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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Mr. Fish / Truthdig

A Hard Reign



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Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0

How Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs Speeches Cost Her the 2016 Election

Between April 2013 and March 2015, she gave 91 paid speeches averaging $235,000 apiece, for a total of $21,648,000. This excerpt from "How I Lost" spotlights three of those talks.
J. Scott Applewhite / AP

Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Landed, to the Delight of the American Right

We can appreciate the full import of Gorsuch’s position on the Supreme Court only by analyzing his written orders and decisions.
A/V Booth

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence,” host and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer interviews author Rebecca Carroll about how her background influences her writing and the intersection of race and class. [Transcript added.]

On a panel moderated by Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer (pictured, right), Goodman explains why he blew the whistle on corruption in the Central Intelligence Agency.

Missile Launch Tests Trump’s North Korea Strategy

The president expresses frustration with North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, which have become one of his most vexing international problems.

The Folly of the Next  ‘Surge’ in Afghanistan

With Donald Trump’s generals considering renewed action, a U.S. Army strategist recalls his time in Afghanistan in 2011.

Illuminating the Darkness in the Age of Despair

In a U.K. commencement speech, the author urges grads to “confront the poisonous authoritarianism that is emerging in many countries today.” (Pictured, an anti-Trump march in London.)

G-20 Meeting of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin: Give Detente a Chance

At a time of increasing tensions, what’s at stake in the dynamics between the nuclear superpowers’ presidents is no less than the fate of the planet.



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Should the Media Expose Dubious Anonymous Sources?

The integrity of the news process requires a more searching response than just CNN’s retraction of a Trump-Russia article and the resignation of three journalists. (Pictured, “Deep Throat” as depicted in “All the President’s Men.”)

John Oliver: Your Local News Channel May Be Slanting Toward the Hard Right (Video)

“Sinclair may be the most influential media company that you’ve never heard of,” the “Last Week Tonight” host says in exposing how the largest owner of local TV stations is pushing an alarming agenda.

Trump Did Us All a Favor: He Helped Us Agree That Health Care Is a Right

Trumpcare has turned single-payer opponents into unwitting proponents; nonpartisan journalism may be on its way out, and maybe that’s a good thing; meanwhile, much media coverage of the war in Syria has been questionable.

The Battle Over What It Means to Be Female

The gender-identity debate pits the trans narrative against radical feminists who insist that those born female require unique legal protection and physical spaces where they can fight against oppression and for equality.

Private Money Goes After Trump’s Public Infrastructure Projects

The current lobbying push has links to a former disaster involving Mike Pence. Plus, Scott Pruitt’s industry connections run deep, and Trump Org had big plans for Soviet states.



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Trump Makes a Push on Health Bill but Still Supports Repeal-Only Option as a Backup

GOP moderates and conservatives continue to disagree over the proposed Senate health care legislation.

Now’s the Time for Medicare for All (Video)

As Republicans in Congress move to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Democrats are moving in the opposite direction, toward a universal single-payer system.

What Trump Didn’t Know About Herat When He Barred Robotics Students From Visiting the U.S.

The American Embassy in Kabul denied visitor visas to six high school girls who traveled 500 miles from the city of Herat to apply for those visas.

Health Care 2017: A Physician’s Perspective

Most doctors will say that the system is broken, and that only activist citizens can restore a sane, rational method of governance and problem-solving to America.

The Media Aren’t Telling the Real Story of Trump’s Missile Strike in Syria

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh cast doubt on the White House narrative in Syria, but mainstream media continue to maintain radio silence on his revelations.