
Notes from the US

Louis Further brings us his latest update from across the pond, rounding up some of the happenings you won’t have heard of in the land of the “free”

Environmental damage

One of the most dangerous appointments which Trump has made is that of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not only does Pruitt (as well as Trump) deny (the human causes of) climate change; but he has… Continue reading

Louis Further: Notes From The US

Early one morning a dirty but originally silver oil tanker on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles, California, near the busiest traffic intersection in the world could be seen with this message painted on its oval back:

John 3:18: Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

Minutes later,… Continue reading

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

Thousands of protesters will stream into the streets of Washington, DC on January 20 to oppose the incoming presidency of Donald Trump. As they march, chant, unfurl their banners, and attempt to disrupt the inauguration, they step into a decades-long history of protests against the presidential spectacle.



What follows is a history of anarchist counter-inaugural activity from its first stirrings in 1969 to the high point of the… Continue reading

Louis Further: Notes from the US

Elections hold only a morbid fascination for anarchists, we know they achieve little. But when events like those of last November threaten to change the state of affairs in the most powerful country in the world as radically as they do, there are points to be noted.

In the first place of course, Trump’s opponent (hawkish Establishment figure Hillary Clinton) won something in the region of 3 million more… Continue reading

Notes from the US

Louis Further’s regular roundup column with analysis and news from North America that you might have missed.Violence and the Dakota pipelineIllegal, vicious, violent and punitive measures continue to be taken by the élite against the water protectors resisting attempts to build the Dakota Access pipeline across sacred lands in the central north west of the United States. Sophia Wilansky, for instance, was severely injured during one police… Continue reading

Anarchy in the UK: A Changed Political Landscape

This article is the first in a series by Jon Bigger looking at gains the voices of social conservatism have made in recent years and what that means for anarchist politics.

In 2016 the political landscape has changed around us. A resurgence of conservatism resulting from changes within the Conservative Party leadership following the EU referendum has been followed by Donald Trump’s victory in the US… Continue reading