Coming Soon at a Bookstore Near You!

Publication date is early November. The excitement (well, my excitement) is mounting. Here’s the publisher’s website with a pdf of chapter 1.

Hell In The Middle Of Paradise

Photo from In his essay, the famous Turkish author Ahmet Altan describes the background to the Ergenekon affair and what it means to Turkish society. (click here for the full essay) Excerpts: Turkey is like a hell in the middle of paradise… Death, murders, assassinations, gangs, bombs, political traps, racism, religious conflicts, power games […]

Faltering Reform And Nationalist Rhetoric

(Daniel Steinvorth, writing in the Spiegel, attempts to explain why AKP appears to have turned away from reforms. Read his article here) Excerpts: Amid corruption scandals and stagnating reform, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, praised in Europe as a modernizer, is seeking refuge in nationalist rhetoric, adopting a tougher stance on the Kurds and […]

Guilty Although Proven Innocent

Photo from Taraf The Ankara Bar Association has decided to discipline 17 female lawyers who wear headscarves for voting in the Bar Association elections, even though they broke no law, and even though the Bar General Institution issued a decision that covering their heads in private broke no laws. Turkish lawyers who veil generally do […]

Stalemate: Is A New Constitution Impossible?

The European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs held its first debate on Tuesday over a draft report concerning Turkey that is full of serious warnings for Ankara, which the draft says has lost its ambition for political reform… Dutch Christian Democrat parliamentarian Ria Oomen-Ruijten, who authored the draft report, [said] “We expect implementation from Turkey, […]

Turkey Adrift

The world’s leading media organizations, including Newsweek, the Economist, and Reuters, have been publishing articles in which they criticize Erdogan for losing his reform enthusiasm. “Mr Erdogan appears increasingly autocratic and out of touch. And because he lacks any credible political opponents, either within or beyond the AKP, this is making Turkey look stagnant and […]

Is Erdogan’s Light Dimming?

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is rapidly losing the support of liberals and business leaders who once saw it as an engine of reform, confronting it with serious challenges just three months before municipal elections… But with those reforms halted and graft allegations swirling, critics accuse Erdogan of becoming increasingly autocratic and […]

Liberals Critical of Stalled Reforms

For the New York Times article, click here. Excerpts: …Liberal columnists and intellectuals have begun criticizing [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan for what they say is a shift away from his reformist ways toward a more nationalist line, closer to Turkey’s powerful military… Mr. Erdogan has not had it easy. For almost two years […]

Turkey in Deep Trouble

Excerpts from an insightful and provocative article by Kerem Oktem in The New Humanist (click here for the full article). …According to the latest Pew Global Attitudes Survey, Turkey has become one of the most xenophobic countries in the world. More than 70 per cent of Turkish citizens dislike both Christians and Jews, almost 70 […]

Discussion of Court’s Headscarf Ban

See this site for a legal discussion by one of TUrkey’s most renowned Constitutional scholars of the Turkish Constitutional Court’s recently published justification for its decision on June 5, 2008 to cancel law #5735, which would have amended several articles of the Constitution and allowed female students to attend university while wearing headscarves…. (click here […]