• Museum Bali profile Part 1

    Museum Bali Alamat: Jalan Mayor Wisnu, Denpasar - Bali No. Telp.: 222680 Email: upt.museumbali@yahoo.co.id upt.museumbali@gmail.com Museum adalah suatu lembaga tetap yang bertugas mengumpulkan, menyimpan, meneliti, merawat dan memamerkan benda-benda budaya untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian dan rekreasi/pariwisata. Museum Bali merupakan museum umum di tingkat Provinsi yang memiliki benda-benda budaya dari jaman Prasejarah sampai sekarang dengan koleksi berjumlah 14.316 buah. Benda-benda budaya ini diharapkan dapat mengapresiasikan nilai-nilai luhur warisan budaya nenek moyang serta memberikan pemahaman tentang sejarah perkembangan Budaya Bali. Museum Bali ini dirintis sejak tahun 1910 oleh W.F.J. Kroon, seorang Asisten Residen untuk Bali Selatan. Kemudian ia memerintahkan Curt Grun...

    published: 07 May 2014

    Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali

    published: 31 May 2016
  • Trick Art 3D Museum , Bali, Indonesia

    Benefits of Olive and Coconut oil , Do Hot fermentation by yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSFZEWk3CZY Prevent Premature Greying of Hair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKTms10Xi-A Stop Hair Fall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZOx6EKPT2M Uses of Tea Tree Oil on Hair and Skin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beTUQd3AY4Y ANOTHER EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR DARK CIRCLES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8UwrYJ1HME&list;=TLxcIPIadVU75qQ0J9_Qd7BQ-q1Z7FMGr2 MY WEIGHT LOSS STORY 1- My Weight-Loss From 86 kgs to 70 kgs :) http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=126 2-My Weight- Loss Story Continues http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=169 3- How to Begin with Weight- Loss Programme ? http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=204 4- From 86 kgs-70 kgs and now 69 kgs and want to loo...

    published: 28 Jul 2014

    Satu lagi yang baru di Pulau Dewata Bali jika biasanya kita ke monumen perjuangan rakyat Bali atau Bajra Sandhi hanya untuk foto-foto saja. Nah, sekarang ada kegiatan mengasyikan lainnya yang bisa kita coba yaitu berfoto dan berpose atraktif di museum lukisan 3 dimensi. Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali

    published: 26 Sep 2016
  • Bali - Ubud - Blanco Museum

    Bali Museum - Indonesia Museum - Painting Art Gallery - Ubud Bali- Don Antonio Blanco Museum mario001 Antonio Blanco Antonio Blanco was born on September 15, 1911, in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Both of his parents were Spanish, a fact that Blanco believed linked him geographically and spiritually to Miro and Salvador Dali. His father settled in Manila during the Spanish - American War, where he attained prominence as a physician. Blanco was educated at the American Central School in Manila. During his high school years he loved the arts, literature and language classes but struggled in scientific subjects. It is no wonder that he spoke six languages - Spanish, French, English, Tagalog, Indonesian and a bit of Balinese. After completing high school in Manila, Blanco studied a...

    published: 11 Jan 2016
  • Museum Bali

    Museum Bali, Rekaman Jejak Sejarah Perkembangan Budaya Pulau Dewata. Info lengkap klik http://www.indonesiakaya.com/kanal/detail/museum-bali-rekaman-jejak-sejarah-perkembangan-budaya-pulau-dewata

    published: 21 Apr 2014
  • Bali - Ubud - Agung Rai Museum of Art

    Das Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) ist ein Kunstmuseum in Ubud auf Bali, Indonesien. Das in einer Gartenanlage liegende Kunstmuseum wurde am 9. Juni 1996 offiziell durch den damaligen indonesischen Minister für Erziehung und Bildung, Wardiman Djojonegero, eröffnet.[1] Das ARMA wird von der gleichnamigen Stiftung verwaltet, die am 13. Mai 1996 gegründet wurde. Die Dauerausstellung enthält Gemälde örtlicher und auch auswärtiger Künstler, die auf Bali gelebt haben. Ein Teil der Bilder befindet sich im Besitze der ARMA-Stiftung, ein anderer wurde von der Familie Agung Rai auf Leihbasis zur Verfügung gestellt. Neben der Kunstausstellung finden im ARMA Theater- und Tanzaufführungen statt und es werden Schulungskurse und Workshops angeboten. Die Kunstsammlung reicht von traditionellen Werken, wie...

    published: 10 Jan 2016
  • 3D Art Museum Renon Denpasar Bali

    Museum lukisan 3D ini terletak tepat di samping bawah Monument Bajra Sandhi Jl. Niti Mandala Renon. Kalau ingin masuk ke museum ini kita cukup membayar tiket dengan harga Rp 30.000, dan Rp 5.000 untuk membeli kaos kaki. Di dalam museum ini terdapat banyak sekali lukisan-likisan yang kalau kita berfoto nampak seperti kita berada di obyek yang nyata.

    published: 07 Oct 2016

    Bagi yang suka wisata sejarah, cobalah berkunjung dan belajar sejarah perjuangan rakyat bali di monumen nasional taman pujaan bangsa margarana. Disini pengunjung bisa melihat berbagai peninggalan dari peristiwa bersejarah tersebut. Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali

    published: 21 Nov 2016
  • Museum Puri Lukisan in Ubud is the oldest art museum in Bali (Indonesia)

    The Puri Lukisan Museum is the oldest art museum in Bali which specialize in modern traditional Balinese paintings and wood carvings. The museum is located in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. It is home to the finest collection of modern traditional Balinese painting and wood carving on the island, spanning from the pre-Independence war (19301945) to the post-Independence war (1945 – present) era. The collection includes important examples of all of the artistic styles in Bali including the Sanur, Batuan, Ubud, Young Artist and Keliki schools. Highlights of the Collection: Ida Bagus Nyana (1912–1985) was a talented wood sculptor and a gifted dancer. He is known for his impressionistic, elongated woodcarvings whose fluid shapes, devoid of excessive detail, often appear as if they had been pulled f...

    published: 15 Feb 2015
  • IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali Harga Tiket Masuk

    IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali Harga Tiket Masuk, Kali ini GotravelaIndonesia.com akan membahas salah satu IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali. 3D museum yang lagi hits dan tergolong destinasi baru di Pulau Bali. Yup… IAM BALI 3D Museum merupakan salah satu museum lukisan tiga dimensi terbesar di Bali, bahkan juga sementara ini di klaim yang terbesar di Indonesia, IAM Bali 3D Interactive Art Museum ini diresmikan dan dibuka pada tanggal 12 September 2016. IAM BALI 3D Museum ini lokasinya strategis di pusat kota Denpasar membuat pengunjung atau wisatawan city tour lebih mudah untuk mengaksesnya, terletak di lantai dasar Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali (Bajra Sandhi). Monumen Bajra Sandhi merupakan Objek wisata yang sudah dikenal sejak lama baik oleh wisatawan domestik maupun ...

    published: 13 May 2017

    Bali Museum keeps a large collection of old Items. Bali Museum, Places of interest in Bali, Denpasar TownBali Museum is strategically located in Major Wisnu Street in Denpasar Bali and it is find it due to the location is in the heart town. In the north side there are glorious temple of Jagatnatha, meanwhile in front of it the Puputan Badung (Badung Courtyard) and four face statue (Catur Muka Statue) are located

    published: 17 Oct 2014


    published: 13 Jan 2017
  • Bali Museum

    Museums are usually less popular than other tourist sites in Bali. A visit to the museum is often considered an additional agenda or brief stopover. The government of Bali realized this and created a program to raise awareness about the importance of museums. The initiative is called Gerakan Nasional Cinta Museum (National Love Museums Movement). This five year program (2010-2014) is expected to attract attention and interest from domestic and international tourists.

    published: 13 Sep 2013
  • Museum The Ogoh - Ogoh Bali

    Halo STIKOMERS, kali ini di program EXPLORE, rima dan STIKOMERS TV jalan-jalan ke Mueum The Ogoh - ogoh bali. mau tau seperti apa museumnya? yuk cus nonton...

    published: 08 Mar 2017
  • IAM BALI 3D Museum & Upside Down Bali VLOG 4K


    published: 16 Jan 2017
Museum Bali profile Part 1

Museum Bali profile Part 1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 07 May 2014
  • views: 797
Museum Bali Alamat: Jalan Mayor Wisnu, Denpasar - Bali No. Telp.: 222680 Email: upt.museumbali@yahoo.co.id upt.museumbali@gmail.com Museum adalah suatu lembaga tetap yang bertugas mengumpulkan, menyimpan, meneliti, merawat dan memamerkan benda-benda budaya untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian dan rekreasi/pariwisata. Museum Bali merupakan museum umum di tingkat Provinsi yang memiliki benda-benda budaya dari jaman Prasejarah sampai sekarang dengan koleksi berjumlah 14.316 buah. Benda-benda budaya ini diharapkan dapat mengapresiasikan nilai-nilai luhur warisan budaya nenek moyang serta memberikan pemahaman tentang sejarah perkembangan Budaya Bali. Museum Bali ini dirintis sejak tahun 1910 oleh W.F.J. Kroon, seorang Asisten Residen untuk Bali Selatan. Kemudian ia memerintahkan Curt Grundler, seorang arsitek berkebangsaan Jerman bersama para undagi (ahli bangunan tradisional Bali) I Gusti Ketut Rai dan I Gusti Ketut Gede Kandel untuk membuat perencanaan bangunan museum. ====================== Museum is a permanent institution which collects, stores, researches, conserves and exhibits cultural objects for the purposes of education, research and recreation. Museum Bali is the Provincial general museum that has cultural objects of the Prehistoric period up to the present in the amount of 14.316. These collections are intended to appreciate our excited cultural inheritance as well as giving a full understanding about the history of Balinese culture development. Museum Bali was pioneered in 1910 by W.F.J. Kroon,an Assistant Resident for the South of Bali. Then Kroon asked Curt Grundler (A German Architect) to work together with Balinese Traditional architects (I Gusti Ketut Rai and I Gusti Ketut Gede Kandel) so made a plan for the museum building.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:15
  • Updated: 31 May 2016
  • views: 650
Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali
Trick Art 3D Museum , Bali, Indonesia

Trick Art 3D Museum , Bali, Indonesia

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:17
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2014
  • views: 19066
Benefits of Olive and Coconut oil , Do Hot fermentation by yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSFZEWk3CZY Prevent Premature Greying of Hair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKTms10Xi-A Stop Hair Fall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZOx6EKPT2M Uses of Tea Tree Oil on Hair and Skin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beTUQd3AY4Y ANOTHER EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR DARK CIRCLES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8UwrYJ1HME&list;=TLxcIPIadVU75qQ0J9_Qd7BQ-q1Z7FMGr2 MY WEIGHT LOSS STORY 1- My Weight-Loss From 86 kgs to 70 kgs :) http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=126 2-My Weight- Loss Story Continues http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=169 3- How to Begin with Weight- Loss Programme ? http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=204 4- From 86 kgs-70 kgs and now 69 kgs and want to loose another 11 kgs :) http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=357 5- Easy Exercises I personally do :) http://www.preciouskin.com/wordpress/?p=367 Video on my WEIGHT LOSS STORY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orV2BUebxzg&list;=UUICgZCUy8adAVm4a1Aq8ZMg BEST FOR ACNE MARKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_6kAsC51Yo&list;=UUICgZCUy8adAVm4a1Aq8ZMg BEST FOR DRY SKIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS6SYB7ml8Y&list;=TLnJ5ZzXln3qrCq7aWVoxZ5h3TfHLsyVs7 BEST FOR OILY SKIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRzjo70pmfE FOLLOW ME https://twitter.com/Cuckoo1985 MESSAGE ME FOR HOMEMADE REMEDIES https://www.facebook.com/Preciouskin FOOD LOVERS JOIN https://www.facebook.com/groups/358097100905399/ WEBSITE - http://www.preciouskin.com/# for more Blogs CATCH ME ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/PriyankaGeorge2014 MAIL ME - pgeorge2603@gmail.com NOT SPONSORED ********EDITED WITH IMOVIE******** I OWN ALL RIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO!!! :) DO SHARE MY VIDEO, MIGHT JUST HELP SOMEONE


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:38
  • Updated: 26 Sep 2016
  • views: 550
Satu lagi yang baru di Pulau Dewata Bali jika biasanya kita ke monumen perjuangan rakyat Bali atau Bajra Sandhi hanya untuk foto-foto saja. Nah, sekarang ada kegiatan mengasyikan lainnya yang bisa kita coba yaitu berfoto dan berpose atraktif di museum lukisan 3 dimensi. Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali
Bali - Ubud - Blanco Museum

Bali - Ubud - Blanco Museum

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:42
  • Updated: 11 Jan 2016
  • views: 392
Bali Museum - Indonesia Museum - Painting Art Gallery - Ubud Bali- Don Antonio Blanco Museum mario001 Antonio Blanco Antonio Blanco was born on September 15, 1911, in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Both of his parents were Spanish, a fact that Blanco believed linked him geographically and spiritually to Miro and Salvador Dali. His father settled in Manila during the Spanish - American War, where he attained prominence as a physician. Blanco was educated at the American Central School in Manila. During his high school years he loved the arts, literature and language classes but struggled in scientific subjects. It is no wonder that he spoke six languages - Spanish, French, English, Tagalog, Indonesian and a bit of Balinese. After completing high school in Manila, Blanco studied at the National Academy of Art in New York under Sidney Dickinson. During those early formative years, Blanco concentrated on the human form, fascinated by the female body more than any other subject matter. To further his studies and ignite his traveling spirit, he traveled extensively throughout the world before he finally landed in Bali in 1952.The King of Ubud gave Blanco a piece of land to set up his home and studio in Campuan, Ubud, at the confluence of two sacred rivers. Blanco and his Balinese wife, the celebrated dancer Ni Ronji, lived in their mountain retreat, barely leaving it for the world outside. Following a brief trip to the United States, where Blanco acquired many new collectors, the couple never left their fantasy home again. Living in serene surroundings with his four children, Tjempaka, Mario, Orchid and Maha Devi, Bali became Blanco's center. He was fascinated by the island and completely captivated by its charm. Blanco lived and worked in his magical hilltop home until his death in 1999, feverishly creating his fantasy portraits of beautiful women. Surrounded by lush gardens, rice fields and with a Banyan tree standing over his family's temple, Antonio Blanco proceeded to create a new reality for himself. His artistic outpourings of this isolated world became much sought after by eager art lovers, collectors and promoters. Within a few years, Blanco became the most famous foreign artist to make Bali his home. He was recognized in both Indonesia and abroad, receiving numerous Blanco Awardsand commanding huge prizes at international auctions. By the end of his life, Blanco had begun building his museum at his studio in Campuan. Dramatically, he died just before its inauguration. His funeral was marked by a very important Blanco Cremationin Ubud. It was Blanco's dream to turn his studio-mansion into a museum. His son, Mario, fulfilled this dream by following his path to become a painter. The Blanco Renaissance Museum is now open to the public, exposing both the maestro's and Mario's art works
Museum Bali

Museum Bali

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:49
  • Updated: 21 Apr 2014
  • views: 202
Museum Bali, Rekaman Jejak Sejarah Perkembangan Budaya Pulau Dewata. Info lengkap klik http://www.indonesiakaya.com/kanal/detail/museum-bali-rekaman-jejak-sejarah-perkembangan-budaya-pulau-dewata
Bali - Ubud - Agung Rai Museum of Art

Bali - Ubud - Agung Rai Museum of Art

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:12
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2016
  • views: 261
Das Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) ist ein Kunstmuseum in Ubud auf Bali, Indonesien. Das in einer Gartenanlage liegende Kunstmuseum wurde am 9. Juni 1996 offiziell durch den damaligen indonesischen Minister für Erziehung und Bildung, Wardiman Djojonegero, eröffnet.[1] Das ARMA wird von der gleichnamigen Stiftung verwaltet, die am 13. Mai 1996 gegründet wurde. Die Dauerausstellung enthält Gemälde örtlicher und auch auswärtiger Künstler, die auf Bali gelebt haben. Ein Teil der Bilder befindet sich im Besitze der ARMA-Stiftung, ein anderer wurde von der Familie Agung Rai auf Leihbasis zur Verfügung gestellt. Neben der Kunstausstellung finden im ARMA Theater- und Tanzaufführungen statt und es werden Schulungskurse und Workshops angeboten. Die Kunstsammlung reicht von traditionellen Werken, wie zum Beispiel Gemälden auf Baumrinde im Kamasan-Stil oder Meisterwerke der 30er und 40er Jahre von Künstlern aus Batuan, bis zu zeitgenössischer Kunst. Es ist das einzige Museum auf Bali, in dem Gemälde von Walter Spies, einem deutschen Künstler, der in den 30er Jahren in Bali gelebt und gewirkt hatte, und Raden Saleh, der als Gründer der modernen indonesischen Malerei gilt, ausgestellt sind. Des Weiteren sind Werke balinesischer Meister wie zum Beispiel I Gusty Nyoman Lempad, Ida Bagus Made, Anak Agung Gde Sobrat und I Gusti Made Deblog sowie von auswärtigen Künstlern, die auf Bali gelebt haben, ausgestellt. Unter diese fallen Willem Gerard Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur und Willem Dooijewaard. Das Museum besteht aus mehreren, im balinesischen Stil entworfenen Gebäuden, die jedoch größer sind als traditionelle Bauwerke. Zum Bau wurden, soweit möglich, lokale Baustoffe verwendet. Die zwei Hauptgebäude sind das 3300 m² große Balé Daja und das 1200 m² große Balé Dauh. Sie sind von einer weiträumigen Gartenanlage mit Teichen und Springbrunnen umgeben. Gleichfalls auf dem Gelände des Museums befinden sich das Hotel Arma Resort sowie zwei Restaurants.
3D Art Museum Renon Denpasar Bali

3D Art Museum Renon Denpasar Bali

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:30
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2016
  • views: 374
Museum lukisan 3D ini terletak tepat di samping bawah Monument Bajra Sandhi Jl. Niti Mandala Renon. Kalau ingin masuk ke museum ini kita cukup membayar tiket dengan harga Rp 30.000, dan Rp 5.000 untuk membeli kaos kaki. Di dalam museum ini terdapat banyak sekali lukisan-likisan yang kalau kita berfoto nampak seperti kita berada di obyek yang nyata.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2016
  • views: 148
Bagi yang suka wisata sejarah, cobalah berkunjung dan belajar sejarah perjuangan rakyat bali di monumen nasional taman pujaan bangsa margarana. Disini pengunjung bisa melihat berbagai peninggalan dari peristiwa bersejarah tersebut. Subscribe NET BALI Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/NETBali Twitter : https://twitter.com/NETBiroBali Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/net.birobali
Museum Puri Lukisan in Ubud is the oldest art museum in Bali (Indonesia)

Museum Puri Lukisan in Ubud is the oldest art museum in Bali (Indonesia)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:02
  • Updated: 15 Feb 2015
  • views: 972
The Puri Lukisan Museum is the oldest art museum in Bali which specialize in modern traditional Balinese paintings and wood carvings. The museum is located in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. It is home to the finest collection of modern traditional Balinese painting and wood carving on the island, spanning from the pre-Independence war (19301945) to the post-Independence war (1945 – present) era. The collection includes important examples of all of the artistic styles in Bali including the Sanur, Batuan, Ubud, Young Artist and Keliki schools. Highlights of the Collection: Ida Bagus Nyana (1912–1985) was a talented wood sculptor and a gifted dancer. He is known for his impressionistic, elongated woodcarvings whose fluid shapes, devoid of excessive detail, often appear as if they had been pulled from taffy. His sculpture of the Goddess Pertiwi (Mother Earth), with its spidery legs and coiled serpant, is dreamlike and surrealistic. Nyana's son, Ida Bagus Tilem, was also a talented woodcarver. Both father and son were known for their ability to impart life to inanimate wood, thereby transforming it into magnificent forms with a sense of movement and full use of all the dimensions. Ida Bagus Gelgel (19001937) grew up in Kamasan, far away from direct western influence, but his works evolved beyond the conventions of the Wayang tradition. He was so creative, that in 1937 one of his paintings won a silver medal at the International Colonial Art Exhibition in Paris. One of his works, the Priest Dharmaswami, painted in 1935 using naturals dyes on paper, is one of the masterpieces of the Museum Puri Lukisan. It tells the story of a Priest who rescued a monkey, a snake and a tiger from a well. When the priest was arrested by a prince on false charges, the animals came to his rescue. The paintings shows these animals bringing gifts as a gratitude for saving their lives. I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (~1862–1978) A true master and "Renaissance Man", Lempad is a figure in the Balinese community as well as in artistic circles abroad. His fame extends not only beyond geographical borders but also beyond the ordinary borders of craftsmanship and artistic expression. Lempad’s specialty was classical scenes, rendered in a relatively formal way. To these he applied creative genius, and the passionate intensity of his personality, in creating works that inspired many artists who followed him. Although he maintained closed friendships with the foreign artists who lived in Bali, including Bonnet and Spies, Lempad never compromised his distinctive identity as a Balinese artist. Lempad had a broad range of talents in many art forms: including painting, sculpture and architecture. He designed some of the palaces and temples in and around Ubud, including parts of the Puri Lukisan Museum. He also painted the murals at the entrance of the North building of the museum. Lempad's drawing, the Dream of Dharmawangsa, is one of the masterpieces of the museum and is rendered in his unique linear style. For more information about Bali: http://bali-divine-island.blogspot.nl/
IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali Harga Tiket Masuk

IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali Harga Tiket Masuk

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 13 May 2017
  • views: 21
IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali Harga Tiket Masuk, Kali ini GotravelaIndonesia.com akan membahas salah satu IAM BALI 3D museum Renon Denpasar Bali. 3D museum yang lagi hits dan tergolong destinasi baru di Pulau Bali. Yup… IAM BALI 3D Museum merupakan salah satu museum lukisan tiga dimensi terbesar di Bali, bahkan juga sementara ini di klaim yang terbesar di Indonesia, IAM Bali 3D Interactive Art Museum ini diresmikan dan dibuka pada tanggal 12 September 2016. IAM BALI 3D Museum ini lokasinya strategis di pusat kota Denpasar membuat pengunjung atau wisatawan city tour lebih mudah untuk mengaksesnya, terletak di lantai dasar Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali (Bajra Sandhi). Monumen Bajra Sandhi merupakan Objek wisata yang sudah dikenal sejak lama baik oleh wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Monumen Bajra Sandhi sendiri menjadi salah satu objek wisata bersejarah populer di kota Denpasar, berdiri megah di tengah-tengah lapangan hijau Niti Mandala Renon yang menjadi tujuan warga kota untuk bersantai bersama keluarga ataupun untuk olah raga ringan. Kawasan Renon ini terkenal sebagai kawasan car free day pada hari Minggu, sehingga dalam satu area renon ini sahabat traveler bisa menikmati berbagai jenis kegiatan rekreasi bagi masyarakat kota denpasar. HARGA TIKET MASUK HANYA Rp. 50.000 Untuk lebih jelasnya anda bisa baca disini https://goo.gl/gvYPIM Kami juga menyediakan tiket masuk 3D museum DMZ Bali https://goo.gl/mgaMVS Upside Down World Bali https://youtu.be/r8iS__ICsQw Kami pun menyediakan paket wisata lombok dengan mobil yang kami gunakan : • Toyota Avanza rental di lombok http://bit.ly/2kDORaO • Sewa Suzuki APV Arena di lombok http://bit.ly/2kDmYvG • Sewa Toyota Innova di Lombok http://bit.ly/2kDVb2n • Sewa Bus Pariwisata untuk Group di lombok http://bit.ly/2jowLEG Gotravela Indonesia Holiday Mobile dan Whatsapp: 082144448095 Website : www.gotravelaindonesia.com Silahkan like dan subscribe jika berkenan Referensi blog: PegiWisata.wordpress.com. gotravela.blogspot.com, www.baliyuk.com 3d dream museum bali, Renon bali upside down museum, Museum 3d renon, tiket masuk museum 3d renon, i am bali tiket masuk, tiket masuk iam bali, tiket masuk museum 3d bali, IAM BALI 3D Museum.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:54
  • Updated: 17 Oct 2014
  • views: 290
Bali Museum keeps a large collection of old Items. Bali Museum, Places of interest in Bali, Denpasar TownBali Museum is strategically located in Major Wisnu Street in Denpasar Bali and it is find it due to the location is in the heart town. In the north side there are glorious temple of Jagatnatha, meanwhile in front of it the Puputan Badung (Badung Courtyard) and four face statue (Catur Muka Statue) are located


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:52
  • Updated: 13 Jan 2017
  • views: 58
Bali Museum

Bali Museum

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 307
Museums are usually less popular than other tourist sites in Bali. A visit to the museum is often considered an additional agenda or brief stopover. The government of Bali realized this and created a program to raise awareness about the importance of museums. The initiative is called Gerakan Nasional Cinta Museum (National Love Museums Movement). This five year program (2010-2014) is expected to attract attention and interest from domestic and international tourists.
Museum The Ogoh - Ogoh Bali

Museum The Ogoh - Ogoh Bali

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:01
  • Updated: 08 Mar 2017
  • views: 2490
Halo STIKOMERS, kali ini di program EXPLORE, rima dan STIKOMERS TV jalan-jalan ke Mueum The Ogoh - ogoh bali. mau tau seperti apa museumnya? yuk cus nonton...
IAM BALI 3D Museum & Upside Down Bali VLOG 4K

IAM BALI 3D Museum & Upside Down Bali VLOG 4K

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2017
  • views: 1096