- published: 08 Apr 2016
- views: 7475
Port Louis (French: Port-Louis) is the capital city of Mauritius, located in the Port Louis District, the western part also lies in the Black River District. Port Louis is the country's economic, cultural, political centre and most populous city. It is administered by the Municipal City Council of Port Louis. According to the 2012 census conducted by Statistics Mauritius, the population was 148,001.
Port Louis was already in use as a harbor in 1638. In 1735, under French government, it became the administrative center of Mauritius and a major reprovisioning halt for French ships during their passage between Asia and Europe, around the Cape of Good Hope. The Port is named in honor of King Louis XV. During this period of French colonization, Mauritius was known as Ile de France. The French governor at that time, Bertrand-François Mahé de Labourdonnais, contributed to the development of the city. Since Port Louis was relatively well-protected from strong winds during cyclones by the Moka Mountain Range, Port Louis was selected to house both the main harbor and fort for the island. Value of the port continued during the British occupation of the island during the Napoleonic Wars (1800–15), and helped Britain control the Indian Ocean. However, port calls of ships fell drastically following the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Activity in the port increased during the seven-year closure of the Suez Canal (starting in 1967). Modernization of the port in the late 1970s has helped it maintain its role as the central point for all imports and exports from Mauritius. While Port Louis continues to be the business and administrative capital of Mauritius, expansion of the tourism industry in the late 1990s led to considerable development in Port Louis, with many shops, hotels, and restaurants being built in the Caudan Waterfront area.
Louis may refer to:
Le Caudan Waterfront is a commercial development in Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius. It includes shops, banking facilities, casinos, cinemas, restaurants, a marina and a five star hotel (Le Labourdonnais).
A Tourist's Guide to Port Louis, Mauritius
Ile Maurice Port Louis Centre ville, Gopro / Mauritius Port Louis City center
Port Louis : une collégienne agresse un policier
Port Louis, Mauritius (HD)
A Port-Louis: heurts entre policiers et rastafaris
Port-Louis sous les eaux : un film documentaire
PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS - travel shorts
Accident spectaculaire cet après-midi à Montebello en direction de Port-Louis
BEST OF MAURITIUS - City of Port-Louis (HD 720p)
Port-Louis: Li Retir Enn Jaket Fam Lo Enn Mannkin. Guet Ki Li Fer Apre.
From Djibouti, I have a night in Nairobi before flying off to the tropical island of Mauritius. Steering clear of the honeymoon resorts, I stay in the capital, Port Louis. There, I see the sights before heading north.
Abonnez-vous et aimez la vidéo ! Subscribe and like ! Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Hors-frontieres-1625308417712879/?ref=hl Site Internet : http://hors-frontieres.fr Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure . If you like my work , please subscribe to my channel. You'll be the first informed about new publications.
Toute l'actualité de l'île Maurice en direct:live news, politique, économie, faits divers, société, dossier, hippisme, vidéos choc, scandale et people. https://www.instagram.com/defimedia.info/ https://twitter.com/defimediainfo https://www.facebook.com/www.defimedia.info/ http://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Plus-FM-886-s104860/ Copyright (C) 2017 LE DEFI MEDIA GROUP
Port Louis, Mauritius Tourism - Port Louis, Mauritius Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Port Louis , the capital of Mauritius, was founded by the French governor and colonist Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais in 1735. Situated on the north-west coast, Port Louis is the business and administrative capital of Mauritius. Packed with office-workers during the day, it quickly quietens down after office-hours – allowing visitors to enjoy a night out along the famous Caudan Waterfront. Those arriving during daylight hours should head for the bustling Central Market or Champ de Mars: the oldest racecourse in the Indian Ocean region. Port Louis (French: Port-Louis) is the capital city of Mauritius, located in the ...
Vives tensions entre des membres de la communauté rastafari et la police, vendredi 6 mai. Celle-ci a même fait usage de gaz lacrymogène. Les manifestants réclamaient la légalisation du cannabis.
Ce samedi après-midi du 30 mars 2013, c'est comme si Port-Louis dérivait vers la mer, tant les eaux balayaient tout sur leur passage. Des précipitations exceptionnelles avaient provoqué les pires inondations de l'histoire de Maurice, semant morts et désolation. #lslvideo, le pôle vidéo de La Sentinelle, présente, un an après, le film documentaire «Port-Louis sous les eaux». #inondations30mars
Port Louis (por loo-ee), the island's capital and largest city, can feel like a kaleidoscope of countries and cultures, with flashes of India, Africa, Europe, China and the Middle East. Unless you've essential business to transact here, or unless you're in the country for a prolonged visit, there aren't that many reasons to come – there are numerous other day excursions that we'd rank above Port Louis. But if you are here, it can be a good place to take the pulse of the country and to get an alternative slant on the island's rarefied world of resorts and private beaches. Most interest lies amid the bustle and chaos of the streets, the tangle of ethnic quarters and some wonderfully preserved colonial buildings. Apart from Le Caudan Waterfront, it all shuts down after dark when countless day...
Read More: https://www.facebook.com/NewsKreol/
From Djibouti, I have a night in Nairobi before flying off to the tropical island of Mauritius. Steering clear of the honeymoon resorts, I stay in the capital, Port Louis. There, I see the sights before heading north.
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Mauritius Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17PLixt Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Port Louis, the capital of Mauritius and also the location of the biggest market in all may see harbor of the country. Visit Port Louis in Mauritius The small insular country of 1800 square kilometers located in the middle of the Indian Ocean is the real tropical paradise. The capital of Mauritius is Port Louis. Commercial in civil services are both concentrated here. This is also the location of the biggest market in all may see harbor of the country. The waterfront seaside commercial in cultural center is built near the harbor on the seaside with restaurants, coffee bars, snack bars, cinemas and a casino. The Caudan Waterfront building is on ...
Port Louis, Mauritius Tourism - Port Louis, Mauritius Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Port Louis , the capital of Mauritius, was founded by the French governor and colonist Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais in 1735. Situated on the north-west coast, Port Louis is the business and administrative capital of Mauritius. Packed with office-workers during the day, it quickly quietens down after office-hours – allowing visitors to enjoy a night out along the famous Caudan Waterfront. Those arriving during daylight hours should head for the bustling Central Market or Champ de Mars: the oldest racecourse in the Indian Ocean region. Port Louis (French: Port-Louis) is the capital city of Mauritius, located in the ...
Discover the attractions of Port Louis. Place d´Armes, Caudan Water front, Fort Adelaide, camps de mars
Port Louis (por loo-ee), the island's capital and largest city, can feel like a kaleidoscope of countries and cultures, with flashes of India, Africa, Europe, China and the Middle East. Unless you've essential business to transact here, or unless you're in the country for a prolonged visit, there aren't that many reasons to come – there are numerous other day excursions that we'd rank above Port Louis. But if you are here, it can be a good place to take the pulse of the country and to get an alternative slant on the island's rarefied world of resorts and private beaches. Most interest lies amid the bustle and chaos of the streets, the tangle of ethnic quarters and some wonderfully preserved colonial buildings. Apart from Le Caudan Waterfront, it all shuts down after dark when countless day...
The little island, lying in the center of the Indian Ocean is a real tropical paradise. Along the white sand beaches, shaded by coconut palm trees there are many luxury hotels. We can take excursions to the nearby islands, or take a dive in the turquoise blue water. In the center of the island, on the top of a vulcanic plateau, emerald green sugar cane plantations can be found. On the Domaine Les Pailles estate we can have a glimpse at how rum and sugar are produced from sugar cane. We can try the Indian dishes and take a look at the colorful Hindu temple. We might enjoy the Sega dance and taste the teas from the Bois Cheri plantation. We might also take a Jeep Tour through the Black River National Park and take a look at the marvellous waterfall of Chamarel, while in the zoo the famous pi...
Abonnez-vous et aimez la vidéo ! Subscribe and like ! Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Hors-frontieres-1625308417712879/?ref=hl Site Internet : http://hors-frontieres.fr Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure . If you like my work , please subscribe to my channel. You'll be the first informed about new publications.
Mauritius 2016 HD Video from Exotic Island Mauritius. Copy and use of my video is not allowed. Jacek Zarzycki. Best things to do in Mauritius.Beautiful island,many things to do,beautiful beaches,great to snorkeling ,diving . One my favorite exotic destination. S U B S C R I B E (Its FREE) - Check out GoPro South Africa /WOHZA - @wohza . Port Louis, Mauritius Tourism - Port Louis, Mauritius Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide .
Spent two weeks on the beautiful island of Mauritius to create this travel video. Mauritius is like a paradise - wherever you go you find amazing beaches with turquoise water. The whole island is surrounded by a coral reef therefore it is not only perfect for swimming but also for snorkeling and diving. You can see lots of fascinating and colorful fish aswell as sea turtles and wild dolphins - definitely a trip to be remembered! Locations: Grand Baie, Mont Choisy, Trou aux Biches, Pereybere, Belle Mare, Ile aux Cerfs, Le Morne, Chamarel, Ile aux Benetiers, Cap Malheureux, Tamarin, Port Louis, Triolet For licensing please contact me at info@raphaelpoeham.com Cinematography and Editing: Raphael Pöham Website: raphaelpoeham.com Music: Sun Ray - Conveyor (http://creativecommons.org/licenses...
Mauritius in the Indian Ocean is know for its sparkling crystal and turquoise waters. The contrast of colours, cultures and tastes makes the island a location for an unforgettable holiday. Mauritius offers the opportunity to unparalleled luxury, a level of refinement that is ahead of many other other tropical holiday destinations. Mauritius was named after Dutch Prince Maurice Van Nassau. Mauritius' white beaches are protected by a coral reef barrier that encircles almost all of the coastline, with the exception of the southern end, where it falls away and where wilder waters and dramatic cliffs can be observed. From the northern plains, the land rises to a central plateau dotted by lakes and extinct volcanic craters. A few uninhabited islets area are scattered around the main island. P...
From Djibouti, I have a night in Nairobi before flying off to the tropical island of Mauritius. Steering clear of the honeymoon resorts, I stay in the capital, Port Louis. There, I see the sights before heading north.
Abonnez-vous et aimez la vidéo ! Subscribe and like ! Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Hors-frontieres-1625308417712879/?ref=hl Site Internet : http://hors-frontieres.fr Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure . If you like my work , please subscribe to my channel. You'll be the first informed about new publications.
Toute l'actualité de l'île Maurice en direct:live news, politique, économie, faits divers, société, dossier, hippisme, vidéos choc, scandale et people. https://www.instagram.com/defimedia.info/ https://twitter.com/defimediainfo https://www.facebook.com/www.defimedia.info/ http://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Plus-FM-886-s104860/ Copyright (C) 2017 LE DEFI MEDIA GROUP
Port Louis, Mauritius Tourism - Port Louis, Mauritius Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Port Louis , the capital of Mauritius, was founded by the French governor and colonist Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais in 1735. Situated on the north-west coast, Port Louis is the business and administrative capital of Mauritius. Packed with office-workers during the day, it quickly quietens down after office-hours – allowing visitors to enjoy a night out along the famous Caudan Waterfront. Those arriving during daylight hours should head for the bustling Central Market or Champ de Mars: the oldest racecourse in the Indian Ocean region. Port Louis (French: Port-Louis) is the capital city of Mauritius, located in the ...
Vives tensions entre des membres de la communauté rastafari et la police, vendredi 6 mai. Celle-ci a même fait usage de gaz lacrymogène. Les manifestants réclamaient la légalisation du cannabis.
Ce samedi après-midi du 30 mars 2013, c'est comme si Port-Louis dérivait vers la mer, tant les eaux balayaient tout sur leur passage. Des précipitations exceptionnelles avaient provoqué les pires inondations de l'histoire de Maurice, semant morts et désolation. #lslvideo, le pôle vidéo de La Sentinelle, présente, un an après, le film documentaire «Port-Louis sous les eaux». #inondations30mars
Port Louis (por loo-ee), the island's capital and largest city, can feel like a kaleidoscope of countries and cultures, with flashes of India, Africa, Europe, China and the Middle East. Unless you've essential business to transact here, or unless you're in the country for a prolonged visit, there aren't that many reasons to come – there are numerous other day excursions that we'd rank above Port Louis. But if you are here, it can be a good place to take the pulse of the country and to get an alternative slant on the island's rarefied world of resorts and private beaches. Most interest lies amid the bustle and chaos of the streets, the tangle of ethnic quarters and some wonderfully preserved colonial buildings. Apart from Le Caudan Waterfront, it all shuts down after dark when countless day...
Read More: https://www.facebook.com/NewsKreol/
Light of Christ Church Sainte-Croix Port Louis, Mauritius
Port Louis Badminton Open MS F 35+ Dauhoo vs Satteekul
When my strength was gone, and I just gave up on life
In my darkest place you were my guide
And you told me that I should live my life to the limit
When you fall down get back up and fight
Well the shape of my heart don't lie
I'm determined when you trust in me
It's all I need
Now I'm hoping, if you hear this
You believe that all that I do is to make you proud
Make me stronger, so that I rise up
Made my mind up
So that all that I do is to make you proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
all that I do is to make you proud
I never gave up then cause you said keep hope alive
The champion gives one last try yeeah
Said I deserve the best in life
I should be winning
Gotta spread your wings and prepare to fly
Well the shape of my heart don't lie
I'm determined with your faith in me
To make you see
Now I'm hoping, if you hear this
You believe that all that I do is to make you proud
Make me stronger, so that I rise up
Made my mind up
All that I do is to make you proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
All that I do is to make you proud
Nobody can tell me they were there for me
Before you came around
There was pain in every heart beat
But eventually you built my reserve to be strong
Now I'm hoping, if you hear this
You believe that all that I do is to make you proud
Now I'm hoping, if you hear this
You believe that all that I do is to make you proud
Make me stronger, so that I rise up
Made my mind up
All that I do is to make you proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
All that I do is to make you proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud
Proud, proud, make you proud, proud