- published: 14 May 2017
- views: 4133
FII may refer to:
FDI may refer to:
A stock market or equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.
Stocks can be categorized in various ways. One common way is by the country where the company is domiciled. For example, Nestlé and Novartis are domiciled in Switzerland, so they may be considered as part of the Swiss stock market, although their stock may also be traded at exchanges in other countries.
At the close of 2012, the size of the world stock market (total market capitalisation) was about US$55 trillion. By country, the largest market was the United States (about 34%), followed by Japan (about 6%) and the United Kingdom (about 6%). This went up more in 2013.
A stock exchange is a place or organization by which stock traders (people and companies) can trade stocks. Companies may want to get their stock listed on a stock exchange. Other stocks may be traded "over the counter", that is, through a dealer. A large company will usually have its stock listed on many exchanges across the world.
A foreign direct investment (FDI) is a controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by an entity based in another country.
Foreign direct investment is distinguished from portfolio foreign investment, a passive investment in the securities of another country such as public stocks and bonds, by the element of "control". According to the Financial Times, "Standard definitions of control use the internationally agreed 10 percent threshold of voting shares, but this is a grey area as often a smaller block of shares will give control in widely held companies. Moreover, control of technology, management, even crucial inputs can confer de facto control."
The origin of the investment does not impact the definition as an FDI: the investment may be made either "inorganically" by buying a company in the target country or "organically" by expanding operations of an existing business in that country.
FII Buying or Selling - How to Find Out
FII - How they Make Money in Stock Market | HINDI
Como analisar um Fundo Imobiliário (FII)
🔴 Fundo Imobiliário: Invista em Imóveis de forma Inteligente e tenha uma RENDA! (FII)
Tudo sobre ETF e FII | Easynvest
Como investir em fundos imobiliários - FII
Parazitii - Fii pregatit (nr.38)
FII Buying or Selling is most crucial data for any investor. If i can find out accurately then to make money from the stock market is a very easy task. This information on FII buying or selling is not available in public view on the daily or monthly basis. You can find out the change in FII shareholding pattern from quarterly reports but it is not of much use. The cumulative data available on NSE website can be used as one of the parameters to predict stock market movement. NSE Website link for FII Buying of Selling: https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/equities/equities/fii_dii_market_today.htm In this video on FII Buying or FII selling, i shared some of the tips i use to find out FII buying in a stock. You can find out by doing some basic analysis, research reports of brokerage...
Visit us at www.flay.in Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Institutional Investments are some of the topics widely discussed in the news these days. Through this video, we have explained these concepts with simplicity and brought about the differences between them.
It's a big mystery how FII or Foreign Institutional Investors make money in Indian Stock Market. Have you heard any news that FII lost money in the stock market? As i studied the investment pattern, therefore, i can conclude the analysis makes all the difference. Retail Investor adopts bottoms up approach whereas FII approach top down approach. They first ascertain the right time of invest in the market. The 2nd most crucial step is to find out tight sectors to invest and lastly, among the shortlisted sectors, they identify stocks to invest. The research of FII is very strong. Some of the key factors that influence the stock market research are Government's policies, macroeconomic indicators, external factors etc. This video FII - How they Make Money in Stock Market discusses all thes...
Aprenda a analisar um Fundo Imobiliário (FII) de forma simples e prática usando Funds Explorer. Tenha acesso aos principais indicadores listados. Para maiores detalhes acesse: http://www.fundsexplorer.com.br Aprenda a lucrar com Imóveis e Fundos Imobiliários: http://www.fundsexplorer.com.br/imoveis-cr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fundsexplorer/ Blog - https://cpeixejr.wordpress.com/ https://youtu.be/an1nfyuE62A
नमस्कार दोस्तों, आपका बहुत बहुत स्वागत है हमारे चैनल "Real Gyan [Hindi]" में, मैंने यह चैनल मेरे उन सभी दोस्तों के लिए बनाया है जो Technology| Competitive Examination की तैयारी (बैंकिंग, एसएससी,रेलवेज etc.) और उसे आसान भाषा में जानना और समझना चाहते है | Source of small clips : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viCpkdYH9b8&t;=102s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ visit our facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/bankingamigo/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please S-U-B-S-C-R-I-B-E to the channel Real Gyan. Thanks. Role of FDI in the growth of Indian Economy, FDI and FII, Economy 8: FDI-FII & Foreign Trade, FII’s Vs DII’s WHO IS STRONGER AND WHY AND THEIR IMPACT ON INDIAN MARKET, Foreign Direct Investment for India: Good Or Bad, FDI FII and WTO...
Fundo Imobiliário: Invista em Imóveis de forma Inteligente ! : https://youtu.be/LaJ8hGZVzD4 Um conhecido meu uma vez precisou de dinheiro, mas por mais que ele tivesse o patrimônio necessário, tudo estava imobilizado. Ou seja, ele tinha imóveis. Depois disso, ele aprendeu a lição e o grande problema que não ter liquidez gera, e chegou a conclusão que ele poderia investir em fundo imobiliário. Essa é uma ótima opção para quem quer investir no mercado imobiliário com um valor mais baixo, ou para quem não quer complexidade. É sobre isso que eu falo no vídeo de hoje! Conteúdo: - Fundo Imobiliário é uma forma inteligente de se expôr ao mercado imobiliário; - Fundos Imobiliários são importantes fontes de renda para quem busca uma renda mensal, ou quem buscar se aposentar de forma, gerando uma ...
Transmitido ao vido em 27/01/2017 Aproveite para tirar todas as suas dúvidas sobre ETF e FII e diversifique sua carteira de investimentos com esses produtos. Siga-nos nas redes sociais: https://pt-br.facebook.com/easynvest https://www.instagram.com/easynvest/?hl=pt Links citados na palestra: http://www.bmfbovespa.com.br/pt_br/produtos/listados-a-vista-e-derivativos/renda-variavel/fundos-de-investimento-imobiliario-fii.htm http://www.bmfbovespa.com.br/pt_br/produtos/listados-a-vista-e-derivativos/renda-variavel/etf/renda-variavel/etfs-listados/
FII’s Vs DII’s WHO IS STRONGER AND WHY AND THEIR IMPACT ON INDIAN MARKET foreign institutional investor domestic institutional investor Image result for fii A foreign institutional investor (FII) is an investor or investment fund registered in a country outside of the one in which it is investing. Institutional investors most notably include hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds. Foreign Institutional Investor - FII Definition What is foreign institutional investors? Foreign Institutional investors (FIIs) are entities established or incorporated outside India and make proposals for investments in India. These investment proposals by the FIIs are made on behalf of sub accounts, which may include foreign corporates, individuals, funds etcetera. Can Fiis invest in ...
https://goo.gl/AyF0Js Clique no link e veja como saber MAIS SOBRE fundos imobiliários. Os chamados FII, que significam Fundos de Investimentos Imobiliários têm se tornado uma forma interessante de investir dinheiro, como forma de geração de renda mensal e ganho de capital. Esse vídeo ensina como compreender a rentabilidade de um FII através do site da BM&F; BOVESPA. Para ter acesso aos novos vídeos sobre finanças pessoais a serem postados, inscreva-se no Canal Finanças clicando aqui: http://goo.gl/yrOYB Se GOSTOU do vídeo, por favor, clique em Curtir. E também deixe seus comentários, pois sua opinião é muito importante. Participe também das redes sociais do Prof. Elisson de Andrade: Fan Page Facebook: http://goo.gl/KxHcL Grupo do Facebook: http://goo.gl/dRxwq Siga-me no Twitter: https:...
Fii primul la curent cu noutatile! Aboneaza-te!/Subscribe! Parazitii-Fii pregatit (nr.38) Versuri: Democratia e un haos controlat, baga la cap Banu conduce partidul suprem esti controlat Libertatea ofurii momentele-n care, te simti fericit Si-ti permiti un moment de relaxare Sa mori pentru patrie, astea-s povesti Tre' sa gasesti ceva pentru care merita sa traiesti Prostii mor pentru ideile celor destepti Si nu exista oameni 100% corecti Cei bogati ignora oamenii desculti, invata s-asculti Nu dispretui oamenii saraci, dar culti Vei reusi, vei fi privit cu admiratie si ura Vei fi invidiat pentru femeia ta buna de p**a Legile sunt pentru noi, cei de rand Si asta nu se va schimba curand Incearca sa ma crezi pe cuvant Nu poti forta un om sa te placa Nu esti bine venit, pleaca Orice rau f...
inspector gadget
go mr gadget go thats the name
spell it out till it don't sound the same
its the g-a-d to the g-e-t
gadget on the mic wanna rock with me
yo stop that guy with a claw for a hand
go mr gadget with the master plan
inspect the scene of the crime
don't make me
but i'll hit ya with a go gadget rhyme
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
the city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's number one
now who's that man with a master plan
to bring peace to the land ya gotta understand
inspector g's the name and law's the game
he's gotta track down claw cos the guys insane
and so he works downtown as a...
looks kinda funny acts like the clown
but he be gettin criminals lock them in bars
go gadget copter jet propeller cars
he jumps up and out of the seat
and bounces higher with the springs in his feet
you know he'll always be around land or the sky
and you know inspector gadget is a hell of a guy c'mon
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know he's the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide, gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
when there's a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know hes the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's number one