- published: 24 Oct 2014
- views: 594
Molodist (Ukrainian: Молодість, meaning "youth") is an international film festival which takes place every October in Kyiv, Ukraine. It had its beginning in 1970 as a two-day festival of films, shot by students of Kyiv State Institute of Theatrical Arts, presenting 33 movies that year. In 2010 there were 439 films presented, making it the biggest film festival in Ukraine, with an audience of 127,000.
The president of festival is Andrii Khalpakhchi (Андрій Халпахчі).
A film festival is an organized, extended presentation of films in one or more cinemas or screening venues, usually in a single city or region. Increasingly, film festivals show some films outdoors. Films may be of recent date and, depending upon the festival's focus, can include international and domestic releases. Some festivals focus on a specific film-maker or genre (e.g., film noir) or subject matter (e.g., horror film festivals). A number of film festivals specialise in short films of a defined maximum length. Film festivals are typically annual events. Some film historians do not consider Film Festivals as official releases of film, like Jerry Beck. The best known film festivals are the Venice Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and the Berlin International Film Festival, the latter being the largest film festival worldwide, based on attendance. The Venice Film Festival is the oldest major festival. The Melbourne International Film Festival is the largest film festival in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the oldest in the world. A 2013 study found 3,000 active films festivals worldwide—active defined as having held an event in the previous 24 months.
Молодість - дітям / Molodist for Kids
Molodist video 2017
Molodist Film Festival Opens in Kyiv: Guests celebrate country most prestigious film festival
Проморолик Molodist KIFF
Molodist International Film Festival-2016, part 2 | ProART
Molodist KIFF presentation
molodist 2011 trailer
Molodist Proxodut'
201502 Molodist part 1 FHD
molodist v Isusi
nazad shlyahoo nemae - molodist
Molodist KIFF Promoting Ukraine in Cannes
Molodist IFF official trailer
45-й Міжнародний кінофестиваль "Молодість"/ 45th International Molodist film festival
Офіційний тизер МКФ "Молодість" 2013 | Molodist IFF 2013 official teaser
molodist 46l
Очима ІКіТБ. Міжнародний кінофестиваль Molodist
Скандинавська панорама | Molodist 43
Над фильмом работали: Сергей Мельниченко Сергей Степанский Марина Степанская Люся Васильева Ира Мельниченко Елена Голубева Композитор: Никита Моисеев Актриса: Маша Васильева
These guests are arriving for the opening ceremony of the most prestigious Ukrainian film festival. Started in 1970 as a students' competition from one of Kyiv's film schools, in just a few decades it has turned into one of the most influential European film festivals for young talent. Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
Works by young and experienced filmmakers were screened together in the Kyiv cinemas. The best films from around the world were demonstrated at ‘Molodist’ Kyiv International Film Festival. Foreign filmmakers were delighted with the Ukrainian audience
"Molodist" is one of the greatest specialized cinema events in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, according to the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF). Film Festival was established in 1970 as a two-day viewing of students’ short films of the Kiev State Theatrical Art Institute. The first steps in a big cinema with "Molodist" made such well known directors as Fred Kelemen, Tom Tykwer, Francois Ozon, Andras Monori, Alexey Balabanov, Denis Yevstigneyev, Stephen Daldry. "Molodist" participants were later awarded with "Golden Palm" (Bruno Dumont) and "Oscar" (Alain Berliner).
Благодійна акція "З Україною в серці" за участю танцювальних колективів "Молодість" та "Первоцвіт" Червоноградського народного дому. Частина перша.
Молодість в Ісусі сл. о.Петро Половко муз. Сваятослав Титуляк Пісня присвячується всім молодим людям, а особливо аніматорам!
назад шляху немає - молодість - майдан незалежності 2006, день молоді. прямой эфир канала УТ-1.
Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival (KIFF) is promoting Ukraine as cultural country at the Marché du Film of the 69th Cannes Film Festival. The Ukrainian Pavilion is daily visited by representatives of the world cinema industry. details at: http://molodist.kiev.ua/news/cannes_ukraine-12
Ідея: Денис Нікітенко / Олексій Платонов Анімація й відеодизайн: ОлексІй Платонов http://molodist.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Molodistfest
Сорок четвертий кінофестиваль «Молодість» представляє Національну конкурсну программу! Найкращі ігрові, анімаційні й документальні короткометражні фільми, зняті в Україні впродовж року. Покази відбудуться в Культурному центрі "Кінотеатр "Київ" Офіційний партнер Національної конкурсної програми - Всеукраїнський Благодійний фонд «Ініціатива заради майбутнього» Медіапартнер еспресо.tv http://www.molodist.com/ http://espreso.tv/
(English below) 45-та "Молодість" представляє трейлер фестивалю! Його дня нас створили режисер Нікон Романченко (переможець Національного конкурсу 44-ї "Молодості") та Animagrad animation studio (Film.ua) Нагадуємо, цьогорічна "Молодість" пройде з 24 жовтня по 1 листопада. Вполюй своє кіно! 45th Molodist presents new festival promo! It was created by director Nikon Romanchenko (winner of 44th Molodist National competition) and Animagrad animation studio (Film.ua) We remind you, that this year Molodist film festival will be held October 24th through November 1st.
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Режисер: Ілля Гладштейн Актори: Олексій Демченко, Ірина Дараган-Богодист Продюсер: Дар'я Бассель Оператор: Сергій Стеценко Звукорежисери: Марія Нестеренко, Андрій Рогачов Режисер монтажу: Микола Базаркін Звукооператор: Михайло Закутський Відеодизайн: Олексій Платонов Звукове обладнання: Stepansky sound studio Кольорокорекція: Mental drive studio Велика подяка: Денис Мельник, Сергій Степанський, Ігор Савиченко, Олексій Москаленко, Катерина Федосєєва, Олександр Тур, Ірина Танцюра, Ірина Зайцева, Роман Пономарьов
Фільми: Поїсти, поспати, померти (Äta Sova Dö) \ Готель (Hotell) \ TPB AFK: "Піратська бухта" без клавіатур (TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) \ Лів та Інґмар (Liv & Ingmar) \ Секс, наркотики і податки (Spies & Glistrup) \XL \ Глибина (Djúpið) \ Пул-8 (8-Pallo) \ Країна чудес (Eventyrland) \ Принцеса Єгипту (Silmäterä)
A better day
when night belongs to dawn
Another way
for us to get along
For those who might say
its never meant to be
You gotto be strong
a better day will come
This ain't fiction,
it's all reallity
You better listen
because it means alot to me
I got somthing to say
just give a moment of your time
This has gone way too long
and I'm sorry I'm out of line
In our society the lines
have gone from thick to thin
And its a shame you gotto die
for the colour of your skin
Put aside every feeling
you hold for Multicyde
Keep listening to
what we say together its allright.
** Repeat
By all is necessary listen up
cause this is heavy
Break it up so
y'all can get it,
there's a way to get ready,
Got to step it up course
enough is enough
Inspectate is too long,
now it's time to get rough
Not physical but in a serious way
Take a look outside your window
analyze the day,
It ain't over like the song
from day one
News since 7:30,
see the voltures fly by
** Repeat
Multycyde once again
So this is how we shoud get up
and on it
And we can get it
if we stand up for it
Cause everybody
got to want it want it
Stand together
we can rise above it
So this is how we shoud get up
and on it
And we can get it
if we stand up for it
Cause everybody
got to want it want it
Stand together
we can rise above it