- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 121950
Koç University is a private university in Istanbul, Turkey. It started education in temporary buildings in İstinye in 1993, and moved to its current Rumeli Feneri campus near Sarıyer in 2000. University currently consists of Colleges of Social Sciences and Humanities, Administrative Sciences and Economics, Science, Engineering, Law, Nursing and Medicine. Koç University offers 22 undergraduate, 31 graduate and 16 PhD programs.
It was founded in 1993 by the Vehbi Koç Foundation, with the aim of creating a world-class university and stimulating modern research. The majority of classes (over 96%) at Koç University are taught in English (few exceptions are found only in the School of Law and School of Nursing) The university has about 5,500 students and charges the highest tuition amongst all universities in Turkey. It accepts international students from various countries and has an extensive network of partner-universities.
Koc University has the following academic units:
A university (Latin: universitas, "a whole") is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which grants academic degrees in various subjects and typically provides undergraduate education and postgraduate education. The word "university" is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars."
The original Latin word "universitas" refers in general to "a number of persons associated into one body, a society, company, community, guild, corporation, etc." At the time of the emergence of urban town life and medieval guilds, specialised "associations of students and teachers with collective legal rights usually guaranteed by charters issued by princes, prelates, or the towns in which they were located" came to be denominated by this general term. Like other guilds, they were self-regulating and determined the qualifications of their members.
In modern usage the word has come to mean "An institution of higher education offering tuition in mainly non-vocational subjects and typically having the power to confer degrees," with the earlier emphasis on its corporate organization considered as applying historically to Medieval universities.
A teaching hospital is a hospital or medical center that provides clinical education and training to future and current health professionals. Teaching hospitals are often affiliated with medical schools and work closely with medical students throughout their period of matriculation, and especially during their clerkship (internship) years. In most cases, teaching hospitals also offer Graduate Medical Education (GME)/ physician residency programs, where medical school graduates train under a supervising (attending) physician to assist with the coordination of care.
In addition to offering medical education to medical students and physician residents, many teaching hospitals also serve as research institutes.
Although institutions for caring for the sick are known to have existed much earlier in history, the first teaching hospital, where students were authorized to methodically practice on patients under the supervision of physicians as part of their education, was reportedly the Academy of Gundishapur in the Persian Empire during the Sassanid era.
Koç University From the Sky!
Koç Üniversitesi Tanıtım Filmi
Koç University 2011-2012 Presentation Movie
Exchange Story of Emilie Litsas from American University
Okulumu Anlatıyorum | Koç Üniversitesi
Koç University 2014 - A Tour to Remember!
Anadolu Bursiyerleri 2017 Mezunları
Koç Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tanıtım Filmi
Koç Üniversitesi | VLOG #10
Mike Bloomberg Delivers Koç University Commencement Address
Winter at Koç University
My Koç University Graduate Experience - Abby Comstock Gay
Flash Mob in Koc University
Informational Interview with an Arab Student from Koç University
Koç Üniversitesi'nde Burslar
Koç University Masters in International Management 2015
Burası Koç Üniversitesi
Dorm Life in Koc University !
Koç University Hospital at Arab Health 2016
40. Koc University
Koc University Hospital
A Survey in Koc University
Koc university promo video
Koc University MBA Program
Koç Üniversitesi’ni duydun ama görmediysen, gördün ama bilmiyorsan kapıları açıyoruz. Gerçekten tanıman için…
Koç University Presentation Movie 2011-2012 (English)
Emilie Litsas, from American University chose to take a semester out from her degree and came to Istanbul, Turkey on an exchange program. She tells us the experience of living in Istanbul and studying here at Koç University.
Tercih dönemi biterken, okulun farklı alanlarında kampüs ve sosyal hayatla alakalı birkaç şey anlattım. (Aslında bu videoyu daha önce çektik ama bugüne kaldı) Canlı yayınla beraber tercih döneminde yardımcı olabilmişimdir umarım az da olsa! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asliaykaya/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asliaykaya/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/asliaykaya Snapchat: asliaykaya İngilizce Kanalım: https://goo.gl/h6D7tt Audible'dan ilk ayı bedava dilediğiniz bir kitabı dinlemek için: http://www.audibletrial.com/asliaykaya Bilgisayardan izliyorsanız sağ alt köşedeki çarka tıklayıp hızı x1.5 ya da x2 yaparak bu videoyu daha kısa sürede izleyebilirsiniz. Yurt Hayatı Oynatma Listesi: https://goo.gl/tGJdI6 YGS/LYS Oynatma Listesi: https://goo.gl/syHhJ1 Öğrencinin Bütçe Rehb...
A highly energetic tour around KU's main campus. Get to know our reputable faculty members meanwhile!
Anadolu Bursiyerleri Programı 2017 yılında 2. mezunlarını verdi.
http://medicine.ku.edu.tr/ https://www.facebook.com/kocunivsom https://twitter.com/koctipfakultesi https://www.youtube.com/kusom2010
Arkadaşım Aslının projesi için attım kendimi yollara geldim Koça :) Zamanım yarısını yolda harcadığım bu canım vlogda size Koç Üniversitesini gezdiriyorum. Hiçbir yerde bulamicağınız kampüs turu ile 'Vlog #10: Koç Üniversitesi' karşınızda. He bu arada yorumlarınızı da bekliyorum ona göre :) Abone olmak bedava :): https://goo.gl/0Xixk6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -VLOG İÇİN; https://goo.gl/JMMkrS -TAG İÇİN; https://goo.gl/FE3dEt -CHALLENGE İÇİN; https://goo.gl/VO0SE6 -KONSER VLOGU İÇİN; https://goo.gl/jUBcju ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Mike Bloomberg delivered remarks at the 2014 Koç University Commencement ceremony on June 14, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey.
1993 yılında İstanbul'da eğitime başlamış olan bir vakıf üniversitesi olan Koç Üniversitesi, 1993 yılında İstanbul'da eğitime başlamış olan bir vakıf üniversitesidir. Rumelifeneri yolu üzerindeki kalıcı kampüsünde faaliyetlerine 400 öğretim üyesi ve 5.130 öğrenciyle devam etmektedir. İnsani Bilimler ve Edebiyat, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler, Fen, Mühendislik, Hukuk ve Tıp Fakülteleri ve Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu ile eğitim sunan Koç Üniversitesi, 22 lisans, 27 yüksek lisans ve 13 doktora programı ile eğitim vermektedir. Daha fazlası içinse www.tongucakademi.com 'u ziyaret edebilirsin. Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız: Google + : http://goo.gl/qVOqi9 Instagram: http://goo.gl/pyQPwE Facebook: http://goo.gl/OH4VsC Twitter: http://goo.gl/V03f2t
Video from MA in Comparative Studies in History and Society students Abby Comstock Gay about her experience at Koç University
يسرنا الإعلان عن شراكة جديدة مع جامعة كوتش Koç Üniversitesi في تركيا والتي تقدم جميع البرامج باللغة الإنجليزية. للتعرف عن الجامعة وميزاتها، أحد طلاب الغرير للعلوم والتكنولوجيا قام بمقابلة خريج عربي من جامعة كوتش. إسمع عن تجربة عماد من خلال هذا الفيديو! إذا كان لديك اسئلة معينة لعماد عن تجربته الجامعية في كوتش، الرجاء إرسال ايميل إليه على mattar14@ku.edu.tr لمعرفة المزيد والتقديم بطلبك للجامعة، قم بزيارة الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بها: https://www.ku.edu.tr/en للتقديم على برنامج الغرير لطلبة العلوم التكنولوجيا، قم بزيارة: https://agf.smartsimple.ie/s_Login.jsp We are eager to announce our partnership with Koç Üniversitesi in Turkey. This informational interview with Imad, an Arab graduate from Koç University and Feras, one of our Al Ghurair STEM Scholar sheds light on what it's like to be...
Rektörümüz burs koşulları konusunda bilgi veriyor.
Entrepreneurship and flexibility: Koç University Master’s in International Management students tell us what they think makes a great leader. Master’s in International Programs are designed for people in the early stages of their careers – with little or no full-time professional experience. Koç University Graduate School of Business offers two programs under MIM: Koç Master’s in International Management and CEMS Master’s in International Management. For more info visit https://gsb.ku.edu.tr/en/koc-masters-international-management
Koç University Hospital is exhibiting at the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress from 25-28 January 2016 at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre. http://www.arabhealthonline.com/
Koc University MBA Program (with English subtitles)
This video was made available by the International Community Office at Koc University with the voice narration of our exchange student Ms. Jasmin Tomas from San Francisco State University (SFSU).
The mentor team at Koç University set up an amazing orientation week for all exchange/ERASMUS students! They helped us prepare for classes, explore the city and acquaint ourselves with Turkish culture!
Hamideh and Hossein describe their experiences studying as international graduate students at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.
Great students, great partners and awesome day at Koç University!
GABAM Lectures #3: Albrecht Berger - Visiting Constantinople with the Patria: a Byzantine travel guide and its perils
This video gives information for both Koç University students and international students from our ICM partner universities.
This video serves as a guide for International Students from our ICM Partner Universities. Mobility duration, grant and other information can be found in the video.
International Community Office Quick Video Guides
KOC University Hospital Kerem Ersoy – Ukraine Representative Специалист Международного отдела по Украине Унивесритетская Клиника Коч С момента создания благотворительного Фонда Вехбi Коч ( 1969 год) начал проводить масштабную деятельность в области Образования и Здравоохранения. Медицинские учреждения Фонда Вехбi Коч составляют Koc University Hospital с общей площадью в 250.000 м2 насчитывает 3075 больничных палат и 77 палат с интенсивной терапией В Koc University Hospital работает более 3 000 специалистов, в прошлом году Koc University Hospital принял более 50 000 международных пациентов, которые определили наиболее приемлемый для него путь лечения именно у нас. Одними из наиболее сильных направлений Университетской клиники КОЧ является Онкология и Кардиохирургия. «Университетс...
A week with lots of information, joy and friendship.
This August, 13 Koç Üniversitesi students participated in the Koc University International Office organized summer abroad program embarked on a experiential learning journey where domains of design thinking, social innovation, entrepreneurship and conscious leadership intersected each other. They worked in teams to undertake various social entrepreneurship and community impact challenges related to the issues of sustainable livelihoods and inclusive development in West Bali, Indonesia.Special thanks to our partners for making this program happen; Designing for Social Innovation and Leadership - DSIL Global and Five Pillar Foundation
The one-minute testimonial from Chaudry Raza Hassan (Pakistan). He is currently pursuing a MSc degree in Bio-Medical Sciences and Engineering at Koç University.
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27/2, "Moonlight Sonata" - 3. Presto Agitato Gülsin Onay, Piano Music courtesy of Gülsin Onay.
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://stream-concert.ga/live.php?artist=Songs%20From%20A%20Breeze&venue;=Koc%20University,%20Istanbul,%20Turkey ============================================================================ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey ============================================================================ Dont miss it guys! Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share. For next live schedule update... Thanks for visite. ============================================================================ No needed sofware to instal, no lag, no buffer with HSDLST technology, broadcasted events work well on all devices, we take it live not from cell phone camera, during this post still exist in youtube, then...
LIVE Stream concert & Recorded Here: http://iflix32music.com/live.php?artist=Songs%20From%20A%20Breeze&venue;=Koc%20University,%20Istanbul,%20Turkey Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 __________________________________ Don't missed this EVENT Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share Thanks for visit. __________________________________ En Vivo , Ao Vivo , In Direct __________Thanks you______________
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://stream-concert.ga/live.php?artist=Songs%20From%20A%20Breeze&venue;=Koc%20University,%20Istanbul,%20Turkey ============================================================================ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey ============================================================================ Dont miss it guys! Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share. For next live schedule update... Thanks for visite. ============================================================================ No needed sofware to instal, no lag, no buffer with HSDLST technology, broadcasted events work well on all devices, we take it live not from cell phone camera, during this post still exist in youtube, then...
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://iflix32-livestream.cf/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University,-Istanbul,-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 =================================== Dont miss it guys! Please Subscribe this channel like comment and share. For next live schedule update... Thanks for visite.
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://iflix32-livestream.cf/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University,-Istanbul,-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 ==================
Live Streaming Concert available and will be recorded here : http://ultralive4k.online/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University,-Istanbul,-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 =============================================================== Dont miss it Please Subscribe this channel like comment and share. For next live schedule update… Thanks for visite. ===============================================================
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://officialmusicevent.com/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University-Istanbul-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University Istanbul Turkey Date : October 2017 =================================== Dont miss it guys! Please Subscribe this channel like comment and share. For next live schedule update... Thanks for visite.
Live Streaming Concert and Recording Here: http://officialmusicevent.com/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University-Istanbul-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University Istanbul Turkey Date : October 2017 =================================== Dont miss it guys! Please Subscribe this channel like comment and share. For next live schedule update... Thanks for visite.
LIVE Stream concert & Recorded Here: http://iflix32-livestream.cf/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University,-Istanbul,-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October, 2017 =============================== Don't missed this EVENT Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share ---Thanks for visit--- ===============================
LIVE Stream concert & Recorded Here: http://iflix32-livestream.cf/Songs-From-A-Breeze-At-Koc-University,-Istanbul,-Turkey/P6XB-KXvZJ8/ Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October, 2017 =============================== Don't missed this EVENT Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share ---Thanks for visit--- ===============================
LIVE Stream concert & Recorded Here: http://livestream.officialmusicevent.com/live.php?artist=Songs%20From%20A%20Breeze&venue;=Koc%20University,%20Istanbul,%20Turkey Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 ____________________________________ Don't missed this EVENT Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share ---Thanks for visit--- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ ____________________________________ En Vivo , Ao Vivo , In Direct __________Thanks you______________
LIVE Stream concert & Recorded Here: http://livestream.officialmusicevent.com/live.php?artist=Songs%20From%20A%20Breeze&venue;=Koc%20University,%20Istanbul,%20Turkey Artist : Songs From A Breeze Venue : Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey Date : October 2017 ____________________________________ Don't missed this EVENT Please Subscribe this channel, like, comment and share ---Thanks for visit--- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ ____________________________________ En Vivo , Ao Vivo , In Direct __________Thanks you______________
Hey. İnstagram hesabım; https://www.instagram.com/eylulbahaar/?hl=tr Müzikler; Dj Quads - The Improv Dj Quads - Soul https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
Kanalımıza abone olun: https://goo.gl/zl0PQl Sitemizi ziyaret edin: http://anlatsin.com/ Sosyal medyada Anlatsın'ı takip edin: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/anlatsin • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anlatsin/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anlatsin • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/anlatsincom
A great 10 days in Bali - diving into the complexity of sustainable development, social innovation and design thinking.
Tercih dönemi biterken, okulun farklı alanlarında kampüs ve sosyal hayatla alakalı birkaç şey anlattım. (Aslında bu videoyu daha önce çektik ama bugüne kaldı) Canlı yayınla beraber tercih döneminde yardımcı olabilmişimdir umarım az da olsa! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asliaykaya/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asliaykaya/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/asliaykaya Snapchat: asliaykaya İngilizce Kanalım: https://goo.gl/h6D7tt Audible'dan ilk ayı bedava dilediğiniz bir kitabı dinlemek için: http://www.audibletrial.com/asliaykaya Bilgisayardan izliyorsanız sağ alt köşedeki çarka tıklayıp hızı x1.5 ya da x2 yaparak bu videoyu daha kısa sürede izleyebilirsiniz. Yurt Hayatı Oynatma Listesi: https://goo.gl/tGJdI6 YGS/LYS Oynatma Listesi: https://goo.gl/syHhJ1 Öğrencinin Bütçe Rehb...
This documentary film follows the Koç University hockey team on its quest to win the Turkish First League. After winning the regional Marmara League, the Koç University hockey team faces tougher teams from across Turkey. Filmed and edited by Sveta Nekrasova. Produced by Sveta Nekrasova and Michael Jorgensen.
♡ BU KUTUYU GENİŞLETİN ♡ Bir önceki videodaki müzik sıkıntısı için özür dilerim :( müziği silip videoyu yeniden yükledim. Rahatlıkla izleyebilirsiniz. Videomu beğenmeyi ve kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayın! ☺︎ Bu video ile ilgili tüm sorularınız yorumlardan sorabilirsiniz. E-mail: sunflowettown.info@gmail.com Instagram: @serraerke Blog: https://sunflowertown.wordpress.com Twitter: @serraerke Tumblr: sunflowertown.tumblr.com Videoda ürün yerleştirme ya da sponsorlu bir çalışma MEVCUT DEĞİLDİR.
Tips and advice for Syrian students about applying to Turkish universities and scholarships
2013-2014 Sezonu Türkiye Amerikan Futbol 1.Ligi Final Karşılaşması: Koç Rams vs Boğaziçi Sultans 2013-2014 Turkish American Football League Final Game: Koç Rams vs Boğaziçi Sultans
The mentor team at Koç University set up an amazing orientation week for all exchange/ERASMUS students! They helped us prepare for classes, explore the city and acquaint ourselves with Turkish culture!
Sveta Nekrasova'nın yaptığı belgesel Koç Üniversitesinin buz hokeyi sezonunu takip ediyor.
كل التفاصيل التي تحتاجها لتشارك في برنامج Koc University Summer Research Program للطبة الجامعيين في الطور الأول Undergraduate
Koç Üniversitesi'nden Prof. Levent Bağcı Erzincan'daki küçük işletme sahipleri için "Pazarlamaya Giriş" konulu çevrimiçi bir seminer düzenledi. Bu seminerler dizisi genelde pek az işletme eğitimi olan, ya da hiç olmayan küçük ve orta ölçekli işletme sahiplerine pratik ve uygulanabilir bilgiler sağlamak üzere tasarlandı. 'Koç Empowers' çevrimiçi seminerleri Türkiye'deki KOBİ sahiplerine işlerini geliştirip büyütmeleri için gereken bilgileri sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. 'Koç Empowers' Webinar Dizisi Koç Üniversitesi öğrenci grubu KU Global Aid tarafından gerçekleştirilen eğitim gezisinin devamı niteliğinde olup, Koç Üniversitesi Uluslararası Programlar Ofisi tarafından organize edilmiştir. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Leven...