des releases, des djs sets et très bientôt des groupes avec Live ! Sessions Music Band. Tous nos enregistrements so...
Bluster Recordings est une nouvelle maison montante en région Liégeoise. Ils envoient de la Drum And Bass / Hardcore soutenue allant de la Neurofunk au Crossbreed !! Ils organisent des soirées promotionnelles afin de promouvoir leurs artistes et de faire partager l'expérience de gros noms de la scène ! Dans cette vidéo : EZIO Plus d'infos sur les liens ci-dessous: http://www.bluster-record.com/ Live ! Sessions Belgium est un organisme qui invite des artistes tous styles confondus (électro-drum and bass- pop- rock ,...) à se produire en Live stream sur internet. Au programme , des interviews, des releases, des djs sets et très bientôt des groupes avec Live ! Sessions Music Band. Tous nos enregistrements sont accessible via youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/livesessi... Pour tous...
Tracklist: 01. Switch Technique & Brainpain - Everything 02. Luisoko & Malsum ft. DEPLOI - Band 03. Current Value - Starfleet 04. Counterstrike - Compulsion 05. Katharsys - Slippery Slope 06. Fortitude & Robyn Chaos - Conspiracy 140 (Switch Technique Remix) 07. Current Value - Minds Nature 08. Brainpain - Ground Zero 09. MachineCode - Double Gate 10. Switch Technique - Axe & Shield 11. Black Sun Empire & Noisia - The Veil 12. I:Gor Official - Twisted 13. Switch Technique - Softbreed 14. N-Vitrall & Ophidian - Chaos (Wavolizer Remix) 15. Katharsys - Awakened Smoke Artwork by Phiho. Fully licensed Vid by Anastasja Black
In this segment of Guns & Gear TV Season 5, Rob Pincus shows off the versatility of both the CrossBreed Holsters Belly Band, and the modular holster pieces that work on the band and the Bedside Backup. For more information, check out http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/BellyBand.aspx. Guns & Gear TV is back for a fifth season to showcase the newest and most interesting firearms and products in the industry. Offering a gun shop in your living room, you'll get in-studio interviews, field and range demonstrations, shooting tips and more. Guns & Gear TV airs on the Sportsman Channel from January to June, and on the Pursuit Channel from June to December. Check your local listings for additional channel information. Watch show segments, learn more about the products, and get the latest news at h...
Lupit nla noh???
This is some raw footage I came across while I was doing some cleaning. The band is called Crossbreed, and they're from Tampa (New Port Richie), Florida. This was filmed back in 2005 at a club in Battle Creek, Michigan when I was with Ignition Films Ltd. These guys are one of the best live shows I've seen, and some of the coolest dudes I've had the pleasure of meeting. If you have the chance to see them live DO IT, you won't be sorry. Please remember that this is "RAW FOOTAGE" which means that the quality isn't the best, but non the less worth checking out
La entrevista puede leerse en castellano en la Jedbangers #103: https://goo.gl/68bELh This interview was originally published in Jedbangers Magazine (Argentina) in August 2016. In October 2013, Nachtmystium’s frontman Blake Judd was arrested in Chicago on misdemeanor theft charges and spent a month in jail. It was the last straw in a series of events that included his departure from black metal supergroup Twilight, dozens (if not hundreds) of ripped-off fans and a long and well documented heroin addiction. After his stay in prison, Judd resurfaced with ‘The World We Left Behind’, Nachtmystium’s final album, only to put the band to rest and disappear again soon after a new scam regarding an album bundle pre-order was exposed. What you are about to hear is part of a 3 hour interview Jedb...
In this segment of Guns & Gear TV Season 6, Matt Craighead of CrossBreed Holsters shows off the RAM modular system for alternative carrying and storage options. Find out more at http://crossbreedholsters.com/HotcakesStore/CategoryViewer/tabid/112/slug/ram-mount/Default.aspx. Guns & Gear TV is back for a sixth season to showcase the newest and most interesting firearms and products in the industry. Offering a gun shop in your living room, you'll get in-studio interviews, field and range demonstrations, shooting tips and more. Guns & Gear TV airs on on the Pursuit Channel from June to December, and the Sportsman Channel from January to June. Check your local listings for additional channel information. Watch show segments, learn more about the products, and get the latest news at http://...
just showing you how we practice
Bluster Recordings est une nouvelle maison montante en région Liégeoise. Ils envoient de la Drum And Bass / Hardcore soutenue allant de la Neurofunk au Crossbreed !! Ils organisent des soirées promotionnelles afin de promouvoir leurs artistes et de faire partager l'expérience de gros noms de la scène ! Dans cette vidéo : MiK-Mac & Lewis Carter (également connus sous un autre noms , à vous de trouver ) Plus d'infos sur les liens ci-dessous: http://www.bluster-record.com/ Live ! Sessions Belgium est un organisme qui invite des artistes tous styles confondus (électro-drum and bass- pop- rock ,...) à se produire en Live stream sur internet. Au programme , des interviews, des releases, des djs sets et très bientôt des groupes avec Live ! Sessions Music Band. Tous nos enregistrements so...