June 2017 at Joe’s Garage


Music with Jake Bellissimo & Maud Scheltinga

Thursday 22nd June 2017, Music with Jake Bellissimo, Maud Scheltinga & more to be announced. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30pm.

Jake Bellissimo: “I’m a queer songwriter from Rochester, NY (USA) and I co-run the record label Drunk With Love Records with Jack Barham, where I put out the music of myself and my friends.”

Maud Scheltinga: Over the past couple of years, Maud has interpreted and re-interpreted the world around her by means of songs like short stories. Listening to her music feels like listening to a bookshop owner taking different (but equally beloved) books off the shelf and dazzling you with short and direct anecdotes that offer a peek inside.

Drunk With Love Records was founded in 2014 as a response to the missing link between professionalism and intimacy. Based somewhere in between upstate New York and Berlin (and named after the Bruz Fletcher song “Drunk With Love”), it currently represents a family of songwriters, composers, and artists. Separating the art from the artist is not what we do—by combining music with our lives we can give the audience context on a very personal level. Formats (albums, singles, etc.) are nearly irrelevant, honesty is key. Drunk With Love Records documents art in its immediate form, as a reflection of the immediacy in our lives.

The latest solo release from Jake Bellissimo without the gay angel monicker plays with making the intimate spacious and vice versa. This time without a large ensemble behind him, the music shifts between full band, orchestral arrangements, and acoustic moments. Taking inspiration from traveling and states of flux, Piece of Ivy is a transition point, a diary for the months following an exhale.

http://jakebellissimo.com/ […Lees verder]

Lifelong Hangover (folk punk duo from Finland)

Monday 19 June 2017, Lifelong Hangover (folk punk duo from Finland)
between 9 and 10pm on the stage
Vituiks Meni Records http://vituiksmenirecords.blogspot.com

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, all year long. Door opens at 7pm. Vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. In July and August, the people’s kitchen is closed on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

“HyperCoup. Rise of the Troll Nation”. Movie screening and discussion

“HyperCoup. Rise of the Troll Nation”
A dystopian sci-fi horror action documentary based on a real story.
70 minutes. 2017. Language: English, some parts Turkish; English subtitles

Movie screening on Friday 16 June 2017. Doors open at 7pm with food. Film starts at 8:30pm followed by a Q&A/discussion with the producers.

HyperCoup: Rise of the Troll Nation

What would you do if you could troll the entire world, while you get shit tons of money and an army at your disposal? What would you think if someone already did it? How could that be possible?

How has Turkey replaced the modern leviathan of state with a hypernormal troll state? How did in July 2016 a living dead army of trolls come to take over the streets of Turkey within their self-perpetuating panmedia environment? How was this troll army controlled by the government using a hypercentralized communication network? How did the Turkish state (which was portrayed as ‘moderate’ just a few years ago) come to dominate social media (which was portrayed as the ultimate liberatory medium just around the same years) and how deep does this go? How to make a coup and get away with it as if you fought and won against a “coup attempt”? How to conduct a political genocide while everyone is watching and still get to call yourself democratic? How did Turkey lead the way by example into the post-truth-trump world? How to survive the coming shitstorm?
… and hopefully much more with your participation in the virtual live interview with persons from the internet.

What the fuck is going on in Turkey?!

Looking for an overview of the situation and a critical media perspective, we asked this question last autumn.
We wanted to know what had happened since the so called military coup attempt. Soon it became clear that talking about this spectacle on July 15th 2016 only made sense in the bigger picture of Turkey’s political and social development within the last years; a development that we can now call the rise of the troll-nation state.
Starting from this point, our fellow ‘HyperNormalisation’-influenced media activists and cyborgs started retracing the story of the troll nation with the help of their own memories, experience and their best friend and external brain: the internet.

If you dare to know, what you will get is an explosion of footage, piecing together hundreds and thousands of documents and media particles which seem more or less random at first – but in their compilation and coming with a connecting story-telling, they outline the official state narrative with it’s overflow of media use and manipulation; as well as presenting many silenced voices, censored reports and the stories disrupting the official perception management.

Warning: some scenes are extremely disturbing and we assure you all of that really happened (it’s actually getting worse out there).



Benefit Freedom of Movement All Included – Music & performances with Efa Supertramp, Dancing Queer & Glittasphyxia

all-in-T-shirtThursday June 15th 2017, Benefit Freedom of Movement All Included, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music & performances from 8:30 till 10pm with Efa Supertramp (punk folk singer, Cardiff), Dancing Queer (queer Egyptian belly dancer) and Glittasphyxia (spoken word/tales of a feral exhibitionist).

All Included is a small campaign organization in Amsterdam that struggles for free migration and sustainable development. We support the migrants’ movement that fights for their rights.
The current developments on the EU-borders demonstrate the power of migration that breaks the illusion of Europe as an island of equal rights, civilization, democracy and welfare(state). We support the migrants who come to our borders and welcome them. The EU has always pretended to be in control of the border security without degenerating into a Fortress Europe. Given the large numbers of migrants entering ‘irregularly’ today, the EU broke out in panic while portraying migrants as a threat and migration as a crime. The repressive EU-deal like the one with Turkey is not new. Other buffer states such as Morocco, Libya, Mauritania, Senegal have had to sign those deals in the past where migrants, irrespective of flight pattern, are kept outside the EU. Human rights are violated outside the EU in return of a bag of money. The war against immigrants is just more visible now because it is clear that the EU cannot control the migration at its borders. We support migrants breaking through borders and confronting the image of the EU as an tolerant civilization. The EU is pressuring African states to stop migration threatening with stopping development Aid: the Valletta agreements. We say: Open Escape Routes! Stop Deportations! Our African friends are resisting these deals: http://www.allincluded.nl/posts/actie-landgrabbing-office-du-niger-in-mali/

All Included is involved in Afrique-Europe Interact, a partnership between African and European grassroots organizations that support free migration and sustainable development. Contacts are mainly in Western Europe (Mali, Togo, Burkina Faso, Senegal) and North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia). Themes are deportation, freedom of movement, land grabbing, corruption. All Included is also active in Watch the Med http://www.watchthemed.net/) and Alarm Phone (http://alarmphone.org/en/), a 24-hour emergency phone for those who cross the Mediterranean. Undocumented migrants in Amsterdam are where possible supported by All Included.

What’s included?

All Included Amsterdam is a new initiative that fights for freedom of movement and for the right of residence for migrants. In a time when globalization is a fact, migration should be recognized as part of a package deal. It’s All Included. This means: no illegality, no detention for undocumented migrants and no forced evictions.

With the disappearance of national borders, national identity disappears. Everyone becomes global citizen and deserves regardless of origin equal rights and equal opportunities. Therefore also for migrants ‘all included’ rights and obligations.

Allincluded.nl fightsg for an open society through extra-parliamentary action which intervenes in the political climate of assimilation, closeness and fear. Through direct assistance to rejected asylum seekers and other migrants without residence permit, indictments against abuses of current polities are being propagated. We want to contribute to the public debate with alternative visions of migration and globalization based on open borders, solidarity and initiative from the base.

http://www.allincluded.nl […Lees verder]

Benefit for “Ink the rich!”, DIY Print Kollectiev

Amsterdam_DIY_Screen_Print_CollectiveMonday 12th June 2017, Benefit for “Ink the rich!”, DIY Print Kollectiev. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 8:30 till 10pm with Tim Holehouse (nomadic mutant hardcore blues from London) and Tragical History Tour (gritty acoustic cowpunk from Scotland).

All benefits at Joe’s Garage go to support projects dealing with social & political struggles. This Monday, June 12th, we’ll cook and eat for the “Ink the rich!”, DIY screen-printing workshop.

Since the beginning of 2016, after a couple of squat evictions and relocations, the studio has found a new safe home in the Bajesdorp squat. Grown over the years within the autonomous community of Amsterdam, it keeps on supporting diverse political, social and alternative initiatives by printing t-shirts, patches, buttons, posters, zines… Now, this precious tool (and the collective of volunteers that maintains it) still thrives on the same diy, non-hierarchical and non-profit core values of the beginning. And is fully operational!

For this fundraiser, come, $upport and enjoy the menu brought too you by the infamous, tyrannic and clumsy cooks Spamela Tupperware and Fluffia Crustpudding, together with some other actual members of the printing collective. Don’t forget to greet them, either you like their food or not, with due hugs and (fake) compliments! […Lees verder]

Music with Tim Holehouse and Tragical History Tour

Tim_Holehouse_Tragical_History_TourMonday 12th June 2017, Music with Tim Holehouse and Tragical History Tour. From 7pm, Volkseten Vegazulu, Benefit for “Ink the rich!”, DIY Print Kollectiev. Music from 8:30 till 10pm.

Tim Holehouse (nomadic mutant hardcore blues from London) has spent the last 8 years on the road touring his ass off to play his music to the people of the world, playing his brand of mutant delta blues (delta blues played by a guy who was raised on a musical diet of being in Hardcore bands like Minor Threat, Husker du, Minute men and Black Flag). Not touring for huge profits (just enough to get by) or to seek fame, just a pure love of music, traveling and adventure. The archetypal image of a bluesman, outcast from proper society and stalked by personal demons. The defining characteristic of Delta blues is instrumentation and an emphasis on rhythm and “bottleneck” slide. When Holehouse arrived in a new town, he would play for tips on street corners or in front of the local barbershop or a restaurant. Holehouse also had an uncanny ability to establish a rapport with his audience – in every town in which he stopped, Holehouse would establish ties to the local community that would serve him well when he passed through again a month or a year later. Ok these things where written about Delta Blues Musicians of the 1920’s and 1930’s but sums up what i am trying to do now. I travel I play music for music’s sake. It has its roots in the delta blues with my own personal twist on it. I live by my rules and those rules are best summed up by something a friend of mine from Winnipeg told me once. Creativity, Adventure and People. Things I will not do Appear in my own music videos! Have my name or face on a shirt! Sell my soul! I enjoy playing music, if you want me to come to your town play get in touch. Let the good times roll!

Tragical History Tour (gritty acoustic cowpunk from Scotland) is the solo acoustic pseudonym of Dundee, Scotland based singer/songwriter Derrick Johnston. As former frontman of Scottish punk rock bands Uniforms and Joey Terrifying, and a founder of Scottish DIY label Make That A Take Records, Derrick has spent the last 15 years in the trenches of DIY punk rock.
After more than a decade of DIY releases and over 500 shows across the UK, USA and Europe, Derrick is set to release the first Tragical History Tour LP through Make That A Take Records / Aaah! Real Records in Summer 2017, recorded and produced by John Harcus of PMX in Perth, Scotland.
“Aphorisms” contains ten tracks of heart-on-sleeve blood, sweat and tears acoustic punk rock. With reverence, respect and philosophical introspection, Tragical History Tour comes over like Leatherface covering Leadbelly, from slashing punk chords to gentle folk-inflected finger-picking, topped off with Derrick’s unique characteristic dual-octave vocals. .
http://www.makethatatakerecords.com/tragical-history-tour/ […Lees verder]

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: From the Journals of Jean Seberg (Mark Rappaport, 1995)

Sunday 11 June 2017, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: From the Journals of Jean Seberg. Doors open at 8.30pm, Programme starts at 9. FROM THE JOURNALS OF JEAN SEBERG, 1995 Directed by Mark Rappaport, 100 minutes, In English.

On Friday September 14, 1979 a group of mourners assembled in Paris’s Montparnasse Cemetery, including Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, decorating a casket with lilies, daises and yellow roses. This was the burial site of an extraordinary woman who was attractive, intelligent, famous and independent. A person who thought she was free, until she crossed the line and was put on the FBI hit-list. She was singled out, isolated, the victim of a smear campaign that destroyed her. The term for this is “character assassination” but it often leads to literal assassination.
Actress Jean Seberg, the American star of Jean-Luc Godard’s French New Wave hit Breathless, was a woman who was trying to do the right thing. She was married to the famous French author and diplomat Romain Gary, and both of them supported liberation causes in the 60s. In particular, Jean Seberg sided with the Black Panthers. This lead to a full attack against her by the FBI, who were out to destroy her at any cost. In the book Seances, I included a released FBI memo detailing their targeting of Jean Seberg as a subversive, and their intentions to ruin and “neutralize” her… including publishing fake news stories about her in the international press, such as Newsweek. This is no conspiracy theory, it is out in the open and a matter of fact.

‘Journals’ is a creative documentary that charts the life of Jean Seberg – from bright eyed actress who fought to be independent, to a woman doomed by a world of men. When Seberg was put on the government’s hit-list, she entered a dark world of undercover harassment, including burglaries, smear campaigns, wiretapping and stalking. Nico, the singer of the Velvet Underground, who was a friend of Seberg said “Jean was very beautiful and very intelligent, but she had a sad life … She pointed out the FBI men who were constantly following her around. Have you ever seen FBI men? They were exactly what you expect. Vulgar. Can you imagine such a thing? What tragedy…”

Narrated by Mary Beth Hurt (the star of Woody Allen’s Interiors), this is a piercing journey into the dreams of Jean Seberg, but also into the world of ruthless politics. A world where people who follow their heart are destroyed by men with dark agendas that wield their power. It’s that simple, and that tragic.

This will be a rare screening of this explosive documentary.

the trailer: https://www.fandor.com/films/from_the_journals_of_jean_seberg […Lees verder]

Benefit for Art & Craft Workshops for Asylum Seekers – Music with Kara Güneş

Thursday 8th June 2017, Benefit for Art & Craft Workshops for Asylum Seekers – Music with Kara Güneş (Marta Celli & Özgür Yalçın, Iranian santur & Celtic harp – Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9 pm.

Stichting CAAT Projects has been giving dance workshops in an Asylum Seekers center for women in Amsterdam West, in cooperation with “Wij Zijn Hier”. Now we would like to start new workshops using arts and crafts in different centers. We do need material and that implies some costs, thus you would be helping us with that! When possible we will open the workshops to the neighbors and population in general to increase the chances for a successful integration of the newcomers. So hopefully we can also welcome you in our workshops. Thanks for helping! And join us on the 8th of June for some tasty food and more information about us!

Kara Güneş (Marta Celli & Özgür Yalçın, Iranian santur & Celtic harp). Irish songs and Kurdish & Turkish ballads… End of the concert, we want to make one short jam session. If you want to join us just take your instrument..” […Lees verder]

Antimilitaristic Camp in Germany – Info and discussion

deckblatt7Monday 5th June 2017, Antimilitaristic Camp in Germany – Info and discussion. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Info and discussion at 8:15pm.

From the 31th of July to the 6th of August the War-Starts-Here camp will set up in Potzhene (close to Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).

For several years now the War-Starts-Here camp brought together lots of different people in the village of Potzehne in central Germany, situated close to the border of the most modern and important military training site in Germany, the “Gefechtsübungszentrum Heer”, abbreviated as GÜZ. Antimilitarist discussions as well as practical resistance left a persistent mark on both the participants of the camp and the surrounding region. And it was fun!

We gather to gain and share knowledge about wars and their preparation, to figure out the situation we are living in and to analyse its internal relationships. Perspectives in emancipatory movements are highly diverse – and so are the views on military and war. This in mind, we want to further develop common ideas of resistance, strengthen the local anti-war-initiatives grown over long years and also discuss our differences respectfully. It seems highly important to us, that we make a step towards the locals and talk with them about their experiences…and maybe more…

By this year’s camp we build on last year’s main issues. The motto “Krieg.Macht.Flucht.” is still up-to-date, saying “war causes flight” while making use of the ambiguous German word “Macht” (translating both as makes/causes and power). This time our focus will be the development of common anti-militarist and anti-racist perspectives of resistance. Let’s overpower our powerlessness – the camp in Potzehne wants to provide a space for that. We want to have a discussions at eye level with everyone sharing our radical refusal of the global destructive circumstances.

Training, exercise, preparation and export – war starts here! We want to make this deadly site publicly visible, since it is of crucial importance to war preparation. Through various antimilitarist actions we want to disturb the “normal” operation on the GÜZ, let’s mark, block, and sabotage this full-speed-running machinery of war! To mobilize for the camp and give information face to face a comrade from Magdeburg will come to

Appeal in english: http://www.war-starts-here.camp/startseite/appeal-english/
http://war-starts-here.camp […Lees verder]

Ajami (Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani, 2009)

Sunday 4th June 2017, Movie night: Ajami (Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani, 2009). 120 minutes, Language: Arabic and Hebrew. English subtitles. Door opens at 8pm, film begins at 9pm. Free admission.

The film contains five story lines, each of which is presented in a non-chronological fashion. Some events are shown multiple times from varying perspectives. A young Israeli Arab boy, Nasri, who lives in the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa, narrates the film.

The film borrows from the techniques of Gomorrah and the Mexican new wave as typified by, say, Amores Perros, in weaving characters and storylines to create a tapestry of lives. The drama is kickstarted by a drive-by shooting that kills an innocent boy, mistaken for one of the main characters. It’s the result of a vendetta between two crime clans and revenge for the shooting of a Bedouin weeks earlier.

Using non-professional actors, Ajami’s strands give an unusually nuanced insight to life in Israel, its confusion of identities and passions. Intelligently, the directors offer no glib solutions or sermons and allow the considerable energy of its images to sweep viewers along. Age-old prejudices and hatreds surface every now and then, but the main aim is the politics of day-to-day survival.

Movie trailer: https://vimeo.com/15503260 […Lees verder]

Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal

mumia2017Monday 29th May 2017, Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On Monday, April 24, 2017, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 63rd birthday and 36th year of torturous wrongful incarceration, there will be a hearing on his Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition in Pennsylvania state court. The hearing is expected to begin at 9:00AM at the Criminal Justice Center, Room 1101, 1303 Filbert Street in Philadelphia, PA. This hearing is being held to determine whether all of the PA Supreme Court decisions from 1995-2008 that denied Abu-Jamal his freedom should be overturned.
Abu-Jamal was convicted in 1981 for the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner despite evidence demonstrating the police and prosecution manufactured proof of his guilt and suppressed evidence of his innocence. He was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to death because of political reasons: his former membership in the Black Panther Party and his support for the MOVE organization.
Beginning at 8am and continuing while the court hearing is in progress, there will be a spirited live-streamed rally and demonstration around the Criminal Justice Center and City Hall, calling for the release of Abu-Jamal on signs and banners. The International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Mobilization for Mumia are also urging supporters to attend an evening program “Resistance Matters – Legal and Medical Justice for Mumia and all Prisoners” at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 North Broad Street, from 6-9PM for the most up-to the-minute update.
This legal challenge is based on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Terry Williams’ case, which ruled that an appellate judge cannot participate in a case in which he had a former role in significant prosecutorial decisions. Ronald Castille was the District Attorney responsible for opposing Abu-Jamal’s 1989 appeal of his trial conviction and death sentence. Former Philadelphia DA Castille ran for election to the PA Supreme Court bragging that 45 men (including Abu-Jamal) had been convicted and sentenced to death by his DA’s office. After being elected to the PA Supreme Court in 1994, Castille ruled against Abu-Jamal in every appeal brought before him critical of the actions of his former DA’s office. Castille had also been financed and named “Man of the Year” by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). This is the same right wing organization who endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016.
In the meantime, the Mobilization for Mumia won an important victory for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and thousands of other similarly infected individuals suffering from hepatitis C in PA prisons. After a two year long campaign in the courts and the streets, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC), paving the way for Abu-Jamal to get the cure for his hepatitis C infection which had already led to the scarring of his liver. He is now in the second week of receiving the life saving medication and his victory will clear the way for the other 7,000 inmates suffering from untreated hepatitis C to also get treated. Legal actions continue in fighting for compensation for damages due to the DOC’s negligence in refusing to treat Mumia and other prisoners in a timely and humane manner.
Our ultimate goal is to win Abu-Jamal’s release as well as freedom for other politically targeted political prisoners, virtually invisible in the modern day concentration camps we call prisons.

For more information look at: http://www.freemumia.com […Lees verder]

Screening: The Strange World of Gurney Slade (1960)

gslade1Sunday 28th May 2017, Screening: The Strange World of Gurney Slade (1960). Written by Sid Green and Dick Hills.. We’ll be screening three episodes at 9pm.

The bizarre adventures of a frustrated actor, who walks off a tired family sitcom into a world of talking dogs, and dancing advertisements. One of television’s genuine oddities, The Strange World of Gurney Slade was a whimsical ‘comedy of thought’ following one ex- (or so he thinks) actor’s meandering journey through a fantasy world. On the back of a burgeoning pop career, Anthony Newley was offered free reign to create of a six-part comedy series in collaboration with comedy scriptwriters Sid Green and Dick Hills (who would later write for Morecambe and Wise). The result, to the bemusement of ATV’s Lew Grade, was not a series of pop shows, but an off-beat, stream-of-consciousness comedy.

Unusually, the series was shot on film, marking it out from the largely studio-bound, live, theatrical drama of its time. The first episode sees actor Gurney Slade, in protest against a hackneyed sitcom script, abandoning the studio set for the streets of London. What follows is a fantastical journey unlike anything on television by 1960: Lewis Carroll-style linguistic invention, conversations with dustbins and dances with Hoovers, culminating in Gurney’s entering a home to find an average TV viewing family (his former acting colleagues) watching his show. […Lees verder]