Downloadable Texts

This is an incomplete list of academic articles (quite a few old ones still to be scanned yet) and an even less complete list of journalism… More to come… [see for more, including drafts of recent history work]

Hutnyk 1999 Semifeudal Cybercolonialism Technocratic Dreamtime in Malaysia – appeared in Bosma, Josephine et al (eds) 1999 Readme! ASCII Culture And The Revenge Of Knowledge, New York: Autonomedia.

Citizen Marx/Kane – My text on reading Capital in the cinema- with Orson Welles (in ‘Marx at the Movies’ – edited Kristensen and Mazierska collection 2014 [email me for details if needed]).

Proletarianisation’ in New Formations 2013 – abstract

with Tom Henri ‘Contexts for Distraction’ Journal for Cultural Research 2012 17(2):199-125

Beyond Television Studies‘, South Asian History and Culture, 3:4, 583-590 – 2012

Poetry After Guantanamo‘ – in Social Identities Volume 18, Issue 5 pp. 555-572 – 2012

Sexy Sammy and Red Rosie‘ in Space and Culture – 2012

Interview by State of Nature: – – 2010;

Critique of Everything Journal of the Finish Anthropological Society – 2011

Undercover transportsPDF – from What Does a Chameleon Look Like? eds Menrath & Schwinghammer – 2011;

Pantomime Paranoia in London, or, “Look Out, He’s Behind You”‘ from Popular Music and Human Rights, ed Ian Peddie – 2011 – by grace and favour of the publisher;

‘NDTV 24 X 7, the Hanging Channel: News Media or Horror Show?’ in Contemporary Indian Media and the Politics of Change, London: Routledge.  Published 2011;

Tourism: Trinketization and the Manufacture of the Exotic from Battleground: The Media, 2 vols – 2011;

with Laura King, ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Gaius Baltar’ from Breaching the Colonial Contract: Anti-Colonialism in the US and Canada, ‘Chapter Twelve – King and Hutnyk‘ [spoilers to end of BSG S03E20) – 2009;

The Politics of Cats from Stimulus Respond 2007;

Culture from Theory Culture Society New Encyclopedia Project 2006;

an article on Asian Communists in the UK from Social Identities 2005;

a piece on Fun*Da*Mental from South Asian Popular Culture 2005;

Michael Palin’s Himalaya in Journal of the Moving Image 2005;

Hybridity from Ethnic and Racial Studies 2005;

also Hybridity as ‘Contact Zones’ in shorter form at Transversal here;

Photogenic Poverty: Souvenirs and Infancy from the Journal of Visual Culture 2004;

The Chapatti Story from Contemporary South Asia 2003;

Bataille’s Wars from Critique of Anthropology 2003;

Jungle Studies from Futures 2002;

talesfromtheraj13 (1)Rethinking Marxism 2001;

Capital Calcutta from City Visions eds Bell and Haddour 2000;

Culture Move‘ on ADF: in Ghadar May 2000;

Complicity from the Assembly catalogue 2000

Resettling Bakun: Consultancy, Anthropologists and Development, Left Curve 23, 1999

‘Clifford’s Ethnographica’ Critique of Anthropology, 1988;

Adorno at Womad from Postcolonial Studies 1998;

‘Media, Research, Politics, Culture: Review article’ Critique of Anthropology, 1996;

CALCUTTA CIPHER: Travellers and the City Social Analysis 32 (December 1992), pp. 53-65

‘Comparative Anthropology and Evans-Pritchard’s Nuer Photography’ Critique of Anthropology, 1990;

Clifford Geertz as a Cultural System. 1989 Social Analysis 26:91-107 (the pdf duplicates p97, sorry)

The Authrority of Style Social Analysis No 21 1987



FULL TEXT OF Dis-Orienting Rhythms: the politics of the new Asian dance music

Pantomime Terror, Bad Marxism, Critique of Exotica, Rumour of Calcutta,

Diaspora and Hybridity, Celebrating Transgression, Beyond Borders, Travel Worlds


In The Paper:

Too Much News In the World – Lets make some more. The Paper March 2011

Time Out for Scheherazade. The Paper April 2011


*new [old]: Ancient Journalism for Green Left Weekly (circa 1993):

Advanced Technology Park:

Advanced Technology Park 2:

PubliCITY – commissioned multi-author section of Left Curve no 29 – LC29.PUBLICity35pp-Hutnyk


Other old stuff and occasional pieces:

Technocratic Dreamtime in Malaysia, On the Multimedia Super Corridor, 1997 from Mute.

Semi-feudal Cyber-colonial: technocratic dreamtime in Malaysia – a longer text from: README! FILTERED BY ASCII CULTURE AND THE REVENGE OF KNOWLEDGE edited by Josephine Bosma, Pauline van Mourik Broekman, Ted Byfield Matthew Fuller, Geert Lovink, Diana McCarty, Pit Schultz Felix Stalder, McKenzie Wark, and Faith Wilding AUTONOMEDIA

.’Translating Appearance’ in The Devil’s Party ed Tom Bunyard 2008 (my piece starts page 50, you have the whole book here)

More to come.


4 thoughts on “Downloadable Texts

  1. Hi Dr. Hutnyk?

    I’m a former student from Manchester University Social Anthropology thing (the rasta dissertation guy who lost his mother just before course started – cool identity ha)… ok and took an interest in Gramsci, subaltern studies and others that the mr. Hutnyk tried to turn us on to…

    After starting writing and playing music again in recent years, I have recently decided to start doing a bit of AKA DEMIC reading and writing again.

    I was just doing a bookish searchy thing and wondered how John Hutnyk was doing and what he was up to… so I did a Hutnykish searchy thing and saw a few new books since last I saw you (a chance meeting in Covent Garden if I recall).

    Anyway, I just felt like saying a quick hello and am glad to see you are still doing your thing. Glad to see its working out for you ;) and thanks for helping brighten my time passing through the at times :) rather dull corridors of Manchester SA DPT…

    warm regards,


    Liked by 1 person

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