- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 6345
The Septuagint (from the Latin septuaginta, "seventy") is a translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek. As the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is also called the Greek Old Testament. This translation is quoted a number of times in the New Testament, particularly in Pauline epistles, and also by the Apostolic Fathers and later Greek Church Fathers.
The title (Greek: Ἡ μετάφρασις τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα, lit. "The Translation of the Seventy") and its Roman numeral acronym LXX refer to the legendary seventy Jewish scholars who solely translated the Five Books of Moses into Koine Greek as early as the 3rd century BCE. Separated from the Hebrew canon of the Jewish Bible in Rabbinic Judaism, translations of the Torah into Koine Greek by early Jewish Rabbis have survived as rare fragments only.
The traditional story is that Ptolemy II sponsored the translation of the Torah (Pentateuch, Five Books of Moses). Subsequently, the Greek translation was in circulation among the Alexandrian Jews who were fluent in Koine Greek but not in Hebrew, the former being the lingua franca of Alexandria, Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean at the time.
Peter, Pete or Petey Williams may refer to:
The Old Testament is the first section of the Christian Bible, based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible, a collection of religious writings by ancient Israelites. It is the counterpart to the New Testament, the second portion of the Christian Bible. The Old Testament canon varies between Christian Churches; Protestants and Latter-Day Saints accept only the books found in the canon of the Hebrew Bible, dividing them into 39 books, while the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches accept somewhat larger collections of writings.
The Old Testament consists of many distinct books written, compiled, and edited by various authors over a period of centuries. It is not entirely clear at what point the parameters of the Hebrew Bible, the basis for the Christian Old Testament, were fixed. Some scholars have opined that the canon of the Hebrew Bible was established already by about the 3rd century BC, or even later.
The books of the Old Testament can be broadly divided into several sections: 1) the first five books or Pentateuch (Torah); 2) the history books telling the history of the Israelites, from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon; 3) the poetic and "Wisdom" books dealing, in various forms, with questions of good and evil in the world; 4) and the books of the biblical prophets, warning of the consequences of turning away from God.
The New Testament (Koine Greek: Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη,Hē Kainḕ Diathḗkē) is the second major part of the Christian biblical canon, the first part being the Old Testament, based on the Hebrew Bible. The Greek New Testament discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity. Christians regard both the Old and New Testaments together as sacred scripture. The New Testament (in whole or in part) has frequently accompanied the spread of Christianity around the world. It reflects and serves as a source for Christian theology and morality. Both extended readings and phrases directly from the New Testament are also incorporated (along with readings from the Old Testament) into the various Christian liturgies. The New Testament has influenced religious, philosophical, and political movements in Christendom, and left an indelible mark on literature, art, and music.
The New Testament is an anthology, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers, who were early Jewish disciples of Jesus. In almost all Christian traditions today, the New Testament consists of 27 books. The original texts were written in the first and perhaps the second centuries of the Christian Era, generally believed to be in Koine Greek, which was the common language of the Eastern Mediterranean from the Conquests of Alexander the Great (335–323 BC) until the evolution of Byzantine Greeks (c. 600). All the works that eventually became incorporated into the New Testament seem to have been written no later than around 150 AD, and some scholars would date them all to no later than 70 AD or 80 AD.
Ash Grunwald (born Ashley Groenewald, 5 September 1976, Melbourne) is an Australian blues musician. He has released eight regular albums and in 2005 received an ARIA Award.
The Blue Grunwalds, one of Grunwald's first bands, released the album Groove Cave, which generated some local interest.
In 2001 Grunwald formed a trio called the Groove Catalysts. The Groove Catalysts played a number of blues venues in Melbourne and at several festivals throughout 2001 and 2002. As a solo artist, Grunwald has maintained several residencies over the past few years and has toured throughout Victoria and the east coast of Australia. Throughout 2001 Grunwald also played in a duo with Lloyd Spiegel.
Grunwald drew attention as a solo artist with the release of 2002's Introducing Ash Grunwald, a collection of originals and blues standards that included "Smokestack Lightnin'" (Howlin' Wolf) "The Sky Is Crying" (Elmore James) and "Rolling And Tumbling" (Robert Johnson) recorded live with only acoustic guitar and foot percussion consisting of a stomp box and tambourine.
What is the Septuagint?
OBSCURA - "Septuagint"
Notable Differences between the Masoretic and the Septuagint
The Dead Sea Scrolls & the Septuagint
Introduction to the Septuagint
Dr Phil Stringer - The Truth About the LXX Septuagint
Did Yeshua use the Septuagint?
New Printed LXX...Available Now!
The Septuagint
Translating the Old Greek Bible (The Septuagint): An Inconvenient Witness to Biblical History
What is the Value of the Septuagint?
What is the Septuagint and why should you care?
Why I Don't Believe In The Septuagint - Peter Williams, PhD
01 Genesis Septuagint
Septuagint - Negative Void Trinity [Full - HD]
Septuagint & the King James 1611 version
OBSCURA | "Septuagint" - Official Guitar Playthrough by Steffen Kummerer
Dr. Chuck Missler - Septuagint LXX
History of the Septuagint
Why I Don't Believe In The Septuagint - Dr. Peter Williams, PhD
Learn about the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Bible, and why it was important to Jews and early Christians. Copyright © 2015 Museum of the Bible. All rights reserved.
OBSCURA - "Septuagint" from the album 'Omnivium' SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/RelapseYouTube Order at Relapse: http://bit.ly/ObscuraStore Order on iTunes: http:/bit.ly/ObscuraiTunes Order on Bandcamp: http://obscura.bandcamp.com/ Available now on CD/LP/Digital via Relapse Records Official links: http://www.obscura-metal.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RealmOfObscura http://obscura.bandcamp.com/ http://www.Relapse.com http://www.facebook.com/RelapseRecords http://www.relapserecords.bandcamp.com Lyrics: I assume a true above and below one more and first of all I endeavor the deadly uniformity that erudition brought into the world I doubt wherever the earth's gravity that is boldly presumed to extend over the whole structure of the world effective beyond a certain radius Aeon, unifor...
What books does the Septuagint have that the Masoretic Text does not? What are some additions to some books that are in both? What are some major differences between the Septuagint and Masoretic? Are there any known problems with the Septuagint? -- Differences in Jeremiah: www.ccel.org/bible/brenton/Jeremiah/appendix.html -- If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament and was the Old Testament of choice for Jesus and the apostles. This video briefly answers the following about the Septuagint... Where and when did it come from? How is it different from the Hebrew Old Testament? What is its connection with the New Testament? This video was posted February 8th, Septuagint Day! History of the Septuagint www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3f82WxIx5Q Notable Differences Between the Masoretic and the Septuagint (coming soon) Notable New Testament Quotations that follow the Septuagint (coming soon) -- If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
Preached at the 2015 National King James Bible Research Council Bible Conference
Listen in as Monte Judah answers questions on faith, scripture, and our walk as believers. Click here for the full Q&A; playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzeUkPqgVZVdlA0n9MP2yH9HkAlyrtJy5 Click here to submit a question: http://www.bnaishalom.tv/q-a/watch-q-a
Here is a preview of the LXX I printed for my own personal use. Since I like it so much, I would like to share it and make it available for anyone else who wants a more readable format! LXX Paperback: http://www.lulu.com/shop/lancelot-charles-lee-brenton/brenton-septuagint-translation/paperback/product-22528119.html LXX Hardback: http://www.lulu.com/shop/lancelot-brenton/brenton-septuagint-translation-hardback/hardcover/product-22525661.html LXX PDFs: http://ebible.org/pdf/eng-Brenton/ Early Writing PDFs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yzgfqqw6alf2ln1/AAAfcxDAI8WQexglWeO00xlwa?dl=0
To engage with the Bible is to understand its legacy—one that’s been going on for over two thousand years! When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire in the late fourth century BCE, Jerusalem and its territories fell under the rule of Greek-speaking overlords—a language and culture shaping the area for centuries to come. Legend has it, that a son of one of Alexander’s generals and ruler of Egypt, devoted himself to gathering in his famous library at Alexandria “all the books of the world.” When an advisor told him: “the laws of the Jews are worth transcribing and deserve a place in your library”—Jewish scrolls were sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria. Seventy-two scholars were employed and they produced their Greek translation in just seventy-two days! Thus, the name Septuagi...
Melvin K.H. Peters Professor of Hebrew Bible and Septuagint 04/02/2009
As a Greek translation, does the LXX have any value? We'll use it in studying Leviticus 19:27's "rounding the edge of your head" as an example. (Graphics are either sourced by me or are understood as US public domain)
Have you ever looked at the Bible that most of the New Testament writers read and quoted from? Why do we have a Hebrew Old Testament but the Jewish people in the first century had a Greek one? Is there any reason to compare the Greek Old Testament to the Greek New Testament?
The Gospel Coalition (Januray 2015) - Lecture by Peter Williams. This video is part of 'The Bible: Canon, Texts, and Translations' playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-0zpu2toenb_KYVBQE5nnjG7P6i21r1R
1. Devotion to the Plague Redeemer 0:00 2. Psalm I 3:57 3. Psalm II 8:43 4. Psalm III 14:04 5. Psalm IV 18:13 More info/Buy: https://septuagint666.bandcamp.com/ No copyright is intended. The rights to this video are assumed by the owner and its affiliates.
Be ye not deceived. The apocrypha was used by the Followers of Christ aswell as the KJV1611 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "What is in your breakfast cereal ? Need to see !" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtxFVaksSms -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Taken from Obscura's mind-blowing 2011 release 'Omnivium". Order now: https://www.realmofobscura.com/shop/ Relapse Records: http://store.relapse.com/b/obscura Lyrics by Steffen Kummerer Music by Christian Münzner, Steffen Kummerer & Hannes Großmann Subscribe to Relapse: http://bit.ly/RelapseYouTube Purchase at Relapse.com: http://bit.ly/Akroasis Purchase on iTunes: http://geni.us/AkroasisiT Purchase on Bandcamp: http://obscura.bandcamp.com Purchase on Amazon: http://geni.us/AkroasisAMZ Purchase on Google Play: http://geni.us/AkroasisGP Obscura on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealmOfObscura/ Obscura on Bandcamp: http://obscura.bandcamp.com Obscura on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... http://www.Relapse.com http://www.facebook.com/RelapseRecords http://www.relapser...
www.khouse.org Dr. Chuck Missler explains what the Septuagint is.
What does the letter of Aristeas have to say about the Septuagint's origins? Which Ptolemy, Greek king of Egypt, wanted to translate the Hebrew Scriptures? How was the Pentateuch, the beginning of the Septuagint, translated? Is the legend true that it was translated miraculously? Introduction to the Septuagint www.youtube.com/watch?v=wczieIcwRys Notable Differences Between the Masoretic and the Septuagint www.youtube.com/watch?v=ottD9bt8t44 Notable New Testament Quotations that follow the Septuagint (coming soon) Letter of Barnabas: Myth about the Weasel www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9pdxXQcNPg&feature;=youtu.be&t;=11m24s -- If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to postapostolicchurch@gmail.com.
This should raise some eyebrows for advocates of the Septuagint bible such as details that bring into question validating the entire book due to quotes from the new testament as the book was only the books of Law and was not called the XXL or the septuagint . A live presentation by Dr. Peter Williams.
I assume a true above and below
One more and first of all
I endeavor the deadly uniformity
That erudition brought into this world
I doubt wherever the earth's gravity
That is boldly presumed to extend
Over the whole structure of the world
Effective beyond a certain radius
Aeon, uniformity, divine
This empty space extending on all sides
Where the suns of the suns are subordinated
I thought of a great manifold of different ones
Where double stars moving alternately
Round each other but not round a third one
A whole that does not tolerate a middle
As masses of light flow into each other
If this universe increased to it's extremity
When the other side transists into a black hole
A downward spiral of the corporeal masses
Our existence is complete in both directions
I assume a separation of powers that be
Of purely demonic divine chaos
I endeavor the deadly uniformity
That erudition brought into the world
When we can pass over into the other
A world, pure and silent through death
This empty space extending on all sides