Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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February 2010

Void Network News

Asheville // U.S.A. Tour 2010

Our talks and visual arts in Ashville created a platform for sharing ideas and help each other go together deeper in understanding of social war around the planet and our role in the global social struggles. The center of our open public talks, dialogues, cultural work, meetings, networking and community assemblies was Firestorm, an anarchist collective work café, bookshop and venue for events decorated with an amazing poster exhibition of… …

Void Network News

WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE // U.S.A. TOUR 2010 Dates and events

WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A. TOUR 2010 for all info/details/arrangements of events: voidinternational@gmail.comyou can help us continue this tour withyour donation click here:Donations For the TourWe Are An Image From The Future[February 22] Chapel Hill Internationalist Bookshop Democracy and Insurrection in Greece & the World [February 23] Asheville Firestorm Café&Books Guns for Global Warming [February 24] Asheville Firestorm Café&Books Democracy & Insurrection in Greece & the world [February… …

Void Network News

Festival of Squatting in Barcelona 5-6 th of March in Social Center “La PAPA”

Void Network [barcelona creative cell] announces the creative participation in Festival of Squatting in Barcelona5-6 th of March in Social Center “La PAPA”at sagrera st. 14 There will be two days ofWorkshops, Cinema, Presentations, Legal Support, Open Discussions,Cabaret Workshops about Welding, Water Connections, Electricity, Locks, Informatics, Drop art and much moreLegal Support Presentation and Info PointUrban Gardening ExhibitionDistribution of political magazines, books, artVegan Kitchen Come around! Check it out!… …

Void Network News

Occupation of Athens Polytechnic School after breaking of the asylum by the police

if it doesn’t exist asylum, then … there is no reason to exist the university the only university that enlighten is the one that burns solidarity to the university students that fight against the police pressence inside the university and against the academic elit (occupation of Polytechnic School started after the invitation of police by the president of Athens Polytechnic School to arrest young people organizing small party in Polytechnic… …

Void Network News

Carboro / North Carolina : We Are an Image from the Future U.S.A.Tour 2010

Carboro in North Carolina is one of the craziest places in Amerikkka… It’s a small town of 15.000 people and the strong anarchist scene vibrates its inspirational message all around the planet… People from Crimethinc ex workers collective offered us accommodation and helped us to organize our open public talk in Internationalist Bookshop… We arrived in the city one day earlier and we had the amazing chance to celebrate the… …

Void Network News

Washington D.C. / Richmond Virginia // We are an Imager from the Future // U.S.A. Tour 2010

Travelling from New York to Washington D.C. and then from the fosuburbs down to Richmond, Virginia…Meeting comrades in houses, staying together, cooking, drinking,speaking about ecological actions and solidarity movement, sleeping together, looking the Potentiality of Storming Heaven film and talking many hours about December 2008. Sharing life together with unknown people that the common ground of ideas and struggles for liberation…Wandering in the cafes and the bars of the city… …

Void Network News

New York // We are an Image from the Future U.S.A. Tour

The New Yorkers,…they hate New York.. All day spent just going and coming to the work, most of the day in work and then exhaustion…All life spent in the effort to pay back the bank loans, education loans, health care, private insurance, expensive rent.The city vibrates Melancholy, Alienation, Loneliness, and Fear…There is not any culture in a place that people are obliged care only for their daily survival…or better the… …

Global movement

More Wood for the Fire (Capitalist Solutions for Global Warming) by Peter Gelderloos

Capitalist Solutions for Global Warming More Wood for the Fire By PETER GELDERLOOS While some people were shocked when Obama revealed himself to be an energy policy rightwinger in his State of the Union address, advocating more oil drilling, more nuclear power, and uttering that egregious Bush-era term, “clean coal,” I think the most remarkable aspect of this portion of his speech was that a politician had uttered the plain… …

Void Network News

We Are an Image From the Future // U.S.A.Tour 2010

VOID NETWORK [Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts] presents WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A TOUR 2010 creative cells of cultutral activists, travelling for 6 months all over U.S.A constructing open public situations featuring open talks, debates, open public dialogues, info-centers, multi media shows, film festivals, sound systems, raves, art exhibitions, cross-platform collaborations based on the book We Are an Image from the Future The Greek Revolt of December 2008 dates /… …

Void Network News

WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE [ The Greek Revolt of December 2008] new book edited by A.G. Schwarz, Tasos Sagris and Void Network // AKPress pub.

What causes a city, then a whole country, to explode? How did one neighborhood’s outrage over the tragic death of one teenager transform itself into a generalized insurrection against State and capital, paralyzing an entire nation for a month? This is a book about the murder of fifteen-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos, killed by the police in the Exarchia neighborhood of Athens on December 6th, 2008, and of the revolution in the… …

Global movement

Let’s Save Ugandan Homosexuals from Death Penalty! Can we?

Void Network just signed a petition calling on Ugandan government to withdraw a proposed anti-gay law that would punish gay people with prison — or even death.Read more below, and sign the petition here: Thanks!—— Dear friends, “I could be facing violence, prison and even death for who I am. Across Uganda people are bravely speaking out, but this law will put us in serious danger. Please, sign the… …

Global movement

Kostas Axelos, the great Philosopher of the Open Horizon is Dead!

Void Networkannounces the death of our great spiritual friend,Kostas Axelos. The thinker of the Vast Open Horizon,the enigmatic thinker of the Planetary Age diedin 5 February 2010 in the age of 85.He will be always with us on our explorations in outer space,in our great navigations of endless future, in our never endingtravelling inside the centuries, the moments, the galaxies of passionsand the microcosms of experience…Void Network thanks Kostas Axelos… …

Void Network News

The Night of The Mysteries / Saturday 6 February 2010 Free Social Space Nosotros / Exarchia Athens

Κενό Δίκτυο[Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση,Εφήμερες Τέχνες]+οι εκδόσεις Κυκεών Tales παρουσιάζoυν ΝύχτεςΜυστηρίων Σάββατο 6 Φλεβάρη 2010 Νosotrosελεύθερος κοινωνικός χώροςθεμιστοκλέους 66εξάρχεια μέρος 1ον: 21.30 // 23.30παρουσίαση 2 βιβλίωνγια τα Αρχαία Μυστήριακαι την Εκστατική Εμπειρία “Τα μυστικά της αρχαίας Ελευσίνας:Τα ιερά μανιτάρια της Θεάς.”του Curl Ruckinfo: και“Ο δρόμος για την Ελευσίνα:αποκαλύπτοντας το μυστικό των Μυστηρίων”των Albert Hofman, R.G.Wasson, Curl Ruckinfo: Ομιλητές:Ηλίας Μοναχολιάς(εκδότης των βιβλίων // εκδόσεις Κυκεών Tales)Aλέξης Καλοφωλιάς (μεταφραστής) Ποίηση:Τάσος Σαγρής, Γιάννης Ραουζαίος,Σίσσυ… …

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