- published: 25 Sep 2016
- views: 41003
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Baby Doll is a 1956 American black comedy and drama film directed by Elia Kazan, and starring Carroll Baker, Karl Malden and Eli Wallach. The film also features Mildred Dunnock and Rip Torn. It was produced by Kazan and Tennessee Williams, and adapted by Williams from his own one-act play 27 Wagons Full of Cotton. The plot focuses on a feud between two rival cotton gin owners in rural Mississippi; after one of the men commits arson against the other's gin, the owner retaliates by attempting to seduce the arsonist's nineteen-year-old virgin bride with the hopes of receiving an admission by her of her husband's guilt.
The film was controversial when it was released due to its implicit sexual themes, provoking a largely successful effort to ban it, waged by the Roman Catholic National Legion of Decency. Nevertheless, the film received multiple nominations for major awards and performed decently at the box office. Kazan won the Golden Globe Award for Best Director and the film was nominated for four other Golden Globe awards, as well as four Academy Awards and four BAFTA Awards awards, with Eli Wallach taking the BAFTA prize for "Most Promising Newcomer to Film."
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Warning this content contains flashing imagery - viewer discretion advised. This week on Gamedayplus, it's an FC Bayern München special. Catch up with the German champions as they aim to reach the Berlin final this season. Roman visits Javi Martínez's flat for a boys night with Pepe Reina and Juan Bernat, as Layla talks to the one and only Pep Guardiola, David Alaba tells us about handling the haters in the stands. Thomas Müller tell us his ideal final. We meet first team manager Kathleen Krüger for a tour of the Allianz Arena, and also introduce the Tattoo Pack, the boot which combines art and football. Find out what happened when the SkillTwins tried to impress Pep Guardiola, and taught David Alaba a new trick to use on the ultimate stage. Subscribe here to the SkillTwins: http://goo....
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Think being a ghost is tough? Try living with one. “GHOSTMATES” A Smosh Film Things are looking up for socially-awkward and unemployed CHARLIE (Anthony Padilla) when he finds a great new furnished apartment that comes with everything -- even EDDIE. Obnoxious, self-involved, and after a freak accident, dead, Eddie (Ian Hecox) is the type of roommate you’d want to strangle... if he weren’t already a ghost. Stuck on earth with unfinished business, the only hope for Eddie to move on was Charlie moving in. Eager to be rid of his haunted house guest, Charlie agrees to help Eddie make amends with the living and get to heaven. With some unexpected help from T-PAIN (as himself), these reluctant roommates forge a friendship through the shared hell of learning what it means to move on. ►► WATCH ...