- published: 01 Nov 2014
- views: 29
The Royal Air Force (RAF) is the United Kingdom's aerial warfare force. Formed toward the end of the First World War on 1 April 1918, it is the oldest independent air force in the world. Following victory over the Central Powers in 1918 the RAF emerged as, at the time, the largest air force in the world. Since its formation, the RAF has taken a significant role in British military history, in particular, playing a large part in the Second World War where it fought its most famous campaign, the Battle of Britain.
The RAF's mission is to support the objectives of the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), which are to "provide the capabilities needed: to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and overseas territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government’s foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security." The RAF describe its mission statement as "... [to provide] An agile, adaptable and capable Air Force that, person for person, is second to none, and that makes a decisive air power contribution in support of the UK Defence Mission." The mission statement is supported by the RAF's definition of air power, which guides its strategy. Air power is defined as: "The ability to project power from the air and space to influence the behaviour of people or the course of events."
Raf Baldassarre (17 January 1932 - 11 January 1995) was an Italian film actor.
Born Raffaele Baldassarre in Giurdignano, Province of Lecce, he started his career in the late fifties, being cast in many peplum and adventure films, alternating the stereotypal roles of the young villain and of the loyal friend of the protagonist. Following a fashion of the time for American-sounding stage names, in the second half of the 1960s he was credited "Ralph Baldwyn" or "Ralph Baldwin" in several spaghetti westerns. Baldassarre was active until mid-eighties, usually cast in supporting roles, and he occasionally also worked as a producer.
Darrell W. "Tony" Anthony (born April 12, 1960) is a retired American professional wrestler, better known by his ring names Dirty White Boy and Uncle Cletus. He wrestled primarily for independent promotions in the Southeastern United States. He was most active throughout the 1980s and 1990s in the Tennessee-based United States Wrestling Association and Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and had two short stints with the World Wrestling Federation under the ring names of T.L. Hopper and Uncle Cletus.
Trained by Steve Keirn and Ron Wright, Anthony worked as a jobber in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling in 1981 and 1982. He won his first major title teaming with Len Denton as "The Grapplers" in the AWA. They defeated The Fabulous Ones (Keirn and Stan Lane) to win the AWA Southern Tag Team Championship on August 8, 1983. After losing the title, The Grapplers continued to team elsewhere, winning the NWA Central States Tag Team Championship twice in 1984.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
Frank Wolff may refer to:
How to pronounce Raf Baldassarre (Italian/Italy) - PronounceNames.com
SALAMMBO - Fight! - Jacques Sernas
Nefertiti, reine du Nil - Film Complet by Film&Clips;
El-verdugo-de-Sevilla FuLLMoVieFrEE
Nefertite, regina del Nilo - Film Completo Italiano
El Golpe Secreto de D'Artagnan Pelicula Completa
Un dollaro tra i dent (Ένα Δολάριο ανάμεσα στα δόντια) Ελληνικοί Υπότιτλοι Tony Anthony
Un dollaro tra i dent (Ένα Δολάριο ανάμεσα στα δόντια) Ελληνικοί Υπότιτλοι Tony Anthony
Poklad Inků (1966)
Audio and video pronunciation of Raf Baldassarre brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Raf Baldassarre
Fight scene from Salammbo starring Jacques Sernas, Raf Baldassarre and Arnoldo Foà Brawny fight between Sernas and Baldassarre PEPLUM Blog : http://www.peplumtv.com
Nefertiti, reine du Nil - Film Complet by Film&Clips Réalisé par Fernando Cerchio Avec Carlo D'Angelo, Raf Baldassarre, Liana Orfei, Amedeo Nazzari, Vincent Price, Jeanne Crain , Italie 1961 Fille du grand prêtre Benakon, qui l'a choisie pour être la future épouse du jeune pharaon Aménophis, Tanit deviendra Néfertiti, reine d'Egypte... Connect with Film & Clips here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FilmClips-1716901998587585 Twitter: https://twitter.com/filmandclips Download our App here: https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/film-clips/id1142643423?mt=8 Il più bel canale di cinema gratuito e legale di Youtube. The best FREE & LEGAL Youtube Channel: movies, clips, docs, short movies from all around the world - italian, english, spanish, french, deutsch, and other subtitles available! Isc...
Titulo Original: Il boia di Venezia Director: Luigi Capuano Reparto: Lex Barker, Guy Madison, Alessandra Panaro, Mario Petri y Raf Baldassarre. Productor: . El-verdugo-de-Sevilla 1942 :~El-verdugo-de-Sevilla -(1942) FuLLMoViE-fReeHD:~El-verdugo-de-Sevilla -(1942) . El Golpe Secreto de DArtagnan - Pelicula Completa by FilmvesvesClips El Golpe secreto de DArtagnan (1962) Titulo Original: Il colpo segreto di dArtagnan.
GENERE: Storico ANNO: 1961 REGIA: Fernando Cerchio ATTORI: Raf Baldassarre, Jeanne Crain, Alberto Farnese, Romano Giomini, Giulio Marchetti, Luigi Marturano, Clelia Matania, Amedeo Nazzari, Liana Orfei, Piero Palermini, Umberto Raho, Vincent Price, Edmund Purdom, Carlo D'Angelo, Gino Talamo, Adriano Vitale Tanith, figlia del Gran Sacerdote, deve sposare l'erede al trono nonostante lei ami lo scultore Tumos. Questi cerca di dimenticarla con la zingara Merith, invano. Quando deve andare a corte per scolpire il ritratto della nuova regina, tra i due ex-amanti divampa nuovamente la passione. Ma la donna sa tornare ai suoi doveri di sovrana di fronte alla minaccia di una rivolta. Il destino si compie nell'ultima battaglia.. FOTOGRAFIA: Massimo Dallamano MONTAGGIO: Renato Cinquini MUSICHE: Car...
El Golpe secreto de D’Artagnan (1962) Titulo Original: Il colpo segreto di d’Artagnan. Nacionalidad: Italia / Francia Director: Siro Marcellini Actores: Raf Baldassarre, Franco Fantasia, Georges Marchal,George Nader y Massimo Serato Productor: Ottavio Poggi Guión: Milton Krims, Siro Marcellini Fotografía: Alvaro Mancori Música: Carlo Rustichelli Richelieu, máxima autoridad de la iglesia de Francia, encarga a D´Artagnan y Porthos desenmascarar a los líderes de una conspiración contra el rey de Francia, Louis XIII, respaldada por el hermano del rey. Haciéndose pasar por monje, D´Artagnan entra en una iglesia donde los conspiradores están reunidos y huye con la ayuda de Porthos. Mientras tanto, el duque de Montesant quiere forzar a Diane, que está bajo su tutela a cederle por escrito todas...
Πρωταγωνιστούν Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre Ένας ξένος φτάνει σε μια εγκαταλελειμμένη πόλη όπου. Πρωταγωνιστούν Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre Ένας ξένος φτάνει σε μια εγκαταλελειμμένη πόλη όπου.
Πρωταγωνιστούν Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre Ένας ξένος φτάνει σε μια εγκαταλελειμμένη πόλη όπου. Πρωταγωνιστούν Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre Ένας ξένος φτάνει σε μια εγκαταλελειμμένη πόλη όπου..
Dobrodružný / Western Západní Německo / Itálie / Španělsko / Bulharsko, 1966, 100 min Režie: Georg Marischka Předloha: Karl May (kniha) Scénář: Georg Marischka, Franz Marischka Hrají: Guy Madison, Rik Battaglia, Fernando Rey, Francisco Rabal, Chris Howland, Heinz Erhardt, José Calvo, Walter Giller, Carlo Tamberlani, Raf Baldassarre Bandita Gambusino zavraždí otce prince Inků. Uloupí mu polovinu kipu, které označuje místo pokladu. Dva bratři jsou poblíž a snaží se zločinu zabránit, ale to se jim nepodaří. Jeden z bratrů umírá rukou vraha a druhý, zvaný Pán jaguárů se vydá po stopě zločince. Obviněn ze zločinu je právě on a jeho bratr. Po deseti letech se chystá korunovace mladého Inky, který má nástupem na trůn vzkřísit zašlou slávu staré říše. Opět se zde po letech setkávají Pán jaguárů ...
http://www.spaghetti-western.net/index.php/Get_Mean Get Mean / Time Breaker Italy 1976 Director: Ferdinando Baldi With Tony Anthony, Lloyd Battista, Raf Baldassarre, Diana Lorys, David Dreyer, Mirta Miller, Sherman 'Big Train' Bergman Screenplay: Ferdinando Baldi , Lloyd Battista, Wolf Lowenthal Cinematography: Mario Perino Music: Franco Bixio, Vince Tempera, Fabio Frizzi The Stranger is given a deal from a Spanish witch to escort the Princess of Spain back to her country. For this, he will be given $50,000. When they get there, the Stranger is hung upside down, shot at with a cannon, turned black, chased by a bull, roasted over a fire, and beaten several times. But (with the biggest arsenal in any of the Stranger films) he returns. And he gets mean...