Brisbane Times

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New security bollards installed for Brisbane Queen Street Mall

Ruth McCosker

Published: July 5 2017 - 10:25AM

Security has been tightened in Brisbane's CBD, with concrete security bollards installed at entries to the Queen Street Mall.

The bollards could be seen at the Albert Street entrances to the mall on Tuesday morning.

The placing of the concrete blocks follows the installation of temporary security bollards in King George Square in January. 

The Brisbane City Council declined to comment on the security measures.

"Brisbane City Council does not discuss security arrangements," a council spokesman said.

It remains unclear how much the bollards cost to build and install.

After the council's 2017-18 budget was handed down, Fairfax Media asked Lord Mayor Graham Quirk why there was no clear funding for extra security, such as bollards, in the budget.

"Obviously we do a lot of work around security, but the reality is it's probably not appropriate for me to talk about those measures," Cr Quirk said at the time.

"As you can understand, that information in the wrong hands doesn't always help.

"But I just want to assure people ... we are doing a lot of work with the Queensland Police Service around security measures.

"We continue to look for opportunities where we can to continue to make this place a very safe city, and it is a safe city.

"We are forever vigilant and will continue to work with Queensland Police to ensure we do what we need to do."

In January Cr Quirk said the council relied very much on police advice in relation to security. 

Bollards for the busy Brisbane pedestrian mall were installed weeks after a terrorist attack in London, in which a truck was driven into crowds of people.

A Queensland Police Service spokesman said Brisbane residents could rest assured that police regularly worked with the council to provide advice on security measures.

"For operational reasons, the QPS does not comment on the specific security advice it provides publicly," the spokesman said.

"While the national terrorism threat level is at 'probable', there is no known specific threat to Brisbane."

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