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Action neutrality small

Tell Congress: Don't Surrender the Internet

Net neutrality is under serious threat. President Trump's FCC Chairman Ajit Pai plans to roll back critical net neutrality protections. We can't let that happen. It's time to tell your lawmakers: Don't let the FCC surrender the Internet.

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Border act 1

Demand Border Agents Get a Warrant Before Digital Searches

Cell phones, laptops, and other digital devices shouldn’t be subject to unfettered search by the U.S. government at the border. Email Congress today and tell your lawmakers to support the Protecting Data at the Border Act (S. 823/H.R. 1899), a bill to require that border agents get a warrant based on probable cause to search our digital devices at the border.

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Pull the Plug on Internet Spying Programs

Every day, the U.S. government sweeps up the emails, text messages, and other online communications of millions of innocent Americans. Congress has a chance to rein in this unconstitutional spying when a key surveillance authority expires at the end of this year.

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