Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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May 2010

Void Network News

“3 Days in The World” in the Occupied Park of Exarchia // 3 Mέρες Στον Κόσμο //

3 days on the Planet3 Μέρες στον ΚόσμοΔευτέρα 31 Μαϊου 2010Monday 31 MayIRAQ VETERANS AGAINST THE WAR+ GEORGE KATSIAFIKAS(unfortunately this event is CANCELED due the participation of all of at the demonstrationAGAINST THE ATHENS ISRAELIAN EMBASSYin 19.00Δυστυχώς αυτή η συζήτηση ακυρώνεται για να συμμετάσχουμεΟΛΟΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΔΙΑΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑΣΤΗΝ ΙΣΡΑΗΛΙΝΗ ΠΡΕΣΒΕΙΑΣΤΙΣ 7.00 ΣΤΗΝ ΑΘΗΝΑ Τρίτη 1 Ιουνίου 2010 Τuesday 1 June 2010ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΕΞΑΡΧΕΙΩΝLA RAGE : THE REVOLT IN FRANCE Η ΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΓΑΛΛΙΑΟμιλία/ Συζήτηση με ακτιβίστριες από το κίνημα νέων“Sans Voix” (Χωρίς Φωνή)Open… …

Void Network News

Report: Wandering in Amsterdam & participation at the Anarchist Festival Pinksterlanddagen

Amsterdam is beatifull but melancholic… The prostitutes on the vitrins makes me think that all of us are prostitutes on some vitrin. Women passing by loughing and feel lucky that they avoid this fortune…Did we avoid this fortune?…Tourists, drunk men and cynical consumers of all ages are conqouring every corner of Amsterdam…The movement is weak, passive, the squats are isolated,… nationalism, right wing popularsm and racism becomes stronger and stronger…The… …

Void Network News

Void Network announces the participation at Anarchist Festival Pinksterlanddagen from 21 until 23 of May in Holland

Void Network announces the  participation at Anarchist Festival  Pinksterlanddagen  from  21 until 23 of May  in Holland  The Anarchist Festival Pinksterlanddagen is taking place in the same  area from 1924 for the last 77 years : The co-editors of the book We Are an Image from The Future (The Greek Revolt of December 2008) from Void Network will speak in Sunday  23 May at 15.00 continuing the talks from … …

Void Network News

Exclusive interview with Matthew Edwards, ex-USA Marine and activist from Iraq Veterans Against The War by Tasos Sagris & Sissy Doutsiou from Void Network

Void Network [Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts] Exclusive interview with Matthew Edwards, ex-USA Marine and activist from “Iraq Veterans Against The War” by Tasos Sagris & Sissy Doutsiou from Void Network for the special BFest issue of the Greek antiauthoritarian newspaper Babylonia Matthew Edwards will speak in Athens for the opening of Bfest in 26 May 2010 1.  How did you end up in the marines, what made you join… …

Global movement

“Elsewhere”, independent community dedicated to fine art and social visualization

“Elsewhere” is an inpedendent community dedicated to fine art and social visualization.According to their manifesto:“Elsewhere” social community network is a grassroots movement and independent community project dedicated to fine art and social visualization.We aim to motivate positive social processes in our surroundings and create a common ground for Palestinians, Israelis and foreign artists. We want to establish an international space- a venue enabling unfiltered exchange of ideas, experiences and perspectives.… …

Void Network News

Bfest // The posters of the International Antiauthoritarian Conference

Bfest  International  Antiauthoritarian  Festival 1 Conference area +2 cinema areas + 3 concert stages 5 days festival 26 May // 30 May 2010 talks, workshops,  lectures, concerts,  film shows,  rave parties at the Athens School of Arts Pireos 256 for all info & programme: posters 50cmx70cm published in 8000 copies …

Void Network News

Free Camping Movement // 2nd Open Public Assemply // Συνάντηση του Κινήματος για την Ελεύθερη Κατασκήνωση

This is an announcement in Greek language for the second Open Public Assembly of the Free Camping Movement, a wave of actions, counter-information and educative situations that will empower the uncompromised struggle for Free Camping in all beaches, rivers, mountains and forests of Greece as also will help a new generation of free campers-protectors of Earth to appear in Greece and Mediterranean Sea. Αγαπητοί φίλοι και φίλες, σας στέλνουμε αυτό… …

Global movement

OCCUPY EVERYTHING!: California Valley Miwok Tribe Occupies Foreclosed House in Stockton

OCCUPY EVERYTHING!: California Valley Miwok Tribe Occupies Foreclosed House in StocktonFrom the upcoming issue of Modesto Anarcho, 3 year anniversary issue! more about Modesto California:,_CaliforniaModesto Anarcho: Many people do not know the history of the Native peoples in the Central Valley, can you tell us a little about the history of the Miwoks? California Valley Miwok Tribe: Previous to Rancherias being created in California, the Miwok People’s territory covered ten (10)… …

Void Network News

Interview of David Graeber by Yiannis Aktimon from Void Network for the Bfest issue of antiauthoritaran newspaper Babylonia

Exclusive Interview of David Graeber by Yiannis Aktimon from Void Network for the Bfest issue of antiauthoritarian newspaper Babylonia Void Network: Dear David Graeber, good afternoon from Exarchia area, Athens Greece. Here there are some questions that you might try to answer, so we can publish them in the pre b-fest Babylonia issue.So ;How can you define the antiauthoritarian,movement and attitude of today? Do you think that we are facing a major… …

Void Network News

Report : 6th Athens Legalize it Cannabis Protestival against all prohibitions and against all addictions

More than 25000 people came and participated in the 3 stages of Legalize it Million Marijuanna Protestival in Athens. A great catalogue of artists, producers, multi media artists and d.j.s offered for free their art creating an autonomous zone for all underground cultures. Assemblies, talks, lectures and a great market area offered places for social dalogue about the drug problem, addiction, prissons and trials…Also there was a great assembly about… …

Global movement

Zen Anarchy by Max Cafard

Zen Anarchy? What could that be? Some new variations on the koans, those classic proto-dadaist Zen “riddles”? What is the Sound of One Hand making a Clenched Fist? If you see a Black Flag waving on the Flagpole, what moves? Does the flag move? Does the wind move? Does the revolutionary movement move? What is your original nature — before May ‘68, before the Spanish Revolution, before the Paris Commune?… …

Global movement

Urban Camping: Subversive City Living from Times Square to the Car Tent

 Urban camping means different things to different people, from living without a vehicle or electricity and plumbing to squatting in unused properties and more. However, the most popular definition of urban camping provided by the urban dictionary is: “camping in an urban setting by sleeping on rooftops, under bushes, and in public parks.” Amid and Zach are two brave New Yorkers who picked the busiest and most high profile place… …

Void Network News

6th ATHENS LEGALIZE IT! FESTIVAL FRIDAY 7 & SATURDAY 8 MAY against all prohibitions against all addictions! 6o ΑΝΤΙΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ 2010

6th ATHENS LEGALIZE IT! FESTIVAL FRIDAY 7 & SATURDAY 8 MAY against all prohibitions against all addictions! 6o ΑΝΤΙΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ 2010 Παρασκευή 7 & Σάββατο 8 Μάη ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΜΟΣΧΑΤΟΥ (Ποσειδώνος, στάση ΤΡΑΜ Μοσχάτο, στάση ΗΣΑΠ Φάληρο) ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΣΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΣΕΙΣ για την μείωση της βλάβης από τις εξαρτήσεις για πιο δίκαιες και αποτελεσματικές πολιτικές περί “ναρκωτικών” ουσιών Αυτό το φεστιβάλ γίνεται από όλους εμάς για όλους εμάς και μόνο με… …

Void Network News

An employee of the burnt Marfin Bank speaks out on tonight’s tragic deaths in Athens – please spread

Today’s tragic deaths in Athens leave little space for comments – we are all very shocked and deeply saddened by the events. To those who speculate that the deaths might have been caused purposefully by anarchists, we can only reply the following: we do not take to the streets, we do not risk our freedom and our lives confronting the greek police in order to kill other people. Anarchists are… …

Void Network News

Free Camping Movement // Open Public Assembly // Saturday 8 May 2010

Free Camping Movement This is the invitation  (in Greek language) for  open public assembly  of the  Free Camping Movement  in Saturday 8 May 2010, in 17.000 at the the space of  6th Athens Legalize Cannabis protestival in Paralia Moshato, Athens Greece [] Κάλεσμα Πρωτοβουλίας “Ελεύθερη Κατασκήνωση – Ελεύθερες Παραλίες”   Όσοι αντιδρούν στην τσιμεντοποίηση των παραλιών, όσοι θέλουν να απολαμβάνουν ελεύθερα και υπεύθυνα την διαβίωση στη φύση με σκηνή, όσοι συναντηθήκαμε στο… …

Global movement

Against intellectual property by Brian Martin

Against intellectual propertyFrom Information Liberation,  Challenging the corruptions  of information powerby Brian Martin,  Freedom Press, London 1998. Problems with intellectual property Critique of standard justifications The marketplace of ideas The alternative Plagiarism Royalities Stimulating creativity Strategies for change Change thinking Expose the costs Reproduce protected works Openly refuse to cooperate with intellectual property Promote non-owned information Develop principles to deal with credit for intellectual work  There is a strong case… …

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