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Tag: Syria

Questioning the Investigation of Syria’s Alleged Sarin-Gas Attack

The head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ahmet Üzümcü (pictured), should resign over his role in the production of a biased report.

Posted on Jul 5, 2017 READ MORE


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Russia-China Relationship Is Growing Closer, and That Could Hurt the U.S.

Global power is being shifted by Sino-Russian rapprochement, a development largely caused by American actions.

Posted on Jul 5, 2017 READ MORE

Trump Did Us All a Favor: He Helped Us Agree That Health Care Is a Right

Trumpcare has turned single-payer opponents into unwitting proponents; nonpartisan journalism may be on its way out, and maybe that’s a good thing; meanwhile, much media coverage of the war in Syria has been questionable.

Posted on Jul 3, 2017 READ MORE

The Media Aren’t Telling the Real Story of Trump’s Missile Strike in Syria

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh cast doubt on the White House narrative in Syria, but mainstream media continue to maintain radio silence on his revelations.

Posted on Jul 1, 2017 READ MORE

Russians Alarmed, Washington Befuddled by White House Threat to Syria

The American statement that Syrian President Bashar Assad (pictured) is preparing to use poison gas could have dire consequences.

Posted on Jun 29, 2017 READ MORE

Robert Parry Wins 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism

The veteran investigative reporter and founder of is honored for a career of truth-telling and dissidence.

Posted on Jun 28, 2017 READ MORE

White House Issues Warning to Syria, Surprising Many in the U.S. Government

Statement advises Assad he would “pay a heavy price” for using chemical weapons on Syrian civilians.

Posted on Jun 27, 2017 READ MORE

Donald Trump’s Increased Military Spending Won’t Make America Great—or Safer

The president is slashing the U.S. domestic budget and putting money into a war machine that only continues to inflame tensions around the world.

Posted on Jun 27, 2017 READ MORE

Trump Accuses Syria of Planning Gas Attack as U.N. Ambassador Points Finger at Russia and Iran

There seems to be a faction of hawks around the president who want to maintain a condition of undeclared war with Russia and Iran.

Posted on Jun 27, 2017 READ MORE

Seymour Hersh Casts Doubt on April’s Syrian Gas Attack

Behind the scenes of the U.S. attack on a Syrian air base, American military and intelligence officials doubted that the Syrians had used chemical weapons, according to the investigative reporter.

Posted on Jun 27, 2017 READ MORE

Chris Hedges and Christian Parenti on the Deep-Reaching Ramifications of Climate Change (Video)

The Truthdig columnist and “On Contact” host discusses heightened global conflict due to climate change with author and professor Christian Parenti (pictured).

Posted on Jun 24, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Syria’s ‘Hell on Earth,’ Up Close and Personal

Footage of real-life bloodshed justifies the infernal title of Sebastian Junger’s documentary film, co-directed by Nick Quested.

Posted on Jun 22, 2017 READ MORE

Russia Cancels Diplomatic Meeting With U.S. in Wake of Latest Sanctions

President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman says the U.S. move wasn’t constructive and warns of possible retaliation.

Posted on Jun 21, 2017 READ MORE

Killer Drones and the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy

Continuing the use of drone warfare will exacerbate foreign distrust of American intentions, playing into the hands of our opponents.

Posted on Jun 21, 2017 READ MORE

Can the U.S. Establish a ‘Deconfliction’ With Russia in Syria?

Tensions are high after the Air Force shot down a Syrian warplane, leading Russia to announce it may shoot down any U.S. aircraft operating in western Syria.

Posted on Jun 20, 2017 READ MORE

U.S. Shoots Down Syrian Air Force Jet

The military claims the action was taken in “collective self defense” of its partner forces.

Posted on Jun 18, 2017 READ MORE

Trauma Inflicted on Children in the War on Terror Is Clouding Global Society’s Future

If the defeat of terrorist groups means the destruction of childhood and the death of dreams across much of the world, what kind of victory will that be?

Posted on Jun 17, 2017 READ MORE

U.N. Investigator: U.S. Coalition Airstrikes Causing ‘Staggering Loss of Life’ in Syria

The effort to retake the city of Raqqa from Islamic State “has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced,” the official says.

Posted on Jun 14, 2017 READ MORE

A Bernie Sanders-Led Party Would Still Be an Imperialist, Pro-War Party

Even if the Vermont senator ran with the People’s Party, he would remain, in the eyes of his critics, a warmonger by virtue of his positions.

Posted on Jun 13, 2017 READ MORE

How a Washington Post Columnist Whitewashes Saudi Arabia’s Actions

The United Arab Emirates ambassador to the U.S. heaps praise on work by journalist David Ignatius and uses the media to push for war.

Posted on Jun 12, 2017 READ MORE

The Tillerson-Trump Rumble Over Qatar Shows White House Divisions

The U.S. has two foreign policies: that of the former ExxonMobil CEO who is an old Middle East hand, and that of a Queens real estate mogul who became president.

Posted on Jun 10, 2017 READ MORE

Capturing the Chaos of the Syrian Civil War

Truthdig columnist Jordan Riefe and Deputy Editor Kasia Anderson sat down with Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Sebastian Junger and Emmy-nominated producer Nick Quested to discuss their latest documentary, “Hell on Earth,” which reveals the carnage of the war.

Posted on Jun 8, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

The Arab American Left and Palestine: The Untold Story

Author Pamela Pennock pushes back against politically fueled stereotypes and makes a case for reframing Arab Americans’ present-day struggles.

Posted on Jun 5, 2017 READ MORE

Noam Chomsky on Climate Change, Foreign Policy and ‘the Facade of Trumpisms’ (Video)

The acclaimed political critic and philosopher delves into a number of pressing subjects in a special hour-long talk with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!

Posted on Jun 1, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Trump Is Nearing a Decision on Whether to Exit the Paris Climate Deal

If the president withdraws from the agreement, he will break ranks with more than 190 countries.

Posted on May 31, 2017 READ MORE

Donald Trump Is Now in Sync With U.S. Imperial Policy in Syria

The United States has countered the Syrian-Russian-Iranian-Turkish de-escalation with a major escalation: “no-go” zones.

Posted on May 30, 2017 READ MORE

Pentagon Confirms Airstrike Killed More Than 100 Civilians in Mosul

This account is at odds with what the U.S.-led coalition’s top officer suggested during a Pentagon press briefing held 11 days after the strike.

Posted on May 25, 2017 READ MORE

Michael Flynn’s Turkey Connection Is Worth Pursuing

Flynn reportedly barred an attack on Islamic State after receiving more than $500,000 from a Turkish source. The implications could be key to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

Posted on May 18, 2017 READ MORE

Obama and Trump Could Both Be Considered Guilty of War Crimes

A group of Obama White House lawyers—who defended the U.S. bombing of Libya, drone wars and the “proxy” war against Syria—is suing Trump for failing to legally justify his attack on a Syrian air base.

Posted on May 11, 2017 READ MORE

What Foreign Policy Will New French President Pursue in the Middle East?

Although Emmanuel Macron seems to shy from furthering foreign military engagement, his positions on Middle Eastern foreign policy seem similar to those in Washington, D.C.

Posted on May 9, 2017 READ MORE

What Is the ‘Trump Doctrine’ of Foreign Policy?

At first glance, international relations under the new president seem inconsistent and arbitrary. In fact, he’s operating on four major principles.

Posted on May 6, 2017 READ MORE

Hillary Clinton Does Not Belong in the Anti-Trump Resistance Movement

The Democratic presidential contender is back in public view, claiming she’s part of the “resistance”—but it’s just another selling point she and establishment Democrats are pushing.

Posted on May 4, 2017 READ MORE

Too Bad

Posted on May 4, 2017 ENLARGE

Donald Trump Is on Course to Be One of the Worst Presidents in U.S. History

Trump had a chance for a transformational presidency, but his decisions in his first 100 days in office have put him on an almost irreversible path to failure.

Posted on May 1, 2017 READ MORE

Former President Obama Has a New Job: Control the Official Narrative of American Exceptionalism

Barack Obama now must protect the ruling class, the empire and his role in maintaining the empire: his legacy.

Posted on Apr 28, 2017 READ MORE

The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’ Takeover of America

Neoconservatism was born during the Cold War with an overt mission to roll back Russian/Soviet influence everywhere. That mission continues today.

Posted on Apr 27, 2017 READ MORE

Russian Explanation of the Mass Poisoning in Syria Could Be True

Evidence shows the deadly poison could have come from the bombing of an ammunition depot, not from a nerve gas attack.

Posted on Apr 26, 2017 READ MORE

Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy?

Since the election, Congressional Democrats’ silence on foreign policy questions has been deafening. It’s time for them to chart a new course.

Posted on Apr 26, 2017 READ MORE

The Honeymoon of the Generals

Trump has appointed generals to crucial posts in his administration, lifted restraints on how commanders in the field can act and let the military send more personnel into the Middle East.

Posted on Apr 25, 2017 READ MORE

American Imperialism Leads the World Into Dante’s Vision of Hell

This four-part series called “Universal Empire” examines the current stage of the neocon takeover of American policy that began after World War II.

Posted on Apr 24, 2017 READ MORE

Rocket Science

Posted on Apr 23, 2017 ENLARGE    

With Error Fixed, Evidence Against ‘Sarin Attack’ Remains Convincing

New results show even more strongly that a U.S. report on the incident in Syria was wrong. They also suggest that Donald Trump lacked information that justified a missile strike.

Posted on Apr 21, 2017 READ MORE

Ajamu Baraka: A Renewed Peace Movement Is the Antidote to Misguided Black Politicians

The human rights activist and 2016 Green Party vice presidential candidate is leading the Black Alliance for Peace, a project against “war, repression and imperialism.”

Posted on Apr 21, 2017 READ MORE

How to Lose the Next War in the Middle East

The short answer: Fight it.

Posted on Apr 21, 2017 READ MORE

Rising Political Star Tulsi Gabbard Wins Some Local Love at Hawaii Town Hall (Video)

More than 600 people showed up at Waiakea High School in Hilo to hear the Democratic congresswoman speak about homelessness, decriminalizing marijuana, health care, Syria, North Korea and other topics.

Posted on Apr 20, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

North Korea’s Message for Trump: We Will Protect Ourselves With Nuclear Weapons (Video)

If the United States takes military action against North Korea, “it would mean from that very day an all-out war,” Vice Foreign Minister Han Song Ryol (pictured) says. 

Posted on Apr 20, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Blaming Russia Helps Democratic Party’s Anti-Bernie Elites Maintain Power

Rather than pursuing an independent investigation into the 2016 election, the Democratic establishment has used hyperbole to block Bernie Sanders and progressives from pulling away from Wall Street.

Posted on Apr 20, 2017 READ MORE

The Nerve Gas Attack Described in White House Report Did Not Occur, Expert Says of Syria Incident

Some kind of poisoning event may have produced mass casualties on April 4, but the White House Intelligence Report did not accurately describe that event, a weapons specialist from MIT writes.

Posted on Apr 19, 2017 READ MORE

What Happened to Russiagate?

For five months, there was a daily drumbeat on Russiagate, the theory that Russia put Donald Trump in the White House. Now, the “scandal” has disappeared.

Posted on Apr 18, 2017 READ MORE

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