- published: 07 Jul 2017
- views: 499
Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Tibetan: དཀར་མཛེས་བོད་རིགས་རང་སྐྱོང་ཁུལ་ , THL Kardzé Börik Rangkyongkhül; Chinese: 甘孜藏族自治州) — is an autonomous prefecture of China occupying the western arm of Sichuan. It is sometimes spelled "Kardzé" and "Garzin" by non-government sources.
The prefecture's area is 151,078 square kilometres (58,332 sq mi). The population is approximately 880,000, with Tibetans accounting for 77.8% of the total population. The capital city of Garzê is Kangding (Dardo).
Garzê was traditionally part of the historical region of Kham.
During the period of rule by the Republic of China (1912–49), Garzê became nominally part of the province of Xikang, which included parts of former Kham.
In 1930, the Tibetan army invaded Garzê, capturing it without much resistance. However, in 1932, the Tibetan army withdrew after suffering defeats elsewhere at the hands of the warlord of Qinghai, Ma Bufang. Chinese warlord Liu Wenhui reoccupied Garzê, and signed an agreement with the Tibetans formalizing his control of the area east of the upper Yangtze, which corresponds roughly with eastern Kham.
In Episode 26 werden jede Menge von Hanazukis Schatzbäumen von explodierenden Mondtrümmern zerstört. Und gerade, als ein weiterer Angriff durch das Big Bad droht, kommt Kiazuki mit mehreren Schatzbäumen im Schlepptau an. Kiazuki gibt sich alle Mühe, die Schatzbäume rechtzeitig einzupflanzen, um das Big Bad abzuwehren. Hanazuki kümmert sich um ihre Hemka und versucht zu ignorieren, dass Kiazuki diese Schatzbäume nur besitzt, weil sie sie einst von Hanazuki gestohlen hatte. Für mehr Hanazuki: https://goo.gl/6MGFGQ #Hanazuki #Hasbro Abonnieren Sie den Hasbro Channel: https://goo.gl/rI2HnR Offizielle Hasbro-Website: http://goo.gl/FXm7FD Offizielle Hanazuki Webseite: https://goo.gl/lEknZR Offizielle Hanazuki Facebook: https://goo.gl/wkQf1s Offizielle Hanazuki Instagram: https://goo.gl/LP70rh...
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Kritik und Satire mit Christoph Süß. Ganze Sendung vom 29.06.2017. Themen u.a.: Wohlstandsfolgen: Rattenplage in deutschen Städten; Angezählt: Gastwirt kämpft gegen dubiose Wasserrechnung; Hopfen und Malz verloren? Patentstreit um Braugerste; Graue Zukunft: Rentensystem produziert Altersarmut; Risiko Wirtshausstuhl: Rütteltest für Gastwirte?
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Travel, Asia, China, Sichuan, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,
This week we travel to Tagong (塔公). It's also known as Lhagang (ལྷ་སྒང་), a small town in Garzê, southwestern China. The historical Kham region of Tibet. We're going for horseback riding on the grasslands! But oh my, before we even get there.... ;) READ MORE on our website: https://goo.gl/Bcg0an LET'S CONNECT FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/travelgretl TWITTER: http://instagram.com/travelgretl PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/travelgretl INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/travelgretl GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/+TravelGretl FREE TRAVEL ADVISE If you want to know anything about any of the places we visited (because you're going there too?), send a FB message on our page or leave a comment. I really honestly try my to answer everyone. SUBSCRIBE To be sure not to miss out on any ...
旅遊,亞洲,中國,四川,甘孜州藏族自治州,Travel, Asia, China, Sichuan, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,
Travel photography from Ganzi, Sichuan Province western China. Travelling in western China can be difficult due to a lack of transport options between some towns, but it is worth the extra effort! The people, food, landscape and culture are all fantastic and definitely worth visiting as part of any trip to China. Music: Vadadora Chill Mix, royalty free music downloaded from incompetech.com
Hailuogou (Conch Gully) National Glacier Forest Park is located on the eastern side of Gonggar Mountain in Luding County of Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Garze, Sichuan Province. It is 319 km from Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province and 105 km from Kangding, where administrative organs of the Garze Autonomous Prefecture are located. Glaciers in Hailuogou are typical modern marine glaciers, which are rarely found either in low-latitude places or at low altitude. Its lowest point is only 2,850 meters above sea level. The park boasts many geographic attractions, including ancient glaciers, grand glacier cascade, virgin forests, wild animals and hot springs, etc. Glaciers Glaciers cover 31 square kilometers of the Conch Gully. Classified as Modern Glacier, they came into being...
XinLuHai (Yulong la lake) at MaNiGanGe, GanZi prefecture, western SiChuan. by www.shangrila-adventure.com
This documentary tells the story of what goes behind the self-immolations in Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai. Video and Story by CCTV News.
[method man]
Uh, and it goes like this
Uh uh uh uh, it goes like that
Now let me tell you who I am
Up early in the morning, dressed in black
Who dat? *echoes*
Yo yo
Marvel this theatrical, drama on stage
Broadway classical, led men to rage
Like currents, the beat change and now a flow is strange
You in the arctic wit wolves that viciously main
Thugs that roam clubs, in the dark wit fireworks that spark
Saltwater vibrations comin from sharks
Blood-thirsty kids bite just as well as I write
You're like secretaries who can't type, you're no use
Broke down vessels who want a boost, there's no jokes
Quick fast you, get stumped 'cause you played, your organ pump
Kool-aid, from indiana wit the jones of a lost crusade
Hip-hop done hit the church, choir girls rockin mini skirts
The b-side kept plenty hurt
Push like the shovels in snow storms
And stack piles of foul, the shit you must grow on! *echoes*
Chorus [method man] 4x
Uh and it goes like this
Uh uh uh uh, it goes like that
[method man]
Pay no attention to the evil they speak
You caught the beef wit the equal eye, poisonous beats from underneath
Crack the concrete wit two left feet
Head on my meat
Ain't no games here we playin for keeps (we play for keeps!)
Introducing, the crowd seducing man on the street
Penitentiaries is either half-dead or too sweet
Back to basic, condition-al god, plus I can take it
Wagin war within the matrix, it's hard to see
Touch, hear, smell or even taste it, take your places
We runnin in these human races, bucking naked
Back-slappin kid yappin, actin villian catchin feelin like we cap peelin
As if we killin every brick in every project building
From cabrini green to tildens, sincerely yours
Mista meth and maximilion (da millions, da millions)
(ka ka ka ka ka ka ka kaaa!) (da millions ha!)
Chorus 5x
[method man]
Uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh uh
Wu-tang killa bees on the swarm (we play for keeps!)
(we play for keeps!)
Wu-tang killa bees on the swarm