- published: 01 Jul 2017
- views: 2930
The thumb is the first digit of the hand. When a person is standing in the medical anatomical position (where the palm is facing to the front), the thumb is the outermost digit. The Medical Latin English noun for thumb is pollex (compare hallux for big toe), and the corresponding adjective for thumb is pollical.
The English word "finger" has two senses, even in the context of appendages of a single typical human hand:
Linguistically, it appears that the original sense was the broader of these two: penkwe-ros (also rendered as penqrós) was, in the inferred Proto-Indo-European language, a suffixed form of penkwe (or penqe), which has given rise to many Indo-European-family words (tens of them defined in English dictionaries) that involve or flow from concepts of fiveness.
The thumb shares the following with each of the other four fingers:
Actors: Charley Rossman (actor), Mark Arnold (actor), John Kassir (actor), Alison Lees-Taylor (actress), John Henry Whitaker (actor), Carl Petersen (actor), Hidekun Hah (actor), Darrel Guilbeau (actor), Paul McKinney (actor), Angela Elayne Gibbs (actress), Patrick Hume (actor), Holgie Forrester (actress), Darren Kendrick (actor), May Wang (actress), Jack Dimich (actor),
Genres: Sci-Fi,Jemi mesuar gjithnje ta shohim e degjojme ne kornizat e profesionit te jursites. Eshte ajo, zonja Eni, e preferuara juaj e cila mberthen pas ekranit ne rubriken e saj 'Shihemi ne Gjyq' te gjithe shqiptaret brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise. Sot ne "Thumb" ajo ka treguar gjithcka, jashte profesionit dhe jashte asaj qe jemi mesuar ta shohim, duke qene me shume Eni Cobani se sa Zonja Eni, me sportivitet dhe ciltersi sic asaj i shkon me se miri!
Bes Kallaku rrefen arsyen qe do ta bente te ndahej nga Xhensila. Cfare plane ka ai pas largimit nga Portokallia? Jo vetem kaq, po ka treguar dhe nje nga skenat e xhelozise se Xhensiles. Eh dhe sa shume te tjera. te gjitha ketu ne "Thumb" :)
Greta Koci, kengetarja qe ka ditur te rrembeje zemrat e njerezve qe ne daljet e saj te para ka ardhur kete here ne "THUMB" per te rrefyer gjithcka qe nga marredhenia me te motren, Enin, i ka bere 'diss' disa kolegeve rreth kontratave qe kane lidhur me label-a te huaja, marredheniet me meshkujt dhe shume po shume detaje te tjera te parrefyera me pare!
Qenkan thyer me shume rregulla se sa mendonim, kete vit ne Big Brother... 🙄🙄 Armela pranon qe i kane futur telefon ne Bb.
Ne keto dite vere, mire qe na i bejne zili ata qe shkojne ne plazh por duhet te durojme edhe fotot me SUPER-SUPER-SUPER trup te Dorina Memes e cila i ka dhene disa llogari ne THUMB :P Duke qene se zemra na beri 'Rrak Tak' nga Dorina, vendosem te pyesim Mateos Frrokun dhe Bujar Qamilin se cfare kane dashur te thone me kete kenge dhe si po shkon suksesi i saj deri me tani
Thumb al Julian Deda i thote te gjitha ne "Thumb"!
Dj Vicky, eshte shtatzene! He, he se tallemi, por eshte e vertete: Vicky do te behet baba dhe ka rrefyer per here te pare mbi marredhenien e tij prej shume kohesh me te dashuren e zemres, ashtu sic ai di me se miri: me batuta dhe 'cmenduri'! Nderkoheee keni ketu edhe pjesen tuaj te preferuar ne THUMB: eventin e kryeqytetit! Andi ka shkuar per te pyetur VIPat se si palestrohen dhe me siguri jane dobesuar me shume nga thumbat sesa nga palestra, epo joooo ;)
Jemi mesuar gjithnje ta shohim e degjojme ne kornizat e profesionit te jursites. Eshte ajo, zonja Eni, e preferuara juaj e cila mberthen pas ekranit ne rubriken e saj 'Shihemi ne Gjyq' te gjithe shqiptaret brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise. Sot ne "Thumb" ajo ka treguar gjithcka, jashte profesionit dhe jashte asaj qe jemi mesuar ta shohim, duke qene me shume Eni Cobani se sa Zonja Eni, me sportivitet dhe ciltersi sic asaj i shkon me se miri!
Bes Kallaku rrefen arsyen qe do ta bente te ndahej nga Xhensila. Cfare plane ka ai pas largimit nga Portokallia? Jo vetem kaq, po ka treguar dhe nje nga skenat e xhelozise se Xhensiles. Eh dhe sa shume te tjera. te gjitha ketu ne "Thumb" :)
Greta Koci, kengetarja qe ka ditur te rrembeje zemrat e njerezve qe ne daljet e saj te para ka ardhur kete here ne "THUMB" per te rrefyer gjithcka qe nga marredhenia me te motren, Enin, i ka bere 'diss' disa kolegeve rreth kontratave qe kane lidhur me label-a te huaja, marredheniet me meshkujt dhe shume po shume detaje te tjera te parrefyera me pare!
Qenkan thyer me shume rregulla se sa mendonim, kete vit ne Big Brother... 🙄🙄 Armela pranon qe i kane futur telefon ne Bb.
Ne keto dite vere, mire qe na i bejne zili ata qe shkojne ne plazh por duhet te durojme edhe fotot me SUPER-SUPER-SUPER trup te Dorina Memes e cila i ka dhene disa llogari ne THUMB :P Duke qene se zemra na beri 'Rrak Tak' nga Dorina, vendosem te pyesim Mateos Frrokun dhe Bujar Qamilin se cfare kane dashur te thone me kete kenge dhe si po shkon suksesi i saj deri me tani
Thumb al Julian Deda i thote te gjitha ne "Thumb"!
Dj Vicky, eshte shtatzene! He, he se tallemi, por eshte e vertete: Vicky do te behet baba dhe ka rrefyer per here te pare mbi marredhenien e tij prej shume kohesh me te dashuren e zemres, ashtu sic ai di me se miri: me batuta dhe 'cmenduri'! Nderkoheee keni ketu edhe pjesen tuaj te preferuar ne THUMB: eventin e kryeqytetit! Andi ka shkuar per te pyetur VIPat se si palestrohen dhe me siguri jane dobesuar me shume nga thumbat sesa nga palestra, epo joooo ;)
thumb - master
I value live itself in all the sizes and shapes, I try to rank all human
beings just as high as the apes or the birds and the bees what about the
flies and the fleas, may they crawl on the ground or even swim through the
seas. Way up high in the air, some swingin' in trees, such a beautiful
sites, such a beautiful peace ! Only a sick mind kills animals at any time.
How blind could you be not to call it a crime when man slaughters my sons
and my daughters to be suckin' on meat like our ancestors taught us.
Through all our lives leads a path of destruction and death, anger, pain
seem to be the construction of society, we call ourselves civilized, our
hands are covered in blood - we're cavemen in disguise !
How easy it would be to live cruelty free.
I understood one day what this meat thing is all about - I ate it all my life, I
never had a doubt. My parents fed me pig, calve or poultry, you have to eat it all
up if one day you wanna be as big as me ! - yes, I agree. We ate a whole lot of meat
in our family, but one day, 'round about 1984, it hit me like a rock, I couldn't eat
it no more !
Those screams from the slaughterhouse, they woke me up real fast, they
turned my inside out. I realized my personal taste had a high price, for
ev'rytime I ate somebody had to die, but why? I thought we're civilized...
our hands are covered in blood, we're cavemen in disguise.
How easy it would be to live cruelty free.
But instead you mindlessly take their lives. Who gave you the right to play god
himself as you decide about life. I don't fuckin' care 'bout how we used to be or
how we had to hunt and collect, 'cause I don't get the point you see. Hey, we don't
live in the stone age anymore ! You keep the slaughterhouses, so you'll keep the war
Don't you see the connection, you just kill and destroy, you're so fuckin'
stupid, 'cause you seem to enjoy... When they bleed, when they die, when
you fancifully fry... The meat in your mouth is all that I see... Just say
what you like, but it's murder to me !
I just can't forgive you !