- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 75135
Victoria Peak (Chinese: 太平山, or previously Chinese: 扯旗山) is a mountain in the western half of Hong Kong Island. It is also known as Mount Austin, and locally as The Peak. With an elevation of 552 m (1,811 ft), it is the highest mountain on Hong Kong island, ranked 31 in terms of elevation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Tai Mo Shan is the highest point in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with an elevation of 957 m).
The summit is occupied by a radio telecommunications facility and is closed to the public. However, the surrounding area of public parks and high-value residential land is the area that is normally meant by the name The Peak. It is a major tourist attraction that offers views over Central, Victoria Harbour, Lamma Island and the surrounding islands.
As early as 19th century, the Peak attracted prominent European residents because of its panoramic view over the city and its temperate climate compared to the sub-tropical climate in the rest of Hong Kong. The sixth Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Richard MacDonnell had a summer residence built on the Peak circa 1868. Those that built houses named them whimsically, such as The Eyrie, and the Austin Arms. See First houses on the Peak.
台灣好好玩 - 宜蘭太平山森林之旅
【MIT台灣誌 #276】重返 太平山的記憶(一)
【MIT台灣誌 #430】 台灣百年記憶~太平山 翠峰湖_1080p
太平山國家森林遊樂區 國語
【發現】20161112 - 百年風華 - 太平山
太平山 翠峰景觀道路【全程】
【MIT台灣誌 #278】 重返 太平山的記憶(三)
雲煙山林畫太平 太平山國家森林遊樂區
何君堯恐嚇要「炮製」林卓廷,泛民陣營到死誓相隨?/湯家驊出賣昔日戰友,為甩衰十一為廿三條護航?/李飛到港威嚇港人,促777政府強推廿三條!| 笑看太平山(第2節) 17年11月17日
殺雞儆猴,趙薇被擊落/李源潮缺席習特宴,誰會是習近平打落的第一隻老虎?/趙樂際三天三露面顯玄機,打響清算王岐山的第一槍?| 笑看太平山(第1節) 17年11月17日
王岐山拒絕接受裸退,向習近平反擊?! /中共核彈爆炸,新常委家族也有巨額資產/習近平私宴特朗普,故宮、瀛台意義大不同?!|笑看太平山 (第1節) 17年11月09日
2017太平山 山毛櫸步道
黃耀明 Anthony Wong - 《浴血太平山》(Lyric Video)
東森財經新聞台 57頻道 節目首播時間:每週六 晚間20:00-20:30 更多資訊與分享請上《57輕旅行》粉絲團 http://blog.ebc.net.tw/apps/lightravel/ --店家資料-- 太平山國家森林遊樂區 太平山莊服務專線:03-9548757 太平山國家森林遊樂區:03-9809806 鳩之澤溫泉泡湯服務專線:03-9809603 捷絲旅宜蘭礁溪館 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉德陽路24巷8號 03-910-2000 頭城文創園區 宜蘭縣頭城鎮站舍巷1號 03-977-5090
【台灣好好玩】昔日台灣三大林場之一的太平山,一直蘊含著豐沛的自然資源,等著大家去親近,本周旅遊專題將帶大家來趟享受芬多精享受享受大口深呼吸的森林之旅。 播出時間:民視新聞台53頻道 每週五晚間11:50 2016 brand new English travel TV show「Time for Taiwan」is coming out on September 2. All episodes were shot on location to allow audience to experience the beauty of Taiwan. In each episode, our host Poyu Lin will introduce fun, interesting and fascinating places in Taiwan with a different cultural perspective and point of view. Catch us on Formosa News channel 53 every Friday at 11:50 p.m. 【訂閱民視綜藝官方頻道 Subscribe FTVENTERTAINMENT 】: https://goo.gl/mWhwK7 ■□【四季線上影視】隨時收看、免費綜藝 VOD ■□ 王牌雙響炮→https://www.4gtv.tv/vod/show/ 台灣那麼旺→https://goo.gl/4a4WTW 舞力全開→https://goo.gl/jygGI1 綜藝大集合 →https://goo.gl/5F81Wl ■□ 更多精彩官方影片,請關注我們 ■□ 民視Watch熊Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinShiftv 民視娛樂Facebo...
地點︰宜蘭縣羅東鎮 解說︰羅東林區管理處 處長:林鴻忠 技正︰翁儷真 道班班長︰吳源 1.太平山伐木史。2.太平山森林鐵路路線介紹。3.送埤站道班班長介紹鐵路今昔。"
香港太平山纜車可登上太平山俯瞰香港街景,夜景尤勝,成人單趟費用港幣28元,來回40元,尖峰時間(傍晚至晚間8點半左右)遊人如織,車站與山頂凌霄閣摩天台(海拔428公尺觀景處,門票港幣30元)擁擠得很。 此片從山下排隊登纜車的盛況開始,接著是有軌纜車行駛、到達山頂「凌霄閣」,登上「摩天台」觀景,再隨人潮排隊登纜車下山的全部過程集錦。 山頂朔風野大,影片有風切聲。 纜車往上或往下斜衝時,人在車廂內看近處一棟棟的高樓,都以45度角傾斜,真是有趣的視覺錯亂。 到達山上車站,循著電扶梯一路到達觀景平台(凌霄閣摩天台),人聲鼎沸,看看夜景後再下山。望著那五光十色的世界,美則美矣,但我只想到地球資源還能用幾年? 此影片可全螢幕觀賞,如頻寬夠可在放映後點選更高畫素觀看,效果更佳。 錄影器材:Canon EOS 7D+EFS 15-85mm
地點:宜蘭縣大同鄉。 宜蘭太平山,台灣第一大高山湖-翠峰湖 太平山伐林與森林鐵路歷史
更多精彩影片,請上【農業虛擬博物館 www.video.coa.gov.tw 】 太平山舊稱「眠腦」,也就是茂密森林之意,曾是台灣原始檜木林的故鄉,昔日與阿里山、八仙山並列為台灣三大林場。至1982年政府結束伐木事業後,轉型為太平山國家森林遊樂區。
像一處幽靜的世外桃源,雲海山嵐,變幻莫測,山景壯麗瑰奇,當中鑲嵌如湖綠寶石般的翠峰湖,優美如詩。 太平山,座落於台灣東北一隅,舊稱「眠腦」,泰雅族語是森林茂盛之意,成片蓊鬱蒼翠的原始林木,蘊藏大量而珍貴的扁柏與紅檜,自日據時期起,即與阿里山、八仙山,並稱台灣三大林場。 天然林木禁伐後,太平山轉型發展生態旅遊,雲海、日出、翠峰湖、見晴與山毛櫸等山徑步道,依循四季變換,美景自然天成,自不待言。而在歷經一世紀的歷史風華之後,遺留下積墊豐厚的歷史遺跡與人文故事,更為生態旅遊增添了無形的人文厚度。 此外,伴隨著林業拓展而深入內山的自然學家,由他們所開啟的百年自然史,也是不容錯過的另一道風景。 一臺首播:11/12(六) 21:00 重播:11/13(日) 02:00/10:30 二臺首播:11/13(日) 17:00 重播:11/13(日) 23:50 11/15(二) 02:10 11/19(六) 11:00 更多精彩內容請見:http://goo.gl/u6uCDU
起點 太平山 莊 ,終點翠峰湖,全長約16公里路況 霧鎖山林,雲海景觀隨著風向的移動、翻騰起伏、瞬息萬變,白濛濛的雲霧, 幻化僅在瞬間,教人嘆為觀止。
地點︰宜蘭縣大同鄉 解說︰彭火珠、秦桂枝、詹節 羅東林區管理處 技正︰翁儷真、林芳立 1. 中間、見晴講解 2.太平山咖啡景觀 3.老太平山人敘述太平山今昔。
太平山國家森林遊樂區宜蘭縣境內,屬於中央山脈的北端,以蘭陽溪為北界,轄屬於大同鄉,海拔高1950-2000公尺、翠峰湖為高山湖泊地形海拔高1850-2050公尺。 冬天賞雪,夏天賞紫葉槭。四季皆宜。
繼2004年,向顧家煇致敬的「明日之歌廳」後,黃耀明將於今年四月一至三號,假麥花臣球場舉行一連三埸的「美麗的呼聲」聽證會,記錄一個即將成為歷史的電視台及一個我們已經開始懷念,某一時代的香港。演唱會內將選唱多首香港樂壇另一巨匠黎小田的經典作品,包括大地恩情、浮生六劫及天蠶變等。而其中黃耀明更選取了「浴血太平山」,特別製作了一個全新2016版本,與其上一次個人演唱會的主題「太平山下」遙遙遙遙呼應。 黃耀明【美麗的呼聲聽證會】 門票現已公開發售 訂票電話:21115333 訂票網址:www.cityline.com 立即到MOOV收聽及下載《浴血太平山》: https://moov.hk/#/playlist/PP1000002945 《浴血太平山》 唱: 黃耀明 曲: 黎小田 詞: 盧國沾 編: GayBird @人山人海 監: GayBird and黃耀明@人山人海 世事混亂似靜未靜 站在那死角令我恨難平 誰情願寸地都給你霸領 只有再拼拼著活命 拼著活命退是沒命 命運你休再偽作淚盈盈 我那可屈膝恭恭也敬敬 天生我志氣傲絕對不需你同情 * 生原是一筆賭注 要勇氣來做決定 賭正顯我真本性 你聽那刺激歡呼聲 勝負未定決未認命 但令我憂憤是以後前程 我到底樓身於千變世界 心中寸寸願望願有一天會達成 * 生原是一筆賭注 要勇氣來做決定 賭正顯我真本性 你聽那刺激歡呼聲 勝負未定決未認命 但令我憂憤是以後前程 我到底樓身於千變世界 心中寸寸願望願有一天會達成 不管我勝或負但有血腥來做證 黃耀明官方Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyWongYiuMing/ 黃耀明官方Instagram: wongyiuminganthony
A travel guide for visiting Victoria's Peak in Hong Kong. From The Peak you can see an excellent view of Hong Kong. The Peak Tram, a funicular railway, takes passengers to the top of the Peak in just a few minutes. Check out so of my other Hong Kong Videos -- Stanley Market: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYn148C6ZpY Jumbo Floating Restaurant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZF-QekaD5k Central Mid-Levels Escalator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHCbZ9BpBYA The Big Buddha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhGcBXsvz_A Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel Twitter: ChrisRaney Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions Check out my blog at: http://yelloww.net
►Hong Kong Victoria Peak (The Peak) Info: https://goo.gl/xn9lIi Hong Kong Victoria Peak (“The Peak”) guide for Hong Kong visitors in this DIY travel guide by Hipfig. 1). How to reach Victoria Peak (The Peak) in Hong Kong using Public Transport 2). Directions using Public Bus to the Peak and the MTR to the Lower Peak Tram terminus in Central Hong Kong 3). Detailed Information on The Peak Tram (and tickets options in Hong Kong 4). Things to do at the Peak in Hong Kong – like Sky Terrace 428, eating, shopping etc 5). Travel tips for visiting Hong Kong Victoria Peak "The Peak" (Hong Kong travel guide) Ticket - Hong Kong Peak Tram and Sky Terrace 428 Entry: http://shrsl.com/?ifgi *Affiliate link ►S U B S C R I B E: https://goo.gl/bZzVS5 ►Official Hipfig Travel-Channel Website: http://www.hip...
Join us as we visit Hong Kong in this travel guide exploring the best 25 things to do in Hong Kong in terms of top attractions, museums worth visiting and restaurants serving up tasty food. Our travels in Hong Kong take us to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and Lantau Island seeking out green escapes, temples, gardens and monasteries. Some of the top highlights include nightlife in Lan Kwai Fong, a Symphony of Lights show, viewing Hong Kong from high atop Victoria Peak and eating copious amounts of Dim Sum. From futuristic to traditional and from hectic to serene Hong Kong will surely leave a lifelong impression upon you as a visitor. 25 Things to do in Hong Kong City Guide for Foodies: 1) The Peak Tram funicular to Victoria Peak (山頂纜車) - 00:37 2) Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island for ...
Recorded January 11, 2016 Victoria Peak is a mountain in the western half of Hong Kong Island. It is also known as Mount Austin, and locally as The Peak. With an elevation of 1,811 feet, it is the highest mountain on Hong Kong island. In this video I ride the Peak Tram up to Victoria Peak. I then ascend the Peak Tower for spectacular views of Hong Kong. From: http://timvp.com
Victoria Peak Bus Ride Part 1. Bus ride is HK$9.80 per person and half price for kids. Prices correct as of Sep 2015. http://www.hk-victoria-peak.com/bus-15-peak.html We were in Hong Kong. After taking the Star Ferry from Kowloon side to Hong Kong side, we found the bus stop to take Citybus 15 that would bring us up to Victoria Peak. The bus ride would take between 40 min and 1 hour, depending on traffic. This was the cheapest (or most cost effective) way to get up to Victoria peak. You could take the peak tram but that would be much more expensive. Peak tram one-way will cost HK$28 per adult. This is part 2 - https://youtu.be/beVNWSWWFAE
Hoy viajamos a Hong Kong, recorremos la península de Kowloon, pasando por la "Avenida de las estrellas"... cruzamos a la isla de Hong Kong donde dirigiéndonos al punto más alto, donde tenemos la oportunidad de subir por las escaleras mecánicas al aire libre más larga del mundo y para terminar... en "Victoria Peak"... la mejor vista de toda la ciudad. Espero disfruten tanto como nosotros... Les dejo el link del hotel donde nos hospedamos http://www.ymcahk.org.hk/main_e.html Twitter: https://twitter.com/gigilets Instagram: https://instagram.com/gigiletsgo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gigiletsgo?ref=hl Recuerden suscribirse!! 👍 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcm91L_1vtIx0bpcuwFZyQ Muchas gracias!!
The Peak Tram takes you to the Peak on Hong Kong Island where all the Hong Kong Skyline can be viewed. A travel guide for visiting Victoria's Peak in Hong Kong. From The Peak you can see an excellent view of Hong Kong. The Peak Tram, a funicular railway, takes passengers to the top of the Peak in just a few minutes.
This episode features Hong Kong, one of the Asian tigers, Heather and Charles will show case the best of what this vibrant and densely populated city has to offer. Full guide available here: http://www.diytravelshow.com/hk/ We'll include advice on getting free drinks for ladies on Wan Chai and Lan Kwai Fong, free attractions like Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, Hong Kong Park and Victoria Park, free Tai Chi classes, Avenue of Stars, and other must see places. As well as sampling tasty street foods, and bargain hunting. Host/Producer: Charles Huang Host/Script Editor: Heather Neary Camera: Stan Trac Editor: Kai Mathias / Charles Huang Special Thanks to: discoverhongkong.com Small portion of the video are credit to: https://www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/9510440760/ https:/...
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC ’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighted traveler upon seeing the skyscrapers of the city. The banks, shopping centers and offices of Hong Kong enriched modern architecture with iconic buildings. From the top of the Victoria’s Peak, one can take a look at the main representative of Asian business and trading, which is continuously developing even under Chinese rule. There are multi-storied buses and trams carrying the passengers in the busy inner city. The visitors are attracted by the night market, the Jade Market, the harbor with the living boats, the Star Ferry with its famous ships, the floating restaurants and the junks... -------------- Watch more travel videos ► ...
Пик Виктория — высочайшая точка острова Гонконг. Гора находится в западной части острова, своё название получила в честь королевы Виктории. Также известно название Маунт-Остин. Music is from www.soundcloud.com - Hector Couto - Never Let You Down (MASTER) FREE DOWNLOAD Мой канал (My channel in Youtube) : https://www.youtube.com/user/janukrtravels My Livejournal Blog (Мой блог в Лайфжурнале) - http://janukr.livejournal.com/ ♥♥ Thanks for Likes and Subscribing my channel♥♥ ♥♥ Спасибо за ЛАЙКИ и за ПОДПИСКУ на мой канал♥♥ TAGS горящие путевки, горящие туры, гид онлайн, турция, путеводитель, гид путешествие, путешествия, поехали с нами, шок, страны мира, азия, европа, евро, курс евро, город, остров, погода, море, турист, туризм, орел и решка, карта, жд билеты, мир, авиабилеты, дешевые ави...
Visiting Hong Kong? Looking for what to do there? Do you wanna be a tourist with bright yellow hair so yellow that people stare? Then come follow me on my Hong Kong travel adventure and find out the 9 places you should definitely add to your travel list!!! And if you like this song, make sure to check out my newest single "Ode to Daydreams"!!! :) 홍콩 여행가시나요? 어디갈지 검색하기 귀찮나요? 홍콩에서 꼭 가야할곳들을 케이트가 소개합니다~~! 그리고 노래가 궁금하신다면...저의 새로운 싱글곡 "Ode to Daydreams"입니다! ㅎㅎ 멜론, 벅스, 지니, 등등에서 찾아 들어주세요^____^ 감사합니다! ➯ IN SUMMARY: 1. Tai Cheong Bakery // 타이청 베이커리 : Yummy eggtarts~ 2. Victoria Peak (The Peak) // 빅토리아 피크 : Amazing city view 3. Tim Ho Wan // 팀호완 : Michelin Star Dim Sum restaurant 4. Mong Kok // 몽콕 시장 : Shopping, shopping, shopping 5. Emack & Bolio's // 에맥 앤 볼리오스 : Ice cream yas 6. Victoria Harbo...
Traveling to Hong Kong? It's worth seeing Victoria Peak. Avoid the shopping and tourist traps though. Take a walk up Mount Austin Road and see the neo classical design of the former gate lodge, built at the turn of the 1900s. Music by Essa. Available at https://soundcloud.com/essa-1/ambient-loop-3
https://www.expedia.com/Hong-Kong.d178263.Destination-Travel-Guides Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities. Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun. Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main busin...
Hong Kong skyline is nothing short of amazing, and it's best admired at Victoria Peak. The city has more buildings above 100m and 150m than any other city in the world. Hong Kong also holds the title for the world's biggest skyline with a total of 7,681 skyscrapers, placing it ahead of New York City, even though New York is larger in area. Mesmo com restrições arquitectónicas à altura dos edifícios - basicamente nenhum arranha-céus pode ser mais alto do que Victoria Peak ( 552m ) - Hong Kong pode "orgulhar-se" de ser a cidade com mais arranha-céus ( inclusive mais do que New York City ). O melhor local para se admirar a espantosa selva urbana de Hong Kong é no topo de Victoria Peak, o maciço rochoso que está no centro da ilha. A subida tradicional é feita através do Peak Tram, um funicul...
Hey guys, Today - we visited the most amazing view of Hongkong. It is the Victoria Peak. We took a peak tram going to the top of the mountains and used escalators going to the TOP. By far it is the most amazing view I have seen in Hongkong. The high rise buildings and the city lights at night. I hope you enjoyed this video. Thanks for watching :) TALK WITH ME ! Follow me: @meljeansolon Tweet me: @meljeansolon Visit my blog: www.solontravel.com Like my Facebook page: SolonTravel FOR COLLABS AND BUSINESS INQUIRIES ! Email me: solontravel8@gmail.com Thank you! :) Kisses...
Five days in Hong Kong. Travel tips and advice for HK, Kowloon, Cheung Chau, Lantau, Tai-O, Dragon's Back, Victoria Peak, rooftop bars, markets, and more
http://bookinghunter.com Hong Kong is one of the most exciting cities in the world. What makes this city so vibrant and energetic? It is nearly seven million residents. The city has a unique blend of Western and Chinese culture, which seem to co-exist very well and help make this city so fascinating. The most important places to visit in Hong Kong are: The Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery (this statue is one of the five largest statues of Chin), The Victoria Peak (this is something like a top view or a view point from where you can see the entire city of Hong Kong), Avenue of Stars (a place of tribute to the film stars, both past and present Hong Kong cinemas) and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the mos...
We visit Kowloon Temple Street Night Market, Victoria Peak, Stanley, Cheung Chau Island, Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car
At its most authentic, Hong Kong projects a vibrant duality, an ambition of opposites that work together in concert, which are the special ingredients of harmony. Here, views of steel and glass pointing to the future rest against low stone temples coiling with the incense of deeply rooted traditions. The peak tram, which trundles to the top of the highest point on Hong Kong Island, is an emblem of the city's blending of beauty and practicality, vision and deed. Watch this amazing video on Hong Kong & plan your trip to Asia today! Explore your own "Quest for Harmony" video at http://DiscoverHongKong.com/usa Explore China, Trips To China, China Travel Guide, About China, China Travel Tips, Hong Kong Travel Guide, Explore Hong Kong,Hong Kong Tourism, Hong Kong Travel Video, Hong Kong Guid...
www.SmartTravels.tv Seen nationally on PBS stations. 507 - Hong Kong We get a Pacific Rim rush when we visit energetic, ever-changing Hong Kong. On a famous Star Ferry, Rudy savors one of the most majestic skylines on earth. Here, where ancient tradition cozies up to ultramodern, we take in monasteries, Chinese herbs and a city obsessed with shopping. The island of Lantau features one of the world's largest statues of Buddha. And in the fishing village of Sai Kung, Rudy feasts on freshly caught seafood. Tips on markets and feng shui. PRODUCED BY SMALL WORLD PRODUCTIONS SEATTLE Copyright 2005 DVD of full program may be ordered at: http://www.smarttravelstore.tv/product/DVD-CHI/Asia_RM