- published: 30 Jun 2014
- views: 3329
Kernavė was a medieval capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and today is a tourist attraction and an archeological site (population 318, 1999). It is located in the Širvintos district municipality located in southeast Lithuania. A Lithuanian state cultural reserve was established in Kernavė in 1989. In 2004 Kernavė Archaeological Site was included into UNESCO world heritage list.
Kernavė is a small town in the southeaster part of Lithuania, in Širvintos district, located on the right bank of the river Neris, on the upper Neris terrace. It is 21 kilometers (13 mi) distance from Širvintos and 35 kilometers (22 mi) from Vilnius. It is close to the Vilnius-Kaunas (18 km or 11 mi) and Vilnius-Panevėžys (17 km or 11 mi) highways. It is possible to travel to Kernavė from Vilnius by the river Neris.
Its alternate names include Kernavos, Kernovo, Kiernowo, Kiernów (Polish), and Kernuvke (Yiddish).
The area of Kernavė was sparingly inhabited at the end of the Paleolithic era, with the number of settlements significantly increasing in the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras.
Kernavė -- miestelis Širvintų rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje, Neries dešiniajame krante, 18 km į pietvakarius nuo Širvintų, 35 km į šiaurės vakarus nuo Vilniaus. Seniūnijos centras, 2 seniūnaitijos (Kerniaus ir Piliakalnio). Tai pirmoji Lietuvos sostinė. Miestelis garsus Kernavės piliakalniais, kuriems XIX a. sugalvoti vardai -- Pilies kalnas, Aukuro kalnas, Mindaugo kalnas (arba Mindaugo sosto piliakalnis), Lizdeikos kalnas ir Kriveikiškio piliakalnis. "We love Lithuania" http://fb.com/onLithuania Autorius : Andrius Jurevičius http://Filmavimasisoro.lt
http://atostogos.pinigukarta.lt - įdomiausios Lietuvos lankytinos vietos ir pramogos ------------- Senoji Lietuvos sostinė - Kernavė. Kunigaikštis Traidenis čia buvo pasistatęs savo pilį. Čia žmonės gyveno dar gerokai prieš tai. Pasigrožėję Kernavės piliakalniais archeologinius radinius galėsite apžiūrėti po rekonstrukcijos jau šį rudenį duris atversenčiame Kernavės archeologijos ir istorijos muziejuje.
www.ldkistorija.lt Neabejotina Kernavės svarba tyrinėjant Lietuvos valstybės ištakas. Anot istorijos šaltinių, būtent čia buvo vienas svarbiausių Lietuvos valstybingumo kūrimosi centrų. Iš Kernavės kunigaikštis Traidenis, kai žuvo karalius Mindaugas, sugebėjo suvienyti baltiškuosius kraštus ir valdyti visą Lietuvą.
Animated archaelogical reconstruction of Medieval Lithuania's capital Kernavė & a Baltic bagpipe melody from the new folk group's "Ugniavijas" album "War songs" which can be ordered here: http://www.dangus.net/releases/albumai/042_Ugniavijas.htm GARSAS: vyrų kuopos "Ugniavijas" dūdmaišio melodija iš jų naujo albumo "Karo dainos", apie kurį daugiau informacijos galite rasti čia: http://www.dangus.net/news/nauja571_ugniavijas.htm VAIZDAS: Virtuali viduramžių Kernavės rekonstrukcija: pilių kompleksas, prekybos uostas, aptvertos medinės miestiečių trobos, dirbami laukai, lydimai, ganyklos, senosios kapinės ir alkas. Istorijos Detektyvų laidas apie senovės Kernavę galite pamatyti čia: http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/45825/ http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/46250
The Kernavė Archaeological site, about 35 km north-west of Vilnius in eastern Lithuania, represents an exceptional testimony to some 10 millennia of human settlements in this region. Situated in the valley of the River Neris, the site is a complex ensemble of archaeological properties, encompassing the town of Kernavė, forts, some unfortified settlements, burial sites and other archaeological, historical and cultural monuments from the late ... Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1137/
Kernave 2015 Gyvosios archeologijos dienos / Days of live archaeology / Дни живой археологии XVI tarptautinis eksperimentinės archeologijos festivalis „Gyvosios archeologijos dienos Kernavėje“ , skirtas Mindaugo karūnavimo – Valstybės dienai paminėti. Kasmet liepos mėnesio pradžioje festivalio metu didingą piliakalnių rimtį sudrumsčia atgijusi praeitis. Ant Pilies kalno ir Pajautos slėnyje vėl kaip kadaise skrieja taiklios lankininkų strėlės, triūsia daugybė nagingų amatininkų… Nepakartojamą atmosferą sustiprina senosios muzikos garsai ir gardžių valgių, ruoštų pagal viduramžių receptus, kvapai. Festivalis supažindina su atkurtais proistorės ir ankstyvųjų viduramžių amatais, protėvių gyvenimo būdu. Lankytojai galės atsiskelti titnago, nusižiesti puodą, nusikalti monetą, iššauti iš lanko. ...
VU liaudiškos muzikos ansamblis "Jaunimėlis" švenčia Jonines Kernavėje
Finally we are on the bus! Join our adventure on this amazing bus and travel with us all around this beatiful country. RoadTripLt.com Facebook.com/RoadTripLt Instagram.com/roadtriplithuania facebook.com/AIESEC.in.ISM We thank for: Vasaros Terasa (for hosting our opening event) Bands: "Alive Way" and "Elle G" www.expedition.lt (for providing us with camping equipment) Kerniaus baras (in Kernavė) Visuomenės Harmonizavimo Parkas (for great accomodation, spa, food and tours) Forto Dvaras
The programme captures various aspects of the Lithuanian vibrant culture, from ancient traditions to contemporary nightlife, and aims to provide a real perception of the country. "The new "Essential" programme is a wonderful chance to show the major changes in the country. Lithuania has lots to offer from beautiful beaches to vibrant towns and unique culture, while the series "Essential Lithuania" highlights it perfectly. I have no doubts, that it will become an important tool attracting more tourists to Lithuania." - states Augusta Jaudegytė, the Director of Lithuanian National Tourism Office in the UK. In addition, the Travel Channel is offering a stunning holiday to Lithuania as a competition prize on their flagship magazine programme "The Holiday Show" throughout April. The prize...
Visit: http://apkreview.co/com-mobilereference-TravelLithuaniaApp Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXVMaZLuJ31EPoc9ESw6inA?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APKreview.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/APK_Review Google+: https://plus.google.com//110233720157716783778 Vilnius & Lithuania: Illustrated Travel Guide, Phrasebook and Maps, Including Kaunas, Trakai & more. (Mobi Travel) MobileReference guides help you get the most out of your vacation. The guides are available for most destinations worldwide and always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3 million MobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developed for your smartphone have the following features:? Listen to articles on the go with Text-To-Speech...
On the road to Kernavė, having turned left in the town of Dūkštai, a forest path will lead you to the area of burial mounds in Karmazinai. There are about 130 burial mounds in that area; three of them were reconstructed after archaeological excavations had been carried out there. Having climbed a mountain by the road beyond Dūkštai, you will find yourself in the largest oak-wood in Lithuania on the edge of which there is a rock with runes. At the confluence of the Dūkšta and Neris rivers, having turned off the road a little in the direction of Vievis, there is a hill-fort of Karmazinai with a beautiful view of the Neris valley where once there was a pagan place of worship. A cognitive part meanders among the old oak-trees next to the hill fort.
Probably the best place to travel with children during winter - Barcelona, Spain. READ MY BLOG: http://mgreblikas.blogspot.com/ FOLLOW ME ON ALL THE SOCIAL NETWORKS: https://www.facebook.com/balticwildrun http://instagram.com/balticwildrun/ https://vimeo.com/user11918050 http://www.twitter.com/mgreblikas SUBSCRIBE to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mgreblikas
Nostalgic summer of 2008: we travel to Lithuania to see our friends. We spend a few days in Nida, (where we brave thunder storms by bike to see Juodkrante and the Witches Hill... very spooky!) We also visit the Hill of Crosses, Vilnius, Trakai, Kernave, and Grutas Parc (Stalin World).
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com A walking tour around Kaunas with a new guide. The old town is very walkable, only about 3 km from one end to another and has more museums than a person could visit in a lifetime. A devil's museum, art, children's literature, war, folk music, gemology and on and on. The tour ended at one part of town and ex-Marine and I raced back to the beginning to visit St. George's Church, used as a stable by the Germans. Back in the bus, headed to Trakai...
St. Petersburg through the Baltic countries.Day Two.First city viewing was Kaunas. Only a short walk around the old town. Tour guide, Grosz Imréné Krisztina,Grosz Travel Agency