- published: 02 Oct 2016
- views: 37
Changdeokgung (Hangul, 창덕궁, 昌德宮; literally, "Prospering Virtue Palace") — also known as Changdeokgung Palace or Changdeok Palace — is set within a large park in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the "Five Grand Palaces" built by the kings of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897). As it is located east of Gyeongbok Palace, Changdeokgung — along with Changgyeonggung — is also referred to as the "East Palace" (동궐, 東闕, Donggwol).
Changdeokgung was the most favored palace of many Joseon princes and retained many elements dating from the Three Kingdoms of Korea period that were not incorporated in the more contemporary Gyeongbokgung. One such element is the fact that the buildings of Changdeokgung blend with the natural topography of the site instead of imposing themselves upon it. It, like the other Five Grand Palaces in Seoul, was heavily damaged during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945). Currently, only about 30% of the pre-Japanese structures survive.
Changdeokgung was the second palace after Gyeongbokgung which had been established in 1395 as a primary palace. In the midst of strife for the throne between princes and vassals, authority of Gyeongbokgung was deteriorated. King Jeongjong enthroned by Prince Jeong-an (Yi Bang-won, later became King Taejong) moved the capital to Gaegyeong, the one of Goryeo Dynasty, again in 1400 on the pretext of superior geographical features of it, in fact, in order to avert the power struggle. King Taejong (Yi Bang-won) soon taking over the throne returned to Hanseong(present-day Seoul) had a new palace named Changdeokgung instead of Gyeongbokgung because he had killed his half brothers in Gyeongbokgung whose construction was led by Jeong Do-jeon, the king's rival before. Construction of Changdeok Palace began in 1405, and was completed in 1412. King Seonjo expanded the palace grounds by about 500,000 square meters, including Huwon (see below).
한국의 세계문화유산 창덕궁
5대궁경복궁 창덕궁 창경궁 경희궁 덕수궁
[문화유산 코리아] 조선왕의 비밀 정원, 창덕궁
한국의 유산 시리즈_창덕궁 편
[창덕궁3D 영상] 1779 왕의 하루
헌종 임금의 사랑, 창덕궁 낙선재
뷰티풀 코리아 - 자연이 품은 조선의 궁궐, 창덕궁_#001
조선왕가의 안식처, 창덕궁
창덕궁의 청와대
170528 [선공개] 천상의 컬렉션 9회- 이현이 창덕궁
창덕궁(昌德宮)은 대한민국 서울특별시에 있는 조선 시대 궁궐로 동쪽으로 창경궁과 맞닿아 있다. 경복궁의 동쪽에 있어서 조선 시대에는 창경궁과 더불어 동궐(東闕)이라 불렀다.[2] 창덕궁은 비교적 원형이 잘 보존되어 있는 중요한 고궁이며, 특히 창덕궁 후원은 한국의 유일한 궁궐후원이라는 점과 한국의 정원을 대표한다는 점에서 그 가치가 높다.[3] 1997년에 유네스코가 지정한 세계문화유산으로 등록되었다. 창덕궁은 고려 시대 궁궐의 전통을 이어받았고, 개성의 송악산의 만월대처럼 자연 지형에 맞추어 산자락에 지어졌다. 보통 궁궐은 인위적으로 존엄성과 권위를 드러내도록 건축되지만 창덕궁은 이러한 얽매임 없이 북악산의 줄기인 응봉의 산자락 생긴 모양에 맞추어 적절하게 궁궐의 기능을 배치하였다.[4] 창덕궁은 정궁인 경복궁보다 오히려 더 많이 쓰인 궁궐이다. 임진왜란 때 소실된 이후 다시 지어졌고, 1868년 경복궁이 다시 지어질 때까지 경복궁의 역할을 대체하여 임금이 거처하며 나라를 다스리는 정궁이 되었다. 일제 강점기에 많은 부분이 의도적으로 훼손되었으나, 조선 후기에 그린 《동궐도》와 1900년에 그려진 《동궐도형》을 참조하여 복원이 진행되고 있다.
문화유산 코리아 세계유산 시리즈 - 7편, 창덕궁 2015.01.16 세계유산 창덕궁에 대해 살펴본다. ▶For more videos visit us at http://home.ebs.co.kr/culturekorea/main 우리나라를 넘어 전 세계적으로 가치를 인정받은 11개의 세계유산 그동안 알려지지 않았던 세계유산의 놀라운 이야기를 《문화유산 코리아》에서 생생한 영상과 강렬한 메시지로 전달한다! ▶Subscribe to the EBS culture Channel here :) http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=EBSCulture ▶For more information visit us at http://www.ebs.co.kr/ ▶Check out what we're up to elsewhere: https://plus.google.com/+EBSCulture
창덕궁에 들어가 볼까요?? 건물들이 앞에 있지 않고 옆에 있답니다. 도대체 무슨 이유에서 일까요? 창덕궁 안에 있는 규장각에는 왕이 직접 손님이 와도 일어서지 말라고 써 붙이기도 했었다고 하네요~ 창덕궁 이곳 저곳을 영상으로 여행해보세요~ ( ** 궁궐 견학 전에 보고 가면 너무너무 도움 될 영상입니다!! 폴리씨 강추~!! ) ※ 이 영상은 문화재청에서 한국의 세계문화유산을 주제로 만든 클레이영상 입니다.
공식 홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/ebskorea/main 자연이 품은 조선의 궁궐, 창덕궁 창덕궁의 건축적 특징과 후원의 아름다움을 살펴본다 한국의 자연과 문화 속에는 한국인의 유전자가 숨어있다 세계가 인정한 한국의 자연유산과 문화유산, 그리고 국립공원의 아름다움을 찾아 떠나는 여행 그 속에는 우리가 잊고 살았던, 또는 미처 몰랐던 우리 조상들의 삶의 지혜가 녹아있고 한국의 멋이 깃들어 있다. 어머니처럼 우리를 품은 산과 강, 그 속에서 자연을 거스르지 않고 조화를 추구하는 선조들이 우리에게 전하고자하는 이야기는 무엇일까?
www.k-heritage.tv 역사의 소용돌이 속에 운명을 다해 가던 조선 왕조. 왕실이 지친 몸을 누인 곳은 창덕궁이었다. 조선의 왕들이 가장 오래 머물렀던 궁궐 역시 조선 최초의 법궁인 경복궁이 아니라 창덕궁이었다. 왕실이 사랑한 궁궐, 왕실의 안식처였던 창덕궁. 조선의 궁궐 중 원형이 가장 잘 보존된 창덕궁 전각들에는 조선 왕실의 품격이 살아 숨쉬고 있다.
Next time you’re visiting Seoul, Korea, tour the Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden. Once the living quarters of the royal family, the palace itself was built in the 15th century, and sprawls across 110 acres. The famed Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden is one of the palace’s primary attractions; when built, it was a royal retreat, inaccessible to commoners. It is now open to the general public. The garden is a quiet, lush place, and many of its plants are hundreds of years old. You can sit by the pond and marvel at its beauty, or continue your Changdeokgung Palace sightseeing and view the rest of the royal villa and its ornate decoration. What was your favorite part of Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden? Visit our Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden travel guide page for more infor...
Changdeokgung, also known as Changdeokgung Palace or Changdeok Palace, is set within a large park in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the ‘Five Grand Palaces’ built by the kings of the Joseon Dynasty.
Join us for a city tour of Seoul, South Korea! In this video we cover 50 things to do in Seoul including visiting the royal palaces, going to themed cafes, eating at local restaurants, enjoying the parks, and going to the museums. We also explore some of the best markets for shopping and street food in Seoul, dabble in Korean nightlife, and sing our hearts out at a noraebang. A few other fun cultural experiences worth mentioning are: watching a Korean baseball game, going to a jjimjilbang, and dressing up in a hanbok. Some of the neighbourhoods covered in this Seoul guide include: Hongdae, Gangnam, Itaewon, Insadong, Samcheongdong, Dongdaemun, Myeongdong and more where you'll find major attractions, shopping, entertainment and dining experiences. 50 Things to do in Seoul Travel Guide - ...
Seoul,located in North West,is population over 20 milion people,and it's largeat SouthKorea's city and capital blending all with a futute technology.So,enyoy the beautiful asia city! Expedia
♥Thanks For Watching ♥ Subscribe ♥ Don't Hate, Spread the Love ♥ One of my fave parts during our SoKor Trip! This Palace is soooo beautiful! Now I now why it's a Unesco Heritage. Definitely a must visit for first timers in Seoul. ❤️ Hope you enjoyed my vlog! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE ⬆️⬆️⬆️ xoxo, Respect Raych 💗 ------------------ Contact me at ramosraych@gmail.com -------------------------- Follow me: Blog: https://www.thebeautymove.com Facebook: fb.me/thebeautymove Snapchat: @rrraych Instagram: @rrraych and @thebeautymove Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/rrraych #thebeautymove #raychforthestars #makeupbyraych #raychbeautyfinds #raychvlogs
겸허한 도시속 궁전 유네스코 문화 유산 창덕궁 Seoul is one of the world's most modern metropolis with its state-of-the-art infrastructure and skyscrapers. But sitting in the heart of the concrete jungle is Changdeokgung Palace, the most well-preserved of the five remaining royal of palaces of Korea's Joseon Dynasty. Arguably the most beautiful of Seoul's main palaces... our Lee Unshin shows us to Changdeokgung Palace - Korea's UNESCO World Heritage. In storybooks, ancient palaces would usually be located by a seashore or in an endless green field. But that's not the case with Changdeokgung Palace, a remarkable structure built centuries ago located in the middle of the now congested heart of Seoul and which was once the home of Korea's royal family. Amid skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle of urban Se...
UNESCO World Heritage in Seoul, Korea. Explore Changdeok Palace. For more info, please visit http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/CU/CU_EN_8_8_6_1.jsp Changdeokgung palace complex (창덕궁) Geumcheongyo bridge (금천교) Injyeongjeon Hall (인정전) Images of the sun, moon and five sacred peaks in Injeongjeong Hall (인정전 내부) Seonjeongjeon Hall (선정전) Daejojeon Hall (대조전) Hujeongdang Hall (허정당) Seongjeonggak Pavillion (성정각) Nakseonjae Manor (낙선재) Yeongyeogdang Pavillion (영영각) Buyongjeong Pavillion (부용정) Julhamnu Court library (주합루) For up-to-date information, giveaways, and tips about traveling to Korea, visit our links below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/koreatourism Twitter: https://twitter.com/koreantravel Official site: http://www.visitkorea.or.kr
Seoul Korea Travel Guide in 2 Minutes is the Video #8 of the first YouTube travel channel and vacation guide with the map inside video. Do you want to get more powerful impressions? ◑ Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1i2zSGTGGnLsPeprOK1Imw?sub_confirmation=1 WHOLE PLAYLIST First Vacation Travel Guide with Map Inside Video https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQQYHODrU8JA03EbEDtntwhMu6eR1zzAJ All the places of this trip are linked on the Google Map http://www.funfilmdirector.ru/map/seoul/ When and What: Seoul, South Korea Cultural Heritage 00:13 Deoksugung Palace 00:20 Gwanghwamun Square 00:30 Gyeongbokgung Palace 00:32 Deoksugung Palace 00:39 Bosingak Belfry (Bell Tower) 00:42 Deoksugung Palace 00:54 Myeong-dong Cathedral Attractions 01:05 Myeong-dong Street 01...
Huwon Secret Garden is a rear garden at the palace that flows naturally with nature and was used as a place of leisure by members of the royal family. The garden, which has also been known as Bukwon, Geumwon, and Biwon. At 78 acres, the garden takes up about sixty percent of the palace grounds. http://www.theseoulguide.com/sights/palaces/changdeokgung-palace/huwon-secret-garden/
Take a visual tour of Seoul, South Korea and its top attractions including the traditional folk villages, Seoul Tower, Bongeunsa Temple, Changdeokgung Palace, and Gyeongbokgung Palace.