- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 2318
NHS foundation trusts are semi-autonomous organisational units within the National Health Service in England. They have a degree of independence from the Department of Health (and, until the abolition of SHAs in 2013, their local strategic health authority). As of March 2014 there were 147 NHS Foundation Trusts
Alan Milburn's trip in 2001 to the Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón in Spain is thought to have been influential in developing ideas around foundation status. The hospital was built by the Spanish National Health System, but its operational management is contracted out to a private company, and exempt from many of the rules normally imposed on state-owned hospitals, and in particular, the hospital was allowed to negotiate its own contracts with workers. The governance of the hospital includes local government, trade unions, health workers and community groups.
Foundation trusts were announced by Health Secretary Alan Milburn in 2002. The first 10 NHS hospitals to become foundation trusts were announced in 2004.Gordon Brown prevented plans by Alan Milburn that they should be financially autonomous in 2002. By the end of 2012, the Monitor website listed 144 Foundation Trusts.
NHS may refer to:
Four state-funded healthcare systems providing services that are free at the point of use
The term National Health Service is also used to refer to the four services collectively.
Foundation may refer to:
Trust may refer to:
An emergency department (ED), also known as an accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER) or casualty department, is a medical treatment facility specializing in emergency medicine, the acute care of patients who present without prior appointment; either by their own means or by that of an ambulance. The emergency department is usually found in a hospital or other primary care center.
Due to the unplanned nature of patient attendance, the department must provide initial treatment for a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be life-threatening and require immediate attention. In some countries, emergency departments have become important entry points for those without other means of access to medical care.
The emergency departments of most hospitals operate 24 hours a day, although staffing levels may be varied in an attempt to reflect patient volume.
Accident services were already provided by workmen's compensation plans, railway companies, and municipalities in Europe and the United States by the late mid-nineteenth century, but the first specialized trauma care center in the world was opened in 1911 in the United States at the University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, and was developed by surgeon Arnold Griswold during the 1930s. Griswold also equipped police and fire vehicles with medical supplies and trained officers to give emergency care while en route to the hospital.
NHS Foundation Trusts: A Model for the Future?
Facial exercises - The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Living our values
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Emergency Department
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Emergency Department
Improving patient flow at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Welcome to Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
A Career at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Rt Hon Francis Maude MP and Foundation Trust Network chief executive Sue Slipman discuss new models of public service provision. Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A;: http://www.thersa.org/events/audio-and-past-events/2012/nhs-foundation-trusts-a-model-for-the-future Find out more about: The NHS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Service NHS Foundation Trusts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHS_foundation_trust Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow. Donate: http://www.thersa.org/support-the-rsa Become a Fellow: http://www.thersa.org/fellowship/apply
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Stroke Unit
The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust values were formed in 2012 and tested with staff and patients at Barnet Hospital and Chase Farm Hospital in 2014, before 1,000 staff across the trust contributed to the development of the behaviour framework in 2015. Our values are to be positively welcoming, actively respectful, clearly communicating and visibly reassuring. The 'living our values' film was made in April 2015 and features a patient’s journey through the hospital as they experience our values in practice
Frimley NHS Foundation Trust, in Surrey, UK actively seeks to develop its research portfolio. In recent years the Urology team at Frimley has participated in pan European as well as international clinical trials for new treatments for benign prostate enlargement. The urology team, lead by Mr. Neil Barber, has participated in 3 of the biggest international studies in this field and are amongst the highest patient recruiters to these studies. Patients are followed-up and excellent, clean data is obtained. Frimley Health NHS Trust is committed to participating in the development of new innovative technologies that benefit patients across the National Health Service. http://www.fhft.nhs.uk
Papworth Hospital are pioneers of new and innovative medical and surgical procedures and treatments for the whole range of cardio and respiratory disorders. This film will focus on a new procedure called “Balloon Angioplasty” – Papworth is the only hospital that offers this procedure. Papworth is a primary PCI centre, and the cardio dept. work very closely with the respiratory dept. to offer these new treatments. It will also focus on the future of cardio care which will be available at the new hospital which is currently being built, which will have resources and facilities to deal with both elective and emergency patients at the same time. http://www.papworthhospital.nhs.uk
Staff at the trust talk about how they managed to improve patient flow by focusing on emergency care in A&E; and length of inpatient stay.
Chief Executive Phil Confue welcomes all adult community health staff to the Trust.
If you’re considering a career at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital or are about to move here to start your career then you may not be familiar with the area. This video will introduce you to a few of the things that Chesterfield and Derbyshire have to offer from rolling hills to vibrant cities, open parks to bars and clubs, superb transport links and much more…play to find out more…
Rt Hon Francis Maude MP and Foundation Trust Network chief executive Sue Slipman discuss new models of public service provision. Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A;: http://www.thersa.org/events/audio-and-past-events/2012/nhs-foundation-trusts-a-model-for-the-future Find out more about: The NHS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Service NHS Foundation Trusts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHS_foundation_trust Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow. Donate: http://www.thersa.org/support-the-rsa Become a Fellow: http://www.thersa.org/fellowship/apply
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Stroke Unit
The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust values were formed in 2012 and tested with staff and patients at Barnet Hospital and Chase Farm Hospital in 2014, before 1,000 staff across the trust contributed to the development of the behaviour framework in 2015. Our values are to be positively welcoming, actively respectful, clearly communicating and visibly reassuring. The 'living our values' film was made in April 2015 and features a patient’s journey through the hospital as they experience our values in practice
Frimley NHS Foundation Trust, in Surrey, UK actively seeks to develop its research portfolio. In recent years the Urology team at Frimley has participated in pan European as well as international clinical trials for new treatments for benign prostate enlargement. The urology team, lead by Mr. Neil Barber, has participated in 3 of the biggest international studies in this field and are amongst the highest patient recruiters to these studies. Patients are followed-up and excellent, clean data is obtained. Frimley Health NHS Trust is committed to participating in the development of new innovative technologies that benefit patients across the National Health Service. http://www.fhft.nhs.uk
Papworth Hospital are pioneers of new and innovative medical and surgical procedures and treatments for the whole range of cardio and respiratory disorders. This film will focus on a new procedure called “Balloon Angioplasty” – Papworth is the only hospital that offers this procedure. Papworth is a primary PCI centre, and the cardio dept. work very closely with the respiratory dept. to offer these new treatments. It will also focus on the future of cardio care which will be available at the new hospital which is currently being built, which will have resources and facilities to deal with both elective and emergency patients at the same time. http://www.papworthhospital.nhs.uk
Staff at the trust talk about how they managed to improve patient flow by focusing on emergency care in A&E; and length of inpatient stay.
Chief Executive Phil Confue welcomes all adult community health staff to the Trust.
If you’re considering a career at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital or are about to move here to start your career then you may not be familiar with the area. This video will introduce you to a few of the things that Chesterfield and Derbyshire have to offer from rolling hills to vibrant cities, open parks to bars and clubs, superb transport links and much more…play to find out more…
www.imnotdisordered.co.uk https://ntw.nhs.uk/
A video of the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust AGM, which took place on 26 July 2016.
A BSL guide to dealing with anxiety from Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.
The Five Good Communication Standards – Presented by Catherine Epps (Specialist Speech and Language Therapist) & Hana Holden (Specialist Speech and Language Therapist), Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Working together to develop a training needs analysis for East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust staff – Presented by Ronnie Treston (Expert by experience, volunteer trainer) & Daniel Marsden (Practice Development Nurse for People with learning disabilities), East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust https://kentlivewell.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/working-together-to-develop-a-training-needs-analysis-ronnie-treston.pdf
A BSL guide to dealing with domestic violence from Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.