Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Houston, we have a problem.

I have been formally asked to cease and desist all New Order / Joy Division activity, regardless of material and sourcing.  It was mentioned to me that the label has been focusing on me/the blog(s) as well.  Therefore, for my own protection and sanity, there will be no more posts here.

Maybe I'll start a blog about kittens.

-Analog Loyalist


  1. That's a pity, because no one else is doing this work. It seems like the world is run by lawyers, accountants, and copyright trolls. Sad.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. It's been said before but if the band would offer up these items, then we wouldn't have to resort to this. Good Luck with your future.

  3. Sorry to hear the news. Thanks for all your work and I hope something changes for the better in the future.

  4. Unbelievable truly unbelievable, New Order brought this on themselves. The only way we can hear these rarities is by bootleg because NO won't be releasing them anytime soon. What ever happened to the factory spirit? punk rock attitude? These were the core values of this great band. Please guys,come to your senses. But regardless, thank you Analog Loyalist it was great while it lasted.

  5. I won't write a long comment 'cos I would re-write what Michael has... Thank you again for your gigantic work, dear Analog Loyalist.

  6. Thank you for the time and patience you have taken to reveal all the great joy Div/New Order rarities to the internet world. Thankfully, your work has spread far and wide outside the sphere of your blog. Dont let the bastards grind you down...

  7. Thanks for all your fantastic legendary work with our favourite band. In the meantime, do keep us updated with the address of your blog about kittens. Thank you.

  8. Just make sure your blog is not about Stiff Kittens, they may have a problem with that...
    Thank you for sharing your immense talent with us. To me you're a sort of Robin Hood...
    all the best!

  9. Bad News, thank you for your hard work which was done for your love the bands and their music , not for any self financial gain.

  10. Oh no, I wanted to see the Rennes remaster so bad, I guess that it will never see the light of day.
    Thanks for all your work, I hope that they will engage you and release officially these soundboards, maybe in a parallel universe ..

  11. Analogue Loyalist, you're a hero and don't be disheartened. You've done a wonderful job in providing rare treats in the best possible sound quality to many avid listeners - the fans who have kept the artists involved as relevant today as they always were. A good job well done! The record company should have identified the clear demand for this material and failed to do it properly by employing your talents to remaster and officially release the fruits of your labours itself. I hope the powers that be see sense and allow you to continue if they don't do it themselves. Thank you for the great music lovingly restored.

  12. Thank you Analogue Loyalist for all the hard work you did to bring these to the JD/NO community. What you have done here will be remembered.

  13. Bollocks. Well, thank you. I hope we might one day see an official version of some of the work you've done, with a nice Saville box and all that.

    Thanks again.

  14. Can't thank you enough for all the hard work - may great things happen to & for you!

  15. Thanks for everything you've given us!

  16. Am I the only person to think that Hooky as been the cunt here. I think he was pissed off from your review of the New Order show in Toronto and decided to close- you down. he will be selling these gigs like he sells "pictures in my mind".The main thing is that all the main Joy Division studio recordings-picadilly/Central Sound etc., and the New Order first demo are out there in pristine quality.-if you know where to look for them.

  17. No, you´re not the only person.It was my first reaction, too.

  18. Analog Loyalist, thank you for all your work with the JD/NO music. I have been a fan of JD since '79 and NO since they came in to being. What you done with their music is just been fantastic, it is a shame that you have been pressurised in to stopping.

    Record labels have been bleeding fans like me and everyone who followed your blogs for years now, if they had someone like you on board in the first place and treated fans properly, there would be no need to have these sites.

    I really do wish you all the best, I hope someday someone will pick up on your talent and you get the recognition you rightly deserve.

  19. Don't give up mate. Tell then to go fuck themselves

  20. Sucks.

    Alot of unique posts here. Most of them I'd either get from this site or nowhere at all. If there were a legal alternative I'd take it but this is all there is.
    It's a shame really.

    Maybe you could continue releases on the hush hush.

  21. Anyway, thank you very much AL for a wonderful time with your blogs and your remasters!
    Merry X-mas & a Happy(er)New Year !
    Very Best wishes, Michael

  22. Have a good holidays! Chin up, even if you can't post New Order stuff it will all be OK. Take a nice break, and just keep the music in your heart!!!

  23. So sorry to hear this. It was nice to see someone take care and effort to present the JD & NO material in it's best possible quality rather than just whacking it out there in piss-poor audio quality and low bit rate mp3. You've been the template for how all fan-produced downloads of live recordings and un-released material should be done.

    I do hope you'll find a way to continue your work - perhaps on one of the torrent sites. But if not, thank you and good luck to you in whatever you do in the future.

  24. I shall, of course, echo what everyone else has said already. Many thanks for your efforts and for the information & back stories that went along with them. What you've done here hasn't been just another "bootleg" site, it's been genuine artistry in its own right -- clearly a labor of love for you -- done as a fan for fans, offering recordings & insight unavailable elsewhere.

    Thanks again for the work you have put in here. I've learned a lot, and nobody can take that away!

  25. Shhh. No one is looking. Post some more stuff :)

  26. Well, CRAP!

    Thanks so much for what you have been able to accomplish. Truly exceptional work!
    I hope I didn't overlook or miss anything..

  27. copyright nazis punishing real fans

  28. Don't let the man get you down. Hope you keep your blog up - even without posting tunes!

  29. thank you for the excellent work, i'll miss your work...maybe if the relevant people are watching the site and reading these comments, they can employ you and will actually release these tidbits properly. Even, as was noted above, in a "nice Saville box...".....

    let us know about your kittens!

  30. y r stupid upload these to pirate bay!!
