Mon Jul 3, 2017, 10:34 PM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
TantrumpLast edited Mon Jul 3, 2017, 11:16 PM - Edit history (1)
"What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born cleric? Will no one rid me of this turbulent cleric?”
Henry II Tantrump The video of Trump body-slamming “CNN” is rightfully being called a threat by the news media. It is a specific type of threat, based upon its target audience. And many of us are old enough to remember a number of similar messages that targeted similar audiences in the past. Let's start by looking briefly at two examples. When President Kennedy was preparing to visit Dallas, retired General Edwin Walker tasked his top aide, Robert Surrey with producing and distributing 5,000 copies of a now infamous “Wanted for Treason” flier. Walker was the General Flynn of his day: in 1961, JFK had rumors that Walker was distributing John Birch Society pamphlets among troops investigated, and Walker was forced to resign in disgrace. Walker moved to Dallas, which at the time had the highest per-capita rate of KKK membership in the United States. Walker became a leader of the combined Bircher-KKK types in the city. This group also had a “religious” tone, in that Rev. W. A. Criswell, the head of the First Baptist Church, actively opposed JFK. Now, let's fast-forward to 1964-65. There were growing tensions between the Nation of Islam, and former NOI Minister Malcolm X. In the NOI publication “Muhammad Speaks” – which was actually created by Malcolm years before – there were a series of disturbing articles that clearly suggested Malcolm should be killed. The April 10, 1964 edition included a cartoon of Malcolm's decapitated head bouncing down a street. In each of these instances, it is accurate to identify these as threats. But when we look closely at them, there is more. A threat is normally communicated by one person to the victim of their threat. It seeks to intimidate the victim. Yet the Trump threat – like the other examples – is primarily directed at a different target, the unstable idiots who believe it is their patriotic and/or religious duty to carry out a fatal attack upon the victim of the threat. It is worth noting that the treason flier, the Malcolm cartoon, and the Trump video share an important characteristic: each of the three contains a visual component. They aren't simply written words, that are processed in a specific portion of the human brain. The wanted poster had two pictures of JFK, the cartoon had four images of Malcolm's severed head, and the Trump film featured a not-that-old clip of Trump performing violence at a professional wrestling events. Visual images such as these are processed in a different area within the brain. Thus, Trump's message was directed towards the mentally unhinged freaks who love pro wrestling and the confederate flag, and who are convinced that the NRA and Donald Trump are looking out for their interests. And from the campaign season, when Trump verbally attacked reporters such as Katy Tur, we know these people are prone to responding to Trump's call to action – Ms. Tur had to hire private security to insure her safety outside of work. I'll end this with a personal anecdote. I was speaking to an extended family member, an in-law, who is somewhat conservative. I asked him what he thought of Trump? He said, “He is the greatest threat to our country today.” He went on to say that Trump wishes that he had the same “power” that Putin has in the context of his relationship with the media. He said that Trump would like to have several of them murdered, so as to fully intimidate the rest.
22 replies, 3949 views
22 replies | Author | Time | Post |
Tantrump (Original post) |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | OP |
librechik | Jul 2017 | #1 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #9 | |
panader0 | Jul 2017 | #2 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #10 | |
rzemanfl | Jul 2017 | #3 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #11 | |
SCantiGOP | Jul 2017 | #4 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #12 | |
Hekate | Jul 2017 | #5 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #13 | |
lunatica | Jul 2017 | #6 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #14 | |
blue-wave | Jul 2017 | #7 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #16 | |
DFW | Jul 2017 | #8 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #17 | |
Hekate | Jul 2017 | #20 | |
KingCharlemagne | Jul 2017 | #15 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #18 | |
KingCharlemagne | Jul 2017 | #19 | |
Different Drummer | Jul 2017 | #21 | |
H2O Man | Jul 2017 | #22 |
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Mon Jul 3, 2017, 10:47 PM
librechik (30,055 posts)
1. brilliant as usual
Together we face this Independence holiday with a whole new perspective regarding tyrants.
Response to librechik (Reply #1)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:21 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
9. Thank you.
The Declaration of Independence is speaking to us today.
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Mon Jul 3, 2017, 10:48 PM
panader0 (22,917 posts)
2. "It is worth noting..."
yeah, they share the visual, they share the same message. I remember Gabriel
Giffords being in the crosshairs of a Palin (I believe) ad. |
Response to panader0 (Reply #2)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:22 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
10. Right.
I don't think it's "coincidence."
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Mon Jul 3, 2017, 10:49 PM
rzemanfl (28,800 posts)
3. When a member of the U.S. media is killed, that is when I will go shopping at the gun store.
I think auto-correct or predictive messed with "anecdote."
Response to rzemanfl (Reply #3)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:38 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
11. A few years back,
I was talking to an old friend while we waited for a town board meeting to open. The issue was fracking, and there were two large groups of citizens -- pro-environment and pro-fracking. One of the pro-fracking fellows walked over to our group, specifically to me. He said that "those guys hold these people in contempt. But they hate you. If I were you, I'd be careful."
My friend responded, "I'm an ex-Marine, and I have a rifle and a shotgun in my truck." He said that he was my bodyguard, etc. The pro-fracking gentleman walked away. I told my friend that while I appreciated his support, that I am committed to non-violence. (Might have been auto-correct. I am also prone to mis-spelling, especially when I'm thinking of the next sentence!) |
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Mon Jul 3, 2017, 11:54 PM
Hekate (70,221 posts)
5. Stochastic...
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 12:04 AM
lunatica (52,462 posts)
6. The reptilian brain unleashed
He's giving them permission to think in those terms and more than that, to embrace the violence. He's reading their hearts and letting them know he champions them. He speaks for them. They have his permission to act out.
Response to lunatica (Reply #6)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:42 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
14. Key point.
"They have his permission to act out." That is so important.
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 01:07 AM
blue-wave (2,106 posts)
7. Absolutely Horrifying
Is it possible to stop this growing threat or has it already reached critical mass and must play itself out?
Response to blue-wave (Reply #7)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:51 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
16. I believe
that we must confront it nonviolently, but it will be likely that some will be injured.
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 01:21 AM
DFW (43,660 posts)
8. A 33 year old man named Tom once wrote
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ------------------------------------------------------------- Trump, Pence, what point do we deem ourselves to have subjected ourselves to absolute despotism? Not yet, maybe, but we're heading there, and not at a snail's pace, either. Our future security certainly appears in jeopardy, anyway. Agreed, it is our right to throw off such government at some point. At what point does it become our duty? A significant majority of Americans--those who never voted from him in the first place plus those who realize they were duped when they did--realize that we have the wrong leadership. At what point will the right-wing Congress--already a majority in the House of Representatives due solely to gerrymandering--decide "country over party?" Never? Should that prove the case, the people of this country need to heed Tom's words: "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government." Tom (full name Thomas Jefferson) was there, was part of the original group that on this day 241 years ago signed that daring document he wrote. Will our government take up their responsibility once again? To be sure, times have changed drastically since the Continental Congress. Abuses, usurpations and despotism, however, have not. |
Response to DFW (Reply #8)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:53 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
17. Outstanding.
This should be an OP. Thank you so much for this!
Response to DFW (Reply #8)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 12:36 PM
Hekate (70,221 posts)
20. Such profound and beautiful prose by young Tom. Yes please, make this an OP. nt
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:49 AM
KingCharlemagne (7,908 posts)
15. Historical Note: Lee Harvey Oswald tried unsuccessfully to assassinate General Walker before
he (imo) sucessfully assassinated JFK.
IOW, LHO was a radical leftist seeking, among other things, to curry favor with Castro's Cuba and its help getting a transit visa to allow him and his wife Marina to return to the USSR. LHO was not a right-wing nut job manipulated by Walker's pamphleteering, other than in reaction to try to eliminate Walker through force of arms. That said, I agree largely with your overall point. |
Response to KingCharlemagne (Reply #15)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 11:58 AM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)
18. He may have
taken the shot at Walker.
I hope that this OP/thread avoids a discussion of what took place on 11-22-1963, and sticks to the topic at hand. Thanks! |
Response to H2O Man (Reply #18)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 12:00 PM
KingCharlemagne (7,908 posts)
19. i meant only to point out that LHO was a Communist (the polar opposite of a
RWNJ). Walker's pamphlets would have had presumably no effect on him, other than to stimulate righteous rage.
Response to H2O Man (Original post)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 12:49 PM
Different Drummer (5,507 posts)
21. "He said that Trump would like to have several of them murdered...
so as to fully intimidate the rest."
Saw a TV show not long ago that implied Putin has done that very thing at least once. |
Response to Different Drummer (Reply #21)
Tue Jul 4, 2017, 01:18 PM
H2O Man (66,322 posts)