- published: 03 Jul 2017
- views: 10032
A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.
Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular person".Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to measure word knowledge.
The first major distinction that must be made when evaluating word knowledge is whether the knowledge is productive (also called achieve) or receptive (also called receive); even within those opposing categories, there is often no clear distinction. Words that are generally understood when heard or read or seen constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. These words may range from well-known to barely known (see degree of knowledge below). A person's receptive vocabulary is the larger of the two. For example, although a young child may not yet be able to speak, write, or sign, he or she may be able to follow simple commands and appear to understand a good portion of the language to which he or she is exposed. In this case, the child's receptive vocabulary is likely tens, if not hundreds of words, but his or her active vocabulary is zero. When that child learns to speak or sign, however, the child's active vocabulary begins to increase. It is also possible for the productive vocabulary to be larger than the receptive vocabulary, for example in a second-language learner who has learned words through study rather than exposure, and can produce them, but has difficulty recognizing them in conversation.
BabyFirst is a media company that produces and distributes content for babies through television, the internet and mobile apps. The content is intended to develop a baby's skills, such as color recognition, counting and vocabulary. There are about 90 BabyFirst TV shows and 41 apps for mobile devices. As of 2014, the network is distributed to 81 million homes, and is based in Los Angeles, California.
BabyFirst was founded in 2004 by Guy Oranim and Sharon Rechter. Its first broadcast was through DirectTV in 2006. It was funded by Regency Enterprises, Kardan, and Bellco Capital. Distribution expanded through agreements with the Echostar Dish Network, Comcast, AT&T U-verse and others. It also developed a premium BabyFirst YouTube channel, and mobile apps. One app developed with AT&T U-verse allows babies to interact with the television programming by drawing on a mobile device.
BabyFirst was founded in 2004 by Guy Oranim and Sharon Rechter. The network was launched on May 11, 2006 on DirecTV and was later made available through EchoStar's Dish Network that June. It was made available through EchoStar's Dish Network that June. The BabyFirst network is based in Los Angeles and was initially funded by Regency Enterprises (a Hollywood movie studio), Kardan (a holding company) & Bellco Capital (a private fund). BabyFirst was controversial when it was introduced, because it was the first 24-hour channel for children six months to three years in age. However, the channel was popular among parents and grew quickly.
Current affairs can refer to:
English may refer to:
Learn Vocabulary from PM Narendra Modi - भाग 2 - अंग्रेजी सीखो हिंदी में - Learn English
40 Best Vocabulary Words - Learn English - Lucid Explanation - Study IQ Education
Improve Vocabulary, ★ Sleep Learning ★ Increase English Vocabulary Range, Binaural Beats. ☯Night☯
How to increase your vocabulary
Vocabulary - Hindu Newspaper - Learn English Words - Part 3
Vocabulary Development | For Everyone - by Sandeep Manudhane sir
learning english vocabulary with pictures, learning english vocabulary advanced
Apple | What is it? | Vocabularry | BabyFirst TV
Audiobook 1 Word Smart Building a More Educated Vocabulary
The Economic Times Vocabulary (4 July, 2017) - Learn 10 New Words with Tricks | Day-180
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Improve Vocabulary, ★ Sleep Learning ★ Increase Vocabulary Range, Learn New English Words, Binaural Beats, 3 Hour. ☯Night☯ Increase and Improve Vocabulary Range and Learn New Words Whilst You Sleep Using Binaural Beats! (Headphones recommended) This audio features current 100 advanced English words. This video uses advanced binaural beats to help you learn these new words and there meanings whilst you sleep. The word is said once, then the meaning of that word followed by an example of the word used in its correct context so, this way you will be able to start including these words in your daily vocabulary range. This popular method of learning is proving to be hugely successful for many people. For the ☯Day☯ version click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Go5Sl0ZFnY ★Remember to...
http://www.engvid.com Here are some great tips for remembering your vocabulary and learning new words. This lesson will show you how to learn more than one new word at a time and how to practice learning and remembering words that will improve all areas of your English quickly. Watch the video, then take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/how-to-increase-your-vocabulary/
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Vocabularry Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel for more videos: http://bit.ly/BabyFirstTVSubscribe Learn with Vocabularry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJKwtpm6MaY&list;=PLqsYSvVJ2b7FEIf6rkEkqdFLhRjBwDNdB Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel for more videos: http://bit.ly/BabyFirstTVSubscribe For more VocabuLarry fun , click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqsYSvVJ2b7FEIf6rkEkqdFLhRjBwDNdB Click here and Learn more English with BabyFirst: https://youtu.be/eY934IE4LKw?list=PLqsYSvVJ2b7FAWxXxdOVTqZp-SiNBu-vv Hope you enjoyed this episode on BabyFirstTV For more preschool & toddler videos click here: https://www.youtube.com/user/BabyFirstTV Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel http://bit.ly/BabyFirstTVSubscribe Join BabyFirstTV on Social Site...
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